Question about video marketing

by gmil88
14 replies
Hi Warriors! I have a question regarding video marketing, specifically as an affiliate. Is it ok to upload the same video but just change the keywords(title) for each video? Is there anything negative about doing this?

Basically, I just want to know if I make a review video for a product from clickbank, can i upload the same exact video but just change the keywords, title, description so that I am targeting different things?

Any feedback or suggestions would be great, thanks guys.
#marketing #question #video
  • Profile picture of the author softproducts
    I think same video with different keywords might get penalised...
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  • Profile picture of the author gmil88
    How would it get penalized though? how can google read the content of the video?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by gmil88 View Post

      How would it get penalized though? how can google read the content of the video?
      A few ways:

      First is by users flagging the videos as spam. Real people will watch the videos hosted on the same channel and report the videos.

      The second is that Google does have a very sophisticated sound detection algorythm it uses to detect copyright infringement of songs. Every audio file has a unique fingerprint.

      File size...How likely is it that two videos on the exact same account are exactly the same size and length?

      You can cheat these factors in a few ways, but for the same effort, you can create another video.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobIMJones
    I wouldn't risk it personally, sites are becoming more and more strict about spamming and so on.

    Maybe just try a very popular title and put loads of keywords in the "keywords" section underneath the video?
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  • Profile picture of the author gmil88
    Anyone else care to give some insight on this? Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulV
    Originally Posted by gmil88 View Post

    Hi Warriors! I have a question regarding video marketing, specifically as an affiliate. Is it ok to upload the same video but just change the keywords(title) for each video? Is there anything negative about doing this?

    Basically, I just want to know if I make a review video for a product from clickbank, can i upload the same exact video but just change the keywords, title, description so that I am targeting different things?

    Any feedback or suggestions would be great, thanks guys.
    The short answer is no. Because it is against their guidelines and will also get your video immediately banned if it is the exact same video file.

    However, if you alter the video slightly by putting in another image or changing up the time frames to create a unique video file, then you can upload that video and it will not be immediately recognized as duplicate content.

    If they are not reported by people and flagged then you can have both similar videos up in YouTube and both could make you money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Clemons
    I have done this before, but always made sure the videos were different lengths by adding more to it, and changing out the intros etc.. I wouldn't go overboard with this though. Just use common sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmil88
    Thanks guys for your insight, I understand it is not smart to upload the same video to the same account or channel. I am talking about uploading the same video on a different account and different channel that I create. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Just create new and unique videos. It's not worth the hassle to constantly look over your back to see if the Google/Youtube police are after you.
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  • Profile picture of the author martimoney
    Ditto the previous comment. You will put in more energy tweaking, building separate accounts, using different channels, etc. than just making a different video.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmil88
    what if I want to target like 50 different keywords but i'm promoting the same exact product. I also outsource the video creation, how many different videos can someone make that is all focusing on the same product? That's my issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    People do this all the time to bring in traffic. Usually it's for short term gains as accounts get banned quickly or the videos get rejected for duplicate content.

    So short term spam works, but it's much more effective to target each good keyword with a quality video to avoid all the banning. It's more work now but it pays off itself two fold later.
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  • Profile picture of the author hellohellosharp
    Lookup some software for random pixel placement. What it does is makes copies of the video but adds some random (unnoticable) pixels so that YouTube or other sites will recognize it as unique.

    Your videos will likely be taken down if you upload duplicates.
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    • Profile picture of the author adamj2
      I think YouTube recognises when the exact same file is uploaded twice within the same account and does not let you do so.

      If the keywords are similar then just target them all in that main video still.

      Another option is to slightly change the video by making it a bit longer/shorter and doing slight edits so the file size is different.

      But is best not to be seen to be spamming multiple versions of the same video for different keywords though.

      You could also use other sites such as Daily Motion and Vimeo to upload the same video onto though.
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