Why so touchy?

by 11 replies
Seems I struck a nerve when I asked if Google hates affiliates.
From my perspective Google ate off of little affiliates a while
until their big money clients moved in. Could they be clouded
by the cash? I'm just saying. What do think?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #touchy
  • Administrator
    Why do you start a new thread to ask this?
    • [1] reply
    • My apologies. Won't happen again.
  • Banned
    ^^Wrong kind of attention to be attracting my dude.
    • [1] reply
    • Hey Thanks for the heads up. I should of known better.
  • Who's on popcorn duty?

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Suzanne,Looks like I finally get a turn at it.

  • Oh Snap! Da mans logged in and patrolling the boards!

    Hi Alan!
    • [1] reply
    • Hahaha, I had to laugh out loud at that. And by the
      way, you missed an l and a e in his name,

      Talking of which, it's been a while, Rus. You good?

  • I'm always late to the party
    • [1] reply
    • Joe! Your stick figure has bad table manners.
      • [1] reply

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  • 13

    Seems I struck a nerve when I asked if Google hates affiliates. From my perspective Google ate off of little affiliates a while until their big money clients moved in. Could they be clouded