I need a mentor. $50 up front, more later.

by 75 replies
I know there's a thousand WSOs offering a mentorship, but I have "special needs". I'm asking for the nearly-impossible, here, but I'm willing to pay for someone who can really help me.

That said, I'm broke. I have about $80 in my PayPal account from a WSO that I ran a few days ago, and that's it.

I don't have an incredible amount of time on my hands. I have a 6-month-old child and a disabled wife, and between taking care of the two of them, I can only spend about 15-25 hours each week working on paying the bills.

Here's the good side: I only need $1000/month to live on. That's only $34/day. My wife is such an amazing shopper that we can literally live on that 1k/month (and $650 of that is rent!).

I have a review page that hasn't made a sale in two weeks, and a nutrition-niche info product that gets no traffic. I've sold 1 copy out of 87 visitors over 6 months. The product is solid, but impossible to market because the benefits are literally unbelievable - as in, no one is even slightly aware of just how much the right diet can prevent or cure, and it's impossible to write a sales page that can capture even a significant portion of what my product can help a person overcome.


SO, here's my offer: If there's a professional here who can help me make $34 dollars a day within 30 days, understanding that I'm only going to have $30 or so to get started -- I'll pay you $50 up front, and then you get absolutely everything that I make above and beyond my $1000/month needs for the first six months. I will provide such a coach access to my Analytics page and any other tools that are necessary to validate my income, short of my PayPal password of course.

I will commit to such a coach that I can and will spend at least 20 hours/week doing whatever you tell me I need to be doing. I can write, I can record .mp3s and video, I have primitive HTML and CSS skills, and I want so badly to be able to support my newborn and my wife without having to leave them alone for 8-12 hours/day that I will sell one of my nuts if I have to. Don't make me do that.

This is an opportunity for the ultimate in outsourcing -- if you can take me to $1k/month, inside of a month, everything past that is yours for the next 6 months. I am perfectly serious.

(Because I realized that it's confusing, I'm not asking anyone to get me $1000 by April 10th. I can pay for April. It's May that I'm shooting to pay for, here. I need to START making $34 a day consistently by April 10th.)

I'd prefer someone with a reputation: someone with at least a few hundred posts and a proven ability to make money and coach others into the same position. If you have the expertise, and you're interested in some more-or-less passive income and, if you're clever, some outsourcing that pays you to do it, please PM me with your deal.

Thank you.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #$50 #front #mentor #reply
  • You have a deal.

    PM me your phone number and the best time to reach you. I'll give you a call tomorrow.

    EDIT: My background -

    Got started working for Pickup101.com, one of the biggest "men's seduction" companies. Learned AdWords and copywriting from the man who ran the company.

    Since then I've worked with offline clients, online clients and managed my own projects. I've made over $40,000 in personal income and I've been responsible for at least $100,000 + in added profits for companies I worked with.

    I've been making an average of $3,000 - $4,000 a month over the last few months, about $1,500 of that being passive.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Hi Essence,

    Keep your $50 for now, your family needs it.

    If you qualify you won't have to pay me anything, and we can work out any other details. But, the first requirement I have is that we raise that $1000 to at least $1500 that you can keep for yourself - sounds like a little extra wouldn't hurt.

    Here to help, let's see what we can do.

    All the best,
    Michael Oksa
    • [ 18 ] Thanks
  • I can tell you that I have accepted an offer, and that in the last two days, we have decided that a product I have already written is going to start paying my bills, and we're working on a complete revamp of the image and style of the associated sites.

    The most important thing I've learned the past 48 hours is that the thing that made me write the report -- my burning desire to actually see people benefit from this knowledge -- is the most critical tool I have in my marketing arsenal.

  • Essence,

    I would love if you shared who you are working with and detail the results..at least let us know general progress...I smell a killer WSO if you and your partner pull this off!

  • Banned
  • Well, Macurdy, thus far Mr. Michael Oksa has helped me turn my old sales page (above) into this, and we're working on driving traffic. It's only been up about 72 hours, and no sales yet, but I've got some affiliates sending me traffic, and I'm doing some traffic-building of my own, so I expect good things.

    • [2] replies
    • I don't like the text font.

      Images aren't loading properly.

      no call to action at the top.

      no subscription box at the top to download a free report - with a backsell via the auto responder.

      this headline

      doesn't describe your product off the bat, it's too bland.

      You could have something like "aren't you sick and tired of nutrition doctors giving you the wrong advice, or giving you something that doesn't work... That all stops now..."

      You've got an affiliate link at the top of that page, turn it into a redirect, set up a php page and place the affiliate code in a redirect php code.

      the ad copy is good, but just where that blue box is, I would place a testimonial above it.

      the blue box needs to stand out more, it's too bland.

      the bullet points you have below the blue box, needs to be checkmarks.

      those images you have there of testimonials, i have a problem in believing they are real.

      • [1] reply
    • Hi Essence,

      Do you have an affiliate tools page? Some of my 13k subscribers might be interested in your product.

      I don't mind blasting an email to help a fellow warrior along. PM me yah. Thanks.

      Alvin Huang

  • Site is looking much better, Good Luck!

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • good job on the site! well done and hope u succeed!!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Mike -- what a guy you are.

    An inspiration to us all.

    Cheers and best of luck Essence,
  • I hope I can make this suggestion w/out sounding like a total ass...

    You need a photo that makes you look thiner and healthier.

    When I think nutrition, I think healthy, thin & fit but when I see your photo, I instantly think over-weight and high blood pressure.

    You could use the boxing glove photo and a tagline like:

    "Knock your doctor out"

  • Banned
  • Can someone validate what nowimhere said? Because I click on the link and I can see the order form just fine.
    • [3] replies
    • Looks good from here Essence

      no problems when I clicked the order link



    • I agree, it takes me to the order form just fine as well.
    • Everything's working fine from here Essence. Nice job on the new page and all your progress!
  • Yeah, I think he needs to remove them altogether because he has only sold 1 copy - as stated in the OP.

    The FDA and FTC could come down on you hard for them.

    IF they, in fact, are real then put the persons full name and city/state.
  • Hi there Essence,

    I wish you the best of luck...

    If I may speak for many Warriors, whom I've personally connected with and found to be real eager to help

    Apart from the help you're getting now, you can also post your products for review so that you get a variety of comments and views from a real diverse audience. You may even setup a private blog just for that.

    Also if you need some tools to make life easier, you may also ask warrior members, I'm sure they'd be glad to help.

    For starters, if you're going to build traffic with articles, and need a good package to help you, I can give you for free, my AMI Article Writer software as well as the Article Writing & Marketing guide to make it easy for you to succeed here.

    Just PM me and I'll send you the private access. The package is $39, and I'm also running a WSO for it, (you can learn more about it), but I'll be more than glad to give you for free, if or when you need it.

    Wish you the best once again

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Essence,

      Good to see all the warriors rallying to help.

      Makes me feel good to be a member here.

      The only thing I can offer, is to encourage you to take Edman up on his offer. His software is a great help for writing articles. I was using it, just before I came here this afternoon and I will be back to using it in a few minutes. And I'm not an affiliate.

      Best of luck.


  • I would also work on the E-cover designs also. Hope all is working out for you
  • Be good to hear how this goes for you! Good luck!
  • My 2c worth. I find long sales letters unreadable. I want to know in the first few sentences what the product does. You achieve that - and I am personally interested. I scrolled down but I can't see the price of the product. I would suggest you add that.
    • [1] reply
    • Have to agree there.. I really have no preference for long or short sales letters (they both have their place, and if a long sales letter is done right it's easy to "skim" and get most of the info you need), but I always prefer a sales page that gives me a price somewhere near the order button at the bottom of the page. If I have to click the buy button just to find out what the price is, I usually just click the back button instead.
  • alvinhuang,

    I'm working on the affiliate tools page at this very moment, it should be roughly up-and-functional by tomorrow (banners not until Sunday).

    rosetrees and stevenh,

    I've been led to understand that putting the price on the sales page is not always a good idea. I'll ask around, though. The price, for the record, is currently $37 (with a 75% commission through Clickbank).
    • [2] replies
    • That may be true, but I've never tested it so I can only speak from personal experience as a customer here. You have to do a really good job of convincing me that I want or need your product to get me to click a buy button without seeing a price on the page. If you have amazing copy and you've done a good job of capturing my attention and making me want to buy your product I might click the buy button anyway to see what the price is, but 99% of the time if I don't see a price on the sales page I don't bother with it.
    • Unfortunately it is NOT optional - it is a mandatory requirement by ClickBank that you have a price on your pitch page. I recommend you place a price tag somewhere to avoid violating ClickBank TOS

  • i need to see this ..
  • Hello Essence,

    If you need a revamp of your LP design, send me a PM I can arrange something for you. Here is my WF offer page if you want to know more about what I do.

  • E.
    I've sent you a pm regarding a unique proposal... My work is for the long-haul. Sustainable stuff that is limited to my members.

    There's no rush. Just let me know if I can assist after the 'dust' settles following your thread.

    I wish your family the best.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thank you, Sam. I'll keep your offer in mind.

    alvinhuang, the affiliate tools page is half-up -- articles and blastouts are written, banners will be available on Sunday. Reviews and PPC keywords next week at the latest. It's all available from the Affiliates link at the bottom of the main page, or directly at Fire Your Doctor! Affiliate Page!

    Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help you; I'm new to this so I'm basically just imitating what I've seen.
  • Hello, I wish your family the best. Just stay with your mentor and do all he asks you to do. To your success. Taiwo
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Kudos to Michael Oksa for offering his help like that, and good luck to you Essence, i hope things work out well for you and your family
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi... Good luck with everything seems like you are getting some great help here... I couldn't help noticing this in your first post...

    "My wife is such an amazing shopper that we can literally live on that 1k/month (and $650 of that is rent!)"

    That sounds like a very good product to me! maybe even a membership site?
  • Hahaha, we've talked that idea over several times, Chris. I think it's a good one, but I'm not really sure how to translate it into an online format. We've done personal shopping for friends and neighbors, saving them 40-70% on their food bills, but getting that into a web-friendly process...well, it's eluded us so far.
    • [1] reply
    • Boy I agree with Chris. In this economy that might be do very well. A way to get your hands around it is by thinking that a loved one who is out of state has asked for your help in learning how you two do it. So you want to write down how you and your wife accomplish it. Start with a checklist first and see what you come up with. Once you have a checklist you can expand on it and see if you can flesh out an e-book out of it.

      Although first focus with your task at hand before jumping to a new project. :-)
      • [1] reply
  • I am thanking all of you who offered a helping had to this fellow. You guys are great. It just goes to show that the WF is just one big family.
  • You gotta come out and spend some time aboard the yacht! The weather is headed NORTHWARDS, and I'll be doing a LOT more Internet Marketing and Direct Networking aboard my trawler this spring and summer - bring that savvy wife, too! hehe - what did ya think of my Lifestyle Marketing 101 - sunrise over Puget Sound YT video? (smiling) that was fun to make.
  • Banned
    Right on...this is what this forum is all about...

    Marketers helping other marketers...I love it.

    this thread should be stickied up at the top.
  • Okay.. I don't mean to break the goodwill of this thread but ....

    I feel awkward...

    Is this what "MOST" Warriors have been doing?
    Looking at the OP sig and this thread definitely made me thinking...

    Need startup funds? Anyone with a PayPal account can make $50 over night and turn that into $500 in days!

    Give me 40 hours and 2 Dollars, and I'll Give You Passive Income For Life
    • [1] reply
    • Fattysolo,

      You also have to look at the dates of when the threads are started. This one is started last year, the other ones (in his sigs) are started this year. I think his business has lift up since he started this thread, with the help of other warriors here.

      • [1] reply
  • Quite the opposite, actually -- I thought I was doing just fine with my business, until I went from $250/week from my review site to $0/month pretty much overnight. I still don't know what happened (such is the life of a n00b, right?) I do know that it coincided with the "your unemployment checks have almost run out" message, however -- so I took the steps I needed to to keep my family under a roof.

    My WSOs are still good for exactly what they claim to do -- get someone who is broke and trying to get started a quick influx of cash in order to finance a larger operation. Unfortunately, they're pretty much one-shots, and I've already used them.

    Oh, and Steven -- you're totally on! Just tell me when!

  • Essence - signed up for your 12 part E-course and received value out of part 1. Thank you and Good luck with this!!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • This summer it's just my little old Nora (35 foot cutter-rigged bluewater sloop) - not exactly the lap of luxury, but she'd take you anywhere in the world without any complaining.

      NEXT SUMMER we're going to the Lake Union fireworks on the WN Ragland - all 105 feet of her! WN RAGLAND Schooner crewed Pacific Charters

      and I'm NOT talking about RENTING her for the day! this gal is going to be a PORTAL ASSET...
      • [1] reply
  • Edit: No problem, Essence


    13 point Arial or Verdana might be a better choice for body text. Courier is best reading the printed word.

    At least 16 point subheads in Verdana, Arial or Times. The latter would match your Headline.

    Nice work, Mike. Hope I'm not stepping on any toes here. Kinda scrambled to get this done fast and didn't read the entire thread.


    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Nice graphics, Grant! I appreciate it!

    I don't know how to replace the Submit button from the Aweber script. Can anyone help me with that one?

    I'll get the list buttons replaced, though!

    • [1] reply
    • To replace the aWeber submit button...

      You will need to grab the Raw HTML from your aWeber form instead of the JavaScript.
      Of course replace the JavaScript--everything inside the <script> </script> tags with the raw html stuff.
      Then, replace this code: <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
      with this code: <input type=image src="image.gif" name="submit"> using the name of the button image instead of image.gif.

      That should do it.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Essence,

    You might want to let a few of us read your book and provide a testimonial for you in exchange and then you could select the ones you want for your sales page.

    I found the sales page a bit hard to get through. It should be broken up into bite size chunks that I can scan. Red Impact headlines throughout that tell the story--sell the book.

    I'm also in favor of listing the price which seems high to me without strong testimonials or some kind of proof.

    Best of luck to you. And, kudos to Michael Oksa for his generosity.
  • I just wanted to share a few thoughts.

    1. I appreciate the kudos, but there's no need. Essence said he has a disabled wife and 6-month-old baby to feed. There was no way I was going to take $50 from any of them.

    2. The site is still a work in progress, but it has come a long way.

    3. The feedback in this thread is incredible - it's all of you who deserve a kudos.

    4. What's really making it work is Essence's openess to suggestion. Notice, he hasn't argued with every post like we've seen from far too many other people asking for help.

    5. Essence is a man of action. When I give him assignments, he doesn't balk, or argue, or make excuses. In fact, he often asks for more; just in case he finishes before our next session.

    That was all I could think of off the top of my head. Great to see the Warrior community at it's best.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Still, kudos to you for helping a man in need. Your Karma will surely be a valuable asset in the future.
  • I have no doubt of that, Kevin. Michael has got me hooked on the idea of giving back, no doubt.

    Valerie, the price tag has been up since a few hours after the posts mentioning that it should be up were made. ;p

    And Kristen, you mention strong testimonials or proof -- are the testimonials I have not strong enough? Because several people have commented that they were particularly powerful. Do they not 'do it' for you?
  • Sorry for the double post, but it's been several days, and I wanted to ask for y'alls ideas.

    I've been putting in some time doing article marketing (Michael Danielson - EzineArticles.com Expert Author), and between that and a few affiliates that have picked me up from Clickbank, I'm getting about 20~25 hits/day.

    And no conversions. I can count clearly 120 hits that don't come from here, or from EZA staff or Clickbank affiliates just scoping out the site, and the only sale I had refunded in 17 minutes because (he Emailed me) he thought he was buying from a different site with a similiar name and layout.

    So, two questions for the lot of you: Any ideas for driving traffic that may be more efficient than article marketing (given that I only have 20 hours/week to work in), and any ideas to improve conversion given that I'm not about to completely rework my landing page?

    Thank you, Warriors!
    • [1] reply
    • Essence,

      just a few quick ideas that might be helpful (or not...). Please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion. I'm no marketing expert...

      • Does the system in your report require any additional purchases, e.g. for vitamin pills etc.? If not, you could try to state this more clearly at the beginning. Costs might be an issue for some people.
      • You're claiming to be able to help with a lot of different issues. Not only does this make your claim somewhat unbelievable to me (again: only my personal 2 cents), it also doesn't feel very relevant to whatever problems I might have. Maybe having different versions of the landing page where you stress different issues would help? You could try to drive very targeted traffic, e.g. for weight loss, skin problems, poor sleep, whatever else, to the appropriate page and relate to their particular problems.
      Two more things: do you have any means of tracking how long people stay on the page or where they leave? And: do you get opt-ins to your email series? If so: how many (i.e. conversion rate)? And have you tried asking these people what in particular they are interested in, and why or why not they would buy the product?

      Hope that helps,

  • Essence
    I am new here so I don't have any advise to offer. I am trying to find my way as well. However, I had to say that I am watching your story with interest. My thoughts are with you and your family. With such dedication and motivation I am sure that you will find the success that is waiting for you.

    • [1] reply
    • Hello,

      This has been an interesting read to say the least...
      hmmm... You need to start doing some split testing
      on your title... The words and colour are so important
      when it comes to grabbing your reader... Also, change
      the font that you're using (split testing)... Remember
      that it's your eyes that buy into the product... You may
      have heard about heat maps? Basically, the study of
      how the eyes move once they're on your website...
      Here's a picture that illustrates eye movement on your
      website... http://yourwebgurus.wordpress.com/20...ther-heat-map/
      This just reinforces the need for a great eye catching

      It may help to put a video together of you explaining the benefits
      of the product... Of course (more split testing)...

      There are many ways to drive traffic outside of article marketing... I
      would suggest reading this thread on classified advertising...
      http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...raigslist.html... It's the
      most complete thread on classified advertising that I've read to date.
      Once you complete that thread here is a list of 300 FREE classified sites
      to post on... http://www.myseoblog.net/2008/09/02/...ied-ads-sites/

      Next... Run over to google.groups.com and create a group
      around your product... Then find 50+ groups with following
      of over 1000 people in similar markets and invite/promote your
      product... (*Remember* Help first product promotion second)

      Jump over to facebook/myspace and create a group around
      your product... Again invite people from other groups of similar
      interest... Promote your ideas... (*Remember* Help first product promotion second)

      Jump over to twitter... Create an account (more of the same)

      Here is a series of traffic driving videos by one of the more
      successful affiliate programs on clickbank.

      That should fill your 20 hours this week...

      I'm looking forward to reading about your success...


  • Looks like it's been a few weeks since the last post, how about a progress report?
  • I am going to be honest here. It looks like a snakeoil. You are claiming too much.

    Unless you can reasonably evidence your claims for the product, I would suggest the more general "well-being approach". Think anti-wrinkle creams. They say a lot without actually making explicit claims.

    The test I apply is as follows: if faced with an expert panel in field x, could I reasonably defend my claims for product x in the face of a lawsuit? If yes, go ahead. If no, take the cautious line and re-evaluate.

    You guys seemed to have missed the elephant in the room that is the actual bad product.

    Be well and good luck (I really mean that).

  • Well, netopps2, I could absolutely reasonably defend my claims in the face of a lawsuit. There are large organizations (the Price Pottenger Foundation, as one good example) who promote the science behind my product. The facts are in evidence -- there just happen to be multi-trillion dollar industries vested in keeping the facts out of the public zeitgeist.

    Progress report:

    Progress is slow: my wife had a small nervous breakdown, and I had to take a week more-or-less 'off' (only 2 articles posted). But we've recovered, and I'm getting back into the swing of things. I've had 2 sales; one refunded, the other guy has started Emailing me back and forth regularly. 8 subscribers to my list (not counting myself, my wife, and my mentor), which is going to put out it's first round of '4th message' on Wednesday.

    I'm almost up to a full month of online time, and i'm looking at roughly 750 hits, about 400 of which are from WF peeps checking me out. Another 65 come from EZA staff and Clickbank affiliates checking me out. Another 125 come from my articles. Another 30 or so come from affiliate sites, and the rest are either organic or direct.

    By my math, that make 2 sales in about 150 customer-hits...not awful as far as conversion. I just need a buttload more traffic at this point.

    milkyway, I'm offering a back-end personalized diet from a registered nutritionist ($127), but I'm not encouraging or offering any specific products beyond advice on what types of establishments are most likely to carry foods appropriate to the diet. Does that answer your question?

    JaySabree: I'll check into all those ideas! Thank you!
  • Hi All

    I came across this thread just by chance.

    I knew all along that the members here would willingly help a fellow member in need. Still, I'm really overwhelmed with just going through the contributions of the members.

    Am really proud to belong here.

    Thanks, and Best of Luck to Essence in his endeavor.

    Anil Pandey
  • OK, so, after a month of no sales, I'm looking hard at what the people here have told me needs to change, and I'm trying again. I'm keeping the same basic layout and style, but changing the message. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be working more ideas into the mix.

    For now, anyone want to critique my new pitch?

    Fire Your Doctor!

    I'd really appreciate it!
  • Your site seems to be getting some nice traffic

    Now i did notice that you had a subscription form on the right hand side but for those people who skim read and then if they see anything interesting then go back and look again, then they miss it.

    I would therefor suggest you maybe get a popup that would popup after say 10 seconds or so and give away that free gift (get or make a ebook cover for it too).

    Then afterward you can email them asking if they want to buy your ebook with a 25% discount or something (as they were already a lost sale if they only signed up).

    A video introduction or a video that gives some information about you and is convincing im sure would help sales as well.

    Those are just a few things i noted.

    Tom Brite

    P.S. I also didn't see an affiliate program and can't beleive you are going at this alone. If i were you then when you have some spare cash i would list it on clickbank. (oh and once you are making some sales yourself).
  • Great to see Essence getting offers for mentoring and help. Goes to show there are compassionate people in this forum.
    • [1] reply
    • Michael,

      Early To Rise, Dr. Michael Cutler at Easy Health Options, and Total Health Breakthrough all sell ebooks aimed at your market and they have a different pricing policy from you.

      You might want to sign up to their newsletters and study their sales pages.


      P.S. I find the cartoon doctor inside the red circle offputting. Maybe you could split test it with a more serious image.
  • Martin, thanks for your advice. I checked out those sites, and I see what you mean.

    The graphics for the site are probably going to get reworked to match the new message once I finalize the new message.
    • [1] reply
    • Essence, here's to your success and continued drive and motivation!
  • Hi,I am totally new to IM. I have been reading threads in this forum to learn about it. I read this entire thread and I pray you will succeed.I checked out your site in the end and must say I totally beleive in holistic health and diet (whether or not I practice it!).I got the impression that you are trying to sell something nice that you beleive in BEAUTIFUL!!!!!Many mentions where made throughout and as I've eluded to I'm no markter.I would like to say I buy stuff,I'm into this type of thing,and as a stuff buyer of this type of thing(don't tell my english teacher I just did that LOL).Seriously my heart is whith you on this,what struck me was(wich has been mentioned) ugly font and BLACK! in this topic I want to see green grass big trees sunshine.really,something plant green or yellow sun that black looks like tatoos body peircing disease ect.sorry to be so bold I don't know this biz but I feel the only black should be the letters bright healthy enegetic it's good stuff light it up. I wish you the best and hope you make it.
  • @Essence - fyi - just above the graphic at the bottom of the copy, it says:
    "Just $37 through PayPal!"

    Since you're going via ClickBank that might confuse some.
  • Nothing personal, I think you're a very sexy man but I think your photo (as someone else already stated) is HIGHLY inappropriate.You're selling HEALTH EXPERTISE.Your photo doesn't look like the photo of a health professional or someone particularily healthy. (Not saying you aren't healthy - it's just the photo isn't professional).This makes your whole site look amatuerish and like you are trying to make money - not help people.The whole 1 page sales page thing - Is this really the best format for a HEALTH PRODUCT?Can you make another whole website to test AGAINST it?I would make a prefessional-looking WEBSITE (Not a long scrolling sales page) and see how that goes.The biggest problem I see with the site is that it reeks of you wanting to make money.I hope you don't take this badly - just my 2c
  • Well, I've bookmarked this Post by Essence and I do hope you achieve your goal and SOME.

    What I would reitirate though is to focus not on the monetary goal but focus on activities that can get you there.

    I have a blog right now that averages about $800-$1500/month and my primary business that generates 10 times than that all online.

    So my tips:

    :: Create a wordpress blog about your subject. Write about it and use keywords to start getting organic search results from here on out.
    :: Diversify your income stream. Don't just depend on one page (landing page), sales copy, etc...at the very least, set up a blog (see above)
    :: Get your own domain name and hosting (I know you're on the budget, but aim to get here)
    :: Brand yourself on whatever you do...or brand your team, or brand your product (it may not even your very own)...the goal is to be the authority for whatever the prospect is looking for.

    I'll keep adding more...but have to run...getting dinner for wifey.


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    I know there's a thousand WSOs offering a mentorship, but I have "special needs". I'm asking for the nearly-impossible, here, but I'm willing to pay for someone who can really help me. That said, I'm broke. I have about $80 in my PayPal account from a WSO that I ran a few days ago, and that's it.