When I Had A 'Proper' Job

20 replies
I remember when I had what most people call a 'proper job. Here's what my 'proper' job entailed and the lifestyle it gave


* Working all the hours God sent just to try and meet the monthly bills.

* Leaving for work before my kids got up in the morning.

* Getting home at night after my kids had gone to bed.

* Not having enough money to take my family on holiday.

* Rowing with my wife because we were both so sick and tired of not having enough money.

* Lying awake at night worrying about what would happen if I got laid off from work.

* Feeling that being in my forties was 'too old' to try something new.

* Feeling tired all the time.

* Feeling like I was letting my family down.

* Feeling scared that I might not be able to meet the mortgage payment and what would happen then?

* Feeling like this was my life and that it would never end. That there was no way out.

When I eventually did something about all those things above and started to try to make some serious money online, people used to say to me, "Roy, that'll never work, you're dreaming. Why don't you get a 'proper' job?"

I could have let my dream go. I could have listened to them and continued with the sort of lifestyle I've described above until one day they closed the lid on my coffin and it was all over. That would have been my whole life for ALL of my life.

I'm so glad I didn't listen to those 'dream stealers' and their negative comments. So glad I didn't let them tempt me back into getting another 'proper' job and giving up on my dreams forever.

This is what I swapped that old life for... This is what my life is like now because I wanted something better and was prepared to do something about it..

* Work when I want to and because I want to. And because I really enjoy what I'm doing.

* Waking up when I feel like waking up.

* Spending as much time with my wife as I want to and being able to just goof off together when we want to.

* Being able to go fishing or to the beach just because I feel like it and the sun is shining.

* Living on a beautiful mediterranean island close to the sea and wonderful beaches.

* Not worrying about anything much at all, least of all money.

* Not even thinking about the mortgage or monthly bills because they're all just paid by direct debit anyway.

* Feeling well rested and having a true zest for life.

* Being able to buy a house for my parents and let them live rent free for the rest of their lives.

* Enjoying the light that shines in my wife's eyes when she tells me that she is so proud of me.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

The point is, I could have just stayed in my old life until they put me in my box.

I could have let the 'dream stealers' convince me to give in and return to a life of drudgery.

But I didn't, I did something different from the norm. I took a risk and chose a different path. And now I wake up every morning looking forward to enjoying the day ahead.

You can do the same. Truly. You can. You just have to choose a different path.

So never let anyone steal your dreams away from you.

Don't settle for a life of second best.

Choose to be different. Heck, who wants to be 'normal and ordinary' anyway?

Choose to be EXTRAordinary instead!

Do whatever it takes...

...because it's worth it...

...because YOU are worth it!

Have a great day!

#when i had a proper job
  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Just thinking of working a "proper job" gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    Having your own business is better to me even if I don't make a lot of money.

    The fact that I have a good income is cool too of course.

    I still have the greatest admiration for people who do work regular jobs...they're doing something I seem to be incapable of doing.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author AfteraDream
    Wow.. one lucky guy you are.. Congrats
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek Pankaew
      Originally Posted by AfteraDream View Post

      Wow.. one lucky guy you are.. Congrats
      Man ... Clearly this had nothing to do with luck. This man worked his a** off and he deserved the success he got.

      He took risks. He took action. He made choices and he took criticism. In the end, he earned his success.
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      • Profile picture of the author AfteraDream
        Originally Posted by Derek Pankaew View Post

        Man ... Clearly this had nothing to do with luck. This man worked his a** off and he deserved the success he got.

        He took risks. He took action. He made choices and he took criticism. In the end, he earned his success.
        I know that.. . it's just a saying
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  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    hey are you knocking on us who still have our 9-5 jobs?
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
    Thanks guys

    Yep. The harder I worked, the luckier I got!

    Now the work is a lot less and I feel lucky every day.

    Go for it!

    "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
    >> ---> http://LettersFromASmallIsland.com/sq1.html <--- < <
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  • Profile picture of the author PabloVTB
    This is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author marcust2
    Thanks Roy...I felt many of the same things. I have had some very good paying jobs, and few over 100k. I always new when I took a job I was back on the same merry-go-round. And the idea of working the rest of my life to retirement only to be pinching pennies never felt like a bright future.:confused:

    Marcus Turner is new to internet marketing. My goal is to share basic information to help other newbies shorten their own learning curve to internet and affiliate marketing. Your free information can be found at www.Quicktipsandtactics.com
    Also follow me on Twitter!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[533272].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kate Davies
      Sometimes we need reminding of that. Your reminder came with perfect timing.

      Thank you .

      Local internet marketing in the UK
      Only the businesses who can be found online will succeed. Improve online visibility with www.vizzibiliti.co.uk
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  • Profile picture of the author robd1302
    That's great! Thanks for sharing!

    I haven't had a 'proper job' for almost a year, and I never want to live any other way.

    I work more hours now than I ever did at my job, but I love every minute of it. I see my wife and daughter constantly throughout the day, I travel the world, and I succeed as a direct result of the work I put in. It's the greatest feeling there is!
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  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    Great post. Steve Pavlina wrote an excellent article about this. If you ever start to doubt yourself read this:

    10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job
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  • Profile picture of the author AfteraDream
    Originally Posted by majidmaskat View Post

    what divines a proper job? 4 hours a day 5 days a week $1000 weekly??
    By proper he means 9 to 5 job at the office.... which is boring and unsuccessful...
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    I live near a gas station. Every day at 6am sharp, I start hearing everyone pour in to get their morning fill-up/coffee/donuts.

    At which point I promptly roll over and go back to sleep.

    There is nothing in this world like working for yourself!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[534768].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      Financial freedom is one of the most expensive commodities on earth.

      Once you buy it, it must be worth every penny!

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  • Profile picture of the author Shane F
    Not trading your physical time for money, motivating post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack@2009
    Truly motivating... Hope i could get to write this kind of post soon...
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    • Profile picture of the author motiv8
      Wow, that was awesome! Thanks for the motivation!
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      • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
        Originally Posted by motiv8 View Post

        Wow, that was awesome! Thanks for the motivation!
        You're welcome (like your forum name too)!

        Glad everyone likes the post.

        To put it in a nutshell though...

        "Get Stuff DONE"!

        I strongly believe that an earlier post I wrote will help you in that respect...


        Hope it helps.

        "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
        >> ---> http://LettersFromASmallIsland.com/sq1.html <--- < <
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[536005].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ian Middleton
          Hello everyone,

          Mmmmmm - gets you thinking what Roy Carter has to say doesn't it?

          I am the wrong side of fifty myself and worked very hard all my life. I have been self employed in the building trade and what do I have to show for it?

          Well nothing really to be honest. I have recently had that lightbulb moment when I have decided to work smarter rather than harder. I have decided to make a go of the internet and gradually hang my tools up as I move forward.

          What's the point of all this, well simply this; to get where you really want to be you have to take action. If you never try, you will never know. Yes sometimes someone comes along and chucks a few bricks under your wheels, but there is always a way around it.

          We all have different reasons to change direction, it could be a job loss, illness or even a "mid-life crisis!" The main thing is this - decide what you want in life and go grab it! Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.

          Find something simple to start with and do one thing at once. Don't take on too much or wait for the next best thing - it ain't going to happen.

          Don't let circumstances hold you back. As my grandad used to say "You're a long time dead!"

          Good luck
          Ian Middleton
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