Graphic Designers and Stock Photos

7 replies
Hey guys,

I've been looking around on the Warriorforums lately and have found alot of very talented banner design services, yet, what gets me is; for their extremely low prices...say, $10-30 a banner...they offer ridiculously HD quality am simply wondering, Where do they get their stock photos from? To provide such great quality within their stock can they afford to pull-out such cheap-costing designs...and still make ends meat?

Once again, y'all been great on these forums!

Have a great day, guys!

Kind Regards,

- Josh
#designers #graphic #photos #stock
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    To use an image for commercial purposes, more often than not, the recipient of the image (the customer) is required to hold rights to that image otherwise they run risk of breaking copyright law.

    Stock photography can be obtained for free, however sale of the images in their original state or combined with additional image (as in the case of a banner) is strictly prohibited.

    I'm sure many people who purchase such graphics - banner, headers, sales pages and the like actually don't realize that they are sometimes breaking laws.

    Those designers who conduct business in a legal professional manner however might be met with complete and utter shock when they request that the client purchases images to obtain legal rights.

    "Can't you just use a photo from your library?" is a common one.

    Now, designers can hold a library, but the clincher is, they cannot pass on rights of purchased stock images nor can they sell free stock images - in most cases.

    In a lot of circumstances, the customer would pay more for use of the photograph alone than they would the entire asking price of the graphic.

    In a nutshell, a professional designer / agency will either request that the customer purchases rights to the image or they will simply design organically without use of stock images.

    With the popularity of reverse image searching emerging the chances of being caught out from unlawful use of copyright images is increasing rapidly.


    A sample from a popular free stock photo site:

    You may not use the Image
    • For pornographic, unlawful or other immoral purposes, for spreading hate or discrimination, or to defame or victimise other people, sociteties, cultures.
    • To endorse products and services if it depicts a person.
    • In a way that can give a bad name to SXC or the person(s) depicted on the Image.
    • As part of a trademark, service mark or logo.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Montgomery
    Have your used any with success? I ask this because I have used maybe 3 or 4 for header designs on this site and each one were not good at all.

    They produce a portfolio with great looking banners, headers etc but from my experience once they create for you its nothing like what they have in their portfolio they are so basic its something even I could do myself and I could also get much better from fiverr.

    Now I am just talking about the people I have used on here, there are probably some very good true graphic designers on here I have just not found them yet and I am guessing the price would be more than what you mention.
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  • Profile picture of the author AllRoundBanners
    I agree with the above posts...simply charge the acquired amount for the stock image and hand over the authority and ownership to the client. This means you can charge both for the graphic design work and the stock-imagery itself.

    Hope this helps,

    - All Round Banners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Comphics
    I personally download the images from for the reference to make it vector in illustrator. If you want good quality image cutouts then go to planetrenders

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Hrvoje Livnjak
    you can go to ,, dreamstime, sxc and tons of others. how they can maintain it is simple.. purchase photo there.. make a banner ad and you're done.. they spend 1-3 bucks on photo so it's pro. 7 bucks or plus profit.. usually this companies are from countries with low standards so they can make it affordable..

    Professional graphics, 3D covers and mini sites at:

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by Hrvoje Livnjak View Post

      you can go to ,, dreamstime, sxc and tons of others. how they can maintain it is simple.. purchase photo there.. make a banner ad and you're done.. they spend 1-3 bucks on photo so it's pro. 7 bucks or plus profit.. usually this companies are from countries with low standards so they can make it affordable..
      That's what the client should do.
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