Building your list with ad swaps?

1 replies
Just wondering how high is high.

i.e. how many times have you doubled your list with ad swaps? When does it peak? How many new optins do you get a week? etc etc.

Any data can help.

#building #list #swaps
  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    ad swaps can work but if your going to use them then you don`t really want to use all of the usual resources because the traffic will be hammered and burned out

    i have done a few ad swaps before but i tend to do them with marketers that rarely do ad swaps like myself because that way you get a far better response

    if your going to use ad swaps at all then my advice would be to focus on swaps with guys that don`t often do swaps, maybe a few per month because otherwise there lists will be fed up seeing other peoples offers and your results will be terrible

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