Would you pay for ad space in an ebook?
Would you take out an ad in someone's ebook?
Reason I'm asking is because I'm adding several comic book pages in my ebooks. The comic book pages explain the specific topic of the ebook along with the text. Since I'm able to put links in the comic book image panels I figure to put links to my sponsor's products as part of the upsell. So if you click on part of an image or the entire image you go to the upsell.
There's so much room for such links I figured to sell some ad space. Considering the person buying the ad can also sell the ebook as an affiliate they would be making good money and expanding their ad views from not only their sales as an affiliate of mine but their affiliates could sign up and sell the book giving even more ad views.
It's something I was toying with for a while and after studying more of how you warriors like to layer opportunities and hedge your bets I figured I'd ask around how much you would pay for a perpetual ad in an ebook.
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Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.
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