Ebook is $27, what should I price this 'physical printed' version of the same book (vervante) ?

8 replies
If ebooks are sold for $27,

then i wish to sell it using vervante, or another company.

Then, if the ebook is sold for $27, what would the expected higher price of the physical version of the book be?
(I am asking for the price on my sales page, Not what the cost is, to print from the company)

what would you suggest ?

(I am on about increasing 'percieved' value)
#$27 #book #ebook #physical #price #printed #version #vervante
  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    We have no idea what your book's about. There's no way we can answer this for you.

    If it were my book, I'd surf over to both Amazon.com and BN.com and see what books in the same category as my book with a similar number of pages were selling for, and then price mine accordingly.

    If it were my book.

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author webmarketer8
    It is all about finding how much you are giving. If it is valuable and you know that it is, then you shouldn't have any problems putting the price up!
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    $27 + printing COST + postage COST + Administration.

    Presumably you are already making a margin on the $27 downloadable ebook, why make more margin printing and posting, keep it at cost for these things and possibly add an additional small admin fee (your time and hassle of getting it printed and sending it.)

    Use the hardcover version as an incentive to purchase and expand your customer base rather than just making an faster buck. It will pay off down the road.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6328587].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Networking_now
      Originally Posted by dadamson View Post

      $27 + printing COST + postage COST + Administration.

      Presumably you are already making a margin on the $27 downloadable ebook, why make more margin printing and posting, keep it at cost for these things and possibly add an additional small admin fee (your time and hassle of getting it printed and sending it.)

      Use the hardcover version as an incentive to purchase and expand your customer base rather than just making an faster buck. It will pay off down the road.
      I meant in terms of increasing the value of it, of the 'percieved' value.

      does a phyiscal printed book, look more expensive to the eye, compared to an ebook version of it?

      (if both the printed + ebook version have the same amount of content + pages).

      and also, what can the phyiscal version have 'extra' to give it even more of a higher percieved value ??
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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by Networking_now View Post

        I meant in terms of increasing the value of it, of the 'percieved' value.

        does a phyiscal printed book, look more expensive to the eye, compared to an ebook version of it?

        (if both the printed + ebook version have the same amount of content + pages).

        and also, what can the phyiscal version have 'extra' to give it even more of a higher percieved value ??
        Books aren't quite comodoties like watermellons or pork bellies. The higher perceived value is only derived from the topic and the quality of the information. Period.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6334269].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Networking_now
          I heard physical versions of the ebook version will be a higher percieved value compared to the ebook.
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          • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
            Originally Posted by Networking_now View Post

            I heard physical versions of the ebook version will be a higher percieved value compared to the ebook.
            Depends on the info. You can stick any price you want on the physical book but that doesn't mean people are going to necessarily think it adds any value to the offer. Look at your topic and then look at similar titles in the book stores. You're not going to fool anyone into thinking that your physical book is more valuable than books they're already aware of.

            If I were you I'd market the physical book as the primary offer and the digital as the added value touting how convenient it is to have on the laptop, and other devices. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author intluser
    Why would anyone need a printed ebook? Why not just offer a mobile version that can be read through Kindle or another popular ereader? Although, I believe pdf can be read by most ereaders, just not commented on.
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