13 replies
MAN!! :0 My brain feels so powerful lol their is so much information and so many ways to IM. I first saw IM about 12 years ago and I wanted to do it too. Finally after all this time is am taking action.

I have to get organized and put this information together into a plan of action.

Question: Do most of you successful earners focus on one or two niches specifically and only focusing on a few ways to make money online or do you have your hand in a lot of things?? What would you say is best.

I have to get organized and come up with a few plans of attack.
#guru #internet marketing #newbbie #thought
  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    Focus on one thing and get it done. At most two. You also need to set a deadline on it otherwise you'll never get it done...so go pick one niche and do something...don't over think it, just do something. The idea is to fail as fast as you can so you can succeed as fast as you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxWMedia
    Depends, if you want to be greedy and fail, do everything, if you want to make money and be skilled, focus on one thing and be a master at it.
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    • Profile picture of the author matt78
      First, pick one business model that you're capable and interested in doing (whether it adsense, affiliate marketing or others). Focus on that one model and work on it while keep on learning. It usually take a few months before you can see any significant income from it.

      Doing too many things at a time will only slows your progress and success. Jumping from one business model to another won't help you either.

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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Focusing is good, but that doesn't mean putting all of your eggs in one basket.

    The penguin and panda updates from Google literally wiped out thousands of businesses overnight.

    In other words- don't just focus on SEO, but other ways to drive traffic as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author isaacburks9z
      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      Focusing is good, but that doesn't mean putting all of your eggs in one basket.

      The penguin and panda updates from Google literally wiped out thousands of businesses overnight.

      In other words- don't just focus on SEO, but other ways to drive traffic as well.

      Yeah Google did a horrible job with the update.. Why in the world did they do that??????????? That delayed me greatly.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dragontech
    How about mastering 1 or 2 money-making technique before moving to the next?

    Also, be careful of the "new-stuffs" addiction
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by isaacburks9z View Post

    I have to get organized and come up with a few plans of attack.
    Have ONE plan of attack. The moment you try and do too many things at once, your results become diluted. As another poster above mentioned, it is always good to have your hands in a few pies. But that's doesn't mean you should work on all those projects at the same time... because it will take you twice as long to get started.

    Do one thing and do it right. Once you have that working you can then move on to something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Challendge
    If you spread too thin then you are screwed. It's as simple as that. Have 1 or max 2 income streams going at first and then expand only once they are automated enough to be considered passive income.
    No point in making $1 in each of your 10 ventures when you can focus all of your attention on 1 (big max 2) and do so well that you're making $100. You get my point
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaplan
    Personally right now I'm building a list which Im going to market affiliate products to. When I get a few sales, then I'm going to make my own product, going by the train of thought that it's no harder to sell a product for a few hundred dollars than it is for $37 as long as the value is there.

    So my plan of action:

    Set up website, squeeze page, make adwords friendly
    Setup a short autoresponder series giving as much value as possible
    Setup a systemized way of getting traffic based on the proven foundational ways
    Build list
    Make affiliate sales
    Then make own product

    That's my plan of action Im taking. I've consciously blocked out any make money technique and have been focusing on this simple step by step plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author isaacburks9z
    Thanks for the imput..

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  • Profile picture of the author juggerna623
    They are trying to come up with new ways of optimizing and delivering the best results to their users. Turns out everyone is now suffering an almost google recession. lol
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