how to set that let wordpress display only 1 post(sticky) on home page

by Nelson Felix Banned
5 replies
i know we can set "Blog pages show at most 1 post", but it usually shows at least 2 posts when you have 1 sticky post
#display #home #page #poststicky #set #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    Hi dose it not work if you go into settings>reading> and set Blog pages show at most= and change it to 1
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    • Profile picture of the author Nelson Felix
      Originally Posted by bloggerd View Post

      Hi dose it not work if you go into settings>reading> and set Blog pages show at most= and change it to 1

      no, it doesnt work, it will show your sticky post and newest post in your index page
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    HI there,

    If you sticky a post using most plugins it will include that post plus however many you have got set to display.

    If you want the same post always on the front page the easiest way to do it is to create a page with that content on and set that to be your home page.

    It's quick, easy, and doesn't involve another plugin slowing down your Wordpress installation!

    All the best

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
    Create a Page, and go to setting > reading > static page > stick the page you want.
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