Anyone have a spare moment?
I'm in desperate need of help at the moment, I'm having a small issue with a snippet of code on my wordpress site and I was wondering if anyone would mind telling me what I need to do to fix this.
You see, I am trying to insert an aweber webform beneath every post in my blog but when I do, the entry form fields become distorted.
So I changed some code to fix my form field (which worked!) but then after I did so, I somehow managed to distort everything below the fixed webform.
Could somebody either offer a suggestion here, or if you'd like (I don't mind either way) - please either send me a PM, or get a hold of me on Skype. I can make you an admin to my site if you need to see things further or whatever else you'd need.
I would really appreciate any help I can get - I'm a little stuck on my project until I can get this taken care of, so it would be greatly greatly appreciated!!
Thanks so much, hope to talk soon
- Bre
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[ 1 ] Thanks
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