When I Had A 'Proper' Job
* Working all the hours God sent just to try and meet the monthly bills.
* Leaving for work before my kids got up in the morning.
* Getting home at night after my kids had gone to bed.
* Not having enough money to take my family on holiday.
* Rowing with my wife because we were both so sick and tired of not having enough money.
* Lying awake at night worrying about what would happen if I got laid off from work.
* Feeling that being in my forties was 'too old' to try something new.
* Feeling tired all the time.
* Feeling like I was letting my family down.
* Feeling scared that I might not be able to meet the mortgage payment and what would happen then?
* Feeling like this was my life and that it would never end. That there was no way out.
When I eventually did something about all those things above and started to try to make some serious money online, people used to say to me, "Roy, that'll never work, you're dreaming. Why don't you get a 'proper' job?"
I could have let my dream go. I could have listened to them and continued with the sort of lifestyle I've described above until one day they closed the lid on my coffin and it was all over. That would have been my whole life for ALL of my life.
I'm so glad I didn't listen to those 'dream stealers' and their negative comments. So glad I didn't let them tempt me back into getting another 'proper' job and giving up on my dreams forever.
This is what I swapped that old life for... This is what my life is like now because I wanted something better and was prepared to do something about it..
* Work when I want to and because I want to. And because I really enjoy what I'm doing.
* Waking up when I feel like waking up.
* Spending as much time with my wife as I want to and being able to just goof off together when we want to.
* Being able to go fishing or to the beach just because I feel like it and the sun is shining.
* Living on a beautiful mediterranean island close to the sea and wonderful beaches.
* Not worrying about anything much at all, least of all money.
* Not even thinking about the mortgage or monthly bills because they're all just paid by direct debit anyway.
* Feeling well rested and having a true zest for life.
* Being able to buy a house for my parents and let them live rent free for the rest of their lives.
* Enjoying the light that shines in my wife's eyes when she tells me that she is so proud of me.
I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.
The point is, I could have just stayed in my old life until they put me in my box.
I could have let the 'dream stealers' convince me to give in and return to a life of drudgery.
But I didn't, I did something different from the norm. I took a risk and chose a different path. And now I wake up every morning looking forward to enjoying the day ahead.
You can do the same. Truly. You can. You just have to choose a different path.
So never let anyone steal your dreams away from you.
Don't settle for a life of second best.
Choose to be different. Heck, who wants to be 'normal and ordinary' anyway?
Choose to be EXTRAordinary instead!
Do whatever it takes...
...because it's worth it...
...because YOU are worth it!
Have a great day!
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Marcus Turner is new to internet marketing. My goal is to share basic information to help other newbies shorten their own learning curve to internet and affiliate marketing. Your free information can be found at www.Quicktipsandtactics.com
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