$1800 every month bad?

53 replies
Aye Warriors

I was just surfing around and landed on a blog post from a friend that is
making around $1800 a month from their blog. I seen several people bashing
about how much the blog was making because it has a heck of a lot of traffic.

Over 90,000 visitors a month. Well, that's not bad at all for someone who lives
off blogging. It's important to add more affiliate marketing in the mix ofcourse...


The point of this post is to illustrate. No matter how much you make online be
proud of yourself. You're still making some type of income where others may
not have that working for them at the moment. And, for those that are not at
the moment, never give up - keep learning and implementing, you'll get there.

We all define success differently...

Success to some could be 10k-20k a month, while to others, $500-$1,000
extra a month. I know a lot of people who can still comfortably live off $1800
a month. They're so much people struggling in these times, so always be
Thankful for what you're able to make no matter what. Some people are just
happy to replace the income from their current job and be self employed

So, to make a long story short... Be proud of what you're doing so far and be
comfortable with how much your making no matter how small. NEVER GIVE UP!
#$1800 #bad #month
  • Profile picture of the author rendell
    Hence Terrance, thanks for the advice. It's really true, everyone has their own idea of what success means to them. The idea is to never to give up living and dreaming.

    Ever notice that people who spend money on WSO, memberships and courses, are always complaining about being broke and not making any money ?

    They should have bought ASSETS instead.

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  • Profile picture of the author mego818
    Great post. I would be pretty happy with that amount if it was mostly passive.
    Need High Quality Content?
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  • Profile picture of the author moreymcmb
    That`s right

    However, we should never stop growing. In fact, that`s my purpose of doing internet marketing every day. I want to grow each and every year, not only in money, but in knowledge as well. After all, money is not everything!
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by TerranceCharles View Post

    Aye Warriors

    I was just surfing around and landed on a blog post from a friend that is
    making around $1800 a month from their blog. I seen several people bashing
    about how much the blog was making because it has a heck of a lot of traffic.

    Over 90,000 visitors a month. Well, that's not bad at all for someone who lives
    off blogging. It's important to add more affiliate marketing in the mix ofcourse...


    The point of this post is to illustrate. No matter how much you make online be
    proud of yourself. You're still making some type of income where others may
    not have that working for them at the moment. And, for those that are not at
    the moment, never give up - keep learning and implementing, you'll get there.

    We all define success differently...

    Success to some could be 10k-20k a month, while to others, $500-$1,000
    extra a month. I know a lot of people who can still comfortably live off $1800
    a month. They're so much people struggling in these times, so always be
    Thankful for what you're able to make no matter what. Some people are just
    happy to replace the income from their current job and be self employed

    So, to make a long story short... Be proud of what you're doing so far and be
    comfortable with how much your making no matter how small. NEVER GIVE UP!
    That's a decent amount of money. With a few tweaks and higher conversions, this one blog could be generating a full-time income and beyond considering how much traffic it's getting.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    $1800 per month bad?

    Well, it all depends on many elements. How much work investment, ROI etc..
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    • Profile picture of the author denysapu
      Originally Posted by Kal Sallam View Post

      $1800 per month bad?

      Well, it all depends on many elements. How much work investment, ROI etc..
      You're right Sallam! Totally agree

      Don't worry be happy!

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  • Profile picture of the author Vadimarket
    Wow, 1800$! I'll be lucky if I get a dime with my crappy blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Monroe
    So just over $21,000 per year? It's not "bad" but it's not good either.

    In fact, I just read online the average income in the USA is $40,000 per year, so it's way below average..

    Obviously it depends on the niche, but au would be expecting more around the $3,000 per month mark easily with 90,000 visitors.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Hower
      Originally Posted by Josh Monroe View Post

      So just over $21,000 per year? It's not "bad" but it's not good either.

      In fact, I just read online the average income in the USA is $40,000 per year, so it's way below average..

      Obviously it depends on the niche, but au would be expecting more around the $3,000 per month mark easily with 90,000 visitors.
      Hi Josh,

      even if it is below average one should consider what sort of work and number of hours would be necessary to make that average of 40K, and how much better life would be by making just half of that by IM.

      Dan Hower

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    • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
      Originally Posted by Josh Monroe View Post

      So just over $21,000 per year? It's not "bad" but it's not good either.

      In fact, I just read online the average income in the USA is $40,000 per year, so it's way below average..

      Obviously it depends on the niche, but au would be expecting more around the $3,000 per month mark easily with 90,000 visitors.
      I agree, but as I read your comment, I realized that for most "household" refers to two incomes -- whether two people are married or just co-inhabiting. I'm from a small town in the south, and even though 40k is considered the avg. per household here, I know a great many people that struggle to make that.

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      • Profile picture of the author Josh Monroe
        Originally Posted by Miguelito203 View Post

        I agree, but as I read your comment, I realized that for most "household" refers to two incomes -- whether two people are married or just co-inhabiting. I'm from a small town in the south, and even though 40k is considered the avg. per household here, I know a great many people that struggle to make that.

        Thanks for clearing that up, I just noticed that you are correct is does say COMBINED income.

        So you are actually on par with the averages (40k between to people would be 20k per year each, your making just over that)
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    • Profile picture of the author JabMonkey
      Originally Posted by Josh Monroe View Post

      So just over $21,000 per year? It's not "bad" but it's not good either.

      In fact, I just read online the average income in the USA is $40,000 per year, so it's way below average..

      Obviously it depends on the niche, but au would be expecting more around the $3,000 per month mark easily with 90,000 visitors.
      One blog making $21K per year is GOOD, period. Could he do something to make it $3000/mth? Maybe. That depends on many different factors, not just the quantity of visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author cowboyrob
    Originally Posted by TerranceCharles View Post

    They're so much people struggling in these times, so always be Thankful for what you're able to make no matter what. Some people are just
    happy to replace the income from their current job and be self employed
    Couldn't agree with this^ more. Having been in IM for 5 years, and fully self-employed for 2, it's easy to lose sight of how unbelievably cool it is to be your own boss. And how 2-3 years ago, I would have been losing my mind with the amount of success my business has seen in the past 2 quarters.

    We're fortunate to have the opportunity right in front of our faces to make something out of nothing online right now, and more of these opportunities are cropping up each day. Seize the carp!
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    great post!

    I remember my first year in IM, In my third quarter of that year my goal was to reach $3,000.

    I didn't hit my goal so I was beating myself up over it for like 2 weeks then I realize, dude a couple of months ago you weren't many anything online, and now you are making $2,200 online. yes you didn't hit the $3,000 mark but you still have to see how far you have come.

    So it's important to set goals, and even if you don't hit your goals, still pay attention to how far you have come along, how much progress and success you have had already.

    So reflect on your successes instead of your failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leon Kloosterman
    1800 is stil a lot, for many others. still 90,000 visitors is quite a bit versus that 1800 dollar.

    but if he is happy with it, then it's good. I still know a lot of people in the Im that haven't made a single dollar.
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  • Profile picture of the author SOCAL777
    That's quite good for supplemental income.
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  • Profile picture of the author 7figurehustler
    That's not bad if it's a side income and your working a full time job
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    • Profile picture of the author Juan Burton
      Mos def! Me personally could live off $1,800 per month and still save a good chunk in the bank living in Indiana. Anything else would be extra. Who wouldn't want to earn income this way being something they absolutely enjoy and love. It's honest legit income so their is no reason to hate unless you are a baby-boomer who doesn't understand modern technology or your mind is still in the industrial age. This is the way to go living in the information age. I have great respect for anyone making an honest dollar vs someone who is scamming or getting over on people to make 10k-20k per month. Money is not everything that I value in life, I value life in general and enjoy it.

      Coming up I was humbled and taught never to down anyone's job.
      Cheers to your success,
      Juan Burton

      JUAN BURTON | COM - Internet Marketer | Actor | Forex Broker | Film Producer | Product Developer
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  • Profile picture of the author acesites
    Put it this way, alot of people trade 40 hours a week of their LIVES for $500 a week. That's $2000 a month.

    So if your friend is earning $1800 a month from his website, it's almost a full-time wage and I think that's a wonderful success!
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    • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
      Originally Posted by acesites View Post

      Put it this way, alot of people trade 40 hours a week of their LIVES for $500 a week. That's $2000 a month.

      So if your friend is earning $1800 a month from his website, it's almost a full-time wage and I think that's a wonderful success!

      Great point!

      When you break it down in those terms you can clearly see $1,800 is a huge success. Especially if it is passive.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    90,000 visitors per month aint bad... $1800 a month aint bad either. It's enough to pay all bills too.
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  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    Good or Bad depends on a persons goals. My brother is a artiest who does charcoal drawings of weddings etc. Hes very talented but far from wealthy I guess he makes aroud $1500 a month or so. I asked him why he doesnt get a job in graphic design or something so he can make more money. His answer .. 'I have my bills paid, food in my belly, and can save $50 a week for a rainy day .. and I only have to 'work' 1-2 days a week doing something I love.' .. He is successful since he as hit is goal (pay bills, eat, save a little, dont work much) .. I however make 3X-4X that amount .. but am NOT successful because I have not yet reached my goal. Point is success is a personal thing that can not be based on monetary income alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author featherstory
    I could totally live off $1800 a month and be happy. It's not my goal right now, but years ago I would have been more than satisfied to keep it just like that, and maybe that's where your friend is. Maybe someday if he wants more he will look into monetizing it more, but maybe he is happy where he is and who could blame him.

    For one person $1800 is great...like you said you could pay your bills if you have average to low financial responsibilities, eat well and have some fun...and the freedom of your own schedule is priceless.

    For 3 people(I have two kids) I could also very comfortably live off that income, but I want more for myself and my kids right now and want to save for the future. Still that is definitely something to be proud of...

    I have not made that much in 3 years of my blogs. But I only started monetizing about a year ago and have been learning and building momentum very slowly. Anyway it's great inspiration for me to see this.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    its still good, but with 90k visits, im pretty sure there much more potential, i see blogs with 30k/montly visits making $10k

    just gotta find high paying affiliate related offers and make a good sales copy
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  • Profile picture of the author DPEnglish
    I couldn't live off that, but I appreciate your main point. Persistance and gratitude will take you places.

    Tap into one of the most overlooked markets on the internet: English Learners. There are over a billion people studying English around the world using techniques that don't produce results. Help them find the solutions they are searching for with DeepEnglish.com.

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  • Profile picture of the author idreesfarooq
    1800 is still a good income for those who are satisfied with this............but having 90k visitors blog can be turned into a full time Cash ATM with a little bit effort and good use of brain

    Check out for more strategies on my website www.marketingwithidrees.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    While $1800 a month might be better than working a 9 to 5 job for most people, it is never enough to create real wealth.

    Besides, you need to consider how much you reinvest back in your business and use for living expenditures.

    Creating $1800 a month is just enough to have something left at the end of the month. If you live by yourself and have to pay for rent and food, you are facing major pressure with this sort of income.

    Most people don´t consider what they make NET, but what they make gross. The question is how much have you left to reinvest and safe. These are the 2 most important components when striving for higher income levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    Yes, I am proud and feel good about what I am doing now, even when I am not making any money for days, the urge and mission of helping more people is what keep me go on and on, money is not everything, so I live day to day and stick to my goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author peternik
    I think the most important thing is not the amount you make, it is that you keep learning and making more and more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    The definition of success differs between every human being. For some people $1800 per month may not be that great. But there are many people for them the amount if enough to make their living.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author eightmotives
    Set achievable goals for yourself and continue to raise that bar. In my book, $1800 is fairly decent regardless of the amount of traffic the person is getting. If this is the goal they have set for themselves then they can shoot a little higher next time around.
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  • Profile picture of the author masksameh
    Its not bad at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author IntoughShape
    very nice post , definetely agree with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mamun311
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    • Profile picture of the author davegarcia939
      Originally Posted by mamun311 View Post

      Wow 1800 Every Month!!!!!!!!! How it Possible easy???
      Why not possible Mamun?

      It's of course a good income with a blog.
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      • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
        90k Visitors per month there should be more than $1800 income but now depends what kind of traffic he have.

        Well done from a blog i would expect at least 5k + per month
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  • Profile picture of the author IMAdam
    1800 isn't bad if it's in addition to other income streams. If it's the only source of income, I would say keep ramping up.

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  • Profile picture of the author LukeDavenport
    That's not a bad result at all, if you settle with that great.

    Most likely your friend won't though. Because IM is just too damn fun, its addicting.
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  • Profile picture of the author techlearner
    Very inspirational. It motivates me to work harder...
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    It seems dreams to me to earn that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    If you can live off it and are happy with it then $1800 a month is great. Some people aren't making ANYTHING a month from internet marketing and to them that would be fantastic.
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    • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
      Wow First off, I want to say Thanks to all who engaged in this topic and
      to those who will after. As said before, success has a different meaning for
      everyone. Their blog has grown from here and as a matter of fact, almost
      topping $3k+ and increasing as new methods are implemented.

      What did they do differently?

      - Add more High Ticket affiliate programs. ( I think this was KEY.)

      - Reduced the blog bounce rate / keep readers on the site longer.

      - Used better methods to capturing their readers email addresses.

      - More guest posting and building personal and blog branding.

      - Keeping readers engaged and increase pageviews that lead to a better funnel.

      BUT, most importantly. I know many marketers fall into this trap. Have you
      ever built a blog or list, offered nothing but VALUABLE content for weeks,
      even months and then, finally offered a Paid product and have your audience
      drop or unsubscribe? It happens, but...

      There's a fix for that...

      EVERYTHING depends on how you've built your audience, if you give them free
      content most of the time, hit them with a paid offer, you've trained them only
      to look for free stuff. So, what you have to do is train them from the jump to
      expect that you do SELL products and training to them, and blend it in with
      your content. Basically, the soft-sell approach, so no one get's offended or
      turned off to the idea of you recommending a product to them

      But, all in all - for a blog that's making that amount of income, their doing a
      great job, and only spending 4 - 5 hours a day posting and maintaining it. So,
      I can say it's worth it, I wouldn't be surprised if they hit over 10k monthly by
      the end of this year, IF they continue tweaking, testing and implementing.

      Never give up, keep pushing and you'll make it, be proud of yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author 181liquid
    $1800.00 dollars is very good income for what ever you're doing in this economy...
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    When does the explosive WSO come out revealing how he did it?
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  • Profile picture of the author wave carl
    $1800 is not that bad, just aim on increasing every month then.
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  • Profile picture of the author karim stm
    great i want to get mony
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    Hi Terrance,
    If that's just a bit of add on income $1800 is pretty good I guess.

    On ther other hand if it's a full time gig, and the guy's trying to support a family on it in North America.. well that's another story.

    So I guess, someone's view of success, depends entirely on their situation, and the point they are in the IM career.

    I have friends that wouldn't be happy with $1800 a day. I also know some folks that have hardly made a nickle online, but because they are just starting out, just getting some traffic, and learning what they need to do, I would consider them successful too!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I have to lol at the people saying $450 a week for blogging is a chump change.

    You guys must be ballin nonstop.

    How long does it take to blog that much? Like 3 hours a week?


    >=$100 per hour isn't bad.

    Just imagine if they invested that to grow their business enterprise elsewhere?

    Good $ for doing nothing (or next to it)
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      Bad? No way man - $1800 a month of purely passive income is fantastic especially coming from a blog.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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    • Its cool to have such amount of money for doing something you love, without boss or some stupid manager behind your back.
      I would be happy to have that !
      Btw , I think your mate would make a bit more if he started creating and selling his own products or articles
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I know some people who would be perfectly happy with a
    consistent $1800 per month. They enjoy living simple
    lifestyles, and live in places where the cost-of-living is

    They prefer kicking back, fishing with buddies, and don't
    require much.

    It all depends upon what you want from life... and what
    makes you happy.


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    You're doing very well.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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