Would you pay for ad space in an ebook?

Profile picture of EvolBaby
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Just a question for you internet marketers that spend to put ads out in various venues.

Would you take out an ad in someone's ebook?

Reason I'm asking is because I'm adding several comic book pages in my ebooks. The comic book pages explain the specific topic of the ebook along with the text. Since I'm able to put links in the comic book image panels I figure to put links to my sponsor's products as part of the upsell. So if you click on part of an image or the entire image you go to the upsell.

There's so much room for such links I figured to sell some ad space. Considering the person buying the ad can also sell the ebook as an affiliate they would be making good money and expanding their ad views from not only their sales as an affiliate of mine but their affiliates could sign up and sell the book giving even more ad views.

It's something I was toying with for a while and after studying more of how you warriors like to layer opportunities and hedge your bets I figured I'd ask around how much you would pay for a perpetual ad in an ebook.
#ebook #pay #space
  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
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    Download page for get the ebook I think more converting. Some people downloaded and never read the ebook.
  • Profile picture of the author Larbi Rahmani
    Larbi Rahmani
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    I think it's possible, I've seen someone do it , but the hard thing is to get buyers for the ads space.
    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by Larbi Rahmani View Post

      I think it's possible, I've seen someone do it , but the hard thing is to get buyers for the ads space.
      Thanks for replying Larbi.

      It depends. If the ad space is cheap how can you lose at the amount of money for lunch or dinner? Besides my plan has those links permanent in the book. On top of that the ad buyer gets to sell the book for a profit, tell their affiliates to sell the book at a profit and increase the ad views.

      Can't lose. If you've not seen my artwork you can at my site:


      I'm no slouch when it comes to drawing. Right now as a matter of fact I'm the artist on the Justin Bieber comic book. So I figure to put toons in my ebooks that have secret links so the reader can have fun finding them and going to great offers. This first book is about weight loss and you know how popular that is. Having a mini comic book in the ebook along with text should be entertaining.
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    • Profile picture of the author MaryPabelate
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      Originally Posted by Larbi Rahmani View Post

      I think it's possible, I've seen someone do it , but the hard thing is to get buyers for the ads space.
      Yes, it is possible, I have seen some Adsense ads on ebook so any other classifieds should also be posted but the contract with advertisers should be for long time...
      • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
        Profile picture of EvolBaby
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        Originally Posted by MaryPabelate View Post

        Yes, it is possible, I have seen some Adsense ads on ebook so any other classifieds should also be posted but the contract with advertisers should be for long time...
        Thanks for replying Mary.

        Yes any links in the ebook are permanent. I might also think of tailoring the ebook for a specific advertiser so that the entire comic section has their links in it. That way they can sell it or give it away or as an OTO. I'll have to figure that one out. Did you see the demo I posted above?
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
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    If the ad is related to ebook's topic and is beneficial to the reader, I'll pay. I had this experience before. For once in a lifetime, several years ago, I sold an adsense ebook at digitalpoints. I had a clickbank affiliate link pointed to adsense niche themes. I sold a couple of hundred copies of my ebook and sold more than 50 adsense niche themes...

    All I can say is, it's pretty effective if the ad is related...

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    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
      Profile picture of EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by Adie View Post

      If the ad is related to ebook's topic and is beneficial to the reader, I'll pay. I had this experience before. For once in a lifetime, several years ago, I sold an adsense ebook at digitalpoints. I had a clickbank affiliate link pointed to adsense niche themes. I sold a couple of hundred copies of my ebook and sold more than 50 adsense niche themes...

      All I can say is, it's pretty effective if the ad is related...

      I know it works because I'd done it before in a different industry. IM is something else and I know IMers invest their promotional money strategically.

      That's why I figured to put their promo links in the artwork itself like a video game where the reader can easily find them so that once the link is clicked their browser pops up externally or internally the surfer gets to see their offer like if they click the link they go to your offer with the opt-in email link so you get the upsell and a new person on your list. All kinds of combinations can be had and it's just a simple link.

      A five page comic in the format I'm using has a total of 30 panels. That's six big panels a page ( or images ) and each of those images can be broken down to hold up to six links each. I figure for a link to charge a minimum of $20 the same as getting a good dinner. That way it's affordable and the person taking out an ad also has the option of being an affiliate so they recoup their money invested fast.

      I want to keep all bases covered. Also I figure I could do a tailored version for each particular IMer that has only their affiliate links inside the book. Gotta figure out how they would sell or offer it or whatever.

      I'm going to stick to evergreen niches with this format because even without advertisers I can still sell the book via my affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wade32
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    It's a great idea anyway...I think you could get someone to pay. As said before, if it is relevant to the niche, they could put their affiliate links in your ebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
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    I'd personally just include affiliate links to the best products or services you recommend, that way everybody wins.
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    E. Brian Rose
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    If you choose this strategy, you will want to see the book first. Don't just agree to pay and be inserted. If you associate your brand or product with a crappy ebook, it is a reflection on you.

    With that being said, advertising in an eBook is a great strategy and can get more exposure than the download page. Both have their pros and cons.

    Advertising on a download page, after a purchase is made, gets your brand in front of people with money (the best prospects). Advertising inside the eBook may get your message seen by a lot more eyeballs. It's no secret that once an ebook is out there, it's out there... meaning it will be shared, traded, and given away, even if that is not the intention of the seller. If you are advertising in an ebook that goes viral, then you have spent your money well.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
      Profile picture of EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      If you choose this strategy, you will want to see the book first. Don't just agree to pay and be inserted. If you associate your brand or product with a crappy ebook, it is a reflection on you.

      With that being said, advertising in an eBook is a great strategy and can get more exposure than the download page. Both have their pros and cons.

      Advertising on a download page, after a purchase is made, gets your brand in front of people with money (the best prospects). Advertising inside the eBook may get your message seen by a lot more eyeballs. It's no secret that once an ebook is out there, it's out there... meaning it will be shared, traded, and given away, even if that is not the intention of the seller. If you are advertising in an ebook that goes viral, then you have spent your money well.
      Exactly! That's the point. I would show the ebook to potential advertisers beforehand for sure. Probably here on WF as a WSO offer. The key is make it affordable to buy a link and then provide options for the advertiser to make money at the same time. I'm going to have to work on a strategy that gives an advertiser lots of options. If it works I may expand the amount of artwork in the ebook. The advertisers might come up with some nifty things on their own. Bottom line is a link in the book to your offers. It could be an avalanche to tons of your offers. What the advertiser links to is their business. If they have a big list they can sell it to their lists too.

      On the other hand I might do the book and each IMer can buy the guts and put their links all through it. That's why evergreen niches like making money at home, romance, fitness and weight loss are things IMers who know the score can market without breaking a sweat. Cartoons that are funny, people will share on social network sites like crazy. I just did a test a few weeks ago. I picked some friends, four of them that do a comedy show in LA and drew a cartoon of them. I posted it on Facebook and it took off.

      A well placed ebook mention on FB can explode in sales.

      I have more stuff to figure out so back to the drawing board literally.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
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        As far as the ad placement idea itself, I pretty much echo EBR's comments above.

        As for the affiliate offer, I'd tread lightly on this one. It could easily come across as asking people to pay to be affiliates. Also, not every marketer is just dying for another ebook to promote.

        If I buy an ad in USA Today, it doesn't mean I'm going to run out and start promoting the paper just because my ad is in it. I guess I'm just cautioning you not to overestimate the importance of the 'be an affiliate' offer.

        In fact, if you don't know whether you're dealing with an affiliate marketer, you might be better served to compare your ads with product placements in movies and TV shows. Apple struck a deal to have their Mac laptop appear in the movie "Legally Blond". They struck the deal just once, but every time the movie runs on TV, that pink laptop is positioned as a serious tool for law school. See my point?
        • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          As far as the ad placement idea itself, I pretty much echo EBR's comments above.

          As for the affiliate offer, I'd tread lightly on this one. It could easily come across as asking people to pay to be affiliates. Also, not every marketer is just dying for another ebook to promote.

          If I buy an ad in USA Today, it doesn't mean I'm going to run out and start promoting the paper just because my ad is in it. I guess I'm just cautioning you not to overestimate the importance of the 'be an affiliate' offer.

          In fact, if you don't know whether you're dealing with an affiliate marketer, you might be better served to compare your ads with product placements in movies and TV shows. Apple struck a deal to have their Mac laptop appear in the movie "Legally Blond". They struck the deal just once, but every time the movie runs on TV, that pink laptop is positioned as a Iserious tool for law school. See my point?
          Had to re-read your post John to gather what you were saying as I know you look at the big picture.

          No, I'm not anywhere near asking people to pay to be an affiliate. They have the option to sell the ebook 'if' they want to whether they take out an ad or not. I didn't say it was mandatory.

          Also, this isn't anywhere near something as big as USA Today the newspaper I participated in launching when I worked for the Gannet News Service. Remember all those color graphics?

          This is a small change project. Something that the average IMer can take part in and not miss anything or break a sweat. I'm not talking major corporate endorsement stuff.

          Simple procedure that you can see in this demo:


          So not being one to toss caution to the wind, I understand your concerns and am really honored you stopped by this thread to share your knowledge.
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          • Profile picture of the author Lance K
            Lance K
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            I'll buy ad space almost anywhere (barring moral conflicts) if the ROI is right.
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            • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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              Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

              I'll buy ad space almost anywhere (barring moral conflicts) if the ROI is right.
              Hi Lance K! Thank you for replying! Seeing so many heavy IM hitters showing up on this thread really makes me feel good.

              I guess what you pros do is weigh the right options before buying ads which is common sense.

              In this case what I'm doing is looking at the lowest fundamental successful actions that any IMer can understand. An evergreen ebook that is well done should sell something. I'm adding an extra that is a comic book that is funny and informative. An advertiser pays only around $20 for a permanent link in the book. I have 120 spots open roughly. Advertisers also have the option of selling the ebook to their lists or just from like JVzoom or something with like 50-70% of the cut. You never know which affiliate is gonna sell what but your links will be seen by their lists and on and on and on.

              So basically I'll see how well the book sells on its own and how well my affiliates and others do. You pros won't miss $20 but the smaller IMers might run out of rent money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
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      The better question is if it's such a "can't lose" deal, why would you sell this space for only $20 when you could stick your own affiliate links there and make more?
      • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
        Profile picture of EvolBaby
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        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        The better question is if it's such a "can't lose" deal, why would you sell this space for only $20 when you could stick your own affiliate links there and make more?
        You've missed the point totally. If I charged absurd rates it would be out of the reach of marketers who are trying to expand.

        I get stupid and greedy and I run a high chance of alienating prospective clients. $20 would be a minimum I'm tossing around in my head which is why I started this thread in the first place to see if anyone who actually spends money on promotion would think about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
    Profile picture of EvolBaby
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    I'm going to have to whip up a demo to show how this should work. Makes it easier to explain.
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  • Profile picture of the author jvreview
    Profile picture of jvreview
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    That depends on the quality of the ebook, the market, the ad rate, the amount of targeted traffic expected. People not reading the ebooks they download is a real problem.
    • Profile picture of the author IvorySiur
      Profile picture of IvorySiur
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      I think that putting afilliate links is much better idea.
      • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
        Profile picture of EvolBaby
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        Originally Posted by IvorySiur View Post

        I think that putting afilliate links is much better idea.
        Are you talking my affiliate links or the advertiser's?

        I'm talking about the advertiser putting their own links to their sites, programs, special offers, WSOs or whatever they like. Not me splattering my own links throughout my own ebook.
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    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
      Profile picture of EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by jvreview View Post

      That depends on the quality of the ebook, the market, the ad rate, the amount of targeted traffic expected. People not reading the ebooks they download is a real problem.

      I do quality that's not a problem. How viral the ebook goes is a gamble. All I can do is cover a niche that's popular and do my best by applying the fundamental marketing principles. I intend to counter the 'ebook left on the shelf' problem by adding the cartoons and making them funny. Not bland stuff you see so that people will buy, read, pass it on. Funny cartoons go viral on social networking sites like Facebook. I know because I've done it. So just posting a funny cartoon on Facebook with my url to the ebook in the toon should spread well especially with my own FB friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
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    It's like anything else. There are a lot of variables. What's the distribution going to be like? How many copies are expected to sell? What's the target market?

    Some people write an ebook and nothing happens. Their mom and sister are the only ones who end up with the thing. That's dead money for any advertiser. Look at the top WSO sellers on this forum. An ad in one of their products might be a good investment if it was for something similar to the actual ebook.
    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      It's like anything else. There are a lot of variables. What's the distribution going to be like? How many copies are expected to sell? What's the target market?

      Some people write an ebook and nothing happens. Their mom and sister are the only ones who end up with the thing. That's dead money for any advertiser. Look at the top WSO sellers on this forum. An ad in one of their products might be a good investment if it was for something similar to the actual ebook.
      Understood and thanks for replying. However, I'm not looking or postulating the negative. Scroll up at what E. Brian Rose posted. I know you're a practical dude but I've got several edges I'm willing to try out that have been successful for me so far. Given an evergreen niche having a twist to the product and using social networking like I've posted above can work wonders. No one knows the number of copies that will sell but just like you've mentioned the variables.
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  • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
    Profile picture of EvolBaby
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    Okay I whipped up something real fast this evening to show the basic image linking process.

    Here's a link to a simple demonstration of this process

    That's just one comic image to try to explain what can be done. A normal comic book page will have six panels which is what I'm going to do. Each panel has several links in them placed strategically so the reader can search for them like looking for that prize which will be whatever the advertiser chooses their particular link. It could be to a website, their own affiliate link to something they're upselling, a WSO, a blog, join a mailing list. Whatever is ethical mind you.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
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    In theory, yes I would.

    But like EBR and TravelinGuy said, it would depend on the content of the book and the anticipated retail volume of the book.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
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    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      In theory, yes I would.

      But like EBR and TravelinGuy said, it would depend on the content of the book and the anticipated retail volume of the book.
      Thanks so much for taking the time to reply here TPW. I've followed your advice for a long time so your input is valued.

      In all honesty I wouldn't know how many copies would sell. It's a shot and something new so I was asking an ad rate that would be comfortable for those daring IMers. I figure to keep the price low for like the same as a dinner around $20, something that won't be missed.

      Having my affiliates selling the book and the option for advertisers themselves to sell the book, just any top marketer like yourself would boost sales and you're recovering your cost for the ad for selling like 3 books. Any IMer worth their salt could sell at a minimum 3 books and make their money back and more if they're savvy. I'm just looking at the options that hedge that bet so the advertiser has more than one option.
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
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        Originally Posted by EvolBaby View Post

        In all honesty I wouldn't know how many copies would sell. It's a shot and something new so I was asking an ad rate that would be comfortable for those daring IMers. I figure to keep the price low for like the same as a dinner around $20, something that won't be missed.

        Having my affiliates selling the book and the option for advertisers themselves to sell the book, just any top marketer like yourself would boost sales and you're recovering your cost for the ad for selling like 3 books. Any IMer worth their salt could sell at a minimum 3 books and make their money back and more if they're savvy. I'm just looking at the options that hedge that bet so the advertiser has more than one option.

        If it is a brand new book, we will have no real idea whether the book will sell and at what volume.

        However, we might be able to get an impression of the sales volume by looking at the sales numbers on your previous books, and we might be able to assume something based on what we know of you.

        Further, if it is a digital book that can be edited on the fly, we could look at the current ranking of said book in Amazon, etc., to get a really good idea for what the future holds for sales of a given title.

        No matter the method we use to determine future sales, the numbers we decide will only be guess -- albeit, most likely an educated guess.

        If there is some kind of measure that we could use to make an educated guess about future sales, then we can make a reliable estimation about how much we would be willing to pay to get advertising in your book.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
        • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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          Originally Posted by tpw View Post

          If it is a brand new book, we will have no real idea whether the book will sell and at what volume.

          However, we might be able to get an impression of the sales volume by looking at the sales numbers on your previous books, and we might be able to assume something based on what we know of you.

          Further, if it is a digital book that can be edited on the fly, we could look at the current ranking of said book in Amazon, etc., to get a really good idea for what the future holds for sales of a given title.

          No matter the method we use to determine future sales, the numbers we decide will only be guess -- albeit, most likely an educated guess.

          If there is some kind of measure that we could use to make an educated guess about future sales, then we can make a reliable estimation about how much we would be willing to pay to get advertising in your book.
          Yes, TPW, very spot on, and thanks again for sharing your insight.

          I've worked in mainstream publishing for over 30 years. From major newspapers to books and more. Some of my friends are some of the biggest top selling authors out there. In the traditional fashion of selling books we would first solicit sales from bookstores and subscription lists. We would get a good idea of what we would sell. None were guarantees except if you did direct distribution like we do in the comic book industry.

          In this case like any ebook we can only go by sales off the shelf unless you have a big list that you can guestimate on. It's a gamble but you just have to aim for the fences, see what happens, hope your affiliates can sell too. All I can do is make a great product that is engaging, entertaining, and innovative. If it works we have a new strategy that the IM industry can use as another tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeamTCW
    Profile picture of TeamTCW
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    It is really very difficult to get advertiser on a new ebook....and once it is published then it would be distributed hand to hand.....if the ebook is editable then it is possible...

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    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by TeamTCW View Post

      It is really very difficult to get advertiser on a new ebook....and once it is published then it would be distributed hand to hand.....if the ebook is editable then it is possible...
      Thanks for replying!

      It might be difficult but this is an experiment and new strategies. Besides it's not expensive at all so what's the risk? If you were an advertiser and you have a list you could sell the book to them and you would have made your money back and gotten your new offers in their laps.

      Not that difficult at all. Now if all the advertisers, including the big time marketers were to do the same the link views would be huge. That's what I'm getting from emails I've received so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickIcasas
    Profile picture of PatrickIcasas
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    Personally speaking, I would have to see the author's track record for selling ebooks and a preview of the ebook itself. If the author has sold ebooks at a good rate in the past, and his book has potential for taking off, then yes. But if his past sales are in the single digits, then I'd walk away.

    Write. Edit. Rinse. Repeat.

  • Profile picture of the author GSMarketing
    Profile picture of GSMarketing
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    Evol, in a word 'yes' because your work is clearly quality and would give a great edge to a brand.

    However, your demo shows 3 seperate niches, I presume your books would just focus on 1 niche?

    Also, if you absolutely flood the comic with ads i.e. every 3 images in the panel, you will not sell many i'm afraid. It's just too much competition and importantly it will deter the readers. It may seem fun to click on the ads at first but I assure you that will get boring very quickly and will stop them enjoying their read. Why would I pay for an ad on page 8 when the amount of readers by that point will probably be minimal.

    In addition, how will you determine what images are assigned to each advertisor? Some images may have greater resonance with readers and get more clicks, is it just luck if you end up with that image?

    As I say, I would purchase space but there are definitely a few kinks to iron out.


    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
      Profile picture of EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by GSMarketing View Post

      Evol, in a word 'yes' because your work is clearly quality and would give a great edge to a brand.

      However, your demo shows 3 seperate niches, I presume your books would just focus on 1 niche?

      Also, if you absolutely flood the comic with ads i.e. every 3 images in the panel, you will not sell many i'm afraid. It's just too much competition and importantly it will deter the readers. It may seem fun to click on the ads at first but I assure you that will get boring very quickly and will stop them enjoying their read. Why would I pay for an ad on page 8 when the amount of readers by that point will probably be minimal.

      In addition, how will you determine what images are assigned to each advertisor? Some images may have greater resonance with readers and get more clicks, is it just luck if you end up with that image?

      As I say, I would purchase space but there are definitely a few kinks to iron out.


      You are sooooo spot on! I'd considered all that! Yes indeed! Thank you so much for replying and the compliment! I'd noticed for a long time not enough cartooning in IM. I understand why because we're too expensive to hire. I've been trying to figure out ways to remedy that and Brad Gosse has helped as I've known him for over a decade. He gave me some great pointers.

      Yes, the ebook would be just one niche but in my demo I used three niches to make the point.

      I thought about allowing one link per panel but I would have had to charge more. I'm drawing the panels so that each link is represented by an image of prominence. It would be too difficult to parlay each panel object link.

      Someone suggested I allow others to sell ads for me. That might be an idea. I'm going to forge ahead and when the book is done I'll show it off. I'm also going to do a slideshow video with narration to add to the book as well and might think of a way to advertise in the vid.

      Bottom line, I can sell small ads for $20 or big ads for more. I'll have to research and listen to the pros on that one.
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  • Profile picture of the author starcraft2
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    Depends on how much traffic is being generated to the ebook sales page and how many copies were sold. Also depends on how targetted the ad would be compared to the subject matter in the book
    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by starcraft2 View Post

      Depends on how much traffic is being generated to the ebook sales page and how many copies were sold. Also depends on how targetted the ad would be compared to the subject matter in the book
      Thanks for replying!

      Yes, those are in consideration and if you look above you'll see where I've covered this.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
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        Originally Posted by EvolBaby View Post

        Had to re-read your post John to gather what you were saying as I know you look at the big picture.

        No, I'm not anywhere near asking people to pay to be an affiliate. They have the option to sell the ebook 'if' they want to whether they take out an ad or not. I didn't say it was mandatory.
        I didn't say you were asking people to pay to be affiliates. I intended to say that it might be perceived that way.

        When the $7 script came out, the sample sales letter (which many people used) had a PS about how you could resell the product and make money on it. PayPal interpreted that as selling the ability to make commissions.

        That's why I said 'tread lightly' regarding the affiliate opportunity. No reason to cause problems for yourself that are easily avoided. Just make sure that the advertising opportunity and the affiliate opportunity are plainly not tied together.

        Originally Posted by EvolBaby View Post

        Also, this isn't anywhere near something as big as USA Today the newspaper I participated in launching when I worked for the Gannet News Service. Remember all those color graphics?

        This is a small change project. Something that the average IMer can take part in and not miss anything or break a sweat. I'm not talking major corporate endorsement stuff.
        I do recall that weird paper with the color pages. I remember thinking that the color thing was just a fad that wouldn't last. Oh, well, we don't bat 1.000 every time.

        I just used that as an example that people could identify with. I could have easily used a local Penny Shopper. I was just making the point that I (and many others, especially outside the MMO markets) wouldn't promote something just because we bought an ad.

        Originally Posted by EvolBaby View Post

        Simple procedure that you can see in this demo:


        So not being one to toss caution to the wind, I understand your concerns and am really honored you stopped by this thread to share your knowledge.
        I did check out your demo. You have some 'mad skillz' as the kids say.

        I think you have a good idea with a lot of possibilities, and I'm looking forward to hearing how it works out for you.
        • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          I didn't say you were asking people to pay to be affiliates. I intended to say that it might be perceived that way.

          When the $7 script came out, the sample sales letter (which many people used) had a PS about how you could resell the product and make money on it. PayPal interpreted that as selling the ability to make commissions.

          That's why I said 'tread lightly' regarding the affiliate opportunity. No reason to cause problems for yourself that are easily avoided. Just make sure that the advertising opportunity and the affiliate opportunity are plainly not tied together.

          I do recall that weird paper with the color pages. I remember thinking that the color thing was just a fad that wouldn't last. Oh, well, we don't bat 1.000 every time.

          I just used that as an example that people could identify with. I could have easily used a local Penny Shopper. I was just making the point that I (and many others, especially outside the MMO markets) wouldn't promote something just because we bought an ad.

          I did check out your demo. You have some 'mad skillz' as the kids say.

          I think you have a good idea with a lot of possibilities, and I'm looking forward to hearing how it works out for you.
          Yes and thank you so much for sharing your insight. It really means a lot that you would take your time to reply to this thread. Having a professional chime in is a real validation that I'm at least doing something right.

          Indeed, I've tried to make it clear that taking out an ad and having the additional option of selling the book as an affiliate are two separate things. I'm thinking in terms of simple biz. You're just selling another product but it also has something related to you that is an upsell. I'll whip up a diagram that should better explain it. Thanks for pointing that out.

          Thanks for the comment on the skillz. I've been a professional cartoonist and writer for over 30 years. Matter of fact I might be in several major newspapers and television in a week or so regarding another comic book project I'm working on. I'm just trying to marry IM and comics and animation somehow and make it effective and affordable. Anything that can boost stats is a plus and trying something new and different might be a way to do that.

          I have a few other ideas swimming around in my head regarding this project but will post them when it's done. Something I think you'll all like.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
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    I would if it was inexpensive and if there was a "counter" that showed how many people have downloaded the ebook.
    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      I would if it was inexpensive and if there was a "counter" that showed how many people have downloaded the ebook.

      Hiya Randall. That's a good idea. Don't know how to do that but I'm sure there's a way. Yes, keeping it inexpensive is the point that's why I asked in this thread what IMers would pay. I'm going to figure $20 should be what I would charge. That's about the cost of a good dinner at a restaurant. Also with the separate option to choose to sell the ebook as an affiliate with 50-70% off I figure a good IMer could sell copies of the book, make money and push their brand as well.

      I'm going to focus on an evergreen niche like weight loss first. I don't know how many copies will sell but at least there will be a product. Kindle, JVzoo are my prime options.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisha5684
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    Originally Posted by EvolBaby View Post

    Just a question for you internet marketers that spend to put ads out in various venues.

    Would you take out an ad in someone's ebook?

    Reason I'm asking is because I'm adding several comic book pages in my ebooks. The comic book pages explain the specific topic of the ebook along with the text. Since I'm able to put links in the comic book image panels I figure to put links to my sponsor's products as part of the upsell. So if you click on part of an image or the entire image you go to the upsell.

    There's so much room for such links I figured to sell some ad space. Considering the person buying the ad can also sell the ebook as an affiliate they would be making good money and expanding their ad views from not only their sales as an affiliate of mine but their affiliates could sign up and sell the book giving even more ad views.

    It's something I was toying with for a while and after studying more of how you warriors like to layer opportunities and hedge your bets I figured I'd ask around how much you would pay for a perpetual ad in an ebook.
    That is a super good idea, but the only problem would be how much to price ad space in an ebook. Who knows how many people will actually see it. I would imagine that it would be very low.

    Also, I'm not sure if ads should be in an ebook that people would buy... Maybe in a free report. Also, then maybe more people will see the ad because more people get things for free than to buy. Unless people who buy ebooks are more likely to read them than people who got them for free... hmm... lots to think about here.

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    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by Lisha5684 View Post

      That is a super good idea, but the only problem would be how much to price ad space in an ebook. Who knows how many people will actually see it. I would imagine that it would be very low.

      Also, I'm not sure if ads should be in an ebook that people would buy... Maybe in a free report. Also, then maybe more people will see the ad because more people get things for free than to buy. Unless people who buy ebooks are more likely to read them than people who got them for free... hmm... lots to think about here.
      A big very thank you for replying.

      This project is just a test to see how it works. That's why I'm feeling out that the price I'm quoting around $20 is not expensive at all. Using the comic book panels and story will add extra entertainment value as it explains the principles of the ebook along with the text.

      So it's inexpensive, entertaining and we'll have to see how it goes. Would a measly $20 hurt?
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  • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
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    I think I would consider doing that if your ebooks had something to do with what we sell, which is a car-related product.

    ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by funkynassau View Post

      I think I would consider doing that if your ebooks had something to do with what we sell, which is a car-related product.
      Thanks for replying!

      I may do a car related project like this. After I've experimented a bit.
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      • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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        Okay after reading the responses on this thread I had an idea.

        What I'm thinking is to test the waters and this is what I'm thinking.

        Since so many of you have chipped in with such positive insight I might test this by putting out a limited edition of this ebook and as a thank you I'll let everyone on this thread who has contributed a positive response a FREE link in this ebook. Just links from the people on this thread.

        This way you can all chime back in if you've gotten some hits to your diet/weight loss or whatever link you want. I'll add it prominently in the comic book section.

        My way of saying thanks. I'll see how that limited edition sells. Maybe limit it to a thousand copies and let my affiliates sell it on JVzoo. If you want you can sell it too but no mandatory obligation.

        This way I can see traffic numbers, you can let me know if you've gotten some hits and any sales. If that works then I'll do the full blown advertising procedure I've tried to outline here.

        That sound like a plan?
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  • Profile picture of the author HKSEO Jonbones
    HKSEO Jonbones
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    I'd say no, most ebooks are advertisements for the services that are detailed in them--unless you make money off the sale as an affiliate, I wouldn't bother paying for ad space within the ebook.

    That being said, I may have an ebook coming out soon
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  • Profile picture of the author denysapu
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    I have no experience advertising in eBooks. But as far as I've read the eBook, sometimes I see a link that looks paid installed. I want to know about it, and do a clicks.

    Don't worry be happy!

  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    KickAss Marketing
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    I think it would be much better if you put the ads on the download page instead. But hey! Putting ads in the eBook itself is worth a try. It's better if you make it more of a magazine style where the images or complete ads and not the links only are put in the eBooks. That way, consumers may be attracted more and the advertisers may be allowed a little more creativity and enthusiasm when putting in their ads.

    Good Luck!

    • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
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      Originally Posted by Don Adrian View Post

      I think it would be much better if you put the ads on the download page instead. But hey! Putting ads in the eBook itself is worth a try. It's better if you make it more of a magazine style where the images or complete ads and not the links only are put in the eBooks. That way, consumers may be attracted more and the advertisers may be allowed a little more creativity and enthusiasm when putting in their ads.

      Good Luck!

      I could do both giving the advertiser a double value! Thanks!
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