This customer is a DISASTER MASTER -Seriously! Talk about cultural problems...

Profile picture of goindeep
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79 replies
A little background:

I offer a content and article writing service.

I specialize in funny or as I like to call it "LOL Content".

I had some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something) email me asking about a short 300-400 word article for one of his sites.

He gave me the subject, keywords and word count. He then proceeded to pay me via paypal and I submitted the word doc and PDF within about 6 hours and asked if he liked it and wanted any revisions.

This was his response to me:

"Hello Andrei

I am disgust at your article!!!

I would like 100% refund or please write the hole thing taking on professional taste.

Real estate people are very professional business people and do not want to read such thing!

Please reply before I complain on you to paypal."

So to me this is was bizarre... and funny

I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for and told him I have refunded him and then sent him a link to this:

... and to

And told him I don't like how real estate people taste anyway, Lol!!!!

Has anyone else had any cultural or language problems in their online marketing or business endeavors, please share. I think this is hilarious!

#cultural #funny #marketing #online #problems
  • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
    Walter Parrish
    Profile picture of Walter Parrish
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    Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

    A little background:

    I offer a content and article writing service.

    I specialize in funny or as I like to call it "LOL Content".

    I had some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something) email me asking about a short 300-400 word article for one of his sites.

    He gave me the subject, keywords and word count. He then proceeded to pay me via paypal and I submitted the word doc and PDF within about 6 hours and asked if he liked it and wanted any revisions.

    This was his response to me:

    "Hello Andrei

    I am disgust at your article!!!

    I would like 100% refund or please write the hole thing taking on professional taste.

    Real estate people are very professional business people and do not want to read such thing!

    Please reply before I complain on you to paypal."

    So to me this is was bizarre... and funny

    I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for and told him I have refunded him and then sent him a link to this:

    Real Estate - Gay - Family Guy - YouTube

    ... and to

    And told him I don't like how real estate people taste anyway, Lol!!!!

    Has anyone else had any cultural or language problems in their online marketing or business endeavors, please share. I think this is hilarious!


    Only selling books through amazon a few low end customers never read the descriptions and complain later.
    I will tell you I prefer the high end customer to the low end any day. The high end usually knows what they want and know how to ask questions and will contact you if they have any issues. The low end well their idea of communicating is to give you a low rating and ignoring you when you try to make them happy lol.

    Nice Thread always ready for a good laugh.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Profile picture of rosetrees
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    Does our sales page make it clear that you write humorous articles?

    Just wondering, because if it doesn't then I think your response was unprofessional.

    You refunded, which was good. But the video was just being provocative - unless it's clear you write funny articles, in which case I apologise.
  • Profile picture of the author Martik
    Profile picture of Martik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this guy wanted his refund before he ordered
    • Profile picture of the author princecapri
      Profile picture of princecapri
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Martik View Post

      this guy wanted his refund before he ordered
      I don't think so?!?

      The buyer asked for a refund after the article was submitted.

      I also agree with rosetree's point - does your sales page convey the right information?

      • Profile picture of the author goindeep
        Profile picture of goindeep
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by princecapri View Post

        I don't think so?!?

        The buyer asked for a refund after the article was submitted.

        I also agree with rosetree's point - does your sales page convey the right information?

        The only thing I didn't do in my sales page was moon the camera on second thoughts I didn't make any religious or political jokes... pardon the pun lolllll
  • Profile picture of the author ErikNilsson
    Profile picture of ErikNilsson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thats really funny........... By the way Nice Video
    USA Bank Account + ATM Card for Non-USA Residents Service PM me
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    Sounds like he didn't know he'd be getting humorous content, which is probably nobody's fault considering he has a poor mastery of the English language.
    • Profile picture of the author skibbz
      Profile picture of skibbz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I dont like people who do not read or comprehend, its really frustrating talking to people who have a different language barrier, it happened to me with a customer whose original language was french. so i was running off the english on him then he started getting upset telling me to slow down cause he cant understand me. when I put it in writing in an email he seemed to comprehend more clearly
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Profile picture of sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by skibbz View Post

        I dont like people who do not read or comprehend, its really frustrating talking to people who have a different language barrier, it happened to me with a customer whose original language was french. so i was running off the english on him then he started getting upset telling me to slow down cause he cant understand me. when I put it in writing in an email he seemed to comprehend more clearly
        Honestly ... you need to get over that. The world is a lot larger than that and there are a lot of non-English speaking countries. It's to their credit that they have learned as much English as they have. I personally do not read or speak a second language.
        • Profile picture of the author Blame It On The Caffeine
          Blame It On The Caffeine
          Profile picture of Blame It On The Caffeine
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          Honestly ... you need to get over that. The world is a lot larger than that and there are a lot of non-English speaking countries. It's to their credit that they have learned as much English as they have. I personally do not read or speak a second language.

          Sorry, English is the international language of business.

          If you want to play on the top tier, you need to bring your "A" game, or stay home.
          I hate having to explain things two or three times to people. I want clients that are easy to work with and don't have to have their hand held through the simplest of tasks.

          There is an unspoken expectation that when you enter into an agreement on a site that is solely in English, that everyone is competent in that language. I wouldn't dream of haranguing a business because I didn't understand what I was doing when I placed the order.
    • Profile picture of the author Gav35
      Profile picture of Gav35
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      LOL Andrei

      thanks for sharing this,it does make me laugh when people take so much time to complain instead of actually looking at what they are buying first

      regards gavin
  • Profile picture of the author HN
    Profile picture of HN
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think the sales letter makes it crystal clear. I knew exactly what I was buying.

    Did you recycle the article yet? Can you sell it to me? I can most likely use it.
    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Profile picture of goindeep
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by HN View Post

      I think the sales letter makes it crystal clear. I knew exactly what I was buying.

      Did you recycle the article yet? Can you sell it to me? I can most likely use it.
      No I still have it.

      But I wouldn't risk giving it away even for FREE. This scum bag got to keep it and was refunded too. More than likely he will use it some way or another. I think he does this frequently to get freebies.

      I done a bit of investigation-ing and found out his stupid user name is listed on several forums, blogs, social media etc and he sells PLR too.

      How surprising.

      Sorry bud.

      See you on the email line.
      • Profile picture of the author zaco
        Profile picture of zaco
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

        No I still have it.

        But I wouldn't risk giving it away even for FREE. This scum bag got to keep it and was refunded too. More than likely he will use it some way or another. I think he does this frequently to get freebies.

        I done a bit of investigation-ing and found out his stupid user name is listed on several forums, blogs, social media etc and he sells PLR too.

        How surprising.

        Sorry bud.

        See you on the email line.
        You called the customer a "scumbag" ? I think you didn't read what the warriors replies when you called him a "moron" , Even when you replied to the posts, your replies were childish.. honestly you are not even funny..using "lol" doesn't mean you are funny.

        Before trying to be funny, learn how to be professional, as SIMPLE as that.
  • Profile picture of the author LeadGenie
    Profile picture of LeadGenie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey man sorry that had to happen to you.
  • Profile picture of the author Martin Pupke
    Martin Pupke
    Profile picture of Martin Pupke
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    I think it's the language barrier here that caused the misunderstanding. I do think professional integrity has to be maintained even in situations like this.

    Andrei, do you think your potential customers (which could be people reading this thread) will view any of this in a positive light? I don't think people want to hire anyone that will see them as "morons" when a misunderstanding takes place, do you?

    Although having said that, he did respond with threats of complaining to Paypal before even hearing you out...

    "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool" - Richard Feynman

    • Profile picture of the author Blame It On The Caffeine
      Blame It On The Caffeine
      Profile picture of Blame It On The Caffeine
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Customer acted like an ass before even inquiring about the article.
      He insulted the writer in his first sentence, and then threatened him with a Paypal dispute.

      It's OK to fire bad customers!

      I almost cancelled an order yesterday because the client didn't read or follow the simple instructions, and then wanted to change the article after I'd already written half of it.
      I'm very clear in what I offer to my clients and expect them to be straight forward with me and not waste my time.

      Mutual respect.

      I think that's reasonable.

      It's kind of like that guy that holds up the entire line because he has no idea what he wants to order, and asks a million question about a hamburger.

      I refuse to suffer fools gladly.

  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Profile picture of WillR
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    Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

    Please reply before I complain on you to paypal
    As soon as I see that line I have absolutely no patience with people. I give them their money back and tell them to go and waste someone else's time. Saying something like that IS a threat and I will not have people threaten me. I have had it said to me a couple of times before. I refuse to work with idiots like that and often I will pass on their emails to my Paypal account manager and THEY end up in hot water with Paypal.

    Your actions were right. Not because this guy didn't have a great understanding of the English language or that he is in the real estate niche. His biggest undoing was the fact he is a first rate knob.
  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Will Edwards
    Profile picture of Will Edwards
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh well - at least he got you an order from me

  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    R Hagel
    Profile picture of R Hagel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think either one of you handled this very well.

    The customer shouldn't have threatened to go to PP right away.

    You shouldn't have made fun of him and his English for misunderstanding your ad. I would suspect you saw his poor English when he hired you and sent his project brief to you. Really, sending him the video and then sending him to is pretty unprofessional.

    • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
      Walter Parrish
      Profile picture of Walter Parrish
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by R Hagel View Post

      I don't think either one of you handled this very well.

      The customer shouldn't have threatened to go to PP right away.

      You shouldn't have made fun of him and his English for misunderstanding your ad. I would suspect you saw his poor English when he hired you and sent his project brief to you. Really, sending him the video and then sending him to is pretty unprofessional.

      totally agree, as warriorforum will definitely show up in a google search.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lana Holmes
    Lana Holmes
    Profile picture of Lana Holmes
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    I had the US client who wanted me to translate his questionnaire from English to Russian. And he was very embarrassed that the Russian translation had different number of letters and words than the original English questionnaire.
    I sent him a link to "Russian Grammar for Dummies" and in the end he was OK with the fact that different languages have different words and grammar rules
  • Profile picture of the author Charanjit
    Profile picture of Charanjit
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    To be fair, I think its simple enough, write much on travel / taxis, if so pm of some samples all ways on the look at for something different.

    Want to learn more, read read and read more.

  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    Profile picture of ExpertSEOServices
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hahaha your post cracked me up!

    Write the "hole" article again lol
    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      R Hagel
      Profile picture of R Hagel
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      Originally Posted by ExpertSEOServices View Post

      Hahaha your post cracked me up!

      Write the "hole" article again lol

      This is beginning to be a little mind-boggling. The client hired Andrei to do some writing -- presumably because the client knew his own English skills weren't up to par. And now we're going to make fun of his English skills? Seriously?

      I thought it was a good thing when a marketer recognized his or her weaknesses and then outsourced those tasks. Whodda thunk people would make fun of those weaknesses?

  • Profile picture of the author lollobrigida
    Profile picture of lollobrigida
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    English isn't my first language...
    and for me misunderstandings like that a pure gold to learn new vocabulary for life
    and they are an endless source of laughter too. Just imagine that the American beaver equals the German bear... (maybe not the kinda vocabulary one can't succeed without... but it can keep you out of trouble to know).

    I don't think it's appropriate to make fun of other peoples skills... or the absence of those. This is especially true when it comes to business...

    but... this "customers" reaction is also a bit out of whack, don't you think?
    This guy was obviously lacking the least bit of humor and the least bit of curiosity to find out why this happened... and he started threatening instantly. That's not what I would call "muy simpatico". You might have to take in account though that being openly gay is considered a crime in some of these eastern countries... you might get killed in the street if you make the "wrong impression" or thrown in the slammer if you're lucky.

    However... I think I probably would have tried to explain...
    but I'm also glad about the fact that you didn't, Andrei... because
    otherwise I would have missed the laughs about your video. I hope
    your response bit him in his homophobic butt... LOL
  • Profile picture of the author stoltingmediagroup
    Profile picture of stoltingmediagroup
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    You refer to your customer as: "some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something)"

    That in itself sounds a tad disrespectful to what is supposed to be the hand that feeds you don't you think?

    Then you mention: "I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for ...."

    Seriously? Your customer is a moron?

    And you state this in public?

    And on top of that: "told him I don't like how real estate people taste anyway, Lol!!!!"

    Your customer approaches you and pays you for the creation of a product to target his real estate niche, and then you tell him that you don't like the taste of real estate people?

    Andrei, coming from an entertainment business perspective,

    whether you think you are standing on a comedy stage, whether you think you are funny, trying to be funny, or people tell you that you are funny....

    There's a proper time and place for everything.

    Obviously the customer did not know (or could not know due to a language barrier) that he would be hiring a clown, and that your product would be an attempt at being funny, but not professional as the customer expected.

    Even a clown knows not make too many jokes when conducting business,
    and your business ethics in this post appear somewhat unprofessional, and definitely not funny!
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Profile picture of goindeep
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      Originally Posted by stoltingmediagroup View Post


      You refer to your customer as: "some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something)"

      That in itself sounds a tad disrespectful to what is supposed to be the hand that feeds you don't you think?

      Then you mention: "I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for ...."

      Seriously? Your customer is a moron?

      And you state this in public?

      And on top of that: "told him I don't like how real estate people taste anyway, Lol!!!!"

      Your customer approaches you and pays you for the creation of a product to target his real estate niche, and then you tell him that you don't like the taste of real estate people?

      Andrei, coming from an entertainment business perspective,

      whether you think you are standing on a comedy stage, whether you think you are funny, trying to be funny, or people tell you that you are funny....

      There's a proper time and place for everything.

      Obviously the customer did not know (or could not know due to a language barrier) that he would be hiring a clown, and that your product would be an attempt at being funny, but not professional as the customer expected.

      Even a clown knows not make too many jokes when conducting business,
      and your business ethics in this post appear somewhat unprofessional, and definitely not funny!
      You refer to your customer as: "some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something)"

      That in itself sounds a tad disrespectful to what is supposed to be the hand that feeds you don't you think?

      Yes, yes it is disrespectful. I'm originally from Romania, my partner is East Germany and I lived in Germany for a year and visit every other year, so trust me, I know language barriers. Still doesn't mean he is not an idiot and that it was not funny.

      Then you mention: "I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for ...."

      Seriously? Your customer is a moron?

      Yes. Lol!

      And on top of that: "told him I don't like how real estate people taste anyway, Lol!!!!"

      Your customer approaches you and pays you for the creation of a product to target his real estate niche, and then you tell him that you don't like the taste of real estate people?

      I was referring to the word he used. lol.

      Andrei, coming from an entertainment business perspective,

      whether you think you are standing on a comedy stage, whether you think you are funny, trying to be funny, or people tell you that you are funny....

      There's a proper time and place for everything.

      Obviously the customer did not know (or could not know due to a language barrier) that he would be hiring a clown, and that your product would be an attempt at being funny, but not professional as the customer expected.

      Even a clown knows not make too many jokes when conducting business,
      and your business ethics in this post appear somewhat unprofessional, and definitely not funny!

      You are right. What would George Carlin think of my bad timing, shame on me.
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Profile picture of travlinguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think you're doing yourself any favors by coming to this forum and calling the guy a moron. There's obviously a language barrier. You had the opportunity to correct the situation and possibly educate him as to the effectiveness of humor, even in business correspondence.

    This situation was probably salvageable and you missed the opportunity to keep a customer and perhaps get many more referrals based on your patience and diplomacy. Too bad...
    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Profile picture of goindeep
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      I don't think you're doing yourself any favors by coming to this forum and calling the guy a moron. There's obviously a language barrier. You had the opportunity to correct the situation and possibly educate him as to the effectiveness of humor, even in business correspondence.

      This situation was probably salvageable and you missed the opportunity to keep a customer and perhaps get many more referrals based on your patience and diplomacy. Too bad...
      How ever will I come to grips with this...?

      Lucky for me I have a loyalty card for my therapist *sobs* I get a free session after every 6 sessions...

      On second thoughts, a better idea would be to sign up for the next reality TV show...
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
    Thomas Smale
    Profile picture of Thomas Smale
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Regardless of who is right or wrong, calling a paying customer a "moron" is just plain rude.

    As someone who writes funny content, I would have thought you are well aware there are MASSIVE cultural differences and perceptions when it comes to jokes. As a Brit, I might find something funny that in other countries they may find extremely rude and offensive.

    I would have thought the best response would have been finding out what the client didn't like about the article and what you could change for him. You usually find that people who don't have English as their first language will often be happy once you explain the joke and mention that it is relevant to certain cultures that they might not be familiar with. Really wouldn't have been a difficult issue to resolve in my opinion.

    Calling out a client on a public forum is extremely unprofessional, and then sending him a sarcastic response? Wow. Just wow.
    I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
  • Profile picture of the author PhilippaWrites
    Profile picture of PhilippaWrites
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    Nothing like a bit of casual homophobia to make your point, eh?

    Also, what Becky said.

    Posted from App for Android
  • Profile picture of the author iobeek
    Profile picture of iobeek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

    I had some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something)

    When did Ukraine and Moldova became SE Europe?
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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    Profile picture of mosthost
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    Honestly, to me you sound like a completely unprofessional person (and so do a few people cheerleading your antics in this thread).

    In the business world you have to deal with ALL sorts of people.

    All of them deserve RESPECT, whether they're unhappy with your work or requesting a refund. If you don't respect them as people, you don't deserve them as clients.

    This is a new global world we live in and people from other nations than your own who speak English as a second language deserve as much respect as someone down the street from you.
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Istvan Horvath
    Profile picture of Istvan Horvath
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Isn't that ironic when a smarta$$ guy from South-Eastern Europe gets out in the world far away till Australia... and then he suddenly thinks he's a genius and those that stayed where he's from are all "morons" - just because he managed to learn more or less a second language

    • Profile picture of the author mosthost
      Profile picture of mosthost
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      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Isn't that ironic when a smarta$$ guy from South-Eastern Europe gets out in the world far away till Australia... and then he suddenly thinks he's a genius and those that stayed where he's from are all "morons" - just because he managed to learn more or less a second language
      That is a very decent rendition of irony, now that you mention it
  • Profile picture of the author SeoDemon
    Profile picture of SeoDemon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    so, i he doesn't understand the word LOL, how can he know disgust, refund, complain? this is weird.
    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Istvan Horvath
      Profile picture of Istvan Horvath
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      Originally Posted by SeoDemon View Post

      so, i he doesn't understand the word LOL, how can he know disgust, refund, complain? this is weird.
      If you don't spend your life in English-speaking chat rooms to learn the not-so-bright txtspk (a.k.a.=also known as 'chat abbreviations') then you don't know WTF "lol" is...

      And don't forget: you can find normal words in dictionaries if you need some help translating what you need to say but there aren't many bilingual slang dictionaries.

  • Profile picture of the author Kadztheman
    Profile picture of Kadztheman
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    "before i complain on you to paypal"


    if he does a chargeback i'll give you the $5 LOL
    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Profile picture of goindeep
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Kadztheman View Post

      "before i complain on you to paypal"


      if he does a chargeback i'll give you the $5 LOL
      Hehe! I thought that was hilarious too!
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Lance K
        Profile picture of Lance K
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Other than exposure for your services, what was the purpose of this "contribution" to the forum? :confused:

        And yes, I saw this part...

        Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

        Has anyone else had any cultural or language problems in their online marketing or business endeavors, please share. I think this is hilarious!
        I'm just not sure I believe that it was the basis for starting this thread.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
        • Profile picture of the author goindeep
          Profile picture of goindeep
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

          Other than exposure for your services, what was the purpose of this "contribution" to the forum? :confused:

          And yes, I saw this part...

          I'm just not sure I believe that it was the basis for starting this thread.
          Good question.

          Apart from the question I asked, my intention was to see if the thread would get any attention, debate, discussion.

          That is the idea of a forum. Discussion.

          That is what I have always loved about this forum, open discussions.

          People, especially online, are too quick to comment and have opinions without knowing the full story... not surprising. And no, I'm not going to edit my OP...

          I have no intention of telling people who this person is, that would actually be unprofessional.

          The person has no morals and purposely ripped off my time and energy. I have no issues calling a spade a spade. That's just me.

  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Profile picture of shane_k
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow, you totally had an opportunity here to really improve on your business.

    You could have asked him what was it he felt was unprofessional about your article.

    You could then have explained some of the jokes and culteral differences.

    You never know he could have then suggested you alternative jokes that would have fit for his country.

    and in that process you would have learned something and improved your business.

    Instead you choose to come on here and call your customer a "moron" and a "scumbag"

    You don't realize it but doing this is has costed you his future business, and there are other warriors who will remember this and not buy from you in the future.

    All it would have taken you would probably have been 15 - 20 minutes of your time to show understanding yet your choice is going to cost you probably alot of money.
    • Profile picture of the author Gary Joseph
      Gary Joseph
      Profile picture of Gary Joseph
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      Originally Posted by shane_k View Post

      wow, you totally had an opportunity here to really improve on your business.

      You could have asked him what was it he felt was unprofessional about your article.

      You could then have explained some of the jokes and culteral differences.

      You never know he could have then suggested you alternative jokes that would have fit for his country.

      and in that process you would have learned something and improved your business.

      Instead you choose to come on here and call your customer a "moron" and a "scumbag"

      You don't realize it but doing this is has costed you his future business, and there are other warriors who will remember this and not buy from you in the future.

      All it would have taken you would probably have been 15 - 20 minutes of your time to show understanding yet your choice is going to cost you probably alot of money.
      While I totally understand your situation. I agree with Shane K. You should always rise above such situations (which essentially you did, as you refunded him). But sending him those links was a little below the belt. You're better than that... plus the customer is always right.
      • Profile picture of the author goindeep
        Profile picture of goindeep
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        Originally Posted by Gary Joseph View Post

        plus the customer is always right.
        I almost fell of my chair when I saw that!

        You must be kidding.
        • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
          Daniel Evans
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          Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

          I almost fell of my chair when I saw that!

          You must be kidding.
          It's just a figure of speech. It suggests that you make the customer think they are right purely for the sake of givnig them self satisfaction to establish a rapport which in turn will encourage repeat business.

          If the customer were always right there would be an ecomnomic meltdown.

      • Profile picture of the author Michael Carlin
        Michael Carlin
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        Originally Posted by Gary Joseph View Post

        While I totally understand your situation. I agree with Shane K. You should always rise above such situations (which essentially you did, as you refunded him). But sending him those links was a little below the belt. You're better than that... plus the customer is always right.

        No no no, the customer is not always right!

        For example, once I released something with little support documentation.

        My bad, I screwed up, the customer is right!

        Another time, I spent 100 hours doing videos and written support material.

        The customer complains because he didn't even read the sales thread that said "Only works on Windows".

        Of course I refunded him, but the customer is NOT always right. That's a crazy thing to say. No one is always right!
        • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
          Profile picture of cjreynolds
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          Originally Posted by Michael Carlin View Post

          No no no, the customer is not always right!

          For example, once I released something with little support documentation.

          My bad, I screwed up, the customer is right!

          Another time, I spent 100 hours doing videos and written support material.

          The customer complains because he didn't even read the sales thread that said "Only works on Windows".

          Of course I refunded him, but the customer is NOT always right. That's a crazy thing to say. No one is always right!
          Perhaps another misunderstanding due to cultural differences

          In the US, "The customer is always right" is an old saying - sort of "conventional wisdom" for businesses. It's not really meant to say that he's always correct, we all know that's not true.. It's more an attitude that you're going to please the customer "no matter what". It doesn't always work - some customers can't be pleased. But it's like "do everything you reasonably can to make him happy".

          I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

          • Profile picture of the author vCr8
            Profile picture of vCr8
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            Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

            Perhaps another misunderstanding due to cultural differences

            In the US, "The customer is always right" is an old saying - sort of "conventional wisdom" for businesses. It's not really meant to say that he's always correct, we all know that's not true.. It's more an attitude that you're going to please the customer "no matter what". It doesn't always work - some customers can't be pleased. But it's like "do everything you reasonably can to make him happy".
            Like... Maximum tolerance when it comes to law enforcement right?
            • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
              Profile picture of cjreynolds
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              Originally Posted by javajunkie View Post

              Like... Maximum tolerance when it comes to law enforcement right?
              You could say that - but in this case it's more of an investment.

              Around here, if you complain about the food you get at any big restaurant chain, they will almost always either give you your meal for free, or give you an IOU for your next meal free. It doesn't matter what was wrong, it could have just been a busy day and you didn't get your order as quick as you thought you should. Doesn't matter - the restaurant manager will probably come to your table and apologize profusely and offer you at least a free desert, if not a whole meal.

              That's because the meal really didn't cost the restaurant anywhere near what you paid them for it - in fact, they usually buy each day's meat, veggies, etc. in bulk, so giving you a free meal will have absolutely no impact on their bottom line. But a smart businessman knows that a satisfied customer will come back again and again, and his word of mouth recommendations will bring other people into his restaurant.

              Far more lucrative than saving less than a dollar and having a dissatisfied customer

              I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

              • Profile picture of the author WillR
                Profile picture of WillR
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                Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

                You could say that - but in this case it's more of an investment.

                Around here, if you complain about the food you get at any big restaurant chain, they will almost always either give you your meal for free, or give you an IOU for your next meal free.
                Yeah, with a BIG fat pubic hair in it.

                Having worked in the hospitality industry for many many years, let me assure you that the people who touch and prepare your food and drinks are not the people you want to complain to.

                If I ever go to a restaurant and I don't like the food, I will NEVER ask for a replacement. At worst I will just bear it or ask for some money back. I'm not stupid.


                Another tip, never use the cutlery provided in hotel rooms. In most cases this is all washed in the same bathroom sink guests are washing their dirty hands in, shaving in, brushing their teeth in, and all other sorts of other things. A lot of times I have even seen them use the same rag to wash the sink and wash the cutlery. You never think about this sort of stuff. I bet you thought all of that cutlery magically found it's way down to the kitchen to be washed hygienically, right? Wrong. Can you imagine how much time that would take.

                If you knew half the stuff that went on behind the scenes in restaurants and hotels you would never use them again.

                • Profile picture of the author JMSD
                  Profile picture of JMSD
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                  Originally Posted by WillR View Post

                  Yeah, with a BIG fat pubic hair in it.

                  Having worked in the hospitality industry for many many years, let me assure you that the people who touch and prepare your food and drinks are not the people you want to complain to.

                  If I ever go to a restaurant and I don't like the food, I will NEVER ask for a replacement. At worst I will just bear it or ask for some money back. I'm not stupid.


                  Another tip, never use the cutlery provided in hotel rooms. In most cases this is all washed in the same bathroom sink guests are washing their dirty hands in, shaving in, brushing their teeth in, and all other sorts of other things. A lot of times I have even seen them use the same rag to wash the sink and wash the cutlery. You never think about this sort of stuff. I bet you thought all of that cutlery magically found it's way down to the kitchen to be washed hygienically, right? Wrong. Can you imagine how much time that would take.

                  If you knew half the stuff that went on behind the scenes in restaurants and hotels you would never use them again.

                  Will - what an insight!

                  I always suspected as much and so never consider eating out a 'treat'.

                  My friends and family think me odd in that but as someone who studied food hygiene as part of a catering course, the things I see that even top chefs do in their restaurants, make my skin crawl and make me lose my appetite. For example, draping the tea-towel over their drandruff-laden shoulders and then wiping round the place after plating up to serve to the customer!

                  Then there's the sweat that is wiped from their brows with the same tea-cloth or the back of their hands which then comes into contact with food prep and service. Thank goodness I can cook!

                  @ Andrei - I 'ordered' but have not received a response to my email. Is your thread for articles closed?

              • Profile picture of the author HN
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                Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

                Around here, if you complain about the food you get at any big restaurant chain, they will almost always either give you your meal for free, or give you an IOU for your next meal free. It doesn't matter what was wrong, it could have just been a busy day and you didn't get your order as quick as you thought you should. Doesn't matter - the restaurant manager will probably come to your table and apologize profusely and offer you at least a free desert, if not a whole meal.
                I had an experience and a misfortune of living 18 years in Soviet Union until it's breakdown. I understand why OP assumed everyone in the East Europe is a crook. First of all, running any sort of private business was banned. You could not buy tomatoes from a farmer and resell for profit. If you did that you would spend 5 years in jail and have your assets confiscated. There were no private shops or businesses. Only government owned factories. The only type of 'business' you could legally do is buy raw eggs for 8 kopecks, boil them and sell boiled eggs for 8 kopecks. That was the only way to get rich, because government wanted people stay poor. Different methods are used nowadays in different countries to achieve the same result - keep people poor.

                So how did people survive in Soviet Union? By stealing anything they could from factories, shops and maybe even each other. It's been 20 years since, but the mentality of some people hasn't changed yet. Probably takes another 20 or 50 years.

                I had a teacher who was lucky to visit US when the borders were closed and you couldn't travel or leave the country. He told us he was dining in the best restaurants in US. When asked how he could afford it, he said: "before finishing the meal we would drop some hair or a dead fly in the meal and call the manager." Obviously they did not pay for that meal and even ended up with a free coupon on top of that. People were even sort of proud when they could rip off government, or some evil capitalist as in this example.

                How would you deal with these sorts of customers?
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    John Romaine
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    1. Deal with professionals.
    2. Dont offer refunds.
    3. Always prequalify your customers.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the tone of your post suggests to me that you're approach might be somewhat less professional than it needs to be.

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    • Profile picture of the author Blame It On The Caffeine
      Blame It On The Caffeine
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      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      1. Deal with professionals.
      2. Dont offer refunds.
      3. Always prequalify your customers.

      Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the tone of your post suggests to me that you're approach might be somewhat less professional than it needs to be.

      he's just blowing off steam...

      What?? like no one in other professions talk about their bad customers?

      You'd be shocked by what doctors and nurses talk about...
  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Profile picture of eugenedm
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    LOL...I don't think your client really understood what he or she was getting into when client chose you to write articles for them.

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  • Profile picture of the author JMSD
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    Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

    A little background:

    I offer a content and article writing service.

    I specialize in funny or as I like to call it "LOL Content".

    I had some dude from one of those South East European countries (Think Ukraine or Moldova or something) email me asking about a short 300-400 word article for one of his sites.

    He gave me the subject, keywords and word count. He then proceeded to pay me via paypal and I submitted the word doc and PDF within about 6 hours and asked if he liked it and wanted any revisions.

    This was his response to me:

    "Hello Andrei

    I am disgust at your article!!!

    I would like 100% refund or please write the hole thing taking on professional taste.

    Real estate people are very professional business people and do not want to read such thing!

    Please reply before I complain on you to paypal."

    So to me this is was bizarre... and funny

    I replied to the moron who obviously has no idea what he paid for and told him I have refunded him and then sent him a link to this:


    I don't much care for your style in handling this customer but I LOVE your humour - I'm a writer but, boy, has your sales copy made me chuckle and made me put my pen (fingers) down and ready to order, just to have a laugh or two, more, if nothing else!

    You're good. In fact, I think you're damned good with words and how much nicer is it to read something humourous than some dry, formal article.

    And I love your cat, too. How ever did you get him/her to pose like that? I'm still laughing as I type!

  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    Profile picture of vCr8
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    IMHO... More than the language barrier it is the cultural differences... It's how world war started lol... Respect each other's differences.... I admire your wit and I actually find the vid hilarious...It was meant to be sarcastic, which I honestly find as a better way to retaliate from a foul mouth rather than being furious or just letting him get away with it. But then again its just me... Others might find find it offensive.

    On the other hand, (assuming your client is not a professional rip off) He might not have understood the humour of your post... And the threats and the words used when he asked for a refund was just a normal way of asking for refund in his culture...(sarcastic eh?) Again let's just respect his ways....
    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      Sandra Martinez
      Profile picture of Sandra Martinez
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      the response of the client has the vibe of a compulsive refunder. I would run a copyscape check from time to time to see if the material is used.

      About confusion and languages... and cultures, and... yes, I have seen them of all colors and shapes. Most of the funny ones come from close languages or dialects of the same language.

      What I find interesting is the emotional value of words; words have their gut emotional reaction. Something that in one language is common, when translated it can become insulting or amusing, or... even using words that are correct from the dictionary standpoint. People who learn a second language, never get to understand the emotional meaning until throwing a phrase and seeing the reaction. The other direction also applies, specially when the person still needs to translate phrases to the home language to understand the meaning.

  • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
    Profile picture of cjreynolds
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    I'm gonna get anecdotal on y'all, if you don't mind a boring personal story...

    Back when I was still married, my wife and I took frequent vacations. The vacations evolved over the years, from backpacking with pup tents, to big family tents once we had kids, then popup trailers, then camper trailers, etc. After the kids left home, we finally wimped out all the way and started doin cruises (1,000 - 1,500 staff members who's sole purpose in life is to kiss your ass 24 hours a day! YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT!).

    Anyway, the last cruise we took was with one of the more upscale lines. Now, on cruises, the staff usually consists of college-age youths from different countries that work for the cruise lines on a seasonal basis. They usually have name tags with their country of origin printed on them. Being a person who has never left his home continent, I really enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. On this particular cruise, most of the staff were from Romania and some other east-block countries.

    People from those countries tend to be more abrupt with their communication - not as "congenial" as most of the passengers were used to. The staff came off as dismissive, condescending, and sometimes even arrogant. I often noticed raised eyebrows and disapproving looks from other passengers. I would guess that many of them probably stopped using that cruise line after that cruise - they were somewhat "upper-crust" folks who were used to being pampered.

    The point is, yes, we have to bear in mind cultural differences in a global business world. But that doesn't change reality - respect and professional courtesy will make a difference in anyone's business - no matter what country they come from.

    So, the guy started right off the bat telling you "I am disgust at your article!!!".

    That right there would get under my skin. The guy starts right off insulting your work.

    "I would like 100% refund or please write the hole thing taking on professional taste."

    Instead of "please re-write this", it's "give me a refund - unless you want to re-write this in an acceptable manner". Minor annoyance.

    "Please reply before I complain on you to paypal."

    Basically, I would tend to take that as "you've scammed me - make it right before I report you!"

    And do you know what I'd do to that SOB??

    I'd sit down and write a polite, professional email thanking him for his business, apologize for the misunderstanding, refund his money, and ask him to consider my services if he needs any humorous content for his clients in the future.

    Business kharma is just like personal kharma - you get back what you put out in the universe - regardless of what other people do.

    I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

    • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
      Britt Malka
      Profile picture of Britt Malka
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      Hi CJ

      Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

      On this particular cruise, most of the staff were from Romania and some other east-block countries.

      People from those countries tend to be more abrupt with their communication - not as "congenial" as most of the passengers were used to. The staff came off as dismissive, condescending, and sometimes even arrogant.
      Your story reminded me of the time where my husband and I were resellers for a Moldavia based company who created what is probably the best email client in the world (unfortunately only for Windows).

      They hired a woman named Olga and things started to change.

      One month, she wrote a letter to all of us resellers saying something along the lines of:

      Your payments are now due. You shall pay, or else I'll cut your ...

      No, not the B-word, but close. If we didn't pay, we would be cut off and not be allowed to sell their product.

      I was shocked!

      We weren't late on the payment or anything. It was the end of the month, and we had until the 10th to pay.

      So I wrote to one of the other resellers, who came from a country near Moldavia and told him how I was shocked by this tone of voice, and he replied:

      Oh? But she was just asking us to pay. Nothing shocking about that.

      So I learnt about cultural differences
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      • Profile picture of the author fin
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        Originally Posted by Britt Malka View Post

        So I learnt about cultural differences
        It's a bit like drinking with a Polish person and you think they want to take out a knife and chop your head off. But to them it's just the way they speak.
        • Profile picture of the author goindeep
          Profile picture of goindeep
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          Haha thoroughly enjoying all the replies!

          @ JMSD, thank you, appreciate the comments . The Cat is not mine, I have a hilarious Labrador, the morning I wrote that copy he was hiding his fat ass under our bed because we where about to leave the house and he doesn't want to get kicked out. Mind you he can barely get out from under the bed, I usually have to lift the bed up... hence the reason I used the picture of a cat.

          @ javajunkie, from my mad investigation-ing I figured out he is a total scam artist. As my other clients know I'm a total professional. Just don't burn me intentionally, that's all im sayin. In fact I used to manage an international customer support center. I know customer service.

          @ Sandra, EXACTLY!

          @ cjreynolds, I loved this "(1,000 - 1,500 staff members who's sole purpose in life is to kiss your ass 24 hours a day! YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT!)." Karma must have have worked through me instantly on this guy! Good ol' Karma ey!

          @ Blame It On The Caffeine, I tend to agree. Maybe not entirely but I agree.

          My parents couldn't speak a word of English when they came to Australia. My brothers and I thought it was both hilarious and embarassing when my outrageous dad would argue with sales people on the phone or in stores mainly due to his beliefs, his culture and obviously the language.

          I remember my dad used to take care of us in the afternoons and evenings because he worked nights and my mum worked the evening shift. My dads way of babysitting us was awesome! We would go to the movie store (anyone remember those?) we would browse the videos (this was before DVD's) and then head to the supermarket to get ice-cream, donuts and other goodies.

          This one time he almost leapt into an all out HULK style rage because he was asking the clerk at the front counter if he had the movie *psi-ko*. The clerk could not understand him, this went on for about five minutes and in the end my dad started playing out the characters and explaining the scenes. "Oh! You mean PSYCHO?" says the clerk.

          My dad: "yeah *psi-ko* I told you that!"

          Lol, he was sounding out the silent "P" in the word "Psycho".

          It was hilarious, my brothers and I still laugh about it till this day.

          So what I'm really getting at is that I totally get the cultural and language barrier thing. Probably as good as anyone can!

          The difference? I found out this guy was a total tool and purposely ripped my time, energy and articles off.
  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    KickAss Marketing
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    Hahaha! That was funny..It seems like he replied to you a LOL content as well, he wanted you to write a HOLE with professional taste. But anyways it was nice of you to refund him even if he wasn't aware that he hired a professional LOL content writer.
  • Profile picture of the author Blame It On The Caffeine
    Blame It On The Caffeine
    Profile picture of Blame It On The Caffeine
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    Just got this in an inquiry about writing content.

    I don't think it's going to work out.

    ""my product is ecommerce site that sells happy lifetime experiences around the world at incredible destinations with unique discounts based on your shared information from your favorite social networks""

    I sent him a brief, to the point response, but I'm not going to spend hours coaxing details out of him.


    Because I write excellent content.

    My customers are very satisfied and come back for more.

    I have enough clients that are a joy to deal with, and I don't need the extra aggravation form someone that can't express what they want.
  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    Profile picture of vCr8
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    Too bad, we have to deal with scam artists sometimes... Well like I guess this is when we can just laugh it off right? Anyway, with your skills I'm pretty sure you will find more clients deserving of your wit and talent.
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Profile picture of sbucciarel
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      Originally Posted by javajunkie View Post

      Too bad, we have to deal with scam artists sometimes... Well like I guess this is when we can just laugh it off right? Anyway, with your skills I'm pretty sure you will find more clients deserving of your wit and talent.
      I've yet to see any indication that the customer was a scam artist. Both buyer and seller have poor communication and problem solving skills in dealing with this, but where exactly is the scam? The customer, being from far away, did not understand that he was getting humorous content and didn't want humorous content. He could have asked politely for a refund or rewrite and the seller ... well, there are so many better ways to spend your time than to bash people over language barriers and cultural differences.
      • Profile picture of the author vCr8
        Profile picture of vCr8
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        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        I've yet to see any indication that the customer was a scam artist. Both buyer and seller have poor communication and problem solving skills in dealing with this, but where exactly is the scam? The customer, being from far away, did not understand that he was getting humorous content and didn't want humorous content. He could have asked politely for a refund or rewrite and the seller ... well, there are so many better ways to spend your time than to bash people over language barriers and cultural differences.
        This was my reply to my conversation with Andrei... If you can follow it then you will understand why I said that

        I just forgot to quote our conversation... Well I have not proven anything myself but trusting Andrei's words...and investigation... I just wanted him to know that it does happen and like I said, we just have to laugh it off most of the time.
  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Rhodes
    Jordan Rhodes
    Profile picture of Jordan Rhodes
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    You should treat your customers in a courteous manner, even if they are idiots. I do believe that your customer did not explain the problem properly, but it is your responsibility to find out.

    In the future, avoid dealing with him.
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
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    This is a weird thread because in a way the thread itself is a classic example of the same problem that is being talked about.

    The OP had a bad customer reaction - his response was very poor - now he's also getting put down by forum members.

    The customer that demanded the refund may have just not realised what he was buying - if that's the case then the OP could take a look at how he got the customer and see if there's a way to make his proposition clearer.

    Instead he decides to come on the forum and ridicule his customer and ask others to post their own stories of their idiotic customers.

    To some forum members that triggers the same response that he gave to his customer - "OMG are you a moron?" type thing.

    Someone questioned why would he even bother to start a thread with the sole purpose of mocking his customers - that is a good question and the answer is probably close to the reason why he also asked others to do it.

    Now I'm in a weird position here because I usually don't agree with much that the OP posts, and in this case I definitely don't agree with the response to his customer - but I am left feeling like the forum members could've stepped up a little better and thought twice before ridiculing the OP so quickly.

    But when someone is being so blatant - what IS the best way to communicate your disagreement?

    I think the real lesson here is that we should all take a look at ourselves before criticizing others.

    nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author HN
    Profile picture of HN
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    I can almost understand how someone can get so pissed off by this kind of customer.
    After reaching 1000 positive feedbacks I earned my first negative feedback on ebay. It was in 1999 before the PayPal came along. So the payments were sent by snail mail. There was this guy (whom, I understand, I can't call a moron) who bought a $5 item and left me negative feedback 5 days after the auction. There was no possible way I could have delivered the item from Europe to US in 5 days, esp. because my policy was that I ship after I receive the payment. The mail takes about 7 days each way. When I pointed this out to the customer (maybe not in the politest way I possibly could) he started talking bullshit and told something like this $5 would probably feed a family of 12 in your country for a week. I am from Estonia and the average family has 1 or 2 kids here. Hello it's not Bangladesh. After all a hamburger here will probably cost more than in US. I say probably, because I don't eat that garbage and don't know.

    You know what was really annoying about this customer? He never even sent the payment. I figured I will send it back unopened to prove I didn't steal his money, but his payment never arrived.

    At least back then eBay allowed to leave negative feedback for buyers.
    The customer is always right. I should have probably sent him the item for free to try to gain one more customer. Whaddaya think?
  • Profile picture of the author moreno
    Profile picture of moreno
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    funny story but nice video , if this is the baddest relation you had with acustomer you are still lucky.

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