Made a good 200$ today :)

Profile picture of Flooder
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So every weekend me and my friend hit up 2 local flea markets to catch some good deals, well today we bought a signed Mark McGwire bat with certificate of authenticity. He was selling it for 80 i told him that i had 50$ on me and i needed 5 for flowers for my mom. He said sorry bud i cant, so i said ok ill give you 50 he said deal. Lol i always have 300+ going to a flea market
#200$ #good #made #today
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    /\ Totally hear what you're saying its the whole reason I frequent flea markets every single weekend. Plus I also get my shaving razors real cheap (the good mach 5 blades).

    Last week I found 30 unexpired bottles of nicorette lozenges for $1 each in a small little cardboard box. I was thinking "who the hell sells these things for $1? they go for like $30 online?"

    I can't even tell you how fast all 30 sold on ebay, I made $570 profit just from 1 single purchase at a flea market. I also frequent thrift stores a lot too as sometimes you will find incredibly priced items there too.

    Good going!

    • Profile picture of the author RyanLeonard
      Profile picture of RyanLeonard
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      / Totally hear what you're saying its the whole reason I frequent flea markets every single weekend. Plus I also get my shaving razors real cheap (the good mach 5 blades).

      Last week I found 30 unexpired bottles of nicorette lozenges for $1 each in a small little cardboard box. I was thinking "who the hell sells these things for $1? they go for like $30 online?"

      I can't even tell you how fast all 30 sold on ebay, I made $570 profit just from 1 single purchase at a flea market. I also frequent thrift stores a lot too as sometimes you will find incredibly priced items there too.

      Good going!

      Haha, further proof that it's really all about who has the most knowledge
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  • Profile picture of the author momo1978
    Profile picture of momo1978
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great examples of money making,
    when you say flea market; do you mean garage sales?
    • Profile picture of the author twentytwo
      Profile picture of twentytwo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by momo1978 View Post

      Great examples of money making,
      when you say flea market; do you mean garage sales?
      Flea markets, are like swap meets.

      Basically a huge yard sale, people rent out lots for the day, and bring whatever they want to sell. its mostly cash no tax and you can haggle.
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  • Profile picture of the author virtu
    Profile picture of virtu
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    Wow, that won't need a seo product in WSO here, lol...
    unfortunately, there's no such flea market here
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesb8484
      Profile picture of jamesb8484
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      thats a great way to earn some extra cash. I have some flea markets in the area I should take a look at more often. Theres always opportunities out there you just have to find them.
      • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
        Profile picture of Shadowflux
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I love flea markets. There's so much great stuff there. If you know what you're looking for then you can find some amazing deals.

        They're one of my favorite all time things, so much so that my wife has set a limit on how many we can go to in a month! It's so easy to end up buying waaaay too much stuff.

        There have been times when I've paid $4 for something that was worth hundreds. I love it when that happens.

        I've been seriously considering renting a table at a flea market to sell off some of my stock of stuff. Anyone ever have any luck doing that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    as the saying goes, " Where there's muck there's brass"

    I would love to do this my wife wouldn't let me. I would spend all our money LOL

    Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android
  • Profile picture of the author sandisk
    Profile picture of sandisk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I thought u were talking about eBay
  • Profile picture of the author JohnGaltMarket
    Profile picture of JohnGaltMarket
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    typical marketing trick

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