Giving It All Away For Free And My Phone Number
I have absolutely no problem having my direct phone number on my websites and actively encourage potential and existing customers to call and talk to me. I always find it amusing when people call after watching my video and are gob smacked when I actually pick up the phone. Their first reaction is, they can't believe it's not some call answering service and then they are even more surprised it's me that personally answers it. I've certainly got no reason to "Hide" behind my website and also by actually talking with my customers gives me great feed back as to how well I'm running my business and what my customers want and expect from me. After all, if you were running a bricks-and-mortar business would you not want your customers to come in and talk to you and perhaps ask you some questions about the product or service you're offering? So don't you think your on-line customers deserve the same courtesy?
I have been successfully trading on-line for some 8 years now and I KNOW that the large part of my success has come through people knowing they can pick up the phone and talk to a real person. How do I know that? Guess what, they called and told me!
So come on guy's, start giving your customers an easy and direct way of contacting you, their not some alien beings you have to protect and defend your self against, their just people that usually want to spend their hard earned money with you but perhaps just need that touch of reassurance before they give you their credit card number.
Or, perhaps it's me that's got it all wrong and we should all "Hide" behind some web address. I'm sure you'll let me know.
Craig Richards (aka MrX)
~ The only regrets in life arise from the risks you never took ... Jason Aurelius Sawicki
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