Your bussiness (affiliate) works in team or individual?

3 replies
Dear all,

I want to take poll is that
" do you work in team or individual in affiliate?"

Because, I'm wondering to decide build a team work or just alone to affilite.

Thanks inadvances,
#affiliate #bussiness #individual #team #works
  • Profile picture of the author FredJones
    It depends on what you want to do eventually.

    As for me, I had started out as an individual. And then as I grew I outsourced a lot of work to trusted vendors. So that's a "team". Not a dedicated one because I never use personal VAs apart from a few employees that I have locally used here at times (contracts). These are mostly vertical teams (people work for me while I run the business) rather than horizontal ones (people run the business long with me), if you know what I mean by that.

    I hope you could make out what I meant above. My business works as a vertical team. There are other businesses that I know involve horizontal teams.

    Understand your position, capabilities and goals, and start thinking accordingly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Interboy
    Thanks for you advices!
    I will keep in mind it!

    Anyone give me more ideas?

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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    I believe in team work.
    Team work makes anything possible though it may be hard or harder,
    an individual can not take decision in critical moment but team work make it easy.
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