Jewlery Site question

Profile picture of NicheExposed
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
My girlfriend is starting a jewlery business and we are putting it on the web. Are threr anyone else running jewlery sites that could give me some niche specidfic resources to promote the site?

#jewlery #question #site
  • Profile picture of the author rdxsumo
    Profile picture of rdxsumo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like your girlfriend's idea. Well, I am not running a jewellery business. But i have friends who are engaged in this business & they simply promote their site on different social websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. They ask their friends to share with other people. And now they are earning good profit out of it. You can also ask her to do forum posting.
    Though to share some tips about buying cheap shoes this holiday season - if you like shopping :)

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