
All Prayer Requests
Profile picture of All Prayer Requests
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies

One of my sites has 6000 plus threads. How many thread topics do I need in order to display Google Ads?

  • Profile picture of the author webfighter
    Profile picture of webfighter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by All Prayer Requests View Post


    One of my sites has 6000 plus threads. How many thread topics do I need in order to display Google Ads?

    You can apply to google adsense however small your website may be.

    However, in some countries like India, they want your site to be at least six months old.

    Since your website already has over 6000 threads, you can apply and easily get approved for adsense.
    • Profile picture of the author Duncan
      Profile picture of Duncan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Google Ads, try other sites that you can use to make some cash using ads. With Google comes headaches, not the kind you want. Adsense was a great deal when it came out, but due to the overall competition, and sheer numbers of people. I would look to other places. After all if a 6000 they are not letting you in, than could the grass be greener some where else.

      Just my opinion.

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