I'm not impressed if you are better and you cost a LOT more. LOL

George Wright
Profile picture of George Wright
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8 replies

I'm trying out a service. It has just what I need for about $10 a month and it is expandable when needed. It's perfect for me service-wise and price-wise.

Along comes a competitor. GEORGE WE ARE BETTER. Well I guess you could say they are better. Not that much better but somewhat better in what they offer.

"How much?" I ask. They say, "Well we don't discuss price." You have to go to our price page to see."

OK I play along. My guy, starting fee $10 a month + 1.5% of sales, Them first level starting fee $250 + 3% of sales a month and it goes up from there.

Funny thing the cheep one is WELL known and the other one I've never heard of.

If you want to say how much better you are than the other guy you should at least be near in price if your service is really just a little better.

I Think,

George Wright
#cost #impressed #lol #lot
  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
    Tina Golden
    Profile picture of Tina Golden
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
    Nathan Hangen
    Profile picture of Nathan Hangen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Did you copy that from Aweber?

    The margins are rather large
  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Gene Pimentel
    Profile picture of Gene Pimentel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Merchant account? If so, be careful... there are SO many third-party vendors who will seriously take advantage of you.
  • Profile picture of the author ayolov
    Profile picture of ayolov
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well guys, they are very well known techniques. One of the most fascinating aspects of marketing (the scientist in me loves it); people will perceive a product better because of the price- even if they are very similar with the competition, once the subconscious perception is made, they will be convinced the higher priced product is better... even if the product is worse!

    I read of a study where they gave medicine to two groups of people (the exact same medicine), yet, one was tagged at a high price (hence "better"), the other was priced at a discount. Guess what group reported better results from the exact same medicine...

    if you said the higher price one, you are right! Just by paying more, people believed the medicine was more efficient and they reported more benefits from it than the other group.

    Makes you want to re-plan your marketing campaigns all over again doesn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Profile picture of Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ayolov View Post

      Well guys, they are very well known techniques. One of the most fascinating aspects of marketing (the scientist in me loves it); people will perceive a product better because of the price- even if they are very similar with the competition, once the subconscious perception is made, they will be convinced the higher priced product is better... even if the product is worse!

      I read of a study where they gave medicine to two groups of people (the exact same medicine), yet, one was tagged at a high price (hence "better"), the other was priced at a discount. Guess what group reported better results from the exact same medicine...

      if you said the higher price one, you are right! Just by paying more, people believed the medicine was more efficient and they reported more benefits from it than the other group.

      Makes you want to re-plan your marketing campaigns all over again doesn't it?
      It's the same principle of a regular Macy's purse versus a (insert fancy designer name here). I'm sure there are plenty of normally priced purses that are made as well as the designer labels but the marketing tells us the designer one is better and to back that up they charge a price that is 10x more.

      If they're charging $250/mth and they're getting customers why should they stop?

      If someone is willing to use them based on perceived not actual value than they're marketing is earning its keep.

      *also* For every 25 customers you're current provider gets they onlt need one to keep pace.

  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    Profile picture of Melody
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Unfortunately - there is often a huge gap between perception and reality - I've used the expensive services - I've used open source and bargain basement - and the ones I REALLY run from are the ones that won't post their pricing on their website - "call for a demo" usually means "we gotta talk you into this baby!"

    I've been in sales a loong time - and it's been my experience that a rep will refuse to talk price when they are not comfortable with the price. If you know your product is worth the price - you WANT to talk price, and get the deal closed!!

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