How Many WSOs Have You Bought?

by 58 replies
I probably bought more than 200. Great learning experience.

I still get amazed by how creative some people can be. Always learning new stuff while putting them to action.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #bought #wsos
  • I bought one a couple years ago. Just bought another the other day. They're the only two I found interesting.
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    • Probably about 10. Only two of which I've been disappointed with.
  • I buy many... Sometimes 5 or more a day. Every day.
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    • LMAO... thanks hp... here's an excerpt I sent to myself: "this is an excellent post, it will tell me how many WSO's you buy."
  • I've bought three since I've been here. One was excellent, though not something I wanted to do after looking closely. The other two were, well, they were disappointing. So it goes...
  • Just a handful. I generally only buy products, themes, plugins or software. I'm not a huge fan of purchasing info products unless its an extensive course with lots of content.
  • I've had to kerb my WSO fever !!

    Most of what I buy is either plugins or PLR !! - I usually buy training if it's from someone reputable such as John Thornhill or similar - but I've got well over 200 I think and havn't managed to watch even a tenth of them! :/

    Time to stop this month! lol


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    • Until now I bought a maximum of 7 WSOs in a month, and a minimum of 3.
      Everytime I buy something, I try to learn new things to improve my internet marketing daily tasks.

      It's a great thing to be on Warrior Forum, and it's thank to me and each one of you if this blog is live and powerful as no others! The power of buyers. What else?

      Thanks and see you soon,
      Alessandro Zamboni
  • When I first came to this forum 3 or so years ago I bought several WSO's because I wanted to learn everything. That was not a good idea, I just got overwhelmed and only took action on a few things, while I should of just focused on one thing at a time. I now mainly buy WSOs that are plugins, themes, and software. Though recently I have purchased a WSO coaching program that is helping me approach Internet Marketing more as a business then just a money maker.
  • Ok just typed a really long post but figured noone would read it.

    I only bought 1 wso when I first came here. The WSO led to 5 major changes in my life:

    1) Set up a mail marketing/postcard business which was my first real "success". This lit a major fire under my ass and put my will to the ultimate test.

    Everything after #1 was all triggered by #1. Meaning taking action just one time, has now led to all these other doors opening in my life.

    2) I met my current boss (an awesome guy) who pays me generously to market his biz both offline/online.

    3) Meeting my bosses friends which allowed me to start a second web design biz. I have sold 8 websites now & the referals are so overwhelming that I have no openings till the first week of august (bosses friends are now telling their friends). In a way I love it & shouldn't complain but on another hand its become very stressful too. I lost 2 clients this past month because I don't know how to outsource properly. I'm obsessed with overdelivering (people always get more than their moneys worth with me) and I'm afraid if I outsource that referals will slow down.

    4) Through these clients I was able to start table set ups/guerilla marketing on the side once a month. I do the design/set up/banners myself, then I outsource promotion to college kids off CL.

    5) I became super confident about my life, my own abilities, & the fact that now I feel like I can accomplish ANYTHING I put my mind to. I have also launched my first ebook over the last couple months, and am perplexed that it is actually selling now. Eventually I'll be focusing a lot more on online marketing although offline has been a real blessing for me.

    To sum it up, over the course of last 6-7 months my life has become surrounded with opportunity just by buying 1 simple WSO.

    Some food for thought.

    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • I stopped buying wso's after my paypal indicated I spent more money than I care to admit. I still spring for anything related to kindle stuff. That is what I've been pursuing and I've actually seen my bank account better off for it.
  • Too many, way too many!!

    Probably over 100 by now, although some were for research purposes
  • Banned
    None actually yet as I just joined this month but I'm going to buy a couple soon I think.
  • Only 1 so far, and it was extremely disappointing; I felt totally ripped-off. And no refund of course.

    If I had done some 'due diligence' by Googling the guy offering it and the product itself, I would have seen that he was already becoming known as a 'take the money and run' kind of guy, and I would have saved myself some $$. I will be exceedingly cautious next time before (if) I buy another one.
  • I am wondering how much you already made out of those 200 WSOs.
    I purchased 2 WSO's 2 years before I joined this forum and another 3 when I am a member. 2 ebooks and 3 software/programs.... and I have no more plan to buy unless it is an SEO software/program....

    Information overload is one of the main reasons why people failed.... more time in reading but not in doing.... Excitement with new WSO's don't make money...
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    • Monetary values wise, I made way more than what I've spent. I bought so many in order to connect the dots. I call this stereoscopic learning. I wanted to have as many IM lego pieces in mind in order to see the entire blueprint.
  • Wow 200? hmmm...
    I am around 5-10 and im good! with the
    war room you really don't need any wso's.
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    • I have purchased lots, most not worth the time it took to read. However some have golden nuggets!!
  • I bought 3 in the previous week. Where one guy was scam and other 2 were not so good.
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    • Hmm, can you provide some proof in order for us to believe in your first ever post?
  • i bought more than 20, most of them are not so good
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    • I've lost track. Lots, though. They haven't all been great, but I've never asked for a refund. I've learned at least a little something from each one, and if you learn something, it's money well spent (in my opinion).
  • I wouldn't have a clue but I mainly go for those WSO's such as tools, softwares and plugins rather than the 'how to' courses.
  • Bought 1 about article marketing. Wasn't too impressed. Wasn't too long ago either.
  • 0 because nobody ever sells valuable information, if I had a sure fire method to make any conceivable amount of money I would never sell it as a $10 WSO...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • You are speaking for yourself.
  • I have bought about 5. I recently bought one dealing with YouTube traffic and it's the Only WSO that has made me my money back in the first day !
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    • I have bought several dozens. I am always on the look-out to learn something new. If I buy one that isn't any good or one that doesn't teach me anything new, I just chock it up to experience. My IM career has made me plenty of money so if I lose a little, who cares.

      Overall, since the price of most WSO's is quite cheap ($10 or less), what I have gained far outweighs any losses I've had.

      Roll on.... fellow warriors... roll on!
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  • Probably around 10 all up.

    It's about finding out who will provide a valuable product.

    But I've probably downloaded about 100 for free from the War Room

    - Trevor
  • about 5 or 6, but I keep only 3, others were crap!!
  • Used to buy many but stopped buying after I join the War Room.
  • Probably around 10 total. Most were in within a 3 week time span. I'm sure I would only buy WSO's now if they were tools / software or something of that manner moving forward.
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    • Probably about 5-10.

      Some were a good read. None were amazing.

      I prefer to get my advice from outside the forum and it's given me much better results than the 8 or so months I only took advice from the forum.
  • I've bought five, only found two interesting, the others were a waste of money. It is good ofcourse when one is already earning from IM, then getting and trying the WSOs is simpler.
  • I've got about 27 WSO, not all are great, never asked for refund and learn something from every single one.
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    • I have bought maybe 7 or 8 in the last few years and made 2 refund requests, one where the bookmarking software didn't actually work and another where I paid $17 for a WSO that could be summed up in 4 words!

      I keep meaning to start a new thread...what is the fewest number of words to sum up a WSO you have bought?

      ....or something like that!
  • Sorry for my ignorance. What is a WSO?
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    • see the warrior special offer section....
  • I went through a phase not so long ago and bought loads and never did anything with them.

    The last one I bought was Omar Martins Speedy Profit Creator because I think the software is excellent for the money.

    I had to kirb it after that because I was just spending too much. $5 here, $10 there - it all adds up!
  • Several 10's, didn't count them.
  • Banned
    Wow, some of you buy WSO's like I buy pizza! (Not a good thing lol). Personally, I've purchased less than 5, and have been able to at least pull something out of all of them. I don't regret not buying more. My business is still doing pretty darn well without them.
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    • I search for good WSOs almost everyday, bought around 100 this year so far, latest one was from Alessandro in post 8 above about "pizza".
  • Just checked my folder for purchased WSO and it says 13.78 Gig bytes. Cannot count how many they are but I am sure it is more than 100 hundred. But some I have gotten free for review purposes.

    I always learn new things from all the WSO offers. Even when I knew the information already, I never fail to find something of value from a WSO. it can be one line or one sentence. But in most cases, there is something to learn from there.
  • Banned
  • I most admit I have purchased a few most were very good but I am choosy and do not jump at everything that moves. There is great information here and some crap but that is true of any niche or market... there are no diamonds laying on the beach waiting for you to find them... or? Maybe I should check... be right back... ... ... No none. If you know what you are looking for and what you need and not just get rich quick in 1 easy step, or click here and wakeup a millionaire (tried that didn`t work, maybe I should sleep longer.

    Just be smart, logical and a bit picky.
  • Banned
  • so far one and i have learnt so much about the niche
  • When I stopped buying I started to make money.. distraction is a beast
  • When I joined I couldnt help myslef from buying everything and anything, got totally out of control some were good most were disapointing. My advice would be to only buy if you really need help in that area do some research and pick only the best you can find
  • i am on the forum for years, but only registered last year or so...since then i bought probably about 10 to 15 wso's which were almost all diappointing. Usually the methods have died off are there a huge holes in the strategies offered. There haven't been many wso's teaching me something new, to be honest.
  • you should never stop learning unless you have already made millions

    I have purchased over 20 courses
  • At least 20, however I've decided no more until I implement all that I have gathered.LOL. Information overload is indeed a killer. :/ Taking massive action is what successful people do day in and day out.
  • well over 200, easily 10-15 per month, and if I'm honest I only like about 2 or 3 of those a month! Had some real gems, but also some real bad ones!

    I love reading through them, I learn alot from most and pass on the best of the best to my list, which like I said is typically 2 or 3 a month!
  • About 5. All of them were really embarassing sucky crap
  • Banned
  • I buy about one a week. I don't buy another one until I have completely implemented the one just purchased. I have refunded only two. If I find at least one money-making idea in a WSO then I consider it a bargain. I've bought from one guy 9 times and each one made me an average 50x what I paid. I have a list of the best people to buy from and those I'll never buy from again. I'm thinking of making it into a WSO. The comments would be interesting.
  • I think I've bought maybe 2 or 3... I remember buying one for sure it was super good on article writing...
  • I have purchased so many I have lost count. Range from $4 to $500. I have learned something from all of them. Even if that lesson was that I should not have purchased that WSO. I also pass the good ones on to my list.
  • I'm thinkin' somewhere north of 100. Thing is, it's been a hell of an education, in many ways!
  • I bought 3 or 4 of them.One of the guys is good and I still make of his services.And another guy was a crap,he took the payment and never to be seen again - after that Im a bit concerned with placing orders on warriors, so in pause mode at present.

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