Domain 're-registering' Issues! 9 Expired Passed redemption period, Pay $200 or wait 80 days?

by 5 replies

#main internet marketing discussion forum #$200 #80days #domains #expired #fee #namecheap #orwait #past #period #redemption #reregister
  • Hello,

    you might have a problem, because your domains may go straight to auction...

    If these domains really worth something, I'd go with option 1.
    You can also try backordering them, but it'll cost something as well and does not guarantee you'll get them.
    • [1] reply
    • First, be aware of the domain's typical lifecycle:

      Next, do a WHOIS on each one and note their last updated date/s and status if
      they're INACTIVE, REDEMPTION PERIOD, etc. If any of them are especially in RP,
      count 35-36 days from the last updated date and note your calendar between 1
      to 2PM EST of that day when the domain will become available.

      It's a little more, but that's the short version of it. Oh, and pray, too.

      Good luck.
      • [1] reply
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