385 Emails Sent, 0 Opens...

46 replies
Hey guys,

This is what I did -

I took my huge list and segmented it for the email addresses that have so far not opened any of my 30-odd emails. These are all WSO purchasers who single-opted in (yes, perhaps double-opt in is better...)

I decided to segregate this list as I want to turn them from 0 opens to a more positive looking number.

How do you guys market to those that never open your emails? Do you discard them (the addresses)? Or do you pester them with free stuff so that you can condition them to open emails?

What about the headlines? Any experience in what's worked to get more opens from those that don't open your email?

#385 #email marketing campaign #emails #opens
  • Profile picture of the author kochtgr
    Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

    Hey guys,

    This is what I did -

    I took my huge list and segmented it for the email addresses that have so far not opened any of my 30-odd emails. These are all WSO purchasers who single-opted in (yes, perhaps double-opt in is better...)

    I decided to segregate this list as I want to turn them from 0 opens to a more positive looking number.

    How do you guys market to those that never open your emails? Do you discard them (the addresses)? Or do you pester them with free stuff so that you can condition them to open emails?

    What about the headlines? Any experience in what's worked to get more opens from those that don't open your email?

    There is no magic way, you just need to test and then test again until you find what works. Every list is different and something that works for someone might not work for someone else...
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  • Profile picture of the author imfusa
    385 mails it's not a large number, i suggest you keep getting more.
    The rate of opening should be 1-3%, but this i would starting from at least 1000.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by imfusa View Post

      The rate of opening should be 1-3%
      I hope this was an unusual typo?!

      You're surely not suggesting that anyone should go the trouble of attracting targeted traffic, incentivizing an opt-in, and communicating and trying to establish credibility with a group of subscribers of whom only 1-3% read what you send, and that the other 97-99% of your list ignore you so completely that they won't even open an email from you?!?!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6187862].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
      Originally Posted by imfusa View Post

      385 mails it's not a large number, i suggest you keep getting more.
      The rate of opening should be 1-3%, but this i would starting from at least 1000.
      Not necessarily - personally the LEAST I would expect from such a list would be 25 opens. But this also depends on how you are perceived by your list.
      "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
      Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
      PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

      Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188614].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Val Wilson
    Personally, I don't think the subject line is that important (although I know lots of others disagree). When I get emails, who the sender is is what determines whether I read it or not, I usually don't even read the subject line. If it is from someone who I know sends good emails (either informative, or helpful, or just entertaining), then I'll open it, and if not, then I won't. Think about your own emails that you get and you probably do the same.

    So that means the way to get good open rates is to make your list think that you are someone whose emails are worth reading - actually provide value, inform and entertain, rather than just constantly pitching some offer. It'll set you out a mile from your competitors.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6187843].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheBizHelp
      Originally Posted by Val Wilson View Post

      Personally, I don't think the subject line is that important (although I know lots of others disagree). When I get emails, who the sender is is what determines whether I read it or not, I usually don't even read the subject line. If it is from someone who I know sends good emails (either informative, or helpful, or just entertaining), then I'll open it, and if not, then I won't. Think about your own emails that you get and you probably do the same.

      So that means the way to get good open rates is to make your list think that you are someone whose emails are worth reading - actually provide value, inform and entertain, rather than just constantly pitching some offer. It'll set you out a mile from your competitors.
      I do disagree with you Val. The subject of the email matters a lot but at the same time, the value given to the subscribers matters more than a lot too.

      So, my best advice is this: Keep testing but test with intriguing email headlines and consider the interest of your subscribers first before yours.

      Always promoting stuff to them will not help the both companies but adding value like sending something helpful like good info and helpful freebies will ultimately give your open rate a great boost.#

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      • Profile picture of the author princecapri
        Originally Posted by retsced View Post

        Subject Line: Why Are you NOT opening my Emails?
        Excellent, will be testing that next

        Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

        They may need to be reminded of who you are and why they are receiving your emails in the first place.

        Send an email relating to why they signed up. (ex. they signed up for a free traffic report, so send them an email showing them more ways to get free traffic).

        Also depending on how many emails you send per month they may have determined that what you send them is useless to them and they are ignoring your emails.
        Yes, good point. Will try this too, thank you!

        Originally Posted by louis kennedy View Post

        Always promoting stuff to them will not help the both companies but adding value like sending something helpful like good info and helpful freebies will ultimately give your open rate a great boost.#

        Thanks Kennedy. I follow a strategy for emailing which has reduced the number of unsubscriptions to 0 in the last 10 emails, just need to build up on that.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    You just need to keep testing. Try free stuff, eye-catching subject lines.

    The chances are since it was all single opt-ins, that most of them aren't expecting emails from you. In turn that leads to them not opening them when they do get them.

    Like the Val has said, sometimes people only open/read emails from certain people.
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    • Profile picture of the author cybernetuk
      YOu need to start trying to build a relationship with your list by offering lots of valuable information for free. So that where a good catchy subject will help ( you could be offering them a million doallars but if noone open it its useless)!

      Originally Posted by imfusa View Post

      385 mails it's not a large number, i suggest you keep getting more.
      The rate of opening should be 1-3%, but this i would starting from at least 1000.

      Also 1-2%! Are you serious! I wouldn't even bother if that was the rate .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6187888].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author princecapri
        Originally Posted by imfusa View Post

        385 mails it's not a large number, i suggest you keep getting more.
        The rate of opening should be 1-3%, but this i would starting from at least 1000.
        Its not a large number (neither is 3% open rate), but its a number that has not opened any of my last 30 emails.

        Originally Posted by Val Wilson View Post

        Personally, I don't think the subject line is that important (although I know lots of others disagree). When I get emails, who the sender is is what determines whether I read it or not, I usually don't even read the subject line. If it is from someone who I know sends good emails (either informative, or helpful, or just entertaining), then I'll open it, and if not, then I won't. Think about your own emails that you get and you probably do the same.

        So that means the way to get good open rates is to make your list think that you are someone whose emails are worth reading - actually provide value, inform and entertain, rather than just constantly pitching some offer. It'll set you out a mile from your competitors.
        You are right - sender recognition is important too! No doubt! But again, if no one opens an email, they wouldn't know what I am sending anyway - no matter how cool the content is!

        Originally Posted by ryanmilligan View Post

        You just need to keep testing. Try free stuff, eye-catching subject lines.

        The chances are since it was all single opt-ins, that most of them aren't expecting emails from you. In turn that leads to them not opening them when they do get them.

        Like the Val has said, sometimes people only open/read emails from certain people.
        You are probably right about the single opt-in deal.

        Originally Posted by cybernetuk View Post

        YOu need to start trying to build a relationship with your list by offering lots of valuable information for free. So that where a good catchy subject will help ( you could be offering them a million doallars but if noone open it its useless)!
        Of course, but again - if none of the 385 subscribers is opening an email, how do I convince them to open? Its a catch-22, can you see?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6187965].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

          Of course, but again - if none of the 385 subscribers is opening an email, how do I convince them to open? Its a catch-22, can you see?
          It's exactly that, Neeraj.

          I'm afraid the answer, however unpalatable it is, is that something has gone wrong "higher up in the chain" than this process, and there's going to be a (very small!) limit to how productive a solution applied at this level can actually be.

          Exactly what has gone wrong before reaching this point is something nobody can tell you confidently without seeing everything that you've done. It can only be guesswork. (My guess - for what it's worth - is that using single rather than confirmed opt-in had absolutely nothing to do with it, at all, and that "continuity" was missing, somewhere along the line).
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          • Profile picture of the author princecapri
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            It's exactly that, Neeraj.

            I'm afraid the answer, however unpalatable it is, is that something has gone wrong "higher up in the chain" than this process, and there's going to be a (very small!) limit to how productive a solution applied at this level can actually be.

            Exactly what has gone wrong before reaching this point is something nobody can tell you confidently without seeing everything that you've done. It can only be guesswork. (My guess - for what it's worth - is that using single rather than confirmed opt-in had absolutely nothing to do with it, at all, and that "continuity" was missing, somewhere along the line).
            Ha! You are spot on. I struggled with Imnica since the list came from my first launch. So I messaged everyone nearly 20 days after their purchase. Yikes! That answer's a lot (obviously single-opt in doesn't help much either).

            This is a lesson for next time, and of course, since then I don't wait very long to contact subscribers.

            Danke, Alexa!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

    How do you guys market to those that never open your emails?
    The fact of the matter is that you can't know for sure
    if someone has NOT opened your e-mails.

    For example, I view my e-mails in either GMail or Outlook
    and in both of those methods by default they are set up
    not to display images.

    The way that most opens are measured by autoresponders
    is by a tracking image placed within a HTML e-mail.

    So, even though I've opened many e-mails, the inaccurate
    tracking of autoresponders puts me as having not opened
    the message.

    If your subscriber opens the plain text version of your e-mail
    they'll not trigger as an open (unless they click a trackable

    It's likely that you'll end up sending e-mails to people who
    have already opened your e-mail but just haven't triggered
    as an open in the autoresponder software.

    Are you sending out both HTML and Plain Text versions of
    your e-mails?

    Dedicated to mutual success,



    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Have they ever opened an email from you?

    It could be that your emails are ending up in the Spam box for those people.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188026].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author princecapri
      Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

      The fact of the matter is that you can't know for sure
      if someone has NOT opened your e-mails.

      For example, I view my e-mails in either GMail or Outlook
      and in both of those methods by default they are set up
      not to display images.

      The way that most opens are measured by autoresponders
      is by a tracking image placed within a HTML e-mail.

      So, even though I've opened many e-mails, the inaccurate
      tracking of autoresponders puts me as having not opened
      the message.

      If your subscriber opens the plain text version of your e-mail
      they'll not trigger as an open (unless they click a trackable

      It's likely that you'll end up sending e-mails to people who
      have already opened your e-mail but just haven't triggered
      as an open in the autoresponder software.

      Are you sending out both HTML and Plain Text versions of
      your e-mails?

      Dedicated to mutual success,

      Interesting. Shaun, I am sending out only HTML emails - should I send both? I started using HTML because I incorrectly started with Plain text, and of course, they wouldn't pick up any open rates!

      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      Have they ever opened an email from you?

      It could be that your emails are ending up in the Spam box for those people.
      Hey Justin, they have never opened (nearly 30 emails sent). Spam box could be an issue too..I tried to find a trend to see if the same email providers kept popping up - no luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author svsets10
      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      Have they ever opened an email from you?

      It could be that your emails are ending up in the Spam box for those people.
      I was going to suggest this as well. Maybe they aren't opening them because they aren't seeing them?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188932].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    It's about building that relationship early on with your list that counts. When you connect with them and they enjoy what you send them, they are more likely to open your emails on an ongoing basis.

    Of course, the subject line is vital. It needs to sound intruiging... but also "true" to the context of your email. Never decieve them... that is the quickest way to lose trust and get an unsubsrcribe. Think about what your email is about or themed to and then think about what would strike interest with yourself if "YOU" received the email to your inbox.

    Descriptive... to the point... intruiging and most importantly... "relevant".

    Lots of other variables though so as others have said.. test, test, test.

    Good luck.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Subject Line: Why Are you NOT opening my Emails?
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author paidsurveys
    Try to send from RDP with a unique IP.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    They may need to be reminded of who you are and why they are receiving your emails in the first place.

    Send an email relating to why they signed up. (ex. they signed up for a free traffic report, so send them an email showing them more ways to get free traffic).

    Also depending on how many emails you send per month they may have determined that what you send them is useless to them and they are ignoring your emails.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188303].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    Hey Princecapri,

    0 opens out of 385..just seems absolutely bizarre.

    I've never heard of such a thing.

    I know a lot of people that sign up on lists, use accounts just for that purpose, so you can't expect opens from them, but 0 just seems weird.

    Cleary, no one ever gets 100% opens... but my experience is about 25-60% depending on the headline, and the trust you've already garnered with your subsrcibers.

    And I do think trust is significant. Make sure you don't just sell sell sell.

    Send out useful, informative information regularly, sprinkled with the occasional free offer(possibly with an ad swap partner) sprinkled with the occassional paid offer. That should keep your readers with you. I've had virtually 0 unsubscribes with this method (aside from the people that unsubscribe as soon as they get their stuff.. (which the way I see it, doesn't really reflect on me, more upon peoples expectations, and past experiences with others.)

    All the best..let us know how this works out for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188601].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author princecapri
      Originally Posted by Patrick Batty View Post

      Hey Princecapri,

      0 opens out of 385..just seems absolutely bizarre.

      I've never heard of such a thing.

      I know a lot of people that sign up on lists, use accounts just for that purpose, so you can't expect opens from them, but 0 just seems weird.

      Cleary, no one ever gets 100% opens... but my experience is about 25-60% depending on the headline, and the trust you've already garnered with your subsrcibers.

      And I do think trust is significant. Make sure you don't just sell sell sell.

      Send out useful, informative information regularly, sprinkled with the occasional free offer(possibly with an ad swap partner) sprinkled with the occassional paid offer.
      Hey Patrick, thanks for the response. Perhaps I skirted the issue in my first message, but I have segmented the list to include ALL subscribers that have so far not opened any of my email. The subscribers that are not included in this test often open my emails and click and make purchases (though I balance promotions with free gifts and information).

      I would like to know if these people are even getting an e-mail. Would it be wrong to contact one of these users manually and ask them if they are getting my emails?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188610].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
        Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

        I would like to know if these people are even getting an e-mail. Would it be wrong to contact one of these users manually and ask them if they are getting my emails?
        Probably a waste of time - why would they open your "manual" emails anyway. If you are saying you will change your approach, then simply change it for the broadcast.

        Chances are you send emails thinking about a group of people, instead of one person.

        An example would be "Guys, you need to see this." Now, I'm not saying this is how phrase your subject line but this could be your sub-conscious thinking.
        "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
        Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
        PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

        Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author startup
    I would wonder of they perceive your email as just a pitch to buy something..if so, many will hit delete until they get to know you a bit

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    I've only scanned the thread but why don't you post the headline you used. It's pretty likely it's the problem or at least a major part of the problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author princecapri
      Originally Posted by startup View Post

      I would wonder of they perceive your email as just a pitch to buy something..if so, many will hit delete until they get to know you a bit
      I am actually recording my whole emailing (and results). Don't want to share everything, but this is the pattern:
      Monday - Free Information (no promotion)
      Wednesday - Free Ebook, no opt-in (with a soft promotion)
      Thursday - Hard promotion

      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      I've only scanned the thread but why don't you post the headline you used. It's pretty likely it's the problem or at least a major part of the problem.
      Hey (I forgot your name, sorry!) travelinguy...you asked for it

      (The ones appearing last are latest)...

      You Should Exploit Google+ While You Still Can...
      You Should Digest this Google+ Infographic, Then Consider The Offer!
      "Ghostwriter For Gurus" Offers Soon-Expiring $1 Sale
      [FREE] Your Own Internet Marketing Dictionary
      What Am I Doing These Days?
      [FREE] Though I Should Charge You For It
      This One I Cannot Give Away For Free, But Is Worth Having!
      Why Santa's Marketing Works Better Than Yours!

      So yea, that's the latest...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188764].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

        You Should Exploit Google+ While You Still Can...
        You Should Digest this Google+ Infographic, Then Consider The Offer!
        "Ghostwriter For Gurus" Offers Soon-Expiring $1 Sale
        [FREE] Your Own Internet Marketing Dictionary
        What Am I Doing These Days?
        [FREE] Though I Should Charge You For It
        This One I Cannot Give Away For Free, But Is Worth Having!
        Why Santa's Marketing Works Better Than Yours!

        So yea, that's the latest...
        Nnnnnmmmmmmmmmm ... I'm perhaps noted for not being quite as polite, discreet and tactful as our friend Travlinguy (who is?), and I hope I know you well enough for you not to take offense, Neeraj, and to know that I mean it helpfully, but most of these are really terrible ...

        I probably wouldn't open those myself, if you sent them to me, and I know you and like you and feel an instinctive affinity with you because we're both PhD students, and so on!

        (I'm really surprised to learn that you're in the so-called "IM niche", too! Why?! Again I promise I'm not trying to be rude about it, but it's starting to look like several things you're doing are really stacking the deck against yourself. ).

        I think a Major Strategic Rethink about who your customers are, what sort of relationships you're trying to build with them, and why, is the order of the day, here ...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188868].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          Nnnnnmmmmmmmmmm ... I'm perhaps noted for not being quite as polite, discreet and tactful as our friend Travlinguy (who is?), and I hope I know you well enough for you not to take offense, Neeraj, and to know that I mean it helpfully, but most of these are really terrible ...

          I probably wouldn't open those myself, if you sent them to me, and I know you and like you and feel an instinctive affilinity with you because we're both PhD students, and so on!

          (I'm really surprised to learn that you're in the so-called "IM niche", too! Why?! Again I promise I'm not trying to be rude about it, but it's starting to look like several things you're doing are really stacking the deck against yourself. ).

          I think a Major Strategic Rethink about who your customers are, what sort of relationships you're trying to build with them, and why, is the order of the day, here ...
          Everything about you is elegant, Alexa. You are, by far, one of the most diplomatic people to populate this or any other forum in creation. I often come across as a steam roller. I don't mean to. Maybe it's all that time I spent with the vipers on the copywriting board. Oops! I just did it again. Anyway, I'm working on it.

          Oh, and I agree with your assessment.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188930].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author princecapri
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          Nnnnnmmmmmmmmmm ... I'm perhaps noted for not being quite as polite, discreet and tactful as our friend Travlinguy (who is?), and I hope I know you well enough for you not to take offense, Neeraj, and to know that I mean it helpfully, but most of these are really terrible ...

          I probably wouldn't open those myself, if you sent them to me, and I know you and like you and feel an instinctive affilinity with you because we're both PhD students, and so on!

          (I'm really surprised to learn that you're in the so-called "IM niche", too! Why?! Again I promise I'm not trying to be rude about it, but it's starting to look like several things you're doing are really stacking the deck against yourself. ).

          I think a Major Strategic Rethink about who your customers are, what sort of relationships you're trying to build with them, and why, is the order of the day, here ...
          I don't take offense at all - I am still learning after all! I have to go back to the drawing board with these email headlines, but I don't want to make too abrupt changes. Alexa, I have to be a pest and ask you to connect off-Warrior Forum, if that is possible (I will message later).

          I get 10 emails every day which promote something in every message. Only rarely do I see info-emails. So I am trying to stand out. But when I do, I get complaints that I should stop trying to 'connect' with people and just sell them stuff, like all marketers do. Strange, isn't it? Once person emailed me back saying why I would tell them about something if there wasn't a cheap way of doing it! I managed to calm him down, but was a little strange.

          You are right, I have to rethink things...
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      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6189113].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Forgot to mention ... specifically, the ones that start with "[FREE]" will pretty often not reach people's in-boxes.
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        • Profile picture of the author princecapri
          Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

          With the exception of "What Am I Doing These Days?" the rest of your subject lines tells me that the body is going to be a sales pitch and it's Ok to pitch in an email but the subject lines main purpose is to get that mail opened.

          If your list is compiled from the WSO'S that are in your signature I would focus on creating some updates for your WSO of course they would have to provide added value but this way you can start getting your list used to getting your emails.

          Your Subject line can probably look like this.

          "Google Adsense for search valuable update"
          Then the next email should also be something of value keeping it related to why they are on your list.

          I would do a 3-1 ratio, for every 3 content emails I would send 1 sales email again related to their interests.

          Thanks Joseph, I appreciate that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Michal
    Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

    How do you guys market to those that never open your emails?
    I usually start by deleting them.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Which headline bombed for the 385 broadcast? None of the headlines you listed are very exciting by the way and some of them are awful.
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    • Profile picture of the author princecapri
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      Which headline bombed for the 385 broadcast? None of the headlines you listed are very exciting by the way and some of them are awful.
      The last one. But obviously, none of them were opened by the 385 (or so) users. If they are awful, that might explain a few things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    Looking at your schedule, it appears to me you are getting to your "hard promotion" way to soon in the schedule.

    In fact, I'd never even think of any promotion as a "Hard Promotion" if I did, no doubt my email would end up way too salesy.

    I'd suggest a much softer approach.. think of offering some friendly tips etc. and occassionaly a tip about something you want to promote..fut friendly, and casual, nonetheless.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Michal
    Hey man just a little hint for you, people dont join lists to get slammed with offers. They join list because they want content that will benefit them and help them reach their goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    I strongly suggest that you get yourself a good copywriting course - preferably something from John Carlton. Go to his site, join the membership - I think it's $1 for the first two weeks or so, not sure of the monthly fee.

    You see, your market wants something. You job is to give it to them. But first, they have to perceive YOU as someone who can solve their problems.

    In case you're wondering why you need to learn copywriting, it's simple. That's how you learn to get to the core of what your audience wants to give you money for. Plus, every email you send IS sales copy - even when you're giving away free information. It's just another part of the selling process.
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
    PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6188913].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author giljimenez
    First, I would turn that word you used..."pester"...into
    a different phrase such as, "give them quality, valuable information."

    With that mindset, you won't feel like you're "pestering" them.

    That alone will assist you with cultivating a trust-worthy relationship
    with your list. You have a moral obligation to give your list value.
    This would be a great way to start. The headlines, subject, etc...will
    start to flow afterwards. I guarantee it.
    Great luck!
    "Generate Instant Free Leads Fast and Easily!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6189225].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ross Dalangin
    Find out what they really want. If they downloaded something from you then you already have a hint. Create or copy a compelling subject line for them to open your email. It must be an email series promoting your product that you think they really like.
    Tease them to open your email. Tease them more. Give them something valuable then sell an irresistible offer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Agree with Alexa and Travlinguy, your email subject headers are....lacking.

    I know it may seem like they are similar to what you're seeing arriving from others, but yours are off the mark. I spend a lot of time writing and re-writing the subject heads, as that's a big factor in what gets opened or ignored.
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  • Profile picture of the author equanto
    When writing a money magnet, remember:
    • Don’t just put together something haphazardly, with very little care or thought. It must really provide HIGH value to your prospects.
    • Create one that is attractive and relevant ONLY to your target market! If you’re selling a relationship ebook targeting “single and looking” Moms between the age of 32 to 47, you wouldn’t get targeted leads if you promise to send them a free Swiss army knife or a “how to build a Japanese Koi pond in 3 days” report – get it?
    • Aim to deliver free content that truly adds value, not some piece of trash. Aim to blow their mind, deliver something beyond their expectations and gets them thinking, “wow this person/info is pure amazing! If they are giving away something this awesome, I wonder how jaw-dropping their paid stuff are!”
    What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it.
    Stories of Another day can be saved by your STEPS
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  • Profile picture of the author princecapri
    Thanks guys.

    Just to give a clear picture, I am getting opens, clicks and sales (though it could always be better). Over the last 10 emails (not including the one sent to non-openers), I am recording 9.9% opens and 3.3% clicks

    Of course these are not ideal (as I said, they could be better), they are not dismal either.

    Regardless, I appreciate the input about the headlines, and I will effect these changes in future emails
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  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    If they are a group of your main list that don't open ever, they more than likely are using a separate email address to be on your list (one they never open) or they've put you on their block list.

    A portion of your list will always be non-openers. These people are not useful for you in anyway. They won't turn into buyers...they won't even turn into a click to leverage newer leads.

    Some people like to try and get non-responsive subscribers to start opening and reading your email, but I have found it to be a complete waste of time. I've gotten way more out of taking that time and just finding new leads rather than trying to wake up ones that never open my emails

    Every 3 months, I will segment any readers who haven't opened a single email from me over that 90 day period. If they haven't, I delete them from my list. The longer they are on there, the more money I spend every month on my autoresponder.

    That's just the way I go about it though.

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    Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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  • Profile picture of the author akg12
    1-3% is not acceptable. Your saying on 1000 emails, you get 10 opens? you may want to look into this because that is EXTREMELY low.
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