Best Wordpress comments plugin to drive traffic? [Your Opinion]

11 replies
Hi Warriors,

Dofollow or No Dofllow?

Many marketers debate about which plugin is the best for wordpress comments. I say, it really depends on what your objective is:

To get more backlinks or to drive more traffic.

I just relaunched my blog and my main objective has been to drive as much traffic to it as possible (starting from ground zero), without seo. It's actually been working out quite well.

I just did a in depth traffic case study on my blog and I shared all of my traffic stats from last week.

Here's what I've gotten so far:
  • 1,325 New Unique Visitors
  • 159 Facebook Likes
  • 41 Facebook Shares
  • 12 Google+'s
  • 89 BizSugar Votes
  • 24 New subscribers
  • 3 New Relationships with Influencers
  • 9 Natural Blog Backlinks

This is only from 6 posts on my blog so far. I think that's not half bad for my first couple of weeks

A big part of my traffic strategy has been social media. I discovered an awesome wordpress comment plugin called Cackle.

Cackle allows your visitors to leave comments on your blog posts using several different social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ just to name a few.

But the really cool thing I love about Cackle is the built in viral factor. Whenever you leave a comment, it'll actually cross post it to your FB wall or Twitter status.

This plugin has been amazing for increasing my FB exposure, interaction, engagement on my blog/FB page, and it provides some awesome social proof.

See what I mean:

I'm pretty fond of this plugin. Even though it isn't dofollow, it'll definitely increase your FB Edgerank, social interaction, and bring in more traffic.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Do you prefer dofollow or no dofollow wp comment plugins? If so, why?
#comments #drive #opinion #plugin #traffic #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    I use the Facebook Comments and JetPack which allows Facebook comments on several sites and never saw much of a boost of visitors. I'm sure it depends largely on the topic.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      I use the Facebook Comments and JetPack which allows Facebook comments on several sites and never saw much of a boost of visitors. I'm sure it depends largely on the topic.
      I've used Facebook comments before. My problem with them is that I couldn't figure out how to approve, deny, or moderate them. Plus whenever someone left a comment I was never notified. Not sure if it was a problem with the plugin I was using or my oversight.

      Thanks for your input!

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  • Profile picture of the author chilldy
    Hmm, I've usually only used Facebook. I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author footbag_man
    I use optimize press..

    Not sure if that is classed as a theme or a plugin.. im not too techy with my sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by footbag_man View Post

      I use optimize press..

      Not sure if that is classed as a theme or a plugin.. im not too techy with my sites.
      I believe optimize press is considered a theme. I've heard a lot about it. I usually only hear about it being easy to use to create landing pages. No sure about comments though.

      Thanks for your input,

      Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

      My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author businessframe
    Jetpack and facebook are great! You just can't beat the power of 800,000,000 people potentially seeing your content..
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by businessframe View Post

      Jetpack and facebook are great! You just can't beat the power of 800,000,000 people potentially seeing your content..
      That's sounds interesting. I haven't used that commenting platform before, I'll have to look into it. I chose to go with Cackle because of the built in viral benefit, plus it wasn't too techy to set up. I suck with all of that, lol.

      Thanks for your input.

      Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

      My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    @tiroberts, thanks for your sharing interesting post, but I see that all your trafficv is social traffic, does it convert very well to drive it to your money site or only to build a list??

    best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author Ranksword
    I think I should try cackle..
    Cackle sounds amazing..
    Check your website worth -
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  • Profile picture of the author Vortex015
    Hey, which option did you choose when you activated your cackle comments? The free, $10, $35, or $150? Would appreciate it.
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