Just another lost mind...
And thanks for reading my post.
I'm gonna help you save your time by explaining right away what this post is about: I'm kinda lost in this world of internet marketing, and even though I tried several things, nothing worked yet and I'm kinda going into a deep depression, seeing that none of my efforts have paid me back...
I spoke to countless of persons, successful persons, but it always seem that they "hide" what they do, or at least they are never too specific, the golden details always seem to be kept under their wings, making them fly and letting you flap yours without never ever get off from the ground.
I am 20 years old and it's been 4 months that I'm in this market. Being really determined to make this journey work, I learnt a lot, sometimes driving all my expectations to courses or products that promises but never deliver.
I know this is pretty common, yet I don't find a way out of this, instead of having someone I trust, someone successful, who want me to succeed like anybody want other human beings to be happy...
I just want to talk to people, and maybe, if I'm very lucky, find someone who will be touched by a part of me, and help me be happy as well...
But I'm not too confident in this, everyone seem to think that happiness is divided when shared, although it's quite the contrary.
Thanks a lot my friends,
And I wish you a lot of luck and a lot of success in your online career.
A lot of you make newbies like me dream of better days, and that alone is a wonderful feeling.
Have a good night.
PS: I apologize for my poor english, I'm french.
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