Is this a viable niche?
The niche has to do with parenting and developing young hockey players.
I played at a high level and was a professional coach (meaning I was paid to coach, not that I coached professionals), so I can speak with some authority on the subject. I have three sons and they love the game even more than I do. My sons play at various levels (from elite to club) and have different levels of interest/commitment so I see the game from several different perspectives.
Personally, I've often looked for advice on how to handle certain things that come up as a hockey parent. How to handle the politics of youth hockey. How to handle getting cut from a select team. What kind of off-ice training is suitable for kids. How to make practice fun. Things like that. I can't find anything out there that tackles these kinds of questions.
If nobody is doing it, does that mean it isn't viable, or just undiscovered? Where can I find some indicators of this market? 500,000 kids play hockey in the United States and over 2 million in Canada. But are they or their parents online, looking for advice and training aids? How do I find out, and then tap into them?
Thanks in advance.
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