by getinmoney Banned
2 replies
How do you build a landing page for ppc on google?
#landing #page
  • Profile picture of the author autumn78
    Assuming you know how to build a website to begin with, be sure to include plenty of relevant articles and related keywords, backlinks, etc. and avoid too much if any adsense blocks to help avoid the "slap."
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    • Profile picture of the author Tripti_LPM
      I am bit confused about your question.Are you asking for designing a landing page or about content.

      Like any other pages, landing page is also a regular HTML page.

      However from content perspective,I think your landing page should cover the points what are you offering? who do you wish to appeal to? why would they be interested in your offer?what do they need to do to purchase?

      Also, think your landing page as a summary of all the usual pages connected with the product/service you are offering.

      Ensure you have included a call to action towards the top of the page. This will work on more impulsive people or those who are already familiar with what you are offering.

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