Are my conversion rates good,bad?

17 replies
Hey all, I just wanted to ask you about my conversion rates and about my affiliate campaign, since it's my first website I don't know whether they are good or not, so any advises are very welcome

General description :
Affiliate website, get commission when I do a sale, Organic search engine traffic page rank 6

visitors= 1363
Clicks= 142
Conversions= 3
Payout= 30$

The main keyword that I am targeting on search engine has a 4400 monthly exact match on Adwords

Are these figures good, bad what else I should know to evaluate the efficiency of my campaign?

Also it would be nice also if you give me your opinion about my website (it's in my signature), what should I do to improve it, right know it's one page should I increase the number of pages, since my bounce rate is now 90% and whether this high bounce rate affect my page rank position or not?

Thanks in advance, any suggestions would be highly appreciated
#advice #bad #conversion #good #rates
  • Profile picture of the author asiancasanova
    Your CTR to the offer is very low.

    Why? You need links to the offer within your content, a lot more. Every scroll page needs to have at least 2 links to the offer.

    Text links work great, especially in the content.

    PS: 1 more thing, put the pictures above the fold to get people more engaged and reading.
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by asiancasanova View Post

      Your CTR to the offer is very low.

      Why? You need links to the offer within your content, a lot more. Every scroll page needs to have at least 2 links to the offer.

      Text links work great, especially in the content.

      Yes you are absolutely right, I don't know how I missed this :p, thanks you so much
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by asiancasanova View Post

      Your CTR to the offer is very low.

      Why? You need links to the offer within your content, a lot more. Every scroll page needs to have at least 2 links to the offer.

      Text links work great, especially in the content.

      PS: 1 more thing, put the pictures above the fold to get people more engaged and reading.
      Could you also please explain to me what does it mean the pictures above the fold?
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      • Profile picture of the author asiancasanova
        Above the fold means pictures that viewers immediately see when they first see your website. The only elements right now is your banner ad and header.

        Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

        Could you also please explain to me what does it mean the pictures above the fold?
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        • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
          Originally Posted by asiancasanova View Post

          Above the fold means pictures that viewers immediately see when they first see your website. The only elements right now is your banner ad and header.
          I am sorry, I still don't get it, I a bit new so forgive me, I have already a picture above my text, could you please tell me exactly what should I improve?
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          • Profile picture of the author asiancasanova
            Example: your image: http://www.insanityworkout-reviews.c...t_dvds-cop.jpg is below the fold. You have to scroll down to see it.
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            • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
              Originally Posted by asiancasanova View Post

              Example: your image: http://www.insanityworkout-reviews.c...t_dvds-cop.jpg is below the fold. You have to scroll down to see it.
              I got it now thanks a lot
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              • Profile picture of the author Lance K
                Remember, you're not trying to sell the Insanity DVDs. You're trying to sell the click on the affiliate link. Let the Insanity site do the selling for the program (that's what it's designed for).
                "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
                ~ Zig Ziglar
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                • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
                  Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

                  Remember, you're not trying to sell the Insanity DVDs. You're trying to sell the click on the affiliate link. Let the Insanity site do the selling for the program (that's what it's designed for).
                  Yeah I know, thanks for reminding me, could you tell me what different approach should I do to sell the click?
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      • Profile picture of the author Peter May
        Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

        Could you also please explain to me what does it mean the pictures above the fold?
        The expression "above the fold" originates like most marketing techniques from the tabloids/newspapers.

        A newspaper would consider where is the best place for the greatest impact on a newspaper.

        The best answer is/was "above the fold" meaning if someone bought a paper and were traveling they would "fold" the paper in half and when they had a minute to spare would skim the paper. This would mean checking out this part of the paper was always and more often than anywhere else in the whole paper, as well as that in a news agent they display papers by folding them to reveal the "best" eye catching info.

        Websites are no different, you need to GRAB the viewers attention before they need to do anything like scroll your page, meaning keep your "interest factor"
        "above the fold" before having to scroll or click.


        [edit] My reply was before checking out their site
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    You should concentrate on building more targeted traffic base for your website. Targeted traffic always converts better than normal traffic.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by seobuzz View Post

      You should concentrate on building more targeted traffic base for your website. Targeted traffic always converts better than normal traffic.
      Do you have any ideas on how to get targeted traffic?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6436238].message }}
      • Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

        Do you have any ideas on how to get targeted traffic?
        Your doing good with the targeted traffic. When someone is searching for reviews, then they are usually looking to buy.

        I think you need to change your title from just being Insanity Workout Reviews to something like "Burn More Fat in 60 Days Than You've Eaten in the Past Year Without Going to a Gym." That was just off the top of my head. But basically, you need a headline that states the end result, a time frame, and answers a major objection. This will really peak your visitors interest.

        Then you want to state a problem that they are having and then show how your product solves it, "I've tried every possible way to loose this belly and couldn't until the Insanity Workout. In just 60 days I've lost 30 pounds."

        Then you want to continue to use the long sales letter approach.

        The other thing you can do is to use the headline and a video that says this and then give them the opportunity to buy with a big add to cart button.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Put a video above the fold. Above the fold meaning the person will not have to scroll down at all to see the video. Make the video start playing the second the person enters your site. Also make a very noticeable link and give the visitor an incentive to go through your link.
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    • Profile picture of the author salimoflaz
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      • Profile picture of the author condra
        No, you want an "expert guy", including photo.

        Make your text much bigger and add more hype. Everything is way too subtle and gentlemanly. It needs more photos/graphics, more exclamation marks, more urgency.

        WTF MAN? You have no meta description!

        Please fix these things and let us know how you get on.
        Abstract brand name generator. FREE.
        __________________________________________________ ___________________________
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        • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
          Originally Posted by condra View Post

          No, you want an "expert guy", including photo.

          Make your text much bigger and add more hype. Everything is way too subtle and gentlemanly. It needs more photos/graphics, more exclamation marks, more urgency.

          WTF MAN? You have no meta description!

          Please fix these things and let us know how you get on.
          You are definitively right, I will try to fix these problems, I know I might sound really stupid but I don't know actually how to add a meta description, also how did you even know that I don't have a meta description?
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Put yourself in your visitors shoes. What reason do they have to click on a banner or a link? Nothing. Give them one. A bonus, a inspiration video with a call to action... Something.
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