My big issue with IM is time!

Profile picture of Bguk73
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
15 replies
I have a successful IT consultancy business developing online systems and websites databases to all types of industry. As you can appreciate this takes most of my time. Since January I have dipped my toe into the IM water to see if I can make any decent money from Amazon.

Today I am researching some more products for my IM venture but am constantly distracted because my main business is busy (and making money). Also the latest Penguin update from google has battered my site and to be honest I dont have the time to make my first try at IM visually appealing.

Would you say its time for me to outsource? I am reluctant to do this due to the fact I want to learn IM and make it a large part of my core business and hopefully offer it to my customers. If I outsource its going to be hard for me to learn.

So any advice would be appreciated.
#big #issue #time
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You've got the same time we've all got - 24 hours a day.

    If you're choosing to spend your time on other things then either those things are more worthwhile (in which case that's the right choice) or you're wasting time (bad choice).

    Just get your priorities straight and spend your time on the more worthwhile things.

    If you have no way to tell if your IM actions will be worthwhile - then THAT is a problem you should address before anything else.

    nothing to see here.

    • Profile picture of the author Exel
      Profile picture of Exel
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      You've got the same time we've all got - 24 hours a day.

      If you're choosing to spend your time on other things then either those things are more worthwhile (in which case that's the right choice) or you're wasting time (bad choice).

      Just get your priorities straight and spend your time on the more worthwhile things.

      If you have no way to tell if your IM actions will be worthwhile - then THAT is a problem you should address before anything else.
      This is the best answer you will get.

      You need to choose and plan to use your time in the best way possible.

      Here's a simple system I'm using and it works great:

      1. Write down all the things you want to get done for the day.

      2. Assign a specific time to each task.

      3. Select a task, start a timer, and focus on nothing but accomplishing that task.
  • Profile picture of the author Takuya Hikichi
    Takuya Hikichi
    Profile picture of Takuya Hikichi
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    Of course, it depends on how much you're going to outsource, but before you can outsource "most job functions", you will need to develop your own framework or system for your business.

    Once you do that, you can act as the quarterback or the project manager who can delegate certain job functions.

    At this point, you will know if it's time for you to outsource or not. But if you're unsure about it at this point, I think you still have a bit of learning curve ahead of you.

    Think this is like you're going to be a manager in your IT company, and if you are qualified to train employees, you're ready for that project manager promotion. Do you know your business well enough?
  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    Profile picture of ivanadee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yes, just outsource it.
    you have to choose to prioritize time or money
  • Profile picture of the author sfx1971
    Profile picture of sfx1971
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    Originally Posted by Bguk73 View Post

    I am reluctant to do this due to the fact I want to learn IM and make it a large part of my core business and hopefully offer it to my customers. If I outsource its going to be hard for me to learn.

    So any advice would be appreciated.
    Sounds to me like you answered your own question - if you really want to learn and go through the loop at least once then you have no choice. Re-align your expectations and plan accordingly.

    On the other hand, if you want to get it going then outsource everything that you can and just concentrate on the business planning and strategies!
  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    Profile picture of louie6925
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    not sure if this will help you, but I also run an offline biz, have a full time firefighting job and two small kids, therefore time devoted to IM is minimal, and for that reason I make sure most software goes to my smartphone! this means I can work on the move, weather it be sitting in waiting rooms, train platforms, lunch breaks at work, sitting watch tv in the evening!!! generally any spare moments in the day, and believe me you will be suprised how much you can get done without major disruption to your working day!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    Profile picture of Lightlysalted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Focus is key. I've had similar issues but I've focused on activities that are revenue generators. I wouldn't suggest outsourcing your IM because you lose control of the most important aspect of your online business. Can you train up a new member of staff just to focus on this aspect, that way you get better control over it.
  • Profile picture of the author Bguk73
    Profile picture of Bguk73
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for all of your input. I have been trying to get a lot more focused recently and that seems to be the issue with me at the moment. Strange as it seems making a list of things to do has always been a issue of mine as when I see the list get longer the less motivated I become.
    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Profile picture of Andyhenry
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Bguk73 View Post

      Thanks for all of your input. I have been trying to get a lot more focused recently and that seems to be the issue with me at the moment. Strange as it seems making a list of things to do has always been a issue of mine as when I see the list get longer the less motivated I become.
      It's all relative though. If I offered you $5M in one weeks time if you got your action items done - do you think you would struggle?

      The problem you have is that because you're still new to IM you only have the dream of what might be possible to drive your focus, rather than an experience of that success. This will be even more the case if you're just dabbling and not focused on a solid plan that is congruent with your goals and talents in life in general.

      Until you have a really clear plan with solid expectations of what to expect all the 'could have' possibilities in the world will be just like lottery wins - possible but highly unlikely.

      In reality most people do not make money in IM, so unless you get your solid plan the same as with your offline business you'll struggle like you are and everything will seem like just a list of stuff you 'could' do.

      nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author Challendge
    Profile picture of Challendge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You always make time for what is important to you. AndyHenry got it right on and right now IM is just chasing a dream in your mind.

    Another point to consider is this: Do you really want to get into IM? This sounds funny and is a legitimate question. Would you rather spend more of your time expanding your current business? Are you getting into IM because you want passive income and now realized that there's a lot of work involved? Is this even a passion of yours or are you doing it because everyone is?

    These are all questions that everyone should be asking themselves. Once you establish your real goal(s) then everything else will make more sense
  • Profile picture of the author ketset
    Profile picture of ketset
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    Focus on what works, if your business has worked in the past then this is the path to follow. When you do get some free time and we all do at some point then research a new channel of income.

    In this economy the only way to get out of the financial crisis is to work longer hours!
  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Profile picture of StevenJones
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    Outsource as many as you can, work less, less stress, earn more.
  • Profile picture of the author brownmarketing1
    Profile picture of brownmarketing1
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    I have to agree. What is making you money now. Make that a priority. What will grow your business moving forward should be next. Block out all the other distractions until you have room for the next project. Don't loose sight of the main thing, stay on track.
    • Profile picture of the author justinthomsony
      Profile picture of justinthomsony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Internet marketing has really the large criteria. Outsourcing is not a bad idea for Internet marketing. There are so many companies are existing in the market for effective Internet marketing. You can easily get promising services on the affordable rates. As I also know about Penguin update which one comes from Google.

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