Tips for high Optin'rate (?)

29 replies

Please share you tip's , secret's , maybe ebooks about how to get higher optin rates? Maybe some examples ,pics,links would be awesome!Share What % you get ? What to do best to increase optins? Maybe you experience buying solo ad s from safe swaps?

thanks in advance, I think this thread will help not only for me , thanks again
#high #optinrate #tips
  • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
    Look around for a free product that seems to have a high value to YOU. Chances are others would want it also. Write some grabbing copy and offer the item in return for their opt-in. If you can find a winning freebie, you will get opt-ins.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post

      Look around for a free product that seems to have a high value to YOU. Chances are others would want it also. Write some grabbing copy and offer the item in return for their opt-in. If you can find a winning freebie, you will get opt-ins.
      It's better free video course or simple ebook ? maybe plr article pack or some graphics? Which type of product well worked for you?

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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    Video converts better most of the time, because it has an higher perceived value.
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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by esk View Post

      Video converts better most of the time, because it has an higher perceived value.
      That's not always true. As a matter of fact a lot of people like ebooks instead of video. It may convert better for you in your particular market, but it might not in a different market. You should always test and try things to find out what works best.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

        You should always test and try things to find out what works best.
        You may find that specific ad copy or offers may net low initial opt-ins, yet result in subscribers with much higher sales response rates.

        For example, building a list exclusively of buyers can be more productive than building "relationships" with an endless stream of freebie seekers.

        More than likely, they are savvy enough to know you're going to eventually hit them up with a sales promotion anyway.

        Your mileage may vary, but in my experience offering a line of freebies long before the first purchase seems more of a preemptive action against unsubscribing, and tends to excessively extend the sales cycle.

        Matching relevant sales offers with targeted traffic, and establishing relationships on a history of mutual beneficial transactions is an alternative (but much older) marketing practice. Building such a list of delighted buyers is your goldmine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    There is a number of things that affect the optin rate. I will list them in order of importance.

    1. Offer
    2. Traffic
    3. Copy
    4. Squeeze page template

    If you match the 1st two perfectly its not uncommon to have opt in rates up to 80%. Concentrate on your offer (what your giving away). If its something of high perceived value and is highly needed your optins will always be high.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by Elmar View Post

      There is a number of things that affect the optin rate. I will list them in order of importance.

      1. Offer
      2. Traffic
      3. Copy
      4. Squeeze page template

      If you match the 1st two perfectly its not uncommon to have opt in rates up to 80%. Concentrate on your offer (what your giving away). If its something of high perceived value and is highly needed your optins will always be high.
      It's good idea and list building strategy to use safe swaps dot com website?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
    So it's better to find good quality video series and offer as free gift for my subscribers?
    Please share your optin rate?

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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    I get optin rates as high as 60 - 65 %. But dont expect the same when you start.

    1st I dont use PLR or other crap. I make all my bribes or hire professionals (not writers) from the respective industries to create them.

    2nd I research before what is the biggest challenge in the niche I can help overcome and only then create the free gift.

    3rd. I am a traffic master. I only go after highly targeted traffic. Otherwise your optin rate will be watered down.

    4th. Good copy doesn't hurt either, but its really in the offer and the traffic. If you sell water in the desert, you only need good copy if there are other water merchants
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    • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
      Originally Posted by Elmar View Post

      I get optin rates as high as 60 - 65 %. But dont expect the same when you start.

      1st I dont use PLR or other crap. I make all my bribes or hire professionals (not writers) from the respective industries to create them.

      2nd I research before what is the biggest challenge in the niche I can help overcome and only then create the free gift.

      3rd. I am a traffic master. I only go after highly targeted traffic. Otherwise your optin rate will be watered down.

      4th. Good copy doesn't hurt either, but its really in the offer and the traffic. If you sell water in the desert, you only need good copy if there are other water merchants
      Thanks,can you tell more about 3nd ? What is your traffic strategy?
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      • Profile picture of the author intergen
        Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

        Thanks,can you tell more about 3nd ? What is your traffic strategy?
        Good thread - I will be launching a free WSO on the traffic strategies I use. I will let you know when it comes out. Either today or tomorrow - PM me for details and I will send you a preview copy.

        As far as opt-ins it does depend on the niche & what your business goal is. I use content strategies to drive people back to landing pages and/or a site. The content strategies include good solid valuable content relevant to the niche you are going after and then amplify through social channels and drive them back to your LP or site.

        Here is a site set up to capitalize on a strong content strategy - Notice that there is a CTA on every page and it is rich with deep content in the free resources section. This is a longer term more involved site - not a quick hit for cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    Depending on the niche. There are hundreds of traffic sources. I mostly use PPC. Some times but rarely SEO. Solo ads are also very good. But then again it all goes back to what niche your in.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    the niche does play a big part on the type of opt in rate you get

    However, in the IM niche if im not getting at least a 40% opt in rate im very very dissapointed

    i have had good results using video and ive been averaging 38% - 60% opt in rate

    there are some ugly text squeeze pages that have proven to convert really well but generally i have found videos to be very hard to beat but just test things yourself and see what works best for you

    when i use solo ads i usually see a 35% - 55% opt in rate

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  • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
    Thanks for answers My niche is IM and soon will try my first squeeze page and solo ads.Also firstly will try video course as gift. Can you show your squeeze page's ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

      Thanks for answers My niche is IM and soon will try my first squeeze page and solo ads.Also firstly will try video course as gift. Can you show your squeeze page's ?
      Squeeze page, solo ads and free ebooks = a recipe for low open rates and no sales.

      Solo ads are junk traffic. Bribing cold / junk traffic to opt in via a squeeze page means people opt in just to get a freebie (that half the time they don't even bother to open / read) then they never open any of your emails because they have no reason to. You are no one to them and they know nothing about you or how good your content is so what incentive do they have to open? You'll find most your mails go unread, get deleted or marked as spam.

      It's better to send all your traffic to your blog which is packed full of great content and have them opt in because they like your stuff and don't want to miss it or want more of it. This way the list is more responsive, wants you to email them, will open and read and purchase from you.

      Even better build a buyers list rather than one filled with freebie seekers.

      This is probably falling on deaf ears though because everyone on WF is convinced that squeeze pages and solo ads combined with free ebooks are the way forward it seems.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

        This is probably falling on deaf ears
        I'm afraid so: on this question (among others) one is inevitably preaching mostly to the choir: almost nobody else listens.

        Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

        everyone on WF is convinced that squeeze pages and solo ads combined with free ebooks are the way forward
        They are. Indeed, that's even why this question is always asked in the form of "how to build the biggest list". The myth that "the biggest list" will necessarily produce the biggest income and/or the best business is one of the most pervasive and damaging ones from the Urban Myth School of Internet Marketing. But like many others from the same source, it falls under the general heading of "think quantity, never quality".
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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    You can see mine in my signature. You can actually download it there too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elmar
    BTW your starting off in a really difficult niche. I had at least 4 different lists in different niches before I even dabbled in IM.

    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    mine is in my sig too

    its a video but not everyone likes to do videos but as i said they have always worked for me

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  • Minimalistic beats elaborated, in my experience. Just a headline, an image, and an opt-in box.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post

    maybe ebooks about how to get higher optin rates?
    Is a "cautionary note" welcome?

    Don't assume that increasing the opt-in rate as much as possible will also increase your income as much as possible. That's very often not so.

    (I've split-tested methodically only 4 times, myself, but in all 4 tests, the list built from the lower opt-in rate actually produced significantly more income - and of course there were reasons for that, even though I didn't actually understand them at the time I tested ... only later).
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    1) Include a hover ad on your squeeze page, or sales letter page. (you can do this with Aweber)

    2) Embed a sign up form on your sales letter page
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  • Profile picture of the author CTB
    Originally Posted by Kukelka View Post


    Please share you tip's , secret's , maybe ebooks about how to get higher optin rates? Maybe some examples ,pics,links would be awesome!Share What % you get ? What to do best to increase optins? Maybe you experience buying solo ad s from safe swaps?

    thanks in advance, I think this thread will help not only for me , thanks again
    keep the offer page and squeeze page clear of clutter, if you make it busy you have to keep the content about the topic that brought them there and give lots of buttons to click for the optin form

    They should have only 2 choices...sign up or sign off
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  • Profile picture of the author carlajoyce
    I tend to giveaway an ebook of value or some wordpress plugins - it is important that when the subscriber gets to the free download that they don't think they have been short changed by giving you their name and/or email - it works for me. I then sell them on my offer and OTO and i tend to get a 45% optin rate which is pretty good for me.
    Ready To Make Passive Income (Affiliate Cash) - Click Here

    Carla Joyce - Full Time Internet Marketer & Mentor.

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  • Profile picture of the author shafinazahra
    yup giving away something for free - a useful tip , a revelation more importantly - they should be told about the value they will be given - if you can embed a video about the product in the opt-in page , people are more likely to wonder what you're going to give them next

    Shafina Zahra
    Loving Life!

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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Fridrihs
    Just a small tip:
    Highlight your main words by different color, bold, italic, etc. and give highlighted words a chance to compose finished thought. It influences subconscious mind. Look at the beginning of this paragraph: "Highlight main words" is in your mind. The word "your" is lost somewhere. But I have called you to action and you even did not notice it!
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  • Profile picture of the author SurrealPSD
    Useful info, thanks Warriors.

    Im in a very 'image-conscious' niche, and cannot bear going with a traditional optin page. I like the low-clutter video approach provided in the examples above. Look forward to testing it all out. Cheers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Clark
    Minimalist is the way forward. even freebie seekers can become customers if you cultivate your list.
    Make $5 every 10 minutes
    non-affiliate site
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    • Profile picture of the author Dburn
      A little tip that for some reason increases conversions by a little would be to ad this '>>' after your opt in text. So it would look something like this on your opt in button.

      "Get Instant Access >>"

      I'm not sure why but it does increase conversions. It's a cool little trick.

      Hope this helps,

      David Burnett
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