27 replies
Hey everyone. I tend to find solace and good advice when I post issues I'm having with you all so hwre's another one.

How do you counter inappropriate criticism of you work? Things like bias statements and slander?

Right now, I'm working very hard to create the best site I can with the Diablo 3 game coming out on May 15th. Btw, if you don't know about this game do some research because it's going to be huge for the mmo niche.

Unfortunately, there are people who seem dead set on seeing me fail. If I go on a forum and create really great/interesting posts, they will make a scene and accuse me of preying on the weak and defenseless (apparently mindless as well) forum readers. Simply because I have a two word text link for a signature.

I've even had admins "ok" my writing and then give in to the demands of less than 10 people who dislike my "methods" on their forum.

It's a very real and annoying issue, despite the fact that I am giving quite a bit of information out for free and never ask anyone to buy something from me.

Are there more experienced marketers in handling PR that could give me advise? Is it best to ignore these people and just keep plugging along? Or is it better to take a stand and devote resources to gather enough support that their anger I drowned out by happy readers?

I've created $100,000 businesses in the past and I was still always plagued by PR issues. Who knows how many sales I lost to slander and lies.
  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    No matter how good your work is, you will always have people who will hate it. Just remember -

    Someone else's opinion of you does not have to become your reality...

    ^^^Click The "UGLY BANNER" to "MAKE MONEY"^^^
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  • Profile picture of the author StephenDavies
    Hi Chris,

    You will always get people who disagree with you, just present a reasonable and balanced argument in favour of your ideas and after that just let it go, don't get involved and any more banter with them.

    Have you considered posting for a while without a signature, and only add one once the game has been launched? That way people will have the chance to get to know you first without feeling that you are out to make money from them from the off.

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    Originally Posted by Chris The Traffic Blogger View Post

    Hey everyone. I tend to find solace and good advice when I post issues I'm having with you all so hwre's another one.

    How do you counter inappropriate criticism of you work? Things like bias statements and slander?

    Right now, I'm working very hard to create the best site I can with the Diablo 3 game coming out on May 15th. Btw, if you don't know about this game do some research because it's going to be huge for the mmo niche.

    Unfortunately, there are people who seem dead set on seeing me fail. If I go on a forum and create really great/interesting posts, they will make a scene and accuse me of preying on the weak and defenseless (apparently mindless as well) forum readers. Simply because I have a two word text link for a signature.

    I've even had admins "ok" my writing and then give in to the demands of less than 10 people who dislike my "methods" on their forum.

    It's a very real and annoying issue, despite the fact that I am giving quite a bit of information out for free and never ask anyone to buy something from me.

    Are there more experienced marketers in handling PR that could give me advise? Is it best to ignore these people and just keep plugging along? Or is it better to take a stand and devote resources to gather enough support that their anger I drowned out by happy readers?

    I've created $100,000 businesses in the past and I was still always plagued by PR issues. Who knows how many sales I lost to slander and lies.
    Hi Chris,

    I know exactly what you mean!

    Have quite a lot of experience in the gaming niche myself.

    Here is how I see it:

    If you are promoting ANYTHING that costs money people will give you crap for it. Especially in the gaming niche.

    I have even gone into depth with gamers about this and pointed out that they are paying to play a game so if they buy a guide and it is good content and offers value where is the problem?

    Or do you complain when you buy petrol for your car or a Starbucks?

    The BEST answer I have got back in these cases are:

    "You don't need a guide!"

    Then I tell them fine - no problem.

    "It should be free"

    To which I answer:

    "Yes, I wish all services, products etc... were free too"

    My advice is to just carry on regardless - if you have quality content and it is helping people for every hater you will have a customer for life.

    Don't listen to the haters!

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      I don't know if this is relevant to your efforts on other forums, but it's what I saw here...

      When you first joined this forum, you were a relentless self-promoter. You busted every rule on the subject except creating outright product ads with payment links in the discussion forums. A couple of times you were one post away from being banned for good.

      Yeah. Really.

      All you've done with this thread is complain about your posts being deleted at some other forum. That's not much different from asking why they were deleted here (which you have also done).

      Those people most likely aren't complaining because of your 2-word signature. They're probably complaining because you're an outsider who they see as interrupting their conversations with sneaky advertising.

      I could be wrong, but I'd consider it a safe bet, based on past performance here. And if this is a regular thing for you, which seems to be the case based on your comments, you might just consider that it's not "Them" who is the source of the response.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    There will always be detractors, especially if you are successful and they're not. It sounds like you pissed someone off there who has some influence on the majority's opinion. Perhaps if you could figure out who that person or persons are you might be able to smooth things over. In the meantime double and triple check the TOS of the forum to make absolutely certain you aren't breaking the rules. That way when your post gets removed you can call shenanigans and have a leg to stand on.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin

      Some people on forums are pretty sad. They have no power in real life and like to abuse/hurt people over a computer. Obviously people can have arguments, I'm talking about the ones who are dream killers.

      People are also defensive of spammers on their forums. Let's face it, if we just start using posts to spam our links, we are spammers. If you want to be successful, take the proper time to build trust and relationships.

      Obviously you will get more abuse from forums where people spend most of their life their. They feel very attached.

      Funnily enough, I haven't seen any of this apply to the Warrior Forum, probably because it's to do with business. I do think there would be more arguments if the moderators weren't as good and nobody had stuff for sale lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author IsayHey
    Its probably because they know you are onto something big and that they are too late to capitalize on that idea!

    People often don't like to appreciate other peoples work too much because they think anybody could do it, yet they don't have a clue. Also its probably just the community surrounding the game! Especially since the game hasn't even come out yet, people are probably going to be negative about people who are making sites that capitalize on the fact you can make REAL money in a game.

    But don't worry what other people say, you should do well!
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Put your masterpiece posts on a blog -- either on the site you are promoting OR on a blog that simply supports the money site.

    Then link to your blog where the articles are posted, from your sig files. Don't use your target keywords in your signature. Instead, use words that attract clicks.

    When in the forum, focus on answering questions, rather than posting masterpiece articles.

    When people find your masterpiece articles on your blog, IF THEY LIKE THE CONTENT, they will link to them for you.

    The thing is that you probably stink like a marketer in that world. You are better off to play soft there, generating link juice for the site(s) where your articles are posted, then pass the link juice from your article site to your sales pages.

    This is sort of like using a condom for your money sites. Condoms are not guaranteed to prevent disease, but they do offer one more layer of protection.

    You can achieve your search engine goals using methods of this sort, without tainting your reputation while you are doing it.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrafficguy
    Take the PT Barnum method that states no publicity is bad publicity.

    He went to extremes with it (I highly recommend reading his autobiography).

    Take the criticism head on and blow it up to a grand proportion.

    Funny thing is when people hate it usually drives sales up. Use it as a stage and create a lot of drama from it
    "SUPER AFFILIATE EXPOSES Highly Profitable Traffic Source!"

    "Use This Trick To Make An Extra $50 - $500 Per DAY!"
    Click Here To Check It Out Before The Price Jumps Up AGAIN!
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Well, what's bad about taking crap from someone? If you wouldn't have enemies or competitors who would like to see you fail, then it means that you are boring and do not stand for anything.

    I'm still waiting for the day when i will start doing something important that will give me new friends & foes.

    Just be who you are and focus on the "good" audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Chris The Traffic Blogger View Post

    Hey everyone. I tend to find solace and good advice when I post issues I'm having with you all so hwre's another one.

    How do you counter inappropriate criticism of you work? Things like bias statements and slander?

    Right now, I'm working very hard to create the best site I can with the Diablo 3 game coming out on May 15th. Btw, if you don't know about this game do some research because it's going to be huge for the mmo niche.

    Unfortunately, there are people who seem dead set on seeing me fail. If I go on a forum and create really great/interesting posts, they will make a scene and accuse me of preying on the weak and defenseless (apparently mindless as well) forum readers. Simply because I have a two word text link for a signature.

    I've even had admins "ok" my writing and then give in to the demands of less than 10 people who dislike my "methods" on their forum.

    It's a very real and annoying issue, despite the fact that I am giving quite a bit of information out for free and never ask anyone to buy something from me.

    Are there more experienced marketers in handling PR that could give me advise? Is it best to ignore these people and just keep plugging along? Or is it better to take a stand and devote resources to gather enough support that their anger I drowned out by happy readers?

    I've created $100,000 businesses in the past and I was still always plagued by PR issues. Who knows how many sales I lost to slander and lies.
    [OP quoted to remind anyone still here what the original topic was.]

    Chris, you may not be, as Paul put it, "putting a buy button in the post", but it can sometimes be very obvious that the person doing all that giving has an ulterior motive. And when it is, people feel their intelligence has been insulted.

    I'm not saying this is what you did, but from what Paul posted, you do have that capacity and may have let your zeal leak through your helpful/interesting posts.

    Even here, a lot of threads get nuked because someone "just tried to offer good information in the interest of helping" while leaving out an essential piece that - wonder of wonders - can be answered by clicking their sig.

    Why not try Bill's idea? Dial back your wonderful contributions by posting them on your own blog. Link to that. You can usually even get away with occasional, relevant references to blog posts in your forum contributions.

    If admins approve your posts, and when the cabal protests, leaves things at deleting a post, take it as a sign that you may have crossed a line. If it happens too often, you might look for somewhere your contributions are welcome rather than trying to start a war on someone else's forum. Even if you're in the right, that's a good way to get banned.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      [OP quoted to remind anyone still here what the original topic was.]

      Thank you.

      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      If admins approve your posts, and when the cabal protests, leaves things at deleting a post, take it as a sign that you may have crossed a line.

      If mods bow to the cabal, it is usually because there are community standards that the mods must support in order to keep a particular community relevant.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    I'd discuss the issues with the person who is criticising your work. There may a degree of validity to this, however if you are still unhappy that it does not reflect your work then seek legal redress
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  • Profile picture of the author IMBotz
    Since its a gaming niche, maybe you are dealing with unruly teenagers?

    Either way you cant make everyone happy, there will always be someone who doesn't see your vision or like your work. Thats the way it is.

    But keep up the good work. You will be the one laughing all the way to bank in the end!
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenwaldo
    Diablo 3 is finally coming out?! Can't believe I missed that. Man, I've been waiting so long...

    Gamers are a hard crowd to market to because they are tech savvy, suspicious, and very social - In other words, once one has a problem they all have a problem, and vice versa. I know because I am one.

    My advice would be to get rid of the signature link for now... Treat the forum like a farm; you're planting the seeds and you'll harvest in the future.

    If you drive your reputation into the ground there's not much you can do to salvage it. It might already be too late.
    Need an awesome ghostwriter to fill in for you?

    Check out StephenWaldo.com
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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar

    This is a difficult subject to talk about, especially with my limited vocab.

    The truth is, everyone is our mirror. They see us in many perspectives.

    Whatever they say about our qualities -> is the nearest reflection of ourselves.

    IMHO, we have got 2 choices here:

    A. Swallow it, improve it and get on with our life. It'll be better and more productive.

    B. Fight it, we'll receive the sharpest and highest resolution image of ourselves, which we don't really want to see.

    Choose one.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5990339].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author fin
      Originally Posted by azmanar View Post


      This is a difficult subject to talk about, especially with my limited vocab.

      The truth is, everyone is our mirror. They see us in many perspectives.

      Whatever they say about our qualities -> is the nearest reflection of ourselves.

      IMHO, we have got 2 choices here:

      A. Swallow it, improve it and get on with our life. It'll be better and more productive.

      B. Fight it, we'll receive the sharpest and highest resolution image of ourselves, which we don't really want to see.

      Choose one.
      Your vocab is pretty good. I understood that completely, though I see it in a slightly different way.

      I don't think people see our true self. I think each individual has their own perceptions of us based on X (X being the way they are, their past experiences, how they see the world through their eyes, etc.).
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  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    This is a difficult subject to talk about, especially with my limited vocab.
    For someone with limited vocab, you sure spoke wise words!

    BTW, I'm also tired of people following me around and accusing me of promoting my sig.
    Under Construction
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Interesting thread.

    I opened it because I was curious what kind of "issue" this guy had. Then I learned it was about his aggressive forum "marketing" elsewhere.

    I don't remember his earlier posts... although the avatar looks familiar.

    Then Paul came with his post - suggesting a lot of food for thought... and putting things in perspective.

    My common sense approach would tell me to make a post that happily identifies the poster with the OP after the post linked above - would put me into the same not-so-positive light.

    Seemingly, others don't think the same way... and the thread-hijack show has started

    P.S. I am not following anybody and I am not a fan of anybody.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Much troll food has been deleted from this thread. Some 50+ posts worth.

    I suggest the folks who were involved with that take it out to the parking lot. It doesn't belong here.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You should expect people to criticize your work and your marketing efforts. They even did it to Jesus!
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  • So I'm coming back into this thread a little later than I wanted to, and I must say that the response has been outstanding. So many great ideas are in here, and I think I should respond with my thoughts thus far:

    Paul - Sorry for past headaches.

    Everyone Else - I agree that the issue IS ME. I come on strong with 1200 word posts and put a great deal of effort into them. These posts do not require people to click on my forum signature (remember, this is for another site, I am not advocating you to click on my sig with this post) yet still angry forum goers targeted me for having a signature that I can profit off of.

    My reputation proceeds me, as many are angry that I sold my World of Warcraft site for $50,000. Angry because I apparently made money "exploiting others." My buyers don't think that, but these forum goers do. Credibility matters, so I tried to build some by having really long and well thought out posts.

    What's interesting is that youtube videos and similar advertising methods ARE allowed.

    There are many factors going on over at the other forum, but I still could improve in many ways. Here are some ideas I am thinking about at the moment:

    1. I could create content without a signature.
    2. I could on occasion, maybe 10% of the time, link to a blog post.
    3. I could use links when I don't start the post, instead of always having one in when I am the thread starter.
    4. I could use a different "layer" to sell than the initial link.
    5. I could only give links to people who message me on the forum.

    You know what the biggest lesson I've learned from the whole process is?

    I can't position myself as an expert, even if I am, until I've proven myself in the trenches. You can't just post 1200 word posts on day one and expect people to respect you. It takes time, conversation, and practice.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I think you're missing the point.

      It's OK to have a signature; just help people by answering their questions and don't have an agenda.

      Forget about linking in posts and all that other crap. Don't post big articles to promote your link; people aren't stupid so don't treat them that way.

      If they want to look at your sig, they will.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5992797].message }}
      • Originally Posted by fin View Post

        I think you're missing the point.

        It's OK to have a signature; just help people by answering their questions and don't have an agenda.

        Forget about linking in posts and all that other crap. Don't post big articles to promote your link; people aren't stupid so don't treat them that way.

        If they want to look at your sig, they will.
        I think you're right. It sucks because the admins gave me the green light and then buckled. If I had a second chance I think your method would be best.

        I did however manage to stir up around 3,000 visitors in 48 hours and 40 sales. But if I did it your way I'd probably make far more long term.

        Live and learn!! That's the whole point right?

        Thanks everyone
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Paul - Sorry for past headaches.
    Hey... you got over it.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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