A Quiet Little "Hello"

2 replies
Hello Warriors.
I just stopped by to check-in with a good friend here on the forum,
and wanted to say "Hello" to the rest of my friends here without
trying to send dozens of PMs. Then, I'm off again.

Anyway while I'm here I thought I would share a few short thoughts
before I go... Keep life in perspective, Warriors...

1. Do what you love.
2. Make quality connections.
3. Always be a good friend.

Funny, that is how I have always made money, but now I'm finding
the money was the lowest value returned on my investments.

...Thank you to my Warrior friends who have been there for me,
even when I wasn't here. You know who you are, you have helped
me through some very long, dark months.

Best wishes to you all.
--Mike Tucker
#miketucker #quiet
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Sounds like things are moving in a good direction again. That's nice to hear.

    I love the signature, by the way. It reminds me of something Laurie Anderson (I think it was her, anyway) once said when someone asked her how she dealt with all the negativity in the world. Her response took the interviewer by surprise:

    "You're hanging with the wrong people."

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Thanks for stopping by Mike. I completely agree with everything you've written. It reminds me of when I was a bit younger and I was only focused on making money. I was also quite abrasive and mean to people (my initial year or two in this forum was a bumpy start).

    I can tell from your post that life experience has taught you these things. While it's nice to make money, life experience has taught me that it's far from the most important thing, so I'm glad you brought that up. I guarantee it when someone is on their deathbed, the last thing most people think about is money. They think about their loved one's and wishing they probably had more time with them.

    And I would like to humbly add another thing to your already great list:

    4. Humility or being humble.

    In a world where people think that having a big ego will shield them from this tough world, it's actually more fulfilling, in life, to have humility. It gives us great perspective that we are but ants (actually smaller) in a large universe that's so vast that's it's beyond our ken.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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