Suggestions for a Membership Site
I have been bootstrapping a project at www.bitesizedexperts and as a consequence I have been offered some start up capital. This is going to allow me to have the site professionaly redesigned with better attention to the use of white space, visual appeal etc. Do some off line marketing, incorporate etc, etc.
I am not a Web Designer by anybodies stretch of the imagination as you can see. I absolutely hate Wordpress but I know from buying some of the offers on this forum (mostly bs by the way) that profit themes etc works well on the backend.
I was wondering if any of you guys and gals could make some alternate suggestions? I will be paying someone to scrape the content, redesign the logo, etc and if that is your gig you are welcome to contact me via the site's contact form. However, if you can't match O'Desk or Freelance prices you won't be able to compete.
Clouding this a little bit is I am considering integrating it with a White Label solution from Trumpia or Limewire, or one other that I can't discuss because I am bound by a confidentiality agreement.
In addition to the multi channel solutions offered by the Trumpia's of this world, I want to add value to their offers by offering some more traditional SEO/IM services, video, pr, link building etc. I like to be hands on with the content so I should be able to easily edit and add to.
I really do appreciate your input.
PS if you visit the site please give me a little social love and I will return the favor!
Redwyn88 -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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