How Many YouTube Videos Can You Have?

12 replies
Just wondering if there is a limit to the number of videos you can upload into your YouTube account :confused:

If it is an unlimited amount, is it advisable to have many accounts rather than too many videos (hundreds) into one account or doesn't it matter :confused:

I often see videos and accounts taken down by YouTube and just wondering what things might get you into trouble. I simply upload videos and bookmark a few of them and that is it.

Some people say you can copy tags of successful videos's etc - haven't tried yet and presume that this would not cause you any problems :confused:

Any comments appreciated.

#videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
    There is no hard limit that I'm aware of. However, use some common sense. If you upload 1,000 videos in a couple of days, it will obviously raise some red flags. Even if you upload your videos slowly, you could still have some issues once you reach a certain number if the videos are crap. I'm sure they have a review process for large accounts.

    You could also run into problems if you create a large number of accounts, depending on how you go about it. If the ultimate goal here is to spam YouTube, you might want to focus on a more stable business model to put your efforts into.
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    • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
      Originally Posted by Jon Patrick View Post

      If the ultimate goal here is to spam YouTube, you might want to focus on a more stable business model to put your efforts into.
      I intend to target many KW's within my niche maybe 500 - 1000 over the next 6 months. My videos are informative and helpful. However I just edit my videos slightly each time only by about 30% with a new keyword and a little bit of unique info to suit the topic of KW. Other than that alot of the content is pretty much the same on each video, is this a problem :confused:

      I haven't run in to any probs so far and just want to check this out before I continue.

      Thanks if you have any feedback
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  • Profile picture of the author TDogger
    There is no limit that I am aware of to the number of accounts or number of videos. Just be aware that if you break the rules, they will close an account without warning. They have been closing a lot of accounts due to copyright violations.
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  • Profile picture of the author BombyDimpu
    No Friend. Don't worry ..... there is no limit for Videos.

    Some top members have above 1 lakh of uploads and millions of views.
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    • Profile picture of the author Invert Planet
      Originally Posted by BombyDimpu View Post

      No Friend. Don't worry ..... there is no limit for Videos.

      Some top members have above 1 lakh of uploads and millions of views.
      yea, it is not the number of vids, but the views. And many of those millions of views cheated their way to the top.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor M
    Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

    Just wondering if there is a limit to the number of videos you can upload into your YouTube account :confused:
    No. You can upload as many videos as you want.

    If it is an unlimited amount, is it advisable to have many accounts rather than too many videos (hundreds) into one account or doesn't it matter :confused:
    You won't have an issue with creating too many videos. The more the merrier.
    But you do want to open another account if you're going to be creating videos in different niches. 1 account per niche.

    I often see videos and accounts taken down by YouTube and just wondering what things might get you into trouble. I simply upload videos and bookmark a few of them and that is it.
    You must provide value to the YouTube community. People get their accounts banned and usually blame it on affiliate links.

    The fact of the matter is, as long as your videos provide value to the viewer, you'll more than likely have no issues.

    Some people say you can copy tags of successful videos's etc - haven't tried yet and presume that this would not cause you any problems :confused:
    No problems at all.

    - Trevor


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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    There are accounts with thousands of vidos that are created gradualyl over time and more importantly its useful, do not worry about the number limits when you can offer original and interesting videos.

    But a good strategy would include submiting them gradually voer time as you grow your subscriber base so that your important videos get nice exposure.

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  • Profile picture of the author sellmesomething
    I think that its unlimited at the moment. I currently have just over 1000 but my account is from when youtube first came online.
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  • Profile picture of the author rhinocl
    YouTube seems very schizophrenic about what it allows. I have made the same type of videos for many customers. One of them was removed possibly because the domain name we were promoting had the word 'best' in it or possibly because unlike most of the others it was not hooked into a Google places listing. There just aren't any hard, and fast permanent rules about what you can do. Any one who thinks it is all spelled out clearly in their TOS is dreaming.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    YouTube has no limit mentioned however you need to use your common sense. If you are posting hundreds of videos a day then they will flag your account for spamming.

    The trick is to post valuable or informational content that is interesting and most importantly watch able.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's unlimited. But don't use this as an excuse to not promote quality videos. Focus on making 1 video reach at least 1,000 views, then do the same for all of the other videos that you create.
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