Tips for a great sales email?

8 replies
I am putting together a sales email, got any tips for me?
#email #great #sales #tips
  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Go check out Daegan Smith. He is the king of writing high converting sales emails. The key is story telling and giving value inside each email.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    There are many tutorial videos on YouTube that you can actually check out. The technique varies depending on your target market and niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gary336

      There are some timeless ways to create a good email marketing campaign, but I think the most important thing is to build a relationship with your list, before hitting them up with a 'sales' email. That means, introduce yourself and tell an engaging story in the first or second follow up email - you can link to the "about me" page on your website. Then send some great content and maybe a free bonus in the next email, to keep the ball rolling.

      Make sure your product is closely related to the reason your subscriber signed up in the first place.

      Concentrate on the benefits of the product and not so much on the features - your subscriber is thinking "what's in it for me?".

      Place your link in at least 3 places, with a strong call to action, especially in the PS.

      Spend at least as long on your subject line as you do on the rest of the content, because if the email does not get opened, you will not make a sale!

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  • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
    The best tip for a sales email, is to use the soft-sell approach so it doesn't look as if you're selling. BUT, instead of using all the jargon and hype, talk to your subscribers like you were sitting across from them at a bar. For example, I usually say "What's up [[firstname]], what a long weekend, and besides that the lakers loss to top it all off etc etc... Start personal, lead in with a story and relate your product offer into your copy
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  • Profile picture of the author DevEdge
    Story telling is a tool for your box. Definitely use story telling and strong call to actions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matten
    Guys my niche related to facebook, i got 1.5 milion email list with first name and last name and the facebook profile . now i tried to send email bulk but i dont know i am new and i understand that i need then to sign with me or subscribe to the email list ?
    How is that done ? does it take long time ? what are the best action to take , my targeted are facebook users or twitter users .? what to do how to start?

    sorry i am asking many questions but i think that email bulk marketing are strong and direct, but i have never tried that .
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    If you are writing a sales e-mail, my best tip for you is this:


    "People love to buy, but hate being sold"

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    A soft selling approach will always work the best - don't force anything upon the reader, just kinda' suggest you've seen something and looks like a pretty cool buy etc.

    I few tips I always give people who ask:

    Email copywriting tip #1:
    Your email copywriting should be designed to influence ones opinions and actions, you want them to take action whether you're trying to sell something to them or just giving advice that could make them more money, lose more weight etc.

    Email copywriting tip #2 :
    Be bold with your email copywriting by starting with a big claim, benefit, surprise or offer. Don't beat around the bush, people know why you are emailing them, give them something that is going to benefit them at the start of the emails. After all, did they not open the email because they thought they were doing something that was going to benefit them?

    Email copywriting tip #3 :
    Present your strongest points up front. After you've written an email piece, read through it to make sure your lead isn't buried. The strongest point you make needs to be at the beginning to engage the reader, once the reader is engaged they are all eyes and ears to what you've got to say in the rest of the email.

    Email copywriting tip #4 :
    Elaborate with your body copy. Instead of telling the reader that something is "important", "urgent" or "special", explain why it is important, urgent or special.Always elaborate your content, not everyone will understand what you mean.

    Along with that just make sure that your copy is fast and fluent, I have a little system I like to use:

    • Here's what I'm offering.

    • Here's what it will do for you.

    • Here's what I want you to do next.

    I let them know what I'm offering, I let them know exactly what it will do for them, know one cares if it made me $10million if it wont make them a penny - and then I tell them how to take action.

    Simple, fast and effective.

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