Newbee in the weight loss niche

Profile picture of mlarsson
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
18 replies

I've started in this niche without knowing much in February and since then have read a lot of information and implementing link-wheels, keyword research with market samurai etc. I'm focusing on low competition keywords and I'm currently on page 2 in google for some of them. But that doesn't get me any traffic of course.

I found the Fitness Blog Training recently and went through that as well.

My niche is men around 35 with some extra belly fat to lose. Typically those who "let go" when they got kids.

I'd really appreciate your comments on if its worth going on? Am I too impatient? I actually want to produce good content.

1) Squidoo as mentioned in Fitness Blog Training doesn't like lenses that cover fat loss. How do you get around this? Are there other sites just as powerful?
2) Should I set up satelite sites (I'm using wordpress, etc) for each post to squidoo or eZine aricles for best results?

I now this is a really tuff niche but I really want to wite posts for this niche but I don't have so much time and I have to see some dollars or even more important, traffic, to keep motivated. Is it worth pushing on?

Thank you very much!
#loss #newbee #niche #weight
  • Profile picture of the author getano
    Profile picture of getano
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The weight loss niche is pretty tough. In order to see some good results you have to be patient and to push constantly.
    Squidoo, web 2.0 and ezine articles are not enough to obtain first page rankings. You need to get more diversity to your link building profile.
    Also, link velocity is an important factor today. You have to build links constantly and to make it look natural for search engines (especially for Google).
    Be careful not to build backlinks only to your home page and do not use only main term keywords as anchor texts in order to stay away from Google penalties! Penguin could get you in trouble if you are not careful.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
    Marx Vergel Melencio
    Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi MLarsson,

    An industry or subject area or niche where there are lots of people who regularly search on the Internet for info, advice and solutions that can help them solve their most urgent problems and satisfy their most immediate needs that they can neither solve nor satisfy on their own could most likely be profitable, especially if:

    (1) You have specialized knowledge and experience in the industry or subject area or niche;
    (2) There are only a few people with the same level of specialized expertise in the industry or subject area or niche as yours; or
    (3) You were in a similar situation as theirs, troubled with the same urgent problems and pestered with the same immediate needs, and you managed to successfully solve those problems and satisfy those needs on your own with the help of the solutions you're now promoting...

    Now, the problem is, in my opinion:

    This is where almost any industry or subject area or niche becomes strongly competitive: You're focusing on top Google search engine rankings for your target traffic, to get the traffic you think would give you the best results. And, you're focusing on implementing ways to get the pages of your website on the top Google results for relevant search terms. Why?

    Hundreds upon thousands of people, affiliate marketers and product developers and home business owners and small to mid-scale businesses and small to large companies and small to giant corporations are also focusing on getting top Google SE rankings for their target search terms and on implementing ways to quickly get top Google SE rankings...

    Instead, I suggest you focus on establishing a good, solid reputation in online places where your target markets frequently hang out, as a friendly, expert resource of relevant and updated content, info, advice, products and services that can provide your target markets with benefits not found elsewhere. What are these ways?

    Content syndication. Guest posting. Web forum and social network marketing. Video marketing. Campaigns to build prospect and buyer mailing lists through free digital info products (prospects) and paid digital info products (buyers, via getting affiliates promoting your paid digital info product, with your affiliates getting 90% or more commissions per sale). PPC/PPV/PPM and private ads on online places where your target markets frequently hang out. Solo email ads. JVs...
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  • Profile picture of the author rob9482
    Profile picture of rob9482
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you've done a bit of research in the niche of weight loss you probably have a lot of information I would recommend using it away from Google doing this.

    1, turn some of your good articles into free e-book and share them on some of the PDF share sites and remember to embed your affiliate link in the bottom of every page this will get you some good sales quite quickly with your content you have already produced.

    2, make a couple of YouTube videos about the topic teach people something that they don't already know about their problem and direct them to click on the link in the description which will take them either to your website, affiliate product or squeeze page.

    3 this is an oldie but a goodie do some forum marketing find some forums in your niche and make some very good comments that will actually help people on their put a link to your website or affiliate products in your signature you'll be surprised at how much traffic you actually get from this and you can make some very good sales.

    4, take some of your content and build a Facebook fan page and start interacting on Facebook you'll be surprised at how much traffic you can get your website just by building a Facebook fan page for the website not only that but you can also optimised your fan page for a different easy to rank for keywords so you get even more traffic.

    5, when you setup the Facebook fan page link it to a twitter account that way any updates you put on Facebook will automatically be shared on twitter this will also give you a big following and a targeted audience if you update your Facebook fan page regularly.

    These are just some of my tips that would help you get more traffic to your website or affiliate product away from Google because trust me when I tell you it's not good to have all of your eggs in one basket or in this case all of your traffic from one place I learned that the hard way.
    • Profile picture of the author mlarsson
      Profile picture of mlarsson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thank you all for good answers!

      It seams that the way to go is to blog comment, post in forums along with the usual SEO basics for wordpress.

      My site name is pretty bad as I chose that based on a keyword that I thought was a good one when I started out. That was not the case and the domain doesn't say enough about what I want to write about. Should I change it? Would it be better to have a more generic domain and write about more topics that could be relevant to this audience, this means writing about things outside the weight loss niche?

      Also, I wonder if there are any forums out there that has signatures any more. It seams that the niche is so spammy that most sites I have found have turned this function off. Is it still worth using these forums to build a reputation?

      • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
        Benjamin Ehinger
        Profile picture of Benjamin Ehinger
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by mlarsson View Post


        I've started in this niche without knowing much in February and since then have read a lot of information and implementing link-wheels, keyword research with market samurai etc. I'm focusing on low competition keywords and I'm currently on page 2 in google for some of them. But that doesn't get me any traffic of course.

        I found the Fitness Blog Training recently and went through that as well.

        My niche is men around 35 with some extra belly fat to lose. Typically those who "let go" when they got kids.

        I'd really appreciate your comments on if its worth going on? Am I too impatient? I actually want to produce good content.

        1) Squidoo as mentioned in Fitness Blog Training doesn't like lenses that cover fat loss. How do you get around this? Are there other sites just as powerful?
        2) Should I set up satelite sites (I'm using wordpress, etc) for each post to squidoo or eZine aricles for best results?

        I now this is a really tuff niche but I really want to wite posts for this niche but I don't have so much time and I have to see some dollars or even more important, traffic, to keep motivated. Is it worth pushing on?

        Thank you very much!
        My advice, get a good writer or pound out the content yourself. Competitive niches, like weight loss, hosting, making money, etc, require content to get ranking. You can use blog posts to rank for long tail keywords and over time your main keywords. It just takes time to get there.

        Originally Posted by getano View Post

        The weight loss niche is pretty tough. In order to see some good results you have to be patient and to push constantly.
        Squidoo, web 2.0 and ezine articles are not enough to obtain first page rankings. You need to get more diversity to your link building profile.
        Also, link velocity is an important factor today. You have to build links constantly and to make it look natural for search engines (especially for Google).
        Be careful not to build backlinks only to your home page and do not use only main term keywords as anchor texts in order to stay away from Google penalties! Penguin could get you in trouble if you are not careful.
        I agree completely. I would recommend using social bookmarking for each posts (automatic programs like onlywire are great) you can automate some article marketing with something like submit your article, you can use web 2.0s other than squidoo (there are quite a few) and directory links still help with good PR.

        Originally Posted by mlarsson View Post

        Thank you all for good answers!

        It seams that the way to go is to blog comment, post in forums along with the usual SEO basics for wordpress.

        My site name is pretty bad as I chose that based on a keyword that I thought was a good one when I started out. That was not the case and the domain doesn't say enough about what I want to write about. Should I change it? Would it be better to have a more generic domain and write about more topics that could be relevant to this audience, this means writing about things outside the weight loss niche?

        Also, I wonder if there are any forums out there that has signatures any more. It seams that the niche is so spammy that most sites I have found have turned this function off. Is it still worth using these forums to build a reputation?

        I don't know if I would go after forums here as you are correct, they are very spammy. I would do some serious guest blogging as you get the benefit of direct traffic and links from other blogs in your niche.

  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Profile picture of Miguelito203
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by mlarsson View Post


    I've started in this niche without knowing much in February and since then have read a lot of information and implementing link-wheels, keyword research with market samurai etc. I'm focusing on low competition keywords and I'm currently on page 2 in google for some of them. But that doesn't get me any traffic of course.

    I found the Fitness Blog Training recently and went through that as well.

    My niche is men around 35 with some extra belly fat to lose. Typically those who "let go" when they got kids.

    I'd really appreciate your comments on if its worth going on? Am I too impatient? I actually want to produce good content.

    1) Squidoo as mentioned in Fitness Blog Training doesn't like lenses that cover fat loss. How do you get around this? Are there other sites just as powerful?
    2) Should I set up satelite sites (I'm using wordpress, etc) for each post to squidoo or eZine aricles for best results?

    I now this is a really tuff niche but I really want to wite posts for this niche but I don't have so much time and I have to see some dollars or even more important, traffic, to keep motivated. Is it worth pushing on?

    Thank you very much!
    Weight loss is a huge niche with lots of profitable products to promote, so yeah it's worth your time. All it takes is one niche to make it big. I wouldn't be creating link wheels. They leave "footprints" and are pretty much a thing of the past. Make sure to add product reviews and articles about stuff going on in your niche. You'll get traffic from both. You should also look into promoting "Six Pack Shortcuts" by Mike Chang. It's all over the place and pays out $100+ per sale. It's on Clickbank.

    Good luck,
  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Profile picture of Chris-
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are many alternatives to Squidoo, you just have to learn a little bit more. There are a bunch of free ones like Weebly, WordPress, Blogger etc. each of which can perform as well as Squidoo, or there is the option of building your own site, which takes some money, and some learning, but will almost certainly get more profit for the same content.

    There's other cheap options, such as creation good html-type ads on USFreeAds, and using EzineArticles (and/or other article sites) to send traffic to those (since you can't put your affiliate link directly on EZA, although some others like GoArticles might let you).

  • Profile picture of the author DeeAnkary
    Profile picture of DeeAnkary
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is it worth pushing on? Absolutely yes.

    You need a two-pronged approach: write articles targeting long tail keywords. They will rank with little to no backlinks after a few weeks. Second, put your affiliate links inside the posts - having the products in the sidebar doesn't work as well as having them weaved into the content.

    Weight loss niche is difficult to convert. My weight loss niche gets a regular 30-50 uniques per day, but conversion are closer to 3 per month. Ugh.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Writelixir
    Profile picture of Writelixir
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    I don't think you should give up just yet. The weight/fat loss niche is highly competitive, hence it might take a while to achieve decent results from your efforts. Bear in mind, though, that it's not just about the time and money spent marketing, it is also about what you market. By this I mean whether or not the products are high converting products.
  • Profile picture of the author bigslamgyrl
    Profile picture of bigslamgyrl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm sorry if I missed this answer, but do you have your own website or are you just promoting your affiliate link?

    If you have your own webspace, I would:

    - try to take those low competition keywords and make a Youtube keyword optimized video. Then I would pin it on pinterest.
    - offer them something for free if they sign up for your list (ex: free guide to fat busting foods) and get those viewers that you do have on a list.

    Once you have a list, you can market to the same audience over and over, so it is really an amazing way to go.

    Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author mlarsson
    Profile picture of mlarsson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Yes I do have website and my goal now is to get traffic first of all. After that I'll think mich more about monetizing.

    Thank you for the tips!
  • Profile picture of the author TheOnlineMarketingMaster
    Profile picture of TheOnlineMarketingMaster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am in a weight loss niche as well.
    I don't use anything but psychology and use facebook.
    Money is in sponsoring, I generated a list of over 5,000 last month a lone.
    (Didn't pay a penny for a single name)
    I tried facebook ads, I tried google ads. All they did was frustrate me, so I figured out my own ways.
    You should really study the human mind a bit! It will help a lot in this area!
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    You can make it sell. You can improve the chances of selling your products to this niche by building an email list, and building a large list. Once you have the list, you can offer them products, get them to buy, and then follow up on them with backend offers.
  • Profile picture of the author webtolight
    Profile picture of webtolight
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is a tough niche. But with every tough niche, there are more opportunities and of course, more $.

    Keep going is what I can say.

    Take time. With time your credibility will grow and get more attention around that respective niche.

    Keep learning and catch the nicks and tricks to succeed in the niche.

    Get a better understanding of every concept of having a blog. Trust me, the learning is endless in this type of work.
  • Profile picture of the author stunt101pmiey
    Profile picture of stunt101pmiey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice posts and very informative. Im also in the weight loss niche. Glad I found this post. I love this forum.
  • Profile picture of the author qasim16
    Profile picture of qasim16
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    • Profile picture of the author sanjaysharma
      Profile picture of sanjaysharma
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I am newbie and i am also looking for the way to earn money from weight loss niche. my question is "is that possible for a newbie to start a brand new site on weight loss niche and spend upto $300 for paid traffic and get some good results.

      I really appreciate if someone experience warrior in weight loss niche come and give me some diamond of his wisdom.

      Sanjay Sharma
  • Profile picture of the author MarketingTactics2012
    Profile picture of MarketingTactics2012
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    With their being a fast food spot on seemingly every corner, this is a great niche to be involved in. In fact, during the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. You will never run out of potential leads & sales in this niche. Good Luck my friend.

    All the best,
  • Profile picture of the author Alexyew
    Profile picture of Alexyew
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good niche but the competition for this niche are huge.

    Make use of your unique contents and beat others.
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