Your Best Advice For A New Warrior?

85 replies
Hi Warriors,

Now that we have a new forum and new members still arriving all the time, how about we share some the things we've learned that would help a new warrior get started.

I don't really want a thread full of product promotions, more useful would be just a useful tip that you wish you'd know when you started and that you think would apply to any new person starting out to either help them save time or make more money.

I might just throw some money into the Paypal account of the warriors who post the most useful honest comments to help others.

Your post doesn't need to be a diatribe on what you know, but something short, sharp and useful.

Something that may have given you an aha moment when you started but that you had to learn the hard way.

I'll start with a couple of my own:

1 - I've always found that people have more value to offer than they realise, so don't underestimate your ability to provide value (either directly using your own skills/knowledge, or indirectly by putting your market in touch with someone elses skills/knowledge)

2 - Use the 80/20 rule in your business.

I've found that most of my fun, revenue and success comes from 20 percent of the activities I do, and the small number of affiliates outperform the majority, the few PPC campaigns that work from the start are more profitable than the rest etc.... The 80/20 rule (the pareto principle) seems to generally apply to most things. So watch where you spend your time and make your money and try to reduce the things which are less effective and put more focus on the small things that are working - You can make massive improvements by doing this in lots of small ways.

I look forward to seeing what others have to say and hope that this thread can be a great reference for people starting out.

Your friend

#advice #marketing #pareto #starting out #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    What I've learned:

    1. Don't give up if you're serious. I had a really rough start, lost a lot of time and money and nearly gave up but I didn't.

    2. Once you've selected your "path" stick with it. At least until it's completely finished and you're satisfied. Some people start something and start 10 more things before they can finish and end up with nothing but a bunch of half finished projects.

    3. You don't need to know EVERYTHING. Don't try to be an expert in every field. Stick with what you need to know.

    4. IM changes, so keep learning. Nobody "knows it all".

    5. If you can afford it, get a GOOD mentor. That will save you a lot of time and hassle trying to figure it all out yourself. Of course, don't just grab anyone, check them out first.

    6. Write to do lists and write down your plans and goals. This helps keep you productive. Dedicate ___ amount of hours per day or week, whatever works for your schedule.

    7. Ask for advice and guidance on the WF if you have any questions. You can also make good contacts.


    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author kelvin yeo
      I'll chip in --

      When looking for a niche, be aware that not every potential niche is profitable. So while your main interest is the mating habits of brown-speckled hamsters , there might not be any money to be made in that. Bottomline, aim to sell what's already in demand.

      This sig under construction...

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      • Profile picture of the author ShayB
        Originally Posted by kelvin yeo View Post

        So while your main interest is the mating habits of brown-speckled hamsters , there might not be any money to be made in that.
        Well, cr*p. There goes my idea.

        Back to the drawing board.
        "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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    • Profile picture of the author Tuzic

      ive learnt so much from this forum & mainly about effective free marketing which i would never had before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
    Something I wish I'd learned early on is focus on one project at a time until it either fails or succeeds, and then move onto the next project.

    Another tip is to write articles with the long term goal of combining them into reports - one of my biggest hangups in email marketing is what to promote. When you have your own reports its easy...
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    • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
      be consistent on what you are doing. Don't give-up after a couple of months failure. Don't change what you are doing when you haven't seen a good result yet. Internet marketing is all about patience, dedication, and perseverance.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mary Gallivan

      Here are a few points on the basics of the forum:

      1. Read the forum rules.

      2. Don't believe everything you read. What I mean by that is that if you ask a question on 'what is the best way to...?' or 'what is the best...?' you will get a number of answers each one as good as the others. What is best for one person may not be best for another, so wrigh it all up as it can get very confusing.

      3. Be specific in any questions you ask. Try to avoid a subject line with 'Newbie needs help'. It is better to ask something like 'Is there any software that does.... (whatever it is)...?

      4. Answer posts as well as ask questions. When I started I used to feel as if everyone else was an expert and I was the only starter. You'd be surprised to know that you know things others don't. Chip in and help when you can.

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      • Profile picture of the author George Wright
        Hi all,

        Put up the garbage.

        You can't make any income with nothing out there to make sales.

        If you wait until your site, blog, sales page or product is "ready," you might not do anything for months, even years.

        Put up the garbage and let people who know more than you tell you how to turn your garbage into gold. I don't mean sell others your garbage that could hurt your rep. But, put it up and get it reviewed and don't be thin skinned.

        This next one came from a Warrior, Brian Kumer I think, however, don't hold me to it.

        If you are not making any money ask yourself, "how many BuyNow buttons to I have out there?" This one thought/question helped me a lot.

        George Wright
        "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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        • Profile picture of the author Rien
          The number one thing that ultimately helped me to start making consistent income was something that I got from one of Steven Wagenheim's posts a while back. He said to create a daily schedule, seems so simple but it works!

          After months of making a few bucks here and there I finally sat down and made a daily, weekly and monthly schedule. I sectioned it out into daily tasks that would somehow add to making some form of money.

          The key for me was to do something daily to make some money. Seeing the regular income was motivation to keep on going.

          In the beginning I had my days sectioned out into the following areas:

          1) Guaranteed income: PLR writing for others, Writing for Associated Content and other sites that paid for web content.

          2) Building passive income: Creating Affiliate Marketing minisites with Weebly, then promoting them with the BMM, creating mini-reports (several articles combined with my domain name sprinkled throughout) and uploading them to free e-book sites, utilizing Yahoo Answers to get traffic and buyers.

          After completing those tasks then I would allow myself time for my IM Education by reading the WF and other sites that I am a member of.

          I think the key for any Noob is not to get caught up in analysis paralysis (not sure who coined that one).

          I used to find myself reading forum posts for hours and then getting depressed looking at all the zeros in my CB account.

          If you are just starting out I think treating IM as a business and not a hobby will get you much further. Sure it is fun to get caught up in the dream of making it big, but keep in mind that in order to get to where you want to be you need to take action - on a daily basis, which is why I am such a big believer in creating a daily schedule.

          Oh yeah, the other thing I found was once you start taking action, a lot of things start to click and snowballs.

          I hope this helps someone getting started.

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          • Profile picture of the author Sirius Lin
            The best advice I can give is FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.

            The WSO is an example of how easily one can loose focus when starting out in IM. One moment you're reading about the best way to market articles, and the next about affiliate promotional techniques, and the next... well, you get what I mean.

            Find a tried and proven plan, and stick to it. Initially at least. A newbie probably won't want to try rocking the boat right away, if just because of the potential financial costs of doing something radically news.

            ~ Sirius
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            • Profile picture of the author Ben Clemons
              Definitely pick just 1 project and follow it all the way through! Then keep testing and testing until its profitable.
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            • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
              There is some good advice here.

              Here are two more pieces of advice from me ...

              1. You won't succeed in anything on the basis of one piece of advice, no matter how good it is. Success depends on getting a lot of factors right. And on your willingness to accept other people's opinions, digest them and see how they can be fitted in to your regime.

              2. The second thing - and this is the thing that turned me from being a hobbyist to a 'real' Internet marketer - is to find your own voice. Don't be afraid to be a real person, with real opinions and faults.

              The old saying is the people buy from people they like. I think it is more that people buy from people with personality.

              If you think of the really successful people in this business - Mike Filsaime, John Reese, the late Cory Rudl, Yanik Silver - I could go on, but you get the idea - they ALL have built up solid personal reputations and market directly from them to you. Their messages are 'personal' and are written from a real person. Of course, all of them head teams of staff, all of them could be just figureheads for their respective organizations, but they don't do that. They let themselves be seen as real people.

              My own Internet marketing career took off when I learned that my newsletter readers were just as interested in my day-to-day life as they were in the serious business tips I gave them, or the great Internet marketing recommendations. At times, more so. And the day I started allowing my personality to infuse my writing and let my readers get to know me, that was the day my income began to climb.

              Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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              • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
                My number one tip would be:

                If you have a page up on the internet.. be it an article, squidoo lense, squeeze page etc..

                Focus everything on that page to getting
                your most desired action.

                If you want an opt-in, then give the reader no other options on that page than the opt-in...

                If it's a sales page, then forget the adsense, ads, or any other distraction and focus on leading them to the sale.

                If it's an article then focus on the click through with your call to action leading into it.



                Bare Murkage.........

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                • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
                  I knew this before I started - but it took a while of fumbling about in the dark and getting experience for it to really sink in:

                  Do one thing, and do it well...
                  eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
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                  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
                    A fellow warrior asked me to post this for him to make sure other consider it:

                    Get An Accountant From Day One.


                    So you know how to keep track of money spent and money earned.

                    I am dead serious.

                    You think making money is hard and stressful just starting out?

                    Try going though an audit.

                    Try explaining where all those paypal payments came from and prove they were from other countries.

                    Try out the accountant fees for the audit.

                    Try explaining that your affiliate mangment script BLEW UP and you gave the affiliates most of the money made to save your good name.

                    It's amazing how no one talks about this. As if it's not important or
                    we should all know this. Most getting started have no business experience
                    to begin with.

                    Your whole world will come to a screaming halt when the tax man calls and demands that you come in for meeting after meeting so they can question you and dig through every single detail of your business.

                    They do not care about you losing money because of it or the money you have to spend on accountant fees or a tax attorney.

                    Don't stick your head in the sand and say "When I make money then I'll deal with it." Because what if you come out with a little ol ebook and you start doing 5,10,20k a month?

                    Good luck trying to handle the accounting books on that with no system in place. The type of system only a skilled accountant can teach you based on the tax laws in your country is what you need.

                    I am not talking about this because it's a cute idea or to get brownie points.

                    I'm saying it because I am currently going through an audit. It's taxing, draining and disturbing to say the least. And the stress? I'm talking about
                    kick the dog stress, Yell at the people you love stress, Real sad dreams

                    Making money is business. Treat it like one of don't get involved.
                    I apologize for being harsh but it is what it is.


                    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author KristenArnold
    I agree that taking action is the biggest piece then forget perfection and "just do it" get a framework set, follow a system, model after someone that is successful, put the blinders on and don't jump ship to the next shiny object in 3 days. I made my first $200.00 in selling information products in under 2 weeks with no list, no website and only making 2 postings in my niche forums.

    Once you have a clear vision of where you want to go decide on your plan of action and break down your goals into small steps that you will take to get there, write it down and hold yourself accountable by posting it near your desk. Then work on those steps everyday and don't fall off course- unplug your phone, internet connection or whatever you need to do- I set a timer and don't let myself "jump" tasks until the timer goes off. Your reward is seeing the money in your account.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Best advice for a new warrior?

      Read this thread...

      It's a thread I just posted but I make no apologies for mentioning it here as your question pertains and I honestly think every newcomer should take that advice on board. If they did, we'd see a lot more successful newcomers.

      "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
      >> ---> <--- < <
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  • Profile picture of the author jcoolbaugh
    My number one advice? Write down everything! Plans, goals, and ideas.

    1. Write down your goals where you'd like to be six months from now, a year from now, and five years from now.

    2. Create a step-by-step business plan that details out exactly how you're going to meet those goals.

    3. Every time you get an idea for a product, project, service, etc., write it down - immediately! I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been driving along, had a great idea hit me like a ton of bricks (one of those real "aha!" moments), worked it all out in my head... and then forgotten the most vital parts of it once I actually got around to working on it

    Oh, and one more thing - set deadlines for yourself. Deadlines - even self-imposed ones - will help you to stay focused (as already stated) and get moving. Pick a project, any project, and set a definite date for when it must be completed. Then don't stop until you're done
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
      Strange this came up. I had a very vivid dream last night about succeeding online and basically someone was slapping my face and every time they slapped me they shouted


      I've been thinking about that all day and I think it means many things.

      Pay attention to how successful people market. Model what they do and not what they say.

      Pay attention to your inner voice. Whatever people say or recommend, how comfortable would you feel doing it? Are you a 'means to an end' person or do you have ethics?

      Pay attention to reality. How many people with no skills or experience have started making thousands of dollars a month just by buying a book/software/programme?

      Pay attention to your own character. Are you really cut out to be an entrepreneur?

      Pay attention to productive work. When you're doing something productive switch off from everything else and absolutely DO NOT start surfing/checking emails/visiting forums.

      Pay attention to your health. Without that what do you have?

      Pay attention to your family. You're doing this for them but if you get the balance wrong they won't be around when you strike it rich.

      Pay attention to Andy Henry when he says (time and time again) we are all different. There is no 'one size fits all' path to marketing to success. All roads lead to Rome if you choose the vehicle that is right for you.

      Pay attention to your goal. Do you want X number of dollars or a business that will make you a better person and feed you in your old age?

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      • Profile picture of the author gmichaelh
        Afternoon all,

        My one tidbit of advice I would give a newcomer is to get a separate email account for filling out all those email lists, newsletters, free offers, etc. Don't use your regular email account as it will eventually begin to overflow with ads and offers and can become a nightmare. Take it from someone who's been there.

        I think you're much better off to have a main email account to use for family, friends, work, online payment accounts, banking, etc. And then a separate one for your internet marketing stuff.

        The only other advice I would recommend has already been mentioned above:

        Focus on one thing and keep at it.
        Try and find a mentor you can learn from.
        Don't procrastinate, take action, like Nike says "Just Do It"
        Don't give up

        Just my 2 cents,
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      • Profile picture of the author ShayB
        Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

        Strange this came up. I had a very vivid dream last night about succeeding online and basically someone was slapping my face and every time they slapped me they shouted


        I've been thinking about that all day and I think it means many things.

        Pay attention to how successful people market. Model what they do and not what they say.

        Pay attention to your inner voice. Whatever people say or recommend, how comfortable would you feel doing it? Are you a 'means to an end' person or do you have ethics?

        Pay attention to reality. How many people with no skills or experience have started making thousands of dollars a month just by buying a book/software/programme?

        Pay attention to your own character. Are you really cut out to be an entrepreneur?

        Pay attention to productive work. When you're doing something productive switch off from everything else and absolutely DO NOT start surfing/checking emails/visiting forums.

        Pay attention to your health. Without that what do you have?

        Pay attention to your family. You're doing this for them but if you get the balance wrong they won't be around when you strike it rich.

        Pay attention to Andy Henry when he says (time and time again) we are all different. There is no 'one size fits all' path to marketing to success. All roads lead to Rome if you choose the vehicle that is right for you.

        Pay attention to your goal. Do you want X number of dollars or a business that will make you a better person and feed you in your old age?

        This is awesome. Thank you!!
        "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          I have learned so much in 5 years plus that I don't know where to begin.
          So I am going to answer this question as if it were my daughter who came
          up to me and said, "Daddy, please help me. I really want to make money
          online. What do I do?" As much as I love that girl, the last thing I would do
          would be to give her bad advice intentionally. So what you're about to hear
          is really coming from my heart. You may not agree with it all, but at least
          you'll know it's honest.

          These are in no special order. I am just spitting these out as I think of them.
          You may want to take notes and print this out if you find it helpful.

          1. Do something that you enjoy. You may find that you're doing this for a
          very long time. If it's not something you really love, you're going to hate it.
          Trust me on this. So pick something that interests you and don't just do it
          for the money. Money isn't everything. Your happiness is.

          2. Try to figure out what you're good at first. Running a business takes
          many skills IF you're going to do everything yourself, which you may have
          to do if you don't have money to pay others for help. So take stock of
          yourself and your skills and everything that you find you're either not good
          at or don't enjoy doing, make a list and plan to outsource those things as
          you can afford them.

          3. Learn as much as you can about running a business. I don't mean about
          advertising. There are plenty of ways to advertise. Some are free, some
          you have to pay for. That part of it is not a big deal because in most
          cases each method is simply plug in your ad and let it run. Yes, you'll have
          to learn the art of ad writing unless you can afford to have somebody
          write your ads for you. But for the most part, advertising is the least of
          your worries. Without a solid business plan, you're sunk. So decide exactly
          what it is you want to do with your interest. Do you want to sell ebooks?
          Do you want to run a membership site? Do you want to sell physical goods?

          4. Study other business models. Go to the Internet and see what other
          people are doing. You can learn so much just from looking at sales pages
          and by seeing how the merchants get people to those sales pages. You
          don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just take the existing wheel and make it
          a little better. For example, let's say you want to sell a how to book for
          MySpace (my daughter is a MySpace expert) look and see if there are
          other products out there on MySpace. If not, it may be that there is no
          demand. Which leads us to number 5, but soon on that. Point is, look and
          see what other people are doing. If they're successful, then their business
          model works and you should try to emulate it. No, you won't be revolutionary
          but you'll most likely tap into something that will safely make you an income
          without too much risk.

          5. Keyword research is critical. You've got to know what people online are
          looking for. If you don't have a clue how to do keyword research, don't
          worry, you know more than you realize. Think about what you look up when
          you're interested in something online. What do you do? You go to Google
          and type in some words. Well, those are keywords to we marketers. Just
          think like a prospect would think. For example, if you're looking for a
          natural cure for acne because you can't stand Clearisil or Stridex or
          whatever, what are you going to look up? You're probably going to type
          in "natural acne cure" or "natural acne treatment." That's what your
          average person will do. Think like your consumer and you'll have a better
          chance of finding out if people are searching for what you want to sell.

          6. I used to worry about too much competition. Bull cookies. If there is
          a lot of competition that means there is a big market. You can just as
          easily get your share of that market if you put up a good site and do
          enough promotion.

          7. My personal opinion is that communication in all forms is the most
          important part of running your business. Think about it. Just about
          everything you do is some form of communication. Your web site or sales
          page is a form of communication. How you get people TO your site is a
          form of communication. If people send you personal emails asking you
          questions about your site, how you respond to them...that's communication.
          If you have no writing skills at all, learn them. Or find somebody who will
          do all this for you. I personally don't see any way around it. If people
          don't like your web page, they won't buy. If they don't like the ad or
          article or whatever to get them there, they won't go. If they don't like
          your email replies to their questions, they won't go. Communication is
          the most important thing you can learn. If you can speak to people in a
          language that builds trust in you, you've practically got it made as long as
          you have something to sell that they want.

          Which brings me to...

          8. I know I said do something that you like. But trust me on this, you
          can't sell things to people that they don't want. Look, I know you're a big
          fan of World/Inferno but they're a cult band with a cult following. If you
          wanted to sell stuff related to them, you'd have a very limited audience.
          You won't make that much money. Now, if the money doesn't matter to
          you, go for it. Like I said, you have to enjoy what you're doing. But if
          earning a living is important, then you do have to make some sacrifices. It
          is very hard to create a market for something than it is to feed an already
          hungry market.

          9. Go to the Warrior Forum. When you arrive, introduce yourself nicely.
          Become a part of the community. Show that you're trying to really make
          it on your own. As people get to know you, they'll hopefully begin to like
          you and offer you their help. Take it, graciously. Give back when you can.
          There are people here who are smart enough to get you over the hump if
          you're having problems. You may even form partnerships that will last you
          a lifetime. When you're a Warrior, you're never alone as long as you play
          by the rules and contribute. Those who give, receive.

          10. If somebody offers you constructive criticism on something that
          you're doing and others back that criticism up, listen to it. You don't have
          to change what you're doing if you don't want to, but take it into
          consideration. As much as you may think you know, there will be others
          who know more. Listen to them. They're trying to help you.

          11. Do not get too high or too low. This business has so many ups and
          downs. If you ride these waves as high and as low as they get, you're
          going to be miserable. You will have great days where you'll make thousands
          of dollars. And then you'll have weeks where you hardly make anything.
          Don't let the rough times get you down and don't think that when it's so
          good that it can't come crashing down. It can. You have to constantly
          work at your business...which leads me to...

          12. Treat your business like a business. Know how dedicated you are to
          helping TJ with his club dates and bands? You have to be that dedicated
          to your business. I know I said to enjoy it. But you have to work at it. If
          you go out partying every night, nothing is going to get done. You don't
          have to work crazy hours like I used to, but if you think working one hour
          a day is going to build you a six figure income, think again, At least at the
          start, you're going to have to put in a lot of work.

          13. Never, and I mean NEVER lose your temper and get into arguments
          with people online. You'll only come out looking the bad guy. I wish this
          is something I learned before I ever stepped one foot on the Internet.
          People don't forget when you act like as ass. Trust me, I know. I'm the
          resident ass at some places. Just be the same sweet kid you are at home.
          Oh, and always say thank you when somebody helps you.

          14. Treat your customers with respect and be there for them. Go the
          extra mile to show that you really care about them. Trust me, you will
          get the nicest emails if you do this. It's one of the few things I've always
          done right.

          15. Always be honest. If that means you have to tell a prospect that
          your product isn't going to help them, do it. Don't lie just to make a sale.
          I would lose all respect for you if you ever did that. That is the one thing
          I have no tolerance for.

          16. Finally, if you ever need my help, come to me. Ask me anything you
          want. I'll give you the answer. If I don't know it, I'll find out.

          For you reading this, find somebody you trust who you know you can come
          to if you have a question. I suggest starting with right here. There are many
          here who will give you a brutally honest answer.

          Anyway, there you have it. That's what I would tell the light of my life if
          she wanted to earn a living on the Internet.

          Hopefully, you found something in the above post that has been or will
          be helpful to you.
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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

        Pay attention to your health. Without that what do you have?

        Pay attention to your family. You're doing this for them but if you get the balance wrong they won't be around when you strike it rich.

        Pay attention to your goal. Do you want X number of dollars or a business that will make you a better person and feed you in your old age?


        Those 3 points are so powerful that I wanted to repeat them.

        I was saying the very same things to someone last night.


        nothing to see here.

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        • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
          I nominate Steve's post for post of the year. Dude, you rock. This is why I come here. To sit under the learning tree for a spell.
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          • Profile picture of the author ryanstreet
            Number 1:
            Jump on the back of someone already successful.

            JV's are the way to go every time.

            They can give free advice, help with sales, utilize tools and resources that take years to accumulate and so much more.

            Ask what you can do to make them more successful and they will do the same for you.

            Number 2:
            The power of free.

            Never underestimate it. People are much more inclined to take something free than take a risk on paying for it. The viral effects are huge.

            Number 3:
            Utilize your strengths

            Don't write articles b/c everyone else writes them. Don't put up sales letters b/c everyone else says you should. Find your own edge. What puts you ahead of everyone else?

            I can't sell. At all. I'm not afraid to admit it. I can program web applications like nobody's business though. So instead of selling ebooks, I sell scripts and programs instead, (utilizing JV's and the power of free, of course) and it works out well. But if i tried to sell an ebook, (which i've tried in the past) it fails everytime. Because i am not good at it.

            Focus on those strengths and you will be a success everytime.

            Hope this helps.

            See ya
            Ryan Street
            PHP Developer Specializing in WordPress and Magento
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            • Profile picture of the author elitemarketer
              My best advice and things I wish I knew when getting started which would have save me mad time & money are....

              1. Don't waste time watching DVD's, reading courses or just training in general on managing a team, managing your list and how to outsource certain jobs, etc......

              If you don't have a team, don't have a list and have no money to outsource!

              It is really easy to get sucked in to all the hype and honestly until you stop training and start taking action you will not make any money online.

              2. So now that you are only going to train for things that you can put into action now, find the best training you have or find the best guru for that topic who is probably giving away free training (that crushes 99% of the stuff for sale out there)! Or if you have the money to invest (which from the right expert it is an "investment" that will give you huge returns) then do it and you will get there much faster!

              Now when you get that training, make sure to only focus on what you need to apply right this second! Now you can skim through the course because you need to know what the result your after is but thats it!

              Now this is key..... Listen, Read or Watch that training as many times as possible! I take MP3's, DVD's and turn them into MP3's to place on my ipod and listen to them at night to fall asleep (need noise so instead of TV might as well be learning), listen when I am in the car and when I go to the store (I use to hate going shopping with my girl now I love it cuz while she shops for 3 hours I am listening to Kern, Pagan,etc)! I promise you that you will learn something new every time you listen to the same stuff.

              Remember these guru's spend days (possibly weeks or months) preparing that training and every word counts. And it will take a bunch of times for you to really start to see his angle and completely understand! Most training talks about so many different topics that half the S**T you hear gets forgotten. So figure out what steps you are working on now and only listen to training on that topic SOLELY!!!

              You have no idea how many times I was always searching for the next best training and then one day started to listen to old stuff and it was actually better than the new but at the time I listened (letting my A.D.D control my mind) without paying attention and lost alot of valuable time which I could have been making money with over the years!

              3. Other than that, I would say take advantage of Free Trials for training and products! Because this way you can get results from it that will offset your cost or you just cancel!

              4. MY MODO::: Its Never A Question Of If Only A Question Of When!

              Quitting is not an option, it will take some tough times but.... F**K IT! Its the journey that is the best part! Ask any millionaire what the best time of their life was and they will say when I made my 1st $100k, then my 1st Mil and so on

              Stop thinking millions just try to make enough to support you and your family and then from there enjoy every benchmark cuz once your at the top those exciting times really don't come around anymore (not that its a bad thing but all I am saying is enjoy the tough times and challenges!

              I love a challenge and will enjoy every benchmark and celebrate it because those tough times are just steps moving you closer to success!!

              Sorry went kind of long but that's my sincere advice to anyone getting started...

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      • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
        Dear Noob,

        Imagine sticking a hot poker in your eye.

        Now, imagine many people telling you how to get that poker back out.

        Then, imagine once you get that poker out, lots of people are telling which doctor you should see.

        You pick a doctor, and man he is great. Tells you all about your eye. But you lose it anyway.

        Now go back home and heat up the poker again.

        This is sort of like getting started in IM.

        If you have the burning, deep desire to make this work then you will tolerate 1 million hot pokers.

        If you don't want to pay that kind of price, I recommend you back away now and consider other options.

        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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        • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
          Originally Posted by Daniel McCoy View Post

          Dear Noob,

          Imagine sticking a hot poker in your eye.

          Now, imagine many people telling you how to get that poker back out.

          Then, imagine once you get that poker out, lots of people are telling which doctor you should see.

          You pick a doctor, and man he is great. Tells you all about your eye. But you lose it anyway.

          Now go back home and heat up the poker again.

          This is sort of like getting started in IM.

          If you have the burning, deep desire to make this work then you will tolerate 1 million hot pokers.

          If you don't want to pay that kind of price, I recommend you back away now and consider other options.


          Daniel - perhaps you chose the wrong avenue into IM. I don't recognise that experience and I'm sure it's not common.

          No-one said it would be easy (although it can be), but your comparison seems dramatically overly-harsh.

          IM can be fun and profitable, pain is not a requirement - you get to choose. I hope someone told you

          nothing to see here.

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          • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
            Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

            Daniel - perhaps you chose the wrong avenue into IM. I don't recognise that experience and I'm sure it's not common.

            No-one said it would be easy (although it can be), but your comparison seems dramatically overly-harsh.

            IM can be fun and profitable, pain is not a requirement - you get to choose. I hope someone told you
            I am simply referring to the fact that most people do not make it happen very quickly.

            It all depends on your background, what you are doing now, and how much time you have.

            For the average, uneducated person working 9-5 (or more) in a completely unrelated field, it can be an uphill climb.

            Add to that outside obligations and the chances of making money without considerable sacrifice become quite slim.

            Sure, there have been new people coming to IM who make it fairly quickly, but they are by far the exception and not the rule.

            The more obstacles that are in the way, the lower the chances become. Take a guy like me with a demanding career, part time single parent, time and money eating ex wife and a terrible financial situation.

            I would say most people in a situation like this are in for a serious amount of failure and disappointment.

            You see it over and over in this forum. The more a person has going for them to start with, the easier it is to get things going.

            When you have absolutely nothing going for you are going to be pulling teeth.

            That said, if you are in that situation and you are willing to face all the difficulty....then you might have a shot.

            I would love, love, love to be shown otherwise.

            Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[51074].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
              Originally Posted by Daniel McCoy View Post

              I am simply referring to the fact that most people do not make it happen very quickly.

              It all depends on your background, what you are doing now, and how much time you have.

              For the average, uneducated person working 9-5 (or more) in a completely unrelated field, it can be an uphill climb.

              Add to that outside obligations and the chances of making money without considerable sacrifice become quite slim.

              Sure, there have been new people coming to IM who make it fairly quickly, but they are by far the exception and not the rule.

              The more obstacles that are in the way, the lower the chances become. Take a guy like me with a demanding career, part time single parent, time and money eating ex wife and a terrible financial situation.

              I would say most people in a situation like this are in for a serious amount of failure and disappointment.

              You see it over and over in this forum. The more a person has going for them to start with, the easier it is to get things going.

              When you have absolutely nothing going for you are going to be pulling teeth.

              That said, if you are in that situation and you are willing to face all the difficulty....then you might have a shot.

              I would love, love, love to be shown otherwise.


              The last thing I want to do is underplay your situation - however, your success has very little relation to the environment you start in.

              A few years ago I was divorced and everywhere I went I was advised to declare myself bankrupt. I was in a job that I was no longer happy doing and not living near my family. To be honest, there were times when I thought that dying would be the simplest way to feel better about my future.

              I know that when you look at your situation or prospects and things seem to have no successful end in sight it can seem like you're destined not to get the life you desire, but it's not the case.

              I know that you may think looking at the things around you that the situation is dooming you to failure, but it's not the case at all. In fact, your current situation relates completely to the choices, decisions and things that have happened in the past. The future is based on every moment from now on and the choices you are going to make.

              The Universe has many ways of bringing the things you desire and usually they're not via the channels that you can currently see around you.

              The thing that will have the biggest impact on you getting what you want is your mindset.

              If you disregard the problems you have and focus your goals on positive outcomes that you can get started creating, opportunities that support your goals will come from places you never expected.

              If you focus on the reasons why you can't have what you want, they're all you'll ever see.

              There is no reason why anyone cannot create a successful business - regardless of their current situation.

              If you have a brain, an internet connection and a desire to succeed - the rest is a matter of time.

              Maybe we should have a chat some time - do you have Skype?

              If you really do want help getting a more productive perspective - PM me.


              nothing to see here.

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              • Profile picture of the author David Raybould
                Hi Andy,

                Great post and some great replies so's my two pennies:

                1-Focus...get yourself a plan and stick to it. I went full time relatively quickly after discovering IM, but it would have been a lot quicker if I wasn't trying to explore every possibility all at the same time...

                2-Learn a couple of serious, consistent traffic driving methods. It never fails to amaze me how many marketers completely fall down when it comes to driving traffic. Starting a new venture shouldn't be some kind of roulette game where success depends on whether you can get traffic or not. Traffic should be a given, and it is once you have the skill.

                3-Learn copywriting, even if it's only to a basic level. This will help everything from your Adwords ads to your emails to joint venture partners. There's a reason that Allen Says calls this the most valuable skill a marketer can learn...

                4-Build assets. Your time is your most valuable possession so make sure that every project/idea you are involved with will become an asset, IE something that could potentially be sold for an increased value. This way your business is ALWAYS growing...

                Hope someone finds those useful. I know I would have found them very useful about 2 and a half years ago lol

                Killer Emails. Cash-spewing VSLs. Turbocharged Landing Pages.

                Whatever you need, my high converting copy puts more money in your pocket. PM for details. 10 years experience and 9 figure revenues.
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            • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
              Whenever anything goes wrong (which it will), instead of just telling yourself 'these things happen', fixing the problem and moving on, take some time to ask yourself why it went wrong, and what kind of solution or procedure you can put in place to prevent it happening again. Otherwise you'll spend what could have been productive time just fighting the same fires over and over.

              Basic stuff, probably, but I went through quite a few 'Groundhog Days' where there was little forward motion before I realised the obvious - that time taken in prevention vastly reduces the time taken in fixing. Even a help file or a few e-mail templates that you can edit a little to answer common queries before they're asked can add a small chunk to the hours available in a day.

              Don't look with dread on customer complaints - welcome them. I know how difficult this can be, especially those that are riddled with the kind of strong language that it's hard not to take offence over, but each one is really a helpful suggestion which might just enhance your business if taken seriously instead of personally. Once you've given each suggestion due consideration, you've every right to edit and apply your previously created 'You Must Be Joking' e-mail template to the unrealistic ones

              In a nutshell, don't just solve the problem, take further action to prevent it happening again; and see if you can turn the complaint of one customer into something all your customers can benefit from. This might all sound like focusing too heavily on the customer service aspect of your business, but in reality it reduces it enormously.

              Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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              • Profile picture of the author Graham Maddison

                When choosing keywords for your site, listen to advice given by fellow warriors...don't just choose keywords because you like them.....I managed page 1 on Google for "second income opportunities" ....but hardly anyone was searching under that term....a hard lesson to learn if you spend all your time promoting them for what amounts to nothing and then having to start again.

                Trade without Boundaries.
                Start with $30 Trading Bonus.
                No Deposit Required
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              • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

                The other day on my way to work I saw a woman begging. She was walking among the cars on a busy road carrying her sleeping child. And I thought of my own son safe at home with his toys and grandma.

                And then I thought how lucky I was to be able to afford a computer and an internet connection.

                Daniel, YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO BE LIVING IN THE USA if you want to make money online.

                When I started out here in Turkey
                1. I couldn't have a Clickbank account
                2. I couldn't take money out of my Paypal account

                and obstacles I still face

                3. I can't sign up as an eBay affiliate (and other programs)
                4. I can't get free Adwords vouchers
                5. I can't open a US bank account
                6. Computers are 50% more expensive than in the USA
                7. Broadband is double the price
                8. It would cost me a minimum of $2,000 just to TRAVEL to a seminar
                9. The Turkish government has banned Youtube and some Google sites
                10. I have to get up at 3 am to attend online seminars

                and other things.

                This is my situation.

                Should I give up, say it's too hard?

                Hell, no!!!

                I just have to work harder and smarter than people in developed countries.

                Randy Pausch said in his Last Lecture

                "Brick walls are there for a reason. They let us prove how badly we want things".

                Daniel, I'm not criticising you in any way. We are all on a long journey seeking the light and at times we go further into darkness and despair because we are lost and confused.

                Take Andy up on his offer. You'll be in good hands.

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                • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
                  There are some very wise words in there.

                  I think being grateful for what you have has always been the main way to get the Universe to give you more. Feeling bad about things seems to close off the supply.

                  nothing to see here.

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                  • Profile picture of the author TheOldRanger
                    If I were asked to give a new Warrior advice, I would go with this...please correct me if my source or the quotation is wrong, but I believe the great statesman Winston Churchill was asked to give a speech, possibly to a graduating class at Oxford U...he said 9 brief words that I have used to get me through some of my darkest days---

                    "Never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up!!!!"

                    Also, the many Warrioirs here are willing and able to help...don't hesitate to ask questions, no matter how simple you might think they are, for one simple answer may be just what you need to get you going :-)
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                    • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
                      Lots of great tips here. I especially like the one about remembering to keep your priorities straight. Very important.

                      siggy taking a break...

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                      • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
                        "You don't have to get it right...just get it going"

                        That is an excellent quote. Don't try to get everything perfect...just get it up there.

                        Also, quit reading all of those sales letters. They are hypnotic and written by the best copy writers in the world. Instead, spend that time writing your next article, building your next lens etc

                        And finally, as far as strategy goes, I really wish I would have used Squidoo sooner. Building sites and blogs is by far my biggest weakness. If I had to do it over again, I would have created a lot more lenses because Google loves them, and then book mark them and use your Ezine articles to link to them

                        Simple but effective

                        This thread is good
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                        • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
                          1. That computer you'se just bought...the one sittin in front of you'se with all the gimmicks, bells, whistles etc.

                          The one you overpaid for--- to impress the girlfriend..yeah...that computer...the one you bought cuz some dude on that infomercial told you how rich you'd get dropshipping....or trading forex etc....or just turning the bitch on.... THAT COMPUTER.

                          The one that can cook you dinner and walk your ugly mutt of a dog while you busy watching Debbie Does Dallas at the same time.....? THAT COMPUTER.

                          Here's the buzz killer..that computer? It aint no genie in a bottle. You can turn it on.....and rub it all you'se want....but it aint gonna make you a penny cuz it aint no third party investor. Capiche! So you're starting off in the red from the jump street.

                          2. INTERNET MARKETING.....IT AINT A BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!

                          I know that's NOT what youse people have heard....but it aint!!! No matter what they tell you. It aint no more of a business then mail order or direct mail or anything aint! Depsite a million ebooks pimped daily telling you'se otherwise.

                 nothing more then a convenient delivery system...a medium TO PITCH YOUR OFFER...and one that is so over used by "smart gurus"..... that dumb asses like me keep makin' money sending out letters cuz none of the rest of you'se do....cuz it's beneath you.

                          I've made lots of money due to IM ARROGANCE...cuz I come in and clean up the mess you'se people create with your spam, and beaten up offers. So thanks in advance.

                          Cuz the internet wave....has made old school marketing so much easier for non-techy guys like me who would rather sell stuff... then be smart. And it's so much easier.

                          Rather then treating IM as the holy mother grail...I use it for what it is....a messenger boy on a fast FRIGGIN' BIKE!

                          Some of you'se hot shit IM'ers...who never mailed a letter or licked a stamp in your entire life.... are lucky Gary Halbert aint alive today....cuz he'd clean your clocks and eat you'se people for lunch....and take your customers too.

                          3. OH YEAH.....YOU'SE GOT TO ACTUALLY EVENTUALLY SELL SOMETHING. I know...I've been told just put a blog...figure out what an RSS FEED is......write some on myspace.....Google some some ad....blah friggin blah.


                          And if I don't sell the sheep someone else will. It's a fact of life.

                          And all the warm and fuzzy rhetoric aint ever going to change that fact.

                          4. DO NOT EVER BUY A HOUSE NEXT TO A FAMILY CALLED MR. AND MRS JONES.....that gated community where everyone knows your name and business...and makes sure you "stay status quo."

                          Do NOT be afraid to offend..via your copy or your approach...because the Jones Family is more screwed up then you will ever be...They are a frightened clique of sheep.....and they will NEVER PAY YOUR BILLS OR BUY YOU THAT ISLAND OFF ARUBA. Burn their house down and do yourself a favor.



                          And pick your spots..cuz not everything on this forum applies to all of us...and to suggest it does is compelte bullshit..and leads to frustration...and info overload.

                          Find a hungry market and deliver something to them of value...and if you don't know what a hungry market yourself a favor and do something else.

                          xxx Vegas Vince
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                          • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
                            Vince - Why sit on the fence? Why not just tell it like it is and say what you mean?

                            Nice post man!

                            "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
                            >> ---> <--- < <
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53207].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
                              Hey Vince,

                              If you deleted all of your post but the last paragraph it would still say the same thing - and still make good sense

                              Although I don't have all the negative feelings you seem to about some IM stuff, I basically agree with most of what you said - Who thought I'd ever say something like that


                              nothing to see here.

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                              • Profile picture of the author jhongren
                                Hi Andy,

                                I have learnt that it is ok to ask questions.

                                No question is a stupid question. We have all started from the basics.

                                I have learnt to focus on JUST ONE.

                                I have learnt that learning from someone who have walk the talk is important

                                I have learnt to contribute as much as I know (though sometimes I wonder if others have known what I want to share)

                                I have learnt to give more than to take. (If you focus on lifting others up, other people will do the same to you.)

                                I have learnt that friends are important and friends do help friends. (dont focus on just finding business partners.)

                                I have learnt to build genuine relationship and treat everyone (newbie or expert) as unique individual. We all know something which someone else may not know.

                                My 2 cents,
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                                • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                                  Where's my "Who's Your Favorite Warrior Poster" thread?

                                  Vince, you did it again.

                                  Except I'm tired of cleaning off my monitor after every post of yours that I
                                  read. I'm running out of Windex.

                                  So cut it out LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Don't try to read every ebook or learn every system;
    you aren't going to be able to do everything at once.
    When you find a money-making system that works -
    work it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Start now. Write an article, slap some affiliate links on it and submit it as far and wide as you can.

    Bored and procrastinating? Write an article, slap some affiliate links on it and submit it as far and wide as you can.

    Thinking of "investing" in the latest money printing scheme? Write an article, slap some affiliate links on it and submit it as far and wide as you can.

    Watching TV? Write an article at the same time, slap some affiliate links on it and submit it as far and wide as you can.

    Just keep doing this and you'll start to see what works, what doesn't and get a real feel for what you're doing. Personally I started with this method but writing software but that's not for everyone so I translated what I did into articles.

    Your first articles will suck. They'll get refused all over the place. Half your affiliate links will be broken within a week. You won't be capturing leads to your marketing list.

    But you know what? You won't be doing anything of that stuff if you sit there doing nothing either.

    So get started then get better.

    PS: I'd like to add that you should feel free to replace "write an article" with whatever you're good at. If you can write software, do that. If you can design stuff, do that. But whatever it is, start doing it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Hillage
    Don't neglect the "business" side of internet marketing. I have not been as good at the accounts, minimizing tax paid, keeping costs low etc. as I have been the marketing side. mainly as I find that side dull and the marketing exciting. But this has cost me financially - and know I realize that if I make $100 or $1000 or $10000 online then I should fight tooth and nail to keep it, and not let it slip out on buying unnecessary products, bad planning etc. So for beginners get your BUSINESS side established early on.
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    • Profile picture of the author clawson44
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      • Profile picture of the author David Campbell
        Here's a bit of advice I really wish someone had given me early on in my I.M. career:

        Budget your time, energy, and money as if succeeding at this new venture was going to take much longer than you think, and much longer than you hoped. Otherwise, you may lose motivation and get seriously discouraged.

        A similar way to say it: Hope for the best; but prepare for the worst.

        In my experience, when a famed guru said something could be done in ten days, it took me perhaps four months.

        When another guru taught that their program could be done in a week, it took me about a month.

        When yet another guru said a certain task could be done in an afternoon, it took me more like a week.

        When still another said something could be done for a grand total of $17, I spent closer to a hundred. Not because they lied, but because they already had things, or knew things, which they didn't figure into the equation when they wrote up their procedures.

        If you don't budget your time, money, and energy (and expectations!) for the long haul then -

        When your time is running out and your expectations aren't being realized, you may be tempted to cut corners; or quit what you've been working on to start something else.

        When your money starts running out, you may find yourself getting so nervous that it's hard to work, hard to find the focus to make good progress, hard to make good decisions because the wolf is scratching at the door.

        When your energy for the project is waning, because you thought it was a 1K run, but it's now been 3K, and the end is still nowhere in sight, despair can be a serious burden - which makes the race ten times more difficult.

        So, be enthusiastic, go for the gusto, and give it your all. YES!! But try not to underestimate the task or overestimate your resources and abilities.
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        • Profile picture of the author Terry Hatfield

          My best advice to a newbie would be . . .

          If you try something and get a little success with it then stay with it until you get a lot of success with it.

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          • Profile picture of the author Simon_Sezs
            1. Hone your business will need them.
            2. Also learn how to build project management skills
            Everything else can be learned fairly easily. Until you have a solid business base to rest on, you will be fighting for your life.
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    • Profile picture of the author seobro
      People say "keep costs low!"

      However I say "Go to the the Goodwill and get an old tube monitor for $4.95 instead of buying a fancy new LCD monitor at Bestbuy for $200.

      Instead of getting a bag of potato chips at the grocery store, buy a bag of potatoes and bake them. Less expensive, more healthy."

      Try to save thousands every month, because you will need that money for advertising. A friend told me that he spends 1% on product development and 99% on advertising. It is expensive to get customers, I calculate the cost of each new customer at $200-$300. However they become an income stream.

      For example, one of my customers pays me $625/mo for product, over a period of ten years this is serious money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[56154].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
        Originally posted by Rainbow21

        In my experience, when a famed guru said something could be done in ten days, it took me perhaps four months.
        This has been dispiriting for me a couple of times.

        What they should say is

        "I can do this is 10 days (with the help of all my personal systems that are already set up) but it will probably take YOU 4 months.

        My alltime favourite glib advice to newbies

        Just build a website, then . . .

        And 99% of newbies are thinking

        "If I knew how to build a F***ing website I wouldn't be a newbie!"

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    • Profile picture of the author Quentin
      Theory - The Next Big Trends

      Every 18 sec for the next 18 years someone will turn 59.

      What Business do you want to be in?

      Just a thought.

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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
        I seem to have found myself mixing threads, specifically Andy Henry threads. That's a bit like mixing metaphors but not such a literal crime.


        Your Best Advice for a New Warrior

        The answer they might want to hear.

        It's easy to start making money using IM tactics. Simply check out this Warrior Forum place for a few days, loiter around the main forum and WSO section. You'll soon part with some of your hard-earned and have yourself a cheap, no hassle, step-by-step how-to formula for making a few extra dollars with a minimum of layout.

        You might follow through with some of the ideas (probably not) and you might make some money (unlikely) - but it probably won't last anyhow. If it does last, maybe it will be for a few weeks or even months, but, if you don't learn anything else, I can almost guarantee that it won't last.

        The answer they need to hear

        Realise you're in business!

        IM is one of many ways to market your business. However you utilise the information you may pick up whilst on this forum, you still have to accept that you are in business. Take that on board and take some responsibility. If making money quickly excites you, then imagine how much more excited you will be if you had the skills to make even more money, consistently, for ever. That's about as hypey as I get, but that can be the reality of the situation if you start treating your experience of IM as part of your business.

        Whether you're starting a brand new business or working on an existing one, you need to get organised and plan.

        You need a structure behind you and it should contain these elements under the headings of YOU and your business SYSTEMS:

        Lets begin with the latter,


        • Organise you finances from day 1. Now, I said day 1, not month 8. Everything that involves a transaction of money needs to be recorded. Don't rely on online accounts having a statement function, record everything for yourself. You plan to make lots of money, right? Then get yourself an accountant, preferably one that comes recommended.
        • Organise your place of work. Get your PC in order - Organise files, folders, emails, projects, ebooks, graphics... the list goes on, but get them organised. They'll be easier to find when you need them. Sort your work area out. Keep a tidy desk. If you work from home and if it's possible, give yourself a dedicated workspace, and lay some ground rules down for everyone that lives with you - when you're at your computer you're at work and they need to respect that. (Good luck with that!)
        • Organise your time and workload. It's oh so easy to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the web - this forum alone zaps a lot of peoples' time. Be strict with the usage of all non-essential activities. I heard Eben Pagan say that he devotes the first two hours of every working day focusing on the one key element of his business that brings in money - no distraction, no emails, no phone calls, no visitors. Seems like an excellent example of quality time management.


        Have the personal drive and determination to succeed - an ability to get back up after falling is a pre-requisite.

        Have dreams - a massive and often contentious subject but whether you set realistic or fantastic goals you MUST have an idea of what this business is going to give you: wealth; happiness; freedom, whatever your desires, you MUST have them.

        A passion for learning. Be a sponge and soak up as much good info as possible. At first you may suffer from Information Overload, but as time goes by you will develop a BS filter and you will become more discerning. You will never know it all, so just keep on learning.

        Surround yourself with people who will support you.(And stop listening to folk that want you to stay where you are) Now, this can be tricky to start. Some of the best advice you can get comes in the form of criticism - don't go confusing that with negative support, it's the exact opposite. You may also find that you start losing old friends too, don't worry, you'll develop new, stronger and more encouraging friendships along the way.

        And having said all that, which is only a quick summary, remember the most important thing.

        Have Fun

        If you're not enjoying yourself, you won't stick at it and you'll become one of those people that used to have their own business.

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        • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
          I'm not going to be long winded (not that there is anything wrong with that)... I will be more direct.

          Golden Rule: Don't spend more than you are making or you will end up in a pile of debt.

          Other rules:

          Spend at least a couple of hours per day, reading and learning on this forum... without making purchases in the WSO forum.

          Once you have learned the following, you will be ready to go:

          1. How to embed audio and video into a sales page and what services this requires.
          2. How to embed your auto-responder code into your sales page, splash page, etc.
          3. How to modify a sales page to include your name, picture, etc. without dicking it up.
          4. The basics of Search Engine Optimization.
          5. Learn to make use of Squidoo and Hub Pages.
          6. The basics of sales copy / copywriting.

          Speaking of which... don't argue with me on this... get your own paid hosting with cPanel. This is not an option. It is a requirement. If you want to make money online, you need a friggin' hosting account. A good reliable company to use is HostMonster.

          Don't undervalue your product or services. Otherwise you will end up working a lot of hours for very little money.

          Lastly, no matter, how much a course costs... or how valuable it seems, it isn't valuable enough that you absolutely have to have it. Better yet... you don't need it.

          Everything you need to learn will be found right here on this forum.

          It won't be quick or easy at times, but for the sake of operating a profitable business, don't waste money on courses that teach things you can learn for free.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[57011].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
            Interesting advice.

            Some of it I would agree with completely, but other points I completely disagree with.

            That's the beauty of IM, you can do it in your own way and what works is down to you.

            Originally Posted by jjpmarketing View Post

            I'm not going to be long winded (not that there is anything wrong with that)... I will be more direct.

            Golden Rule: Don't spend more than you are making or you will end up in a pile of debt.

            Other rules:

            Spend at least a couple of hours per day, reading and learning on this forum... without making purchases in the WSO forum.

            Once you have learned the following, you will be ready to go:

            1. How to embed audio and video into a sales page and what services this requires.
            2. How to embed your auto-responder code into your sales page, splash page, etc.
            3. How to modify a sales page to include your name, picture, etc. without dicking it up.
            4. The basics of Search Engine Optimization.
            5. Learn to make use of Squidoo and Hub Pages.
            6. The basics of sales copy / copywriting.

            Speaking of which... don't argue with me on this... get your own paid hosting with cPanel. This is not an option. It is a requirement. If you want to make money online, you need a friggin' hosting account. A good reliable company to use is HostMonster.

            Don't undervalue your product or services. Otherwise you will end up working a lot of hours for very little money.

            Lastly, no matter, how much a course costs... or how valuable it seems, it isn't valuable enough that you absolutely have to have it. Better yet... you don't need it.

            Everything you need to learn will be found right here on this forum.

            It won't be quick or easy at times, but for the sake of operating a profitable business, don't waste money on courses that teach things you can learn for free.

            nothing to see here.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[57773].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
              I just wanted to make certain I got one point across... "Don't go on a spending spree, thinking you'll have overnight riches".

              Try to save money initially, and the more effort you putting into saving money in the beginning, the better prepared you will be to adapt to marketplace changes that eliminate 1 or all of your sources of income.

              Take the ebay affiliate sites. Some users made the mistake of putting all their effort into one source of income. If they had been penny pinchers... they would probably have had substantial income saved up.

              10% of $8,000 per month is $9600 per year saved up. If you are a penny pincher $9600 would last you long enough to recover from being dropped as an ebay affiliate. It would buy you enough time to develop revenue elsewhere.

              And really I just wanted to say that it is better to learn a little about all of those topics, so you know what to expect when outsourcing when you got to the point of making so much money, that you have more money than time... instead of the vice versa of more time than money.

              Be smart with your money, and it will allow you to build a sustainable business... instead of a one hit wonder that is out of business within a year.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[57815].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
                That's great advice.

                I must've spend about $10k on IM stuff before I stopped being a buyer and started running a business.

                The only problem at the time was that there weren't many people who actually knew what they were talking about sharing their knowledge. Most people just had their head down making money.

                These days the problem is the opposite, it's easy to get information on what works, but there are so many people not successful at anything except telling others what to do that people can take a long time to jump off that merry-go-round and pick a proper business model.

                Your advice is good though - spending more than you make is a great way to ignore taking your businesss seriously.

                It's absolutely NOT necessary to spend any money before making some.


                nothing to see here.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[57838].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
                  Yep. I hear you. Hard Knocks University... is a very tough school to graduate from. But once you do, it is like,

                  "What was I thinking? I didn't need all of that stuff. This is so easy."
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                  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Eddy
                    I know this is a late post, but I just saw this thread and wanted to add my two cents.

                    The main piece of advise that I have might be a bit controversial, but I truly believe that you will have a easier time making money online if you follow it.

                    Don't go into the internet marketing/make money online niche. For a lot of us, when we first get started out in this making money online biz, we start through the make money online niche. For most of us, the make money online niche is where we were first introduced into the idea of making money online. With this, most of us get tunnel vision and start to think that the only way to be successful online and make good money is through this make money online niche. This is 100% wrong. It's actually the opposite. I strongly urge you to not market to the make money online niche and this is why.

                    The make money online niche has hands down the hardest competition there is online. You will be in direct competition with people that have the absolute best, most up to date, most psychologically trigger filled, salespages and websites on the net.

                    It not only has the hardest competition on the net, it also has arguably the hardest customers to sell to on the net. Think about it, the people you are selling to have often times read through and seen hundreds of salespages, they have over time become conditioned to all the best marketing techniques, and there is a ton of skepticism associated with the make money online niche. All of the traffic that comes to your website or reads your pitch will be highly skeptical about whether or not your product works. Just think of how you are when you go to a salespage about how you can start making money online. Also, often times these people have been burned before with other products they have bought in the past. Bottom line, these are hard people to sell to.

                    A) it has the hardest competition and B) it has the hardest people to sell to.

                    But does that mean the make money online niche is useless to you? No way! The money online niche is where you learn. Always keep up to date with the make money online niche and invest into products you think are worth your money and that can help with the basic skill of marketing to people. Use the make money online niche to learn from and then take the amazing marketing skills you will gain from it and use it in other niches.

                    When you market in some other totally unrelated niche market with the skills you have gained from the make money online niche, you will be like a god in that niche. Most of the people in your niche will probably have never even seen a salespage and even more of them will not have seen a good one. You will be marketing to people that won't be nearly as skeptical about what your selling and they will not be conditioned to the marketing techniques you have learned from the make money online niche.

                    most of the people from these other niches are easy to sell to and the competition is low and sometimes even non-existant.

                    Now you might be thinking, how do I market to other niches when all I know is internet marketing? You don't have to know anything about any other niche in order to start marketing to niches. You can hire someone on a site like to make the book/product for you and you get all the rights. All you have to worry about is marketing.

                    Now when your looking to make your product, don't just come up with an idea and think "hey I think a bunch of people would like this product". First, find a niche to target. Then search the forums and other places to try and figure out what that niche wants. Then give them what they want. This is very important; what matters is not what you think will be good, what matters is what the market wants.

                    This is a long way of explaining my piece of advise. Basically,
                    A) don't market to the make money online niche.
                    B) find a small targeted niche of devoted people to market to.
                    C) Find out what they want.
                    D) Give them what they want (either by yourself or have someone else make the product for you and give you all the rights)
                    E) Market the product effectively (test it and all that jazz)
                    F) repeat.

                    One of the best things about niche marketing is that last part. Once your done making the site with the salespage and you have the product, you can immediately jump to the next niche. Most of the time, their is very little customer service involved with these niche products. When your having someone else make the product for you, it really does not take much time at all to set up a niche that gives you residual income.

                    Think outside the make money online niche, break your tunnel vision.

                    If you can, listen to the audio from Frank Kern, it honestly changed my lfe and how I percieved making money online. He will help you way more than I can by what I have posted here.
                    Download Frank Kern - Big Seminar Preview Call - San Francisco 2003 MP3 Audio Book by Frank Kern
                    I got it free from somewhere, but I can't remember where.

                    "In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king."

                    So my advice for a new warrior is, use everything you learn from this forum and these great internet marketers to help you have better copy, learn marketing tricks, and keep up to date with what works and what doesn't. Use this forum to improve on your ability to make someone want to buy a product. Don't use this forum and start thinking that you need to market to the make money online niche in order to succeed in online marketing.

                    Well there's my two cents, hope it helps.
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                    • Profile picture of the author lazavas
                      Originally Posted by Benjamin Eddy View Post

                      I know this is a late post, but I just saw this thread and wanted to add my two cents.

                      The main piece of advise that I have might be a bit controversial, but I truly believe that you will have a easier time making money online if you follow it.

                      Don't go into the internet marketing/make money online niche. For a lot of us, when we first get started out in this making money online biz, we start through the make money online niche. For most of us, the make money online niche is where we were first introduced into the idea of making money online. With this, most of us get tunnel vision and start to think that the only way to be successful online and make good money is through this make money online niche. This is 100% wrong. It's actually the opposite. I strongly urge you to not market to the make money online niche and this is why.

                      The make money online niche has hands down the hardest competition there is online. You will be in direct competition with people that have the absolute best, most up to date, most psychologically trigger filled, salespages and websites on the net.

                      It not only has the hardest competition on the net, it also has arguably the hardest customers to sell to on the net. Think about it, the people you are selling to have often times read through and seen hundreds of salespages, they have over time become conditioned to all the best marketing techniques, and there is a ton of skepticism associated with the make money online niche. All of the traffic that comes to your website or reads your pitch will be highly skeptical about whether or not your product works. Just think of how you are when you go to a salespage about how you can start making money online. Also, often times these people have been burned before with other products they have bought in the past. Bottom line, these are hard people to sell to.

                      A) it has the hardest competition and B) it has the hardest people to sell to.

                      But does that mean the make money online niche is useless to you? No way! The money online niche is where you learn. Always keep up to date with the make money online niche and invest into products you think are worth your money and that can help with the basic skill of marketing to people. Use the make money online niche to learn from and then take the amazing marketing skills you will gain from it and use it in other niches.

                      When you market in some other totally unrelated niche market with the skills you have gained from the make money online niche, you will be like a god in that niche. Most of the people in your niche will probably have never even seen a salespage and even more of them will not have seen a good one. You will be marketing to people that won't be nearly as skeptical about what your selling and they will not be conditioned to the marketing techniques you have learned from the make money online niche.

                      most of the people from these other niches are easy to sell to and the competition is low and sometimes even non-existant.

                      Now you might be thinking, how do I market to other niches when all I know is internet marketing? You don't have to know anything about any other niche in order to start marketing to niches. You can hire someone on a site like to make the book/product for you and you get all the rights. All you have to worry about is marketing.

                      Now when your looking to make your product, don't just come up with an idea and think "hey I think a bunch of people would like this product". First, find a niche to target. Then search the forums and other places to try and figure out what that niche wants. Then give them what they want. This is very important; what matters is not what you think will be good, what matters is what the market wants.

                      This is a long way of explaining my piece of advise. Basically,
                      A) don't market to the make money online niche.
                      B) find a small targeted niche of devoted people to market to.
                      C) Find out what they want.
                      D) Give them what they want (either by yourself or have someone else make the product for you and give you all the rights)
                      E) Market the product effectively (test it and all that jazz)
                      F) repeat.

                      One of the best things about niche marketing is that last part. Once your done making the site with the salespage and you have the product, you can immediately jump to the next niche. Most of the time, their is very little customer service involved with these niche products. When your having someone else make the product for you, it really does not take much time at all to set up a niche that gives you residual income.

                      Think outside the make money online niche, break your tunnel vision.

                      If you can, listen to the audio from Frank Kern, it honestly changed my lfe and how I percieved making money online. He will help you way more than I can by what I have posted here.
                      Download Frank Kern - Big Seminar Preview Call - San Francisco 2003 MP3 Audio Book by Frank Kern
                      I got it free from somewhere, but I can't remember where.

                      "In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king."

                      So my advice for a new warrior is, use everything you learn from this forum and these great internet marketers to help you have better copy, learn marketing tricks, and keep up to date with what works and what doesn't. Use this forum to improve on your ability to make someone want to buy a product. Don't use this forum and start thinking that you need to market to the make money online niche in order to succeed in online marketing.

                      Well there's my two cents, hope it helps.
                      wow! excellent post!
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    • Profile picture of the author PamT
      Thanks everyone for the golden nuggets!

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      • Profile picture of the author imfreelance
        This post is absolute GOLD! I have copied some of the replies and plan on reading them to keep me focused.

        Thanks so much for the insight.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[76609].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Great advice from lots of people.

      If we'd only had so many helpful people a few years ago maybe 'common' IM knowledge would be in a different place right now.


      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[78025].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      I would first invest in my education. For example, I would invest in Information Marketing, Internet Marketing, copywriting courses, Website promotion etc. In addition, I would read the Warrior Forum threads.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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      • Profile picture of the author elitemarketer
        I left a more detailed post earlier but this just came to mind (even though its painfully obvious it took awhile to figure out)....

        1. ALL YOU NEED IS 1 SALE

        Stop preparing to make millions or even hundreds because honestly you don't care! You think you need $10k to be happy but let me tell you, when you make your first sale and make $19.46 (which is what I made on my 1st sale), you would have thought I won a million dollars.

        2. Sell Other People's Products or Use Dropshipping

        OK now you will hear alot of info on creating your own product but you have to think about the time it will take to create a product and then do all the marketing to sell it which means months of work without making a dime. Now if you are prepared for this then more power to you but if you would like to make quick money just sell products from...

        a. marketplace of info products that you can make up to 75% per sale just for sending people to another persons website

        b. you can make money (about 4-6% per sale to start and as you sell more per month it increases) for sending people to Amazon

        3. Do Some Manual Work & Use Profit To Use PPC (Pay Per Click)

        To start off you want to find a market that you know alot about from a previous profession, experience or hobby. Then what you do write some articles, create some videos and use Social Media (MySpace, Squidoo, Wordpress,etc.) with some quality info and then send them to other people's products to make some money.

        4. Invest What You Make From Manual Work Into Paid Advertising

        When you make some money start using Google Adwords to make selling easier and faster. When you think about it, all you have to do is find a product that you make $50 selling and as long as you sell 1 by spending even up to $30 on Adwords, then you will have just turned $30 (or less into $50 and you can do this over and over again!

        How I Started...

        1. Went to and looked at the best seller list of books! This will give you some hot topics. Then I went to CLickbank and found a ebook in that market that I picked to sell, that came with a bunch of other stuff (forum, live advice from a expert and so much more for $30).

        TIP::: When you find your market use Free Tool to find the keywords people use to find that products in that market.

        2. Created a video of a Powerpoint Presentation I did using the info I found on the salesletter.

        3. Submitted the video to all the video sites (YouTube, MySpace, Google Video, etc.) - Online Video Distribution and Analytics will submit any video to over 10 video sites for you for FREE!

        TIP::: Render the video in multiple formats and resubmit using different keywords for each video. But only focus on only 1-2 Long Tail Keywords per video

        ex. Say your after "Window Cleaning" (short tale) then go after "Quick Window Cleaning Tips" (long tail) which includes your original short word but also will rank you for the short tail...

        4. I bought a domain (.info for $2) and used it to watermark the video (having the domain appear on the video at all times which might sound difficult but is mad easy just go to YouTube and there are hundreds of 3 min. tutorials on doing this with w/e video software)

        5. Within a couple of days I had TOP 10 Rankings in Google for my keywords in this market and made a sale of $19.56

        6. Within a few weeks I had my first $100 to use in Adwords and the rest is history

        So I did all of this with only $2 (for the domain), using Free Services and for the softwares to create videos I used Free Trials (usually 30 days) and come with great tutorials on using all the different effects. Now if you want to learn faster just stay in here and you will learn what softwares/products to use and then go to YouTube and type in what your trying to learn and about 99% of the time their will be a video tutorial to help you out quickly and free (stay away from 30 second videos because it will just be an advertisment for a company (and take 3 minutes to load which is a waste of time) , instead you want the 2-10 min. ones that will quickly show you in detail what you need to know).

        Recap: Stop thinking millions and start thinking $20, promote other peoples products (to start off and get some $ to get you motivated), use free techniques to make those 1st sales, reinvest the funds into paid advertising.

        QUICK NOTE::: I still make sales off those videos and I don't even know how to find them if I wanted too...

        Its that simple and I promise if you relax and just start doing these things you will start making money now.

        Hope this works for you and gets you started they way it helped me...
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        • Profile picture of the author Clyde Dennis
          Wow, kind of hard to follow elitemarketer but...

          Develop a plan through testing and do not allow yourself to be distracted from it.

          The game is always changing so don't be afraid to learn about new things, but you cannot allow yourself to continually chase the latest and greatest thing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[78889].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
          Originally Posted by elitemarketer View Post

          OK now you will hear alot of info on creating your own product but you have to think about the time it will take to create a product and then do all the marketing to sell it which means months of work without making a dime. Now if you are prepared for this then more power to you
          Sorry to pick up on this point but you've made it sound like there's some cosmic law that means you have to spend months not making money in order to create your own product - that's just not true.

          I've made several thousand dollars within 24 hours after spending less than 1 hour creating a product (actually the product took 20 minutes, the rest was making a page to sell it from and putting on the buy button).

          Making money with your own product is very easy when you first identify an accessible market.

          But this is completely different to the advice you're giving, which is all about finding a product and then doing everything you can to put ads for it in front of enough people to make some sales, so I'm not arguing that you can do that, just that creating your own products does not have to be some long-winded slog where you have to wait months for the money to start, so I would hate for people to be put of starting because of your comments when they're just your opinion and not the same for everyone.


          nothing to see here.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[106890].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
      Use catchy headlines and 90% of your work is done.
      Go through warriorforum, you will learn everything about internet marketing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[138347].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Monty
      Network, network, network. Don't think you can go into IM and be a hermit.

      Making connections online is just as important as making connections offline.

      Find people who share your interest, talent, or niche. Get to know those people and leverage your knowledge together.

      Don't go it alone. There's strength in numbers.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[139975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gunter Eibl
    My best advice would be

    1) stick to something until you succeed

    2) be consistent

    3) treat is as a business

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[75406].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Italian Guru
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[75450].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
        My best advice to a newbie, is don't be dazzled by the big claims of people. There are those who say they made big bucks in the first month with doing no work. They have made big bucks, by making claims and then conning people out of their income.

        Don't expect to make $10,000 a week in your first week. Learn the tools of the trade and work hard at building the best business around.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[75470].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
        Originally Posted by Italian Guru View Post

        I have a tip, I know this is a hard one to follow due to rough times that the economy is facing.
        Whatever money you have coming in, whether it be a job or internet income. Pay yourself first, whether it be $10 dollars or $100 dollars. It adds up quickly, trust me.

        I put it in my savings that makes it hard for me to take out unless I have an additional signature (find someone you can trust but has not too many emotional strings attached)

        This will enable to be prepared for emergencies for the future. It's discipline but in the long run, you'll come out favorably. It will also ease your mind knowing that you have a back up plan.

        This goes back to the best financial advice anyone can give. Always put 10% away for a rainy day. If you are making $500 per week. Then by the end of one year you will have $2600 saved up.

        Some people making that amount say I can't afford a new laptop. If you put that 10% away for a rainy day... you would have enough money for a laptop in 6 months... or a year... depending how good of a laptop you want. It just takes discipline.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[75837].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Eddy
    Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

    wow! excellent post!
    Thanks lazavas.

    Cool, I'm glad I could get this thread active again. There is a lot of good information in it. I definately think this thread should be stickied that way wariors can keep adding to it and all new warriors can be able to find it when they join.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[76646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    My advice for newbies to beging as freelancer. They can go to DigitalPoint or Rentacoder. THen they need to learn. They might come here to the forum, Affiliate Classroom, Internet Marketing Center.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMaxwell
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[138604].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by BrianMaxwell View Post

      Internet Traffic Stampede using Web 2.0 is a must view for any Internet Marketer looking to succeed online.
      That's actually just a matter of opinion. Web 2.0 is not required to make money online at all. How do you think we were doing it before web 2.0 came along?

      There are a lot of people who get into IM and think that the latest tools and technical systems are essential to making money (because THEY use them), but these things are only as good as the way they fit into a business.

      Believe it or not, there are plenty of ways to make great money without giving any thought whatsoever to the technicalities of stuff like web 2.0. While using new technologies can often support a business and help it do better, sometimes they're just not relevant and certainly not 'required for success'.

      Anyone who thinks otherwise is just illustrating their view of the world.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[139798].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author louisef
    The biggest lesson I have learned is to track key metrics and then make a list of things I can try to improve each one.

    By working carefully through my list, and tracking the results of each change, I've been able to make big strides.

    It takes a little work as I have to enter things manually into Excel, but it's well worth it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[139837].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Focus + Action + Discipline = Success!

      Keep it Simple

      1. Focus on achieving the end result.
      2. Take Action, Be Productive.
      3. Discipline yourself to complete your goals.

      Rinse and Repeat!

      Doing one project at a time helps beginner's stay focused.

      Trying to do to many things at one time can cause confusion leading to
      Paralysis Analysis/Information Over-Load!

      Learn from both the your Successes and your Failures because they both
      provide you with invaluable statical information that can help you to
      improve your next venture.

      Have a Great Day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[139928].message }}

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