CHALENGING ALL WARRIORS: The simplest, working business model
This is theory, but I think the reson why many struggle with Internet Marketing is they are trying business models that have too many moving parts. As we know, the mor compents that have to be correct, in the right order, and sent at the right time...the more chance there is of failure.
Normally at this point, people give up and then move onto another business model or niche, when in fact they could have been one adjustment away from a winner.
So...I think it would be fun and hugely beneficial to brain storm and come up with a list of simple business models which have the potential to make good seed money, which could then be used to outsource for larger campaigns.
Feel free to do just one, or as many as you like, in the following format (I'll start :-)
1) MODEL: Write articles for other marketers, then as you get more orders, pay others to do the work and pocket the difference. (This could work for graphics, sales copy, and many other services)
TRAFFIC SOURCE: Warrior, elance, odesk, youtube, sol ads
2) MODEL: Youtube video reviewing product, link goes to a fill review page which has an affiliate link at the end of the review.
TRAFFIC SOURCE: Youtube and other video sites, then share on Facebook, twitter etc
Ok, over to you guys
It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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