help with psychic optin

7 replies
Hello there,

I've just started using psychic optin this week.

does it work with automatically signing up someone to your aweber list or send them your autoresponder message.

it only appears to give you the email in excel format.

I'm wondering, with the email that you put into the quiz set up - do you put the aweber list email or just your general email.

thanks for your help

#optin #psychic
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Originally Posted by 60MinuteAffiliate View Post

    Hello there,

    I've just started using psychic optin this week.

    does it work with automatically signing up someone to your aweber list or send them your autoresponder message.

    it only appears to give you the email in excel format.

    I'm wondering, with the email that you put into the quiz set up - do you put the aweber list email or just your general email.

    thanks for your help

    Hi Colleen

    I am sure the product creator would be more than happy to assist you with any issues you have.. I do believe he will be knocking around here somewhere



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

    The Psychic Optin script isn't currently integrated
    with any third party autoresponder services.

    If you look at the Admin Tour Video, it will show
    you how to set up a quiz. (You enter an email
    to which your respondents can reply to)

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author milan
    John and Colleen,

    I could integrate your script with Aweber or Getresponse. PM me or email me.

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  • Profile picture of the author seamusb
    This may not be useful, but perhaps the psychic optin is not working due to 'unforeseen circumstances'?

    (ducks and runs)
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