Mailing list - spam or not spam

Profile picture of syda
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If I work for a company with a large mailing list of actual buyers, can I use this list to send out my offers as alternatives to what they have bought before, that are in the same niche when the company goes bankrupt? I'm not the owner, just work there. Is it spamming?
#list #mailing #mailinglist #spam
  • Profile picture of the author realreview
    Profile picture of realreview
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    I would say that is spam as none of those clients asked to be part of your list. However as a suggestion if you could send them a free offer to pt in to your list along the lines that the current company will be under new management then anyone who opts in to that list will be legitimately yours to contact. Hope that helps
  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    Profile picture of joseph7384
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  • Profile picture of the author footbag_man
    Profile picture of footbag_man
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    Originally Posted by syda View Post

    If I work for a company with a large mailing list of actual buyers, can I use this list to send out my offers as alternatives to what they have bought before, that are in the same niche when the company goes bankrupt? I'm not the owner, just work there. Is it spamming?
    If you do that you can expect to be fired from that company for comprimising that business with spam.

    If the company goes bankrupt then I dont think they will have any comeback on you.. But instead of spamming them.. Send them an email telling them about your free offer and get them to sign up to your list and then you can promote to them..

  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by syda View Post

    Is it spamming?
    I think it is, if you're not the person (or the business) to whom they opted in. It's the sending out of unsolicited bulk email with commercial intent, isn't it?

    If you could manage officially to "take over the list" through the corporate liquidator/administrator, or something, then possibly not - but unsure even about this ... :confused:
  • Profile picture of the author syda
    Profile picture of syda
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    Actually, I was thinking maybe sending some kind of good bye email in the name of the company. To make it more confusing, this company is from another country than me and the mailing list members, so I'm the one communicating with the clients anyway.. Or I could just send them an email like "thanks for your loyalty but we won't be in business any longer bla bla..." and then put my links in the sig?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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      Originally Posted by syda View Post

      Actually, I was thinking maybe sending some kind of good bye email in the name of the company. To make it more confusing, this company is from another country than me and the mailing list members, so I'm the one communicating with the clients anyway.. Or I could just send them an email like "thanks for your loyalty but we won't be in business any longer bla bla..." and then put my links in the sig?
      Sounds like you've already decided to steal your employer's list and spam them, so now it's more like asking how you can do it. Or you want some type of social 'pat on the head' to tell you it's okay.

      Alexa was on the right track - look into acquiring legitimate access to the list. Maybe even a one-time rental to send your offer.
  • Profile picture of the author brunom
    Profile picture of brunom
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    I believe it is unless they specifically double opt in to your list personally.
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  • Profile picture of the author syda
    Profile picture of syda
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    I'm new to all this stuff and I feel sad seeing 250,000 buyers contacts going to waste And I really am asking for advice if there is some way to use it as you are smarter than me. And if you say I shouldn't do it, I won't.
    Someone mentioned buying the list from my employer, I wonder how is that possible. How will the member of the mailing list know I have bought the list and obtained it legally?

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    • Profile picture of the author realreview
      Profile picture of realreview
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      Originally Posted by syda View Post

      I'm new to all this stuff and I feel sad seeing 250,000 buyers contacts going to waste And I really am asking for advice if there is some way to use it as you are smarter than me. And if you say I shouldn't do it, I won't.
      Someone mentioned buying the list from my employer, I wonder how is that possible. How will the member of the mailing list know I have bought the list and obtained it legally?
      How about speaking to your employer about sending a one time solo add, offer them an incentive to opt in to your list and then you can send offers to your list no problem.
      • Profile picture of the author syda
        Profile picture of syda
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        Originally Posted by realreview View Post

        How about speaking to your employer about sending a one time solo add, offer them an incentive to opt in to your list and then you can send offers to your list no problem.
        Maybe my employer will go for it if I say they can keep all my unpaid salaries Which is definitely much less than the mailing list is worth

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        • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
          Christopher Fox
          Profile picture of Christopher Fox
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          I'm going to go against the grain a bit here. The spam that has always irritated me is the spam that interrupts my web browsing experience. Spam that shows up in my email box never bothered me - I never read it and it does not interrupt my life.

          Even more so today with email spam filters.

          For those that would be quick to condemn, do you take the same stance when either renting or renting out a list or a JV deal? Well, do ya?

          It is the exact same thing. If you are renting or JVing with someone's list, you are doing the exact same thing the OP is considering doing - emailing people who never signed up on your email list. You are emailing people that never gave you their email. It is merely the conditions under which the list is acquired that differ.

          Somehow if the list is sold or rented, someone that the list subscribers never asked to send them an email can do so and it is okay?

          But if the list is acquired from a defunct company and someone that the list subscribers never asked to send them an email does so, it is now called spam and frowned upon?

          Me smells a bit of a double standard ...

          You should make sure you are not stealing the list though. I think that would be a bad thing. Maybe work out a deal with the company to acquire the list with their knowledge and consent.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Paul Myers
      Profile picture of Paul Myers
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      Someone mentioned buying the list from my employer, I wonder how is that possible.
      Profit shares are one way. If they're going bankrupt, something that brings in money without effort could look very attractive, as long as they can't sell the asset outright.
      How will the member of the mailing list know I have bought the list and obtained it legally?
      Depends on the situation. Not enough data yet.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Paul Myers
    Profile picture of Paul Myers
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    Wow. That is potentially dangerous stuff. And, if you manage the situation properly, potentially very profitable.

    If you just appropriate the list, you may well be liable for all sorts of legal problems. That's aside from the question of whether it's spam or not.

    If you can get permission from the owners of the company to use the list, and you're the one who communicates with them on a regular basis anyway. you might be able to pull it off. Giving suggestions that wouldn't be landmines requires more information, though.

    Will you be leaving the company? Will they be dissolved, or just reorganize? How big is the firm? What's your relationship with the owners, if any?

    There are probably other questions I'm not thinking of right now, too. If the company is any real size, some of them would probably involve lawyers.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

  • Profile picture of the author sonicadam123
    Profile picture of sonicadam123
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    The only way I could see this working is if when the subscribers opted into your companies list they had to tick a box saying "I would like to receive emails from third parties" or something to that description.

    If not then I'd consider it spam, and it would probably result in you getting fired and tarnishing the reputation of the company in question.

    ^^ not that this has stopped others in the past though
  • Profile picture of the author syda
    Profile picture of syda
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    I think it might be possible to get the list from the company as I really don't think they will be using it themselves in the future. Besides, I keep bugging them with asking for my pay ever day, I think they would even sign the list over to me to get rid of me. Maybe I should just ask them if I can send an email in the name of the company and put my offer or freebies in?

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  • Profile picture of the author ttdub
    Profile picture of ttdub
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    That's definitely spam... They didn't ask for those emails. Why not start your own list?
  • Profile picture of the author Kostas Papadakis
    Kostas Papadakis
    Profile picture of Kostas Papadakis
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    I agree too, just sending them an email as a third party, with no permission, is spam. But a solution here could be to have your ex employer ( the company) introduce you to the list , and have the customers decide if they want to opt in to your list , and services..
  • Profile picture of the author jamesgan
    Profile picture of jamesgan
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    Yes, it is consider spams when your subscriber didn't subscribe your to list and you send email to them.
    I suggest you try to negotiate with the owner of the product on becoming their legal affiliates to sell the product legally and get shares of sales from it.
    Being a legal affiliates you have the rights to sell the product online, this is very important.
    If the company goes bankrupt, then you can negotiate with owner on get the owner rights of the product with mutual agreements before proceed to sell the product online

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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    Profile picture of Jtraits
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    I would say that it is spamming .. since you are using a list for your own good and not building your own list by letting the recipients know ...

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