Trouble editing eBook

by Kaplan
6 replies
I wasn't sure which section to post this in. I am attempting to edit my eBook and make it look good now that I have all the text in place. My question is probably really basic. I want the header to go across the entire page without margins, but cannot do this. When I try to delete the margins, it also affects the entire text.

I'm using word to edit it. I simply want the header and footer to go across the page without blank spaces on either side, like Mike Koenigs report:

Anyone can help please?
#ebook #editing #trouble
  • Profile picture of the author Elluminati
    I dislike creating e-books in Word to the fullest, but I've got a solution to your problem. Someone else may have a simpler solution, but this one isn't so bad.

    Assuming you're using MS Word 2007.
    1. Open a NEW Word document

    3. Click on the left vertical strip and hit DELETE
    4. Click on the right vertical stripe and hit DELETE
    5. Delete the text boxes
    Now you only have a header and footer

    To change the color of the header, let's say to black:
    1. Click on the header to get to the DRAWING TOOLS screen
    2. Click the arrow beside the paint bucket *Shape Fill* and select black

    3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the footer

    To get the font into the header and footer:
    1. Click on the header and click the INSERT tab
    2. Click on TEXT BOX and go down to DRAW TEXT BOX
    3. Draw the rectangle as long as you need

    4. Type your heading inside the white box
    5. Right align, center align, left align or tab the heading accordingly
    6. Double click the Text Box>Click the HOME tab>Select a font type, size and
    and color
    7. Double click the Text Box>Click SHAPE FILL and black
    8. Go to ALIGN and select ALIGN CENTER

    Repeat these steps for the footer, including manual page numbers.
    You will need to right click and paste the header background, header text box, footer background and footer text box to manually add these to every page, but you'll need to replace the page numbers.

    This is the easiest way I know how to do this type of heading with Word as I don't use it primarily to create e-books...

    If you don't have Word 2007, find a cover page that has a solid header and footer for which ever version you have and edit accordingly...

    Hope this helps *PM me if you need help*
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  • Profile picture of the author Elluminati
    Sorry about the size of the screen shots!...*Oops*
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  • Profile picture of the author Elluminati
    Oh, and that is an e-book. I've got get my game up...
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  • Profile picture of the author DeadRooster
    Originally Posted by Kaplan View Post

    I'm using word to edit it. I simply want the header and footer to go across the page without blank spaces on either side, like Mike Koenigs report:
    I took a look at the ebook you referenced. It is beautiful! However, you're going to be hard-pressed to create something like that in Word. That ebook was probably formatted in something like InDesign -- an expensive application with a high learning curve.

    Maybe you could outsource it to someone with a lot of InDesign experience.

    Hope this helps
    Get my latest book! Available in both paperback and Kindle
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    • Profile picture of the author Elluminati
      Originally Posted by DeadRooster View Post

      I took a look at the ebook you referenced. It is beautiful! However, you're going to be hard-pressed to create something like that in Word. That ebook was probably formatted in something like InDesign -- an expensive application with a high learning curve.

      Maybe you could outsource it to someone with a lot of InDesign experience.

      Hope this helps
      I think he just wanted to figure out how to make a specific header and footer
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaplan
    Elluminati, you are an official legend.
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