Anyway to sell clickbank products without google knowing

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#main internet marketing discussion forum #clickbank #google #knowing #products #sell
  • Why do people keep saying Google hates affiliates??? You do know Google runs its very own affiliate network, right?
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    • hi there -

      just wondering where is the best place to ask you a few questions about your amazon affiliate kit that i purchased? i don't have enough posts to PM.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew1122
    That is retarded,google only hates sites stuffed with affiliate links.Also,google is a multi billion dollar company,if you belive in hiding/tricking/loopholes you are again,retarded
  • Banned
    For the same reason that they say article syndication produces "duplicate content".

    Now the answer will be "Maybe that's why they penalize people who promote other affiliate networks"!

    Even if what you were saying were true (which it isn't), to sell any appreciable number of ClickBank products, you have to be building lists and doing so by email anyway (you don't by any chance imagine that Google has access to your emails, as well, do you?):
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  • Google hates affiliates. Sure, you can say that if you provide enough good content and a good user experience there is no problem. But as an affiliate I´m not interested in writing content that makes me no money. To make pages where my affiliate links are not the most important thing on the page.
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    • Screw user experience, eh?
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  • What is good content? If someone wants to buy something he wants to see Products and not read some academic stories. Of course this depends on the nature of the products, but do you see any offline stores where customers can read some nice stories about the merchandise? You can ask the sales personal somme questions, but in most cases this is not even necessary.

    Why does Google hate affiliates/affiliate sites/bridge pages? Because they think those sites are something from the past. Nowadays all major webshops are presented on all important keywords. If Amazon is on page 1 they don´t want, they don´t think it´s necessary, to also have an amazon affiliate site on page 1.
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    • 1) Then why is it so easy for my mentor & I to outrank Amazon consistently?

      2) Can you produce one iota of proof, outside of "my friend told me" or "somewhere in my past this one time at band camp"? Show us links to back up what you're saying.

      "Google" and the "Googlebots" don't think anything. Google is a company and Googlebots are scripts. They're not sentient or even semi-sentient creatures that control their own actions; they're programs that are created by humans and are told to look for very specific things. Each time one of the things in their code is found, a point is added. Once the site/page/whatever has been dissected, the points are sent back to a server where they're compared to everybody else's points on that server and a rank is produced.

      It's Programming 102. (Slightly more advanced than the "hello world" script of Programming 101.)

      -- j
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    • Banned
      I just don't even begin to understand conversations like this. I do very little SEO, and even I can outrank Amazon easily.

      You'll really hate this book - I strongly recommend that you avoid it.
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    • Depending on the product, physical stores don't have to have "some nice stories" to read. By the time you are standing in the store, the "academic stories" (aka 'advertisements', 'product placements', etc.) have already done their job.

      Same for the actual product seller. Whether it's your basic e-com catalog site, the extensive pages of retailers like Amazon or Best Buy, or even your traditional long form sales letter on Clickbank, by the time a buyer lands on the payment page the time for stories of any kind is over.

      From your user name, you are an affiliate. Your job is to get people to the payment page in the mood to buy. You are more like the ads and product placements than the actual seller, so it's your job to tell nice stories, answer questions (including the ones not asked) and whatever else it takes to get people into that buying mood.

      For many major purchases, like homes, cars, investments, etc. you still get "nice stories" only you don't have to read them. Commission salespeople will gladly tell them.

      Dammit, I knew I should have bought those shares in Acme Tinfoil Hats. The things are going like hotcakes, apparently.:rolleyes:

      Has it ever occurred to you that maybe one of the reasons Amazon and other major retailers rank for so many keywords has something to do with thousands of highly-relevant, keyword-rich content pages with extensive product descriptions and specs, user reviews, alternate selections and a Gordian knot of internal links?

      As opposed to, say, a cheesy EMD with a few pages of desultory content and affiliate links? :confused:

      Wait, I forgot. "Google hates affiliates" is so much easier to blame.
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  • What proof do you want? Sure you can outrank Amazon pages but not with a bridge page. And bridge pages are most effektive for most products.

    I don´t remember where I read it, but does Google not say that ads, be it AdSense or affiliate ads, should come second. And if I have to make affiliate sites that do not look like affiliate sites, that are not pure affiliate sites and where my ads come second, things become more difficult und laborous. Making it much harder for affiliates.

    Why do webshops rank well with only product listings (not bridge pages because customers do not have to leave the site-but in nature comparable to bridge pages)? If I make an affiliate site with only my collection of lets say Amazon products I will have a hard time ranking high.

    Of course you can find ways to get around this but I think it will will get even worse in the future. I, for my part, am loking for alternatives to Google. Buying traffic from sources which allow direct linking or have no problem with bridge pages, guest posts, article syndication, Social Media, YouTube or what ever.
  • @ Alexa

    "You'll really hate this bookthis book - I strongly recommend that you avoid it."

    Yes, it´s true. Even I don´t think it has to do something with Google an affiliates. I don´t believe in things from this book. At least what this book appears to me. I don´t want to imply that all people that believe in what´s called "Superstition" are right, but I know that a pure scientific approach of these things is nothing more than cheap crap. There was a time in my life when I also believed this and seemed very logical to me. But by now I know that things like this do really exist. don´t ask me how I know this. It´s secret knowledge and in fact only the dead are allowed to know it.
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  • "Your job is to get people to the payment page in the mood to buy. You are more like the ads and product placements than the actual seller, so it's your job to tell nice stories, answer questions (including the ones not asked) and whatever else it takes to get people into that buying mood."

    Yes, I agree. At least when it comes to certain products. But why did bridge pages did such a good job in the past? Why is it, since bridge pages are no longer allowed, so difficult to make a profit with AdWords? Why does Google make it more difficult for affiliates? The same with Facebook. At least most CPA offers are no longer allowed. Why can´t I just make the websites that are most profitable for me? Why do I have to pay a tribute to Google? Do most people really want to read high quality content? Why are the most idiotic Videos often very popular on YouTube? Why do newspapers or magazine with "cheap" content have usually much more readers than high quality magazines for more educated people? That high quality content is the most userfriendly seems to me like one of the least proven theories of the universe.
  • Use PPC to drive traffic to a well optimized page on a site with good, consistent content. Have opt-ins placed on all the pages offering a newsletter or an ebook which solves a problem or gives valuable information. Then build a good relationship with your subscribers and suggest good products from CB which will be worth their money. You will make commissions and have a lifelong list of subscribers to whom you can 'sell clickbank products without google knowing'
  • Is it possible to promote amazon affiliate site with adwords? or google adwords will take it as a bridge page/ doorway page?Any body have similar experience? I create an amazon affiliate site in my own domain with wpazonbuilder.Is it possible to run adwords campaigns for this type of auto blogging site?
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    • Yes, you can promote an Amazon affiliate site with AdWords. However, if you don't know what you are doing, you will almost certainly get tagged as a bridge page and possibly banned (worst case).

      I can tell you for certain that using something like wpazonbuilder will ensure AdWords rejection / banning.
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  • Just follow the google guide lines.

    If you want to direct linking to clickbank offer. Try using 2dn tier ppc