Is my prejudice showing?

by 6 replies
I was stopped by a local trader while walking my dogs this morning. Since it is Dia de Andalucia, I was expecting the usual 'bien fiesta' greetings but that wasn't why he stopped me.

He has been getting a few emails from people offering to SEO his web site and was puzzled about what was involved.

Apart from having my walk curtailed, I was peeved that another trader has become ensnared in what seems to be treated as (and called) the offline cash cow.

To put him in the picture, I explained that SEO is an on-going process designed to keep his web site in a high search result position in the search engines - the idea being to get more visitors to his site.

He understood the difference between a visitor and a buyer but still thought it sounded like a good idea.

To demonstrate how strange keywords can be used to obtain a Nº1 position on Google, I wrote a blog post called uppitytowntraders and impressed the hell out of him by having it come up as Nº1 on Google within 7 minutes! It soon dawned on him that not many people, if any, would ever search for uppitytowntraders.

To demonstrate further, I posted coinmobilefishmongers and that, too, was Nº1 on Google within 7 minutes.

That REALLY impressed him! Then I gave him the bad news. Nobody was likely to search for coinmobilefishmongers, they would probably search for coin mobile fishmongers and his site would be nowhere to be found because of the millions of sites related to coins, fish and mobiles.

He re-read my uppitytowntraders post and I have a new client who has seen proof that he will save €112 per month after paying me and understanding that what I am going to do for him will probably find him some new buyers.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #prejudice #showing
  • How true about SEO, even on a sophisticated marketing forum people still seem to be impressed by the words "#1 Position in Google".

    Which is meaningless for one because they rarely mention the keyword.

    And two if the keyword even converts to a sale.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi, Eric,

    That keyword, uppitytowntraders, is now Nº1, 2 and 3 - even this WF post is Nº3!

    I wonder how many times I can get it listed?
  • Profile picture of the author Debbie Allen
    I have to admit that for a very long time I thought that if I could get the number one position in Google that I would make lots of sales...I was wrong. I appreciate the fact that someone has mentioned that having the No1 position in Google does not always mean you will make sales.

    Having a well thought out plan is important!
  • Profile picture of the author IMChick
    I think it was that guy's lucky morning to have you cross his path on your dog walk.

    Amazing what kind of techno-babble can pass for solid knowledge in the IM world. Good luck with your new client!
    • [1] reply
    • As you have proven - face time will win every time. The "#1 in google in 3 days" type comments are often used in promotions and WSO's, too. Good to see others recognize the futility of ranking highly with a term like "dried fish scales".

  • The most important aspect that everybody seems to be missing is that I SAVE HIM THE MONEY THAT HE MIGHT WANT TO PAY ME LATER FOR DOING OTHER VALUABLE STUFF. Sorry for shouting but it is an important point.

    He is seeing a real, cash in the pocket savings of €112 a month so if he buys another service or product from me - I have financed it.

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    I was stopped by a local trader while walking my dogs this morning. Since it is Dia de Andalucia, I was expecting the usual 'bien fiesta' greetings but that wasn't why he stopped me. He has been getting a few emails from people offering to SEO his web site and was puzzled about what was involved.