Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

1 replies
Since yesterday I am facing a ridiculous problem. I didn't keep the record of yesterday as it was my first day in this forum. But today when I was working on someone's thread, the fellow member has asked a really interesting question about Google local listing.

I worked on at least 1/2 hr. to prepare the best answer which could lead him to the right direction. But eventually when I go ahead to post my answer I found the thread does not exist any more and showed me the following message:

Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Which really made me disappointed.

The thread was about the following:

Best way to list 50+ google places locations at once?

I will be glad if any one can let me know if this has been removed by the forum admin or fellow member himself.

#administrator #invalid #link #notify #thread #valid
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    When you see that notification the thread was deleted. Chances are that this the thread in question was nuked because it was an SEO question that belonged in the SEO subforum.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7142777].message }}

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