Just bought my first domain

Profile picture of Dragone
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
I just bought my first domain from godaddy.com in a niche that I've chosen. I'm thinking that installing wordpress and adding about 5 articles for content with a link to my clickbank affiliative product along with a few articles on the various article directories will be a good start. Any recommendations?
#bought #domain
  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Profile picture of Zeus66
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yep, that's a good start. Here's what else I would do in your shoes:

    1. Find some forums in your niche and participate. Make sure they allow outgoing links in your signature to your site (like WF does). You may not get a ton of visitors, but if your contributions to those forums are informative and helpful, your site will probably never get such high quality visitors. They will already be pre-sold that you know your stuff and are someone to trust. See what I mean?

    2a. Do the same thing with blog comments at blogs in your niche. Just be careful as some blog owners won't allow any kind of self-promotion in comments. If you're smart about it, you can achieve your goal without blatantly marketing. If you follow my meaning.

    2b. Approach site/blog owners in your niche and ask to write a guest article in return for a link back to your site. Probably a good idea to approach folks in your niche, but not direct competitors. For example, if your site is about dog training, contact dog crate sites, dog collar sites, dog medicine sites, etc., but not other dog training sites. Visitors to those sites will obviously have at least some level of interest, being dog owners, but the site owners won't feel that they're helping their competition.

    3. Create a Squidoo lens about your niche, but pick a good longtail keyword so you have a realistic chance of getting ranked quickly. Staying with dog training, instead of basing your lens on that keyword ("dog training"), look for something that isn't so competitive (like "how to train a dog"). Point links from the lens pages to your sales pages. You might even want to point some links to your articles at the directories to give them some juice.

    Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author gcot
    Profile picture of gcot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A good start but traffic will be your first hurdle.

    Use social bookmarking sites like Stumble Upon/Digg, submit original articles to article directories, create a Hub Page, use Yahoo Answers, create a Youtube video.

    These are all free ways to generate traffic.
    • Profile picture of the author Marty S
      Marty S
      Profile picture of Marty S
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You are probably way ahead of many new marketers in terms of actually getting something done, and agreed above that you do have a good start - BUT ... you are still likely to get NO sales (or very few) as is.

      Of all the marketing tactics (guru products) available these days, I do find there is somewhat of an overload on websites just like yours. Its just not going to happen (big) unless there is something "special" about your website.

      Firstly, you need to build a list with your website but in doing so, you also need to give visitors a REAL reason to join. This can most easily be achieved by giving something of REAL VALUE away.

      You need a report, white paper - or my favorite tactic - a Video(s) that solves an immediate problem that your visitor is likely to have. If your offer is good enough, and you actually deliver something of value, you have the makings of a website that will build it's own "life".

      From there, you can add more content, send out related offers, have spin-off websites and basically build yourself into a realistic authority on the subject. When you get to this point, your own subscribers will be recommending you to others, and with some hard work, investment and dedication it can turn into your full time business.

      Its one thing to set up a website, its quite another to really, I mean really get in there and find out what your visitors are thinking and feeling - what is their problem? You can always look at tactics as noted in these other responses and they are all viable, but the most profitable, long term strategy is the be the GO-TO website/man in your niche and have the ANSWERS.
  • Profile picture of the author gilbertm
    Profile picture of gilbertm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Dragone. Here is something you can do. It has worked very well for me. You can create an account in Facebook, and then create a group that is targeted to your niche. Search for groups that are targeted to you and then add those people that are in those groups to your friends list. Now all you have to do is invite them into your group. Don't just sell to them but add value. The more value the better. Over time you can say Hey guys I just posted a new article in my blog. BINGO! Youll get tons of people flooding to your blog. And check this out. The more value you give to them, You'll get sales over and over because they trust you. It's worked very well for me. It also helps your blog to get ranked higher in Google. I get constant traffic to my blog all the time now. I make quite a few sales of Magnetic Sponsoring and other affiliate products just from this strategy. When I want to get more people to my blog, I send a message to my group telling them I just posted a new article. It's Powerful. Try it!

    ~ Gilbert Medina
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Ferraro
      Jonathan Ferraro
      Profile picture of Jonathan Ferraro
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Congratulations on taking these first steps. You're miles ahead of the majority of the people out there.

      I strongly recommend that you don't waste all the great content on your blog though.

      You want to make sure you bring targeted traffic, and by far the best way to bring targeted traffic is with articles.

      Try to come up with some kind of 2 step process, where you submit an article to ezine articles and in your resource box link it to a blog post which further continues the article, and in the end of blog post promote your affiliate.
      • Profile picture of the author JackKnight555
        Profile picture of JackKnight555
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Marty - THANKS!

        I have seen yr stuff on the net for a while - i am a novice poker player, and your videos are awesome. My friend actually sent me one of your links, thats how I found out about your series - just like yu said. When I read your response in this thread it just clicked.

        I appreciate what everyone else contributes on this forum, but you are one of the few here who dont sell something to other marketers (as far asi know) so i really think ur right becuse I have a couple blogs like that guy, and you are exactly right. If I look at them, thats what they are missing -VALUE.

        My question is - how do i find out what questions have to be answerd? Even if I did that, how do i make money from it?

  • Profile picture of the author gerrihabib
    Profile picture of gerrihabib
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Marty S makes a good point that you need traffic to get things going initially, so source listing is a very viable way to go. Social bookmarking via socialmarker.com is a great way to submit to many sites all at once, it can take a while, but you know for sure that you obtaining targeted traffic in the process, and getting your site listed in as many directories as possible!

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