You need to do this one thing NOW!

by 50 replies
If there is one thing that I can recommend you do right now, it is stop reading, and start doing.

Let me tell you what I mean...

When I started out on this forum, I read, and I read, and I read. I read all these posts, all these WSO's, and all these blogs. And, don't get me wrong, there was helpful information. The community here is great, the products are useful, and the potential to learn is unmatched! Truly.

However, reading was not why I signed up. My dream when I think about internet marketing is not to say that I read a bunch about internet marketing.

It is to say that I DID a bunch of internet marketing, and that is what I have recently realized. The key to this whole situation is getting over the hurdle, the "reading to doing" hurdle.

So, if you're like me, and have been here for a bit lurking, but haven't gotten started yet on your dream... let me give you this advice.


Let this be the last post you "just" read for a while! Go forth and make a product, start a blog, build a list, or launch a WSO.

Here are X reasons why:
1. You LEARN MORE from experience then just reading
2. You cannot make money just reading
3. And, you CAN make money from doing
4. You'll have more personal satisfaction from completing a product than reading a guide..
5. You'll be contributing BACK to this community that has given you so much

Not convinced? You don't have to take my word for it... Let me ask the rest of you:

Have you gotten over the "reading to doing" hurdle and started out on your own? How did it feel? How did you make the leap? What advice do you have!

#main internet marketing discussion forum #thing
  • "JUST DO IT"
    • [2] replies
    • Nike got it right
    • sir i am a newbie.can u plz send it to me.thanks
  • Another thing I think is worth pointing out is that you don't see any gurus hanging out around here and posting on a regular basis. Not saying it's a bad thing to hang around here and post stuff. But if you do happen to come across a successful IMer's profile, I'm sure the last time they've logged in has been a while ago. My point is, they're not hanging around looking for that elusive magic bullet. Instead, they're out making stuff happen.
    • [3] replies
    • Extremely well said. And this makes you wonder what the "gurus" who are here posting on a regular basis actually do... if they are such a guru, why spend all your days just posting... not to take away from the many gurus who do give useful answers
      • [1] reply
    • Yep, you said it.

      The main exception to this might be if the IM niche is one of their main target markets, but if they are making most of their money from other niches and not just "how to make money online" then the truth is that they are probably to busy to log on here on a regular basis. It's nice to help people out but spending all your time in a forum is not always the best way to leverage your time.

      As Nike said (and someone else above) JUST DO IT.

      Just get stuck in and start putting things into practise. Test, tweak, learn for yourself. Stop listening to everyone else and trying to learn from everyone else.

      No disrespect intended to anyone on the warrior forum, but you would be amazed at how many people don't actually know what they are talking about and have never actually made more than a few dollars online, yet they are here giving advice. 4 weeks in the real IM world testing things for yourself and you will probably know more than them, even though they have probably been here giving "advice" to people for months or even years. :confused:
    • Actually I did a bunch of reading today about a specific problem I am trying to solve - how to come back from Penguin having taken my rankings away - and some gurus DO hang around and post. In fact in one thread some people were chiding them for posting so much. (Mostly they were arguing with each other.)

      So sometimes there is good reason to read, and yes some gurus do post quite a bit at times. But I agree with the gist of what you are saying.

      The OP is completely right on the money when saying that the one thing we need to do right now is stop reading and buying wso's and start DOING.

      Indeed I have joined WSO-aholics (in spirit; as far as I know there really is no such group, though maybe there should be!) and admit I have a problem.

      Lately I have taken action to reverse this behavior, though:

      * I have un-subscribed to almost all emails from WSO sellers. In fact I am now very close to having ZERO. This may mean I will miss an update or something but it's worth it in the end.
      A) these emails keep me tied into the WSO forum products which is not good; and
      B) these emails are a huge time waster

      * I have been motivating myself to start doing some stuff and little by little I am now doing some IM stuff (keyword research most notably; ugh! I hate it but it has to be done)

      * I have formed a plan of action: 3 particular WSO's I bought in the past that I am taking action with on a daily basis

      To a certain extent this is normal for me. I am the kind of person who over-researches everything, from buying a computer monitor to buying a vacuum cleaner, etc. Anything I do, I research a lot before taking action. And for the most part, this pays off. Most of the time this is a good thing for me!

      However in this case I have been a member here for a year, reading, learning, buying wso's, and have done very little with that info other than promoting the one site I had before coming here. (As proof I'm not a total loser I do have a site that makes between $700-1200/month and this forum has helped me to get it to that point.) But I have in mind a bunch of other sites to build in "new" (for me) areas of IM and I have been procrastinating those, largely distracted by WSO's and reading, as the OP points out. (Also in fairness to myself, I have a j.o.b. that takes up over 50 hours per week of my time; but nevertheless procrastination is a big problem...)

      If I were to give ONE piece of advice to anyone who is new here it would be this:

      Join the War Room and don't even venture into the WSO room until you have started and made some decent progress with one area of IM. Like, start building amazon sites or adsense sites, or whatever and get those going by using the info in the War Room and only after you start making a minimum of $500 a month, THEN you can check on WSO's only in the area you are working in (amazon or adsense or etc) and buy any that you really feel will:

      a) help improve your site(s) to make more $;
      b) improve your site(s)' ranking;
      c) make the above easier / less time consuming.

      I wish I had taken this advice when I came here. Instead I joined the WarRoom but stayed out of it for the most part. Don't ask me why. I suppose I felt I "wasn't ready". Probably still not ready but I am spending more time there and less time with WSO's (Trying to get WSO time down to zero for the time being!)

      So that's my 2 cents. I hope newbies see this thread and take our advice to heart!
      • [1] reply
  • Eh. NOW? I'll come back in a couple weeks to start.... promise
  • Excellent advice! Just launch a WSO.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • Well done, sir!
    • Banned
      Yeah, that was subtle :rolleyes:.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply

    • Sure, who wants to be 'inconspicuous' these days. :rolleyes:

      And then the signature right below...

      Thanks for the laugh!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Cannot agree more! Taking action, learning from your failures and moving on is probably the most difficult step in earning money.
    • [1] reply
    • Yup. We have lots of knowledge inside of us. It's once we start doing that we turn it into power! I just joined warrior forum recently and I'm now working on my own WSO!
  • I gotta of my favorite quotes from Thomas Edison " I didn't find one way to make the light bulb..... I found 1000 how NOT to make one." Always perservere and you will never know if you can swim unless you get in the water. I prefer the cannonball approach :-)
  • Just DO it. But do it the right way. I guess it helps by reading the useful stuff from the forum SO THAT we can avoid certain pitfalls.

    Taking action is important but taking the RIGHT action is more important. No doubt we learn from experience but falling every single time is just too painful.

    Just my 2 cents~

    • [1] reply
    • This does make sense too. Thanks for playing devils advocate. :p
  • I Agree most people don't take action they just read.
    That's why 99% of online marketers fail..
    • [1] reply
    • well said wise warrior, take action now!
  • Hi WiseWarrior, you are right!
    Doing Doing Doing!
    This the key for real success...

    See you soon and keep up your interest for IM!
    Alessandro Zamboni
  • Hello! You're completely right, you can learn a lot of useful details and info here, but reading is not everything. As in school, there's reading and application. What are those things you read for? In preparation for the applications after them, for the corresponding tasks after everything. Reading is just a preparation but there's application, what you've learned from reading all these stuff would be the highlight. In our case, IM^^
  • Fantastic advice.

    I would also say that don't let burn out be an option.

    How about if you wrote just 1 article a day. Just 1.......not 10 in one day and then none the next....because chances are you'll never write another one.
    1 a day consistently and make it a habit.

    Of could be 1 video, 1 article or one backlink......whatever it is just get started.
    Because suddenly in 14 days time you might have

    - 14 articles (enough for an ebook on your subject mattter?)
    - 14 videos - enough to visitors from Youtube to visit your site.
    - 14 high backlins that will jump up your website higher in the rankings.

    Either 14 days time what will you have produced if you carry on as you are?
    Challenge yourself!!

    Great post!
  • Hi WW,

    Thanks for the post and a very interesting read. I have done stuff already but still suffer from a lack of focus which is something I am working on. I suppose the thing is as many people have said is to "get it going, not get it perfect"

    I have just finished a product with a freind of mine and i think our problem was trying to make something perfect, so adding soething, testing, adding something else, testing and all we did was convince ourselves the product is not good enough and its not complicated enough.

    What we came to realise is that WE were the ones making it complicated. People dont want complicated, they want something that works as you promise and will either make money for them or save them this space.

    Thanks for bring us all back to reality
    • [1] reply
    • Thats a good thought about not making things overcomplicated. That's exactly right -- when im reading a WSO, i want something that I can understand, not some complex technical process that took years to put together and would take years for me to figure out!
  • Yes. Just do what is in your mind now. Succeed it and celebrate it. Your life will be more interesting and meaningful if you do not procrastinate.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Yes... Don't wait. "The time will never be just right."- Napoleon Hill

    Mark Zuckerberg once said: "You need to start somewhere."

    Don't wait until you know everything, until everything is perfect...
    Start something right now, start somewhere. Just launch and make your first sale
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • totally agreed.

      but...............where should i start hahaha (newb)

      i did some research by myself, went to some preview courses about IM in my country lot of jargon words which i got no idea of like:

      SEO - something about getting ur website to come out first
      WFO - no idea
      traffic - about getting people to go to ur website (but how?)
      squeeze page - isn't it easier to call it my webpage??
      list - customer??
      • [1] reply
  • The idea is to take action.


    We need to be proactive(take action) the more you wait, the longer it

    would take to see results.

    I hope that helps a little bit.
    • [1] reply
  • hahahaa indirectly I like your opinion. but I think sometimes we have to go back to reading the report or review of obstruction of a person, if not then you will not know about the development of the internet marketing world.

    so JUST DO IT !!!
  • I totally agree. I was one of those people who like to read, read, read and never do the things I was supposed to do and after 6 years I'm at the same place until 2 weeks ago I decided to take massive actions and apply what I've read.

    It felt really GOOD!

    I believe if you've read some information about IM, go and do it instead of keep reading or looking for the "next shiny object"

    • [1] reply
    • Yeah, the 2nd best part to the money is the gooood feeling you get when the money comes in.
  • Banned
    Absolutely! Action, Action, Action...
  • I agree completely. Most people will try to figure out everything about internet marketing before getting started. Its insane. Just take action even if you are a beginner. That is how you learn the most in the fastest amount of time.
  • Totally true. I wonder how many of us have bought things on this forum and haven't actually put it into action or perhaps did half of it and then got distracted reading something else? I have!

    Action IS the key. Without action there can be no progress.
  • Nice. Write out your overall business model and then go seek out training applicable to your game plan. As soon as you're done with one piece of training, apply what you learned. And since you sought out training applicable to your game plan then you can be sure what you learned is immediately applicable.

    Ex. If you're business model is based off selling info products.
    The overall business model would be.

    Traffic >> Squeeze Page >> SalesPage >> Download Page

    So you'd ask yourself, mm okay, so where do I start. Okay first thing I need is a product so ask yourself "do I know how to create a product?". If not, then go seek out the answer.

    So you seek out the answer to create your own product. Maybe some course called "Make your own infoproduct in 24 hours". Cool so you buy the course go through it and immediately apply what you learned a.k.a. you create your product.

    Next, you look back at your overall business plan and you see that you need to create a salespage. Cool, so you go out again and seek out how to go about creating a salespage.

    The process goes on.

    If you're at the salespage creation process of your gameplan then you got no business going and buying and going through the new Pinterest course.

    Maybe once you're at the traffic stage you can go and buy a Pinterest course but if you're at the stage of your gameplan where you're writing your salesletter then focus on the task at hand.

    When I got into a habit of only buying courses relevant to what I'm doing at hand, I started making great progress.

    Hope this didn't sound too much like a preach lol.

  • Thats great advice Larry. I'm pleased this post has gotten so many replies and so much good advice!
  • Focusing, learning, taking action and time management are crucial for success. A large percentage of people get distracted and never actually see a project through. Discipline is so important in IM
    • [1] reply
    • Especially since you can work from anywhere.... can be hard to focus!
  • Honestly, I think if this whole forum made a vow to not come here for a month and instead spend the time working, the IQ of this forum would jump x10 when everyone returned.

    1 hour of real world experience is worth 100 hours of reading posts.
    • [1] reply
    • haha, a fine idea. I propose you lead the charge :p

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