CHALENGING ALL WARRIORS: The simplest, working business model

14 replies
What's up gang

This is theory, but I think the reson why many struggle with Internet Marketing is they are trying business models that have too many moving parts. As we know, the mor compents that have to be correct, in the right order, and sent at the right time...the more chance there is of failure.

Normally at this point, people give up and then move onto another business model or niche, when in fact they could have been one adjustment away from a winner.

So...I think it would be fun and hugely beneficial to brain storm and come up with a list of simple business models which have the potential to make good seed money, which could then be used to outsource for larger campaigns.

Feel free to do just one, or as many as you like, in the following format (I'll start :-)

1) MODEL: Write articles for other marketers, then as you get more orders, pay others to do the work and pocket the difference. (This could work for graphics, sales copy, and many other services)
TRAFFIC SOURCE: Warrior, elance, odesk, youtube, sol ads

2) MODEL: Youtube video reviewing product, link goes to a fill review page which has an affiliate link at the end of the review.
TRAFFIC SOURCE: Youtube and other video sites, then share on Facebook, twitter etc

Ok, over to you guys
#business #chalenging #model #simplest #warriors #working
  • Profile picture of the author JohnCaneden
    Why over complicate things? I just stared and am making good income
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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by JohnCaneden View Post

      Why over complicate things? I just stared and am making good income
      AWESOME!! So what was the business model? Or are you just trying to get your post count up to 50? If so, no worries.

      It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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      • Profile picture of the author noodle2005
        Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

        AWESOME!! So what was the business model? Or are you just trying to get your post count up to 50? If so, no worries.
        Oh man...after reading his thread you will really wish you hadn't of asked that question mate
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6963475].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
          Originally Posted by noodle2005 View Post

          Oh man...after reading his thread you will really wish you hadn't of asked that question mate
          Oh man, I see what you mean. It was my mistake actually, is instead of starting my subject line ...ALL WARRIORS, I should have put ...ALL WARRIORS WHO AT LEAST HAVE HALF A BRAIN lol

          Hmmm, hopefully, I can get this thread back on track as I feel it will be of value to people.


          It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    The reason most people won't "get" the importance of the question
    is that they are trying to build an online business. What they should
    be doing is building a business online. There's a BIG difference.

    A real business is created to address an established need in the market
    and that market consists of a group of people with a common problem.
    Those people must be willing to pay for a solution to that problem.

    In other words.... Start with the customer in mind. If you don't have
    an intimate knowledge of your customer and their problems... you don't
    have a sustainable business.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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    • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
      Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

      The reason most people won't "get" the importance of the question
      is that they are trying to build an online business. What they should
      be doing is building a business online. There's a BIG difference.

      A real business is created to address an established need in the market
      and that market consists of a group of people with a common problem.
      Those people must be willing to pay for a solution to that problem.

      In other words.... Start with the customer in mind. If you don't have
      an intimate knowledge of your customer and their problems... you don't
      have a sustainable business.


      very wise words )
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6964060].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

        The reason most people won't "get" the importance of the question
        is that they are trying to build an online business. What they should
        be doing is building a business online. There's a BIG difference.

        A real business is created to address an established need in the market
        and that market consists of a group of people with a common problem.
        Those people must be willing to pay for a solution to that problem.

        In other words.... Start with the customer in mind. If you don't have
        an intimate knowledge of your customer and their problems... you don't
        have a sustainable business.

        I wish I'd said that...

        I'd have only added two words:

        Those people must be willing and able to pay for a solution to that problem.
        Back in the day I wasted way too much time trying to sell solutions to people with no money...
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  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    Its true people over complicate things, the most simple business model is!

    1/ Find a niche
    2/ Find a common problem in that niche
    3/ Find an affiliate program from somewhere that solves that problem
    4/ Find where your target market hang out
    5/ Make contact (not spam) and inform of solution
    6/ collect commissions

    The only thing to add to that is like with most things, its a numbers game! therefore the effort you put in to it will be relevant to what you get out of it! simples!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    Im actually in the middle of writing 13 proven ways to make money online but i will share one strategy which worked well for me and then i flipped the site for a nice healthy profit

    i created a wordpress blog around gossip/news and bought a general domain name

    i used google trends and created a juicy 400 - 1000 word article every day choosing a good trending keyword

    i then socially shared that blog post and pinged it

    i wrote a new article every day for a couple of weeks myself and then started to outsource

    within a month i was getting a boat load of traffic which i then started to monetize with adsense, cpa offers and amazon

    i did this for a few more months before flipping the site for a nice healthy profit

    that is it, hardly no moving parts, simple approach and if you create new articles each day your traffic will be on fire within 30 - 60 days

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  • Profile picture of the author hockmasm
    Here is what I am doing

    MODEL: Find a niche, create a wordpress blog, write at least 3 articles per week using target keywords found in Market Samurai, share on faceook and twitter every article you write, eventually traffic will come in, add adsense to your site, and throw in some amazon review articles on products related to your niche. Total cost = hosting plan ($50)

    Now, I make about $5-7 per day on adsense alone and I pay a writer to write me 1-2 articles (@$6) per week to post. So I make $35-$50 per week and only pay up to $12 for the articles = $23-$38 profit at least.
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  • Profile picture of the author 3dy
    1. Create premium themes for a certain CMS (Joomla, Magento, whatever).
    2. Market and sell them.
    3. Streamline the process, make them faster, sell more.

    For traffic, just create some (high quality) free ones and give them away. People love to share this stuff with others.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Hey Guys

    Lots of really good ideas here. I think one lesson to take from this seems to be to be consistent, even if it is just 3 articles a week. You have to have faith that if you just keep going regardless, the traffic will start to come. I wrote one article a day for two months on a weight loss site, and was getting 300 hits a day which wasn't bad for a market which is supposed to be competitive.


    It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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