7 replies
I've been sitting on two domains forever.

dietandweightloss.org and weightlossanddiets.com
Now, it's time to sell them and I need to get an objective idea of what they are worth.

#appraisal #domain
  • Profile picture of the author GMT
    Since I take it you're not making any money off them currently, you need to determine how much traffic they're getting. Most buyers want to buy sites that are already making money, but your domains are pretty solid so you may be able to do well, depending on the traffic. I see the latter was created in 08 as well, that's definitely a plus, as it can help it rank faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author valkerie
    Neither of them is new. I'd wanted to get some idea of their value based on the name alone. If I build traffic and add articles - and start making money on the sites - what would be the point of selling?
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    • Profile picture of the author GMT
      Originally Posted by valkerie View Post

      Neither of them is new. I'd wanted to get some idea of their value based on the name alone. If I build traffic and add articles - and start making money on the sites - what would be the point of selling?
      Big pay day, can typically sell sites making money at 10 times their worth at least. Check out flippa's just sold to see how much people are making off sites vs what they sold them for to give you a estimate.
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  • Profile picture of the author alliance
    Try valuate.com as a free service to get domain values. I use it as a quick guide for buying and selling domains. Its not perfect, just a guide.
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  • Profile picture of the author Green Moon
    I think that with the recent changes in Google's algorithm that apparently reduced (but not eliminated) the weight that was given to keywords in a domain name, I think you are going to find that domains like the two you listed are not nearly as valuable as they might have been three months ago.

    You can compare domain sales on Flippa or at the forums that attract domainers (as opposed to internet marketers). Just be sure you are looking at relatively recent numbers.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    I guess they are worth what people are willing to pay for them.

    They will be worth a lot to people that will put them to good use and have a need for them.

    I guess the idea would be to get them out there where people can see them !


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  • Profile picture of the author valkerie
    Thanks for all your advice.
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