College or Internet Marketing

108 replies
Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
#college #internet #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author kohorn
    Different strokes for different folks.
    For some, IM is an alternative to college to help them make a great living.
    For others, IM will help them make enough money to afford a college education if they want to follow some special career or professional dreams.
    For others still, and I fall into this category, college was a long time ago and IM provides a new direction and a 'post career, career' that is not dependent on old college qualifications.
    I have had a software development company for many years and I am only now exploring IM.

    Good luck, whatever your direction. IM can always add value to your life.
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If I had to choose I would do both at the same time.
      The best college is the college of life in my view.
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    • Profile picture of the author ralchevd
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If I had to choose I would do both at the same time.
      Same with me right now. The thing is that here I learn much more than I learn at college. But I want my degree, so I attend both.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If I had to choose I would do both at the same time.
      Couldn't have said it any better.

      I wish I had discovered internet marketing when I was back in college.

      I think back and realize how much time I wasted in college and how I could have replaced that by learning internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    I am thinking about a group of 5 fellows who became friends when they were freshmen in high school - age 14. I am one of those fellows.

    It is now several decades later, and I am still in contact with the others. Here is what has happened...

    The 3 of us who have had the largest financial success have each owned our own businesses. The 2 who have had the least success have been (and still are) employees.

    The 2 with the least success each hold a masters degree - one in international finance, the other in economics. One fellow works as a book keeper, the other is a waiter at high-end restaurants.

    Of the 3 of us who have been business owners, I am the only person with a college degree, and I wouldn't trade it or my college experiences for anything the world.

    The other 2 business owners have each said they wish they had earned a college degree. It is about their self-image.

    I have to agree with WillR. Do both, college and IM. I worked self-employed during my college years. Actually worked full-time. If I could do that, so can you.

    College teaches people how to research and how to learn on their own. College will give you a broad area of experiences, all while learning how to be better at learning.

    The thing I didn't do, which in hindsight was not such a good idea, was I did not take any business courses in college. I believe I could have avoided some the "school of hard knocks" if I had had an earlier knowledge about building a business.

    Yes, get your college degree. You will always regret not doing so if you put it off. But go to college with the intent of learning how to be a better business owner.

    Keep a copy of this post, and read it again whenever you feel like dropping out. That thought comes to every college student about half way through.

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    • Profile picture of the author hgustavs
      I totally agree with you Don; actually College could be a perfect place to get in contact with other people who would like to get into some serious JV IM these days and who knows what could come out of this.
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    More importantly, college was an absolute blast...... I loved every minute of it and wouldn't want to trade the experiences or people you meet for the world. Just sayin
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  • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
    I think it's whatever works for you, whatever you want to do should be right for you. My son went to college for business marketing which included a large segment on internet marketing. He learned a lot, to put it mildly! He has been a great help to us with our online biz, plus he knows the psychology behind marketing, which we did not. His friend went to college and took internet marketing, he now runs his own successful online biz.

    I am all for going to college if you want to do it. I believe in formal education. Yes we can all learn by doing, but there's nothing like taking courses that can teach you things you never thought of or even knew of! Just my 2 cents worth.

    ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

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  • Profile picture of the author ronnieavelino
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    Hi Denhinn,

    I was before a college student and I really want to graduate but sad things happen, my family had no more money to spend on my studies so I decided to work as a trainee on a SEO Company. That was 4 years ago, now I am proud that even I did not finished my college I am earning $$$$ that even a normal employee (college graduate) don't earn that much.


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  • Profile picture of the author wildster
    I would choose both college and IM, as I´m on that route myself.
    Although I don´t have to pay for it.

    On the other hand it would be worse if you started your education, payed for it and then quit. You need to have serious intentions when your going to a college, in most cases, it is no walk in the park. Taking from my experience, I can find 3-4 hours for IM most days.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrBucketBucketsOfFun
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    • Profile picture of the author lovelier
      Having a degree is very important, If you can do both , if you can manage your time then let it be but still college degree is important for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    I attended the university of hard-knock (university of "real life") It's tough as first but after a while I started to catch up and it's super exciting.

    I wanna keep learning and improving, I totally enjoy it. I don't feel like graduating any time soon.

    If given only a choice, I would no doubt go for street smart rather than academic smart.. Just a personal preference.
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  • Profile picture of the author joshugrady
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    • Profile picture of the author AUKev
      As many others have said, if you can handle both, go for it. I have an engineering degree from a top 30 program in that field. And although I was an above average, but not exceptional student, that rarely uses any of my engineering education, I came away with one EXTREMELY valuable skill. The ability to solve problems!

      If you are serious about IM, you may be able to find a major that could provide a synergy with your IM knowledge. A combination of some technical background with some business skills as well as marketing/communications.

      If you are super successful, you can always pull a Bill Gates and walk away from college, but I know several people stuck in careers today because they never finished their degrees.

      I am in no way a college degree snob, but I found high value in my experiences during my time in school.

      Good luck with your decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author nav123
    If you want to dropout from college and learn internet marketing prepare to spend at least 12-18 hours a day. Well that's what dropout millionaires do and the true meaning of passion. You should also bear in mind that business has an certain level of risk. If you fail at a certain time in order for you to survive are you ok getting an lousy job or an better secured job since you have an college degree. But of course you can still succeed on internet marketing but have to juggle your job and internet marketing. From what I know dropout millionaire didn't succeed in their first try of business.
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  • Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    Well, first the question I would ask you is, what do you really want to do with your life? Apart from the money and working part...

    Do you have any long-term goals, dreams or aspirations?

    Other than that, I do agree with Don that you can learn many valuable things in college that you would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.

    The question is, when you need to go...

    Some people should go to college. Some people shouldn't. And not everyone need to go now...
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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Why not do both? You can be in college and have an online business running on autopilot.
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  • Both - with a priority on college.

    PM Me Now!

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    • No matter how much money will you make from IM - finish college.
      Some people thinking about education only as means to make money and get better job, but good education gives you also other advantages :

      - helps you use and systemize knowledge you have
      - helps you make generalizations and find similarities in different things
      - gives you higher self-worth and sense of entitlement to better things in life
      - gives you social connections with people who want to get better
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  • Profile picture of the author ItWasLuck3
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    I didn't really read any other responses, I'll just share my opinion. I'm currently in college right now, pursuing a degree totally unrelated to anything computer/ internet related. In fact, it's not even business related, but I am enrolled in a number of business related classes for personal benefit (accounting, economics, etc.).

    I agree with you that college is expensive, but having a degree sticks with you your whole life, and shows future employers, in any field, that you have the potential to learn, you wanted to better yourself through knowledge, and you did! Now it's not to say that WF doesn't have a wealth of knowledge on it, but you just can't replace getting a formal education.

    While there are rare rare cases of people becoming extremely successful without a college education, they are few and far between. Finish college, and do IM in your spare time, like myself! If your serious about it, make IM a "part-time" job for you, and spend 15 hours a week on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author KrisMainieri
    School is taught by professor who mostly preach theory. You won't go to business school and get taught by a successful, in-the-trenches entrepreneur. Instead, you'll get some professor who's reading out of a book and teaching theory.

    If you want to become a doctor, lawyer, nuclear physicist, teacher etc... go to school.

    If you want to become rich, be your own boss, play the game by your own rules... start a business.

    I've been making 6-figures online since I was 17 and I dropped out of school to focus on IM full-time and I believe I would of never made it this far without making that decision.

    I believe plan B distracts from plan A.

    If you want real solid advice, take it from people who are getting the results that you want and not friends or family who are broke and just don't want to see you get your hopes up and then get hurt.

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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

      I read this all the time on this forum. It is bullshit of the highest order.
      Thank you x 100 Ken. It amazes me how these "exceptions" come here and paint themselves as the rule and then dole out advice.
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    • Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

      People who are not money-motivated are completely capable of teaching business principles. Most times, they are better at it than some self-made moron with considerably more money than brains.
      What a non sense.

      Do you know what I call people who preach stuff they have never had an iota of experience with? I call them "charlatans": too much talking and "professoring", yet too little actual doing. How on Earth are you going to teach business (or any other field) if you have never run your own business? Just from reading Rich Dad Poor Dad? Really?

      Nah... I found plenty of charlatans in the college circles: preachers not doers. I wouldnt want to learn Business from someone who has never run one. What an oxymoron would that be!
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      • Profile picture of the author TylerC
        Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

        How on Earth are you going to teach business (or any other field) if you have never run your own business? Just from reading Rich Dad Poor Dad? Really?
        This killed me.

        I've been thinking about this question a lot lately.
        Like a previous poster said, the most logical thing to do would be to go for something relative to IM. There's more and more schools offering internet marketing programs, and to me that's an investment that could pay itself back ten-fold.
        I think it would make a serious dent in the IM learning curve, too.
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    • Profile picture of the author SurrealPSD
      OP, I did university whilst working two jobs - and aced the course. Go for it, it's totally doable..

      Kris.. That's wildly innacurate - I teach at degree level and don't read out of a book. I got my job because Im actively engaged in my discipline, in the trenches. Even though I agree with your sentiment, you shouldn't belittle the teaching profession if you haven't experienced it firsthand.

      Originally Posted by KrisMainieri View Post

      School is taught by professor who mostly preach theory. You won't go to business school and get taught by a successful, in-the-trenches entrepreneur. Instead, you'll get some professor who's reading out of a book and teaching theory.

      If you want to become a doctor, lawyer, nuclear physicist, teacher etc... go to school.

      If you want to become rich, be your own boss, play the game by your own rules... start a business.

      I've been making 6-figures online since I was 17 and I dropped out of school to focus on IM full-time and I believe I would of never made it this far without making that decision.

      I believe plan B distracts from plan A.

      If you want real solid advice, take it from people who are getting the results that you want and not friends or family who are broke and just don't want to see you get your hopes up and then get hurt.

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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Apples and mangos guy.

    college is fun as hell why wouldn't u want to go, i dont care how much you make with IM. The experiences on and off campus are great!
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  • Profile picture of the author twinkenterprises
    You can do both, and internet marketing will help you pay for it. In school you can take classes that will help you with your internet marketing or even find a whole different career that you love. If you didn't go to college and internet marketing stopped working for you, you wouldn't have anything to fall back on. Not many well paying jobs will take someone without a degree.

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  • Profile picture of the author prasanth5
    IM should supplement your regular income from a 9 to 5 job if you are not going to put lots of efforts into it! Otherwise it has the potential to replace a regular job.
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    • Profile picture of the author Komsat
      Don't forget to enjoy your life along the way! I went from Army to doing Business to doing College, back to the Army now back to doing Business! I say as long as you're growing and happy to the core then you can't lose! Oh, and feeding your family is important too once you get one of those! lol
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      • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
        This is a no brainer: college, and the two are not mutually exclusive. You will never get a second chance at college and interacting with people your own age. The knowledge you acquire will greatly assist your marketing.

        Don't shortchange the rest of your life by skipping college. If IM doesn't work out, and you never know what your life will look like 15 years from now, you may lay awake at night kicking yourself for making a mistake when you were young and foolish.

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  • Profile picture of the author SergioFelix
    I strongly recommend you to do both.

    School is going to give you plenty of resources, relationships and experiences that you could put an IM perspective on and viceversa, IM is going to teach you (assuming you do well) that you are not being prepared to be an employee but rather a professional entrepreneur WITH a degree on something that you love.

    If you're attending college/university on the mentality to get a good job, make money, save, then retire and live on pension, quit school already and focus only on IM.

    BUT if you are doing it for the right reasons (you love meeting new people, like learning from others, etc) then by all means, do both!

    I know a fair amount of young IMers that are making a killing and most of them are attending school (for the right reasons).

    In my case, I dropped out of school at 20-something to pursue a professional career as a pro guitarist and I've tried that as hard as I could for about 10 straight years and I never made it work, EVER.

    I started university at a late age, finished, got a degree on Computer Systems Engineering, was a miserable employee for some time, then found out about IM, started freelancing, then built my own business, took that online and while I'm not rich, this definitely taught me a lesson.

    In school I learned a LOT of things that the street (and IM) won't ever provide so whatever you decide... choose wisely, make it an informed decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author VinnieVegas
    Is college for you? Only you can answer that. Did you do well in high school, and developed the skill set to get something worthwhile out of college?

    I'd go for both at the same time. Maybe do a year round schedule for college while pursuing IM at the same time.

    I think a traditional year of college is 30 credits over two semesters. Try 10 credits a semester, three semesters a year, and finish in four calendar years. Summer sessions also tend to be more laid back, so it goes down easier.

    I have an undergraduate degree, a graduate degree, and a professional license. It's good to have, but not worth borrowing $150k for. So keep the borrowing at a minimum.
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  • Profile picture of the author PvPGuy
    As others have stated, do both. IM is EASILY done in spare time. Here are the tips you need to remember:

    1. Do not go into debt for your college education. Don't do it. Don't. Seriously, don't.
    2. Did you understand #1? Just in case, here it is again: do not go into debt for school.
    3. Treat IM like a job, not a hobby. Rigidly pursue your IM goals,even if only 4hrs/wk

    The value of a college degree is not necessarily in the education itself, but in how it helps you increase your influence and otherwise identify with a higher quality pool of people post-college. But don't avoid college because you have a pipe dream of "making it" with IM.

    Best regards in your decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    a good education with a degree can be much more valuable than the money you can make in IM.

    I suggest you do both. IM can give you actual business experience and University can give you the knowledge to take that business experience and turn it into something great and long term.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockong
    I would do both at the same time as well, unless your internet marketing gig has picked up big time. But given that you're posting this thread, it prob didn't yet right? I'm sure it will though...

    But don't just see college for just the education. It's the most fun you'll have in life...unless you end up doing IM full-time then you'll have fun no matter what

    Have a fall back..JUST IN CASE. Although sometimes you succeed faster when you have no other options but to make money, such as if you didn't go to college and you can't find a decent job).

    But I wouldnt' want a fellow warrior begging for change in the streets just in case life doesn't throw you a bone in internet marketing so I'd say do both

    Are you a SEO company? Make extra money by becoming a white label backlink audits and removals service reseller.

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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I am actually currently doing both. Full time student and IM'er. Not a lot of time for leisure like travel or anything at the moment, but for me that's sort of the point. IM pays for school and school pays me with knowledge (philosophy major, not much pay there so that's where my business comes in ). I love the angle academics gives me for attacking my business and I am pretty much obsessed with IM so it's both my leisure and business.

      It's a lovely feeling to go to school without the added pressure of worrying specifically about a job after graduation. For now the added academic/intellectual stimulation is enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author zspuckl
    I do both, being in college can be tough, making extra money with IM can be nice lol
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    Choosing IM over college is dumb.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author jason1985
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Choosing IM over college is dumb.
      sorry disagree sir. Because I would and AM doing just that. IMO. While your at it you should also say choosing IM over trade school is dumb as well.

      it depends on the path you want to take. In some cases its needed some cases its just a glorified highschool.

      At the end of the day information is information. There are so many ways to learn something now. Colleges should be scared as hell and they probably will one day. College isnt the only way to learn about something as it was back then for most things. The ONLY reason they have some kind of edge for jobs is because jobs request COLLEGE DEGREE, so employees are forced to pay some BS fees that arent even worth the cost because of how much you'll be getting paid and the damn loans you need.

      Once people start making low cost courses that are more TARGETED in the field without filler classes and they collaborate with business owners, Colleges wont be so DOMINATE as the 1st place to learn something officially. They will be forced to lower the prices. I have an associates equivalent at the moment. Mentally..I dropped out already and have no more interest in IT, but instead in IM. Im literary running on fumes because my GF mom and day begging me to finish. When I take the final exit exam in 2 weeks if I fail, im not graduating. AND in NOT going back for good. I dont care who gets upset. Everyones path is different. but honestly I learned more at the job I work on and what I did from highschool and things I learned on my own and from the internet.

      In the Digital information age College SHOULDN'T be the only way to learn some fields. As a matter a fact many people have learned about topics with great accuracy, but only goto college to get that paper because they arent allowed to show for what they learned outside of it. Companies should invest in making their own schools or programs that dont depend on college . college could be an option. but for people who want low cost and accurate training could apply to the jobs program and if they get called or something can get the courses from them directly. i mean its just no excuse. I was reading on yahoo somewhere few weeks ago, a child going to college 18 years from now would be paying average 200,000 for an associates degree, 400,000 for bachelors.... sounds crazy then? will its still too high now. its already higher then inflation itself. if your going to go choose classes carefully. parents shouldn't sent kids blindly in it also.
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  • Profile picture of the author s0fia
    Yes gaining higher education is important but not the only solution. I've been to University but I now wish I had chosen I computer degree instead so I would atleast know how to make web pages and do html. There is for and against. For those individuals who haven't been to college, it's not the end of the world. Gaining knowledge comes in many forms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    college is more expensive, and it takes up a lot of your time. the best teacher is experience anyways.

    i say, first you just need to figure out what you really want from your life. After you decide that, you better commit to it, and start taking action!
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  • Profile picture of the author SafeSEOService
    If it was me.. I would do both at the same time.. End of the day both of it matters.. But, never miss college for IM.. College life is gonna come once in life time..
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Well, if you think you can earn loads of money from Internet marketing I would prioritize IM over getting a College degree. Anyway, it depends on you. If Internet marketing is your passion then follow your gut feeling but if you don't really love IM, it's a good idea to get a College degree after all you can always go back to IM once you're done with College.

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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    If I could go back and do it again I would do two things:
    1. Take a year or two off. Working for a living helps you grow up and eventually learn how to take something like college more seriously. I really wish I could go back now and get a different degree with the improved work ethic I have today.

    2. Take as many business and computer classes as possible, with some graphic design thrown in as well. If you are interested in IM, why not make your college education an extension of that. You could be the photography student who is making more than his professors by selling photos you take for class online.

    College is an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. I'd just do it way different.
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  • Profile picture of the author msu
    Work on your IM skills enough and they'll pay for your education and more. You don't have to choose one over the other.
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  • Profile picture of the author EdVictor791
    I say college first and IM after

    Online business is very competitive and risky with zero guarantees...

    Having a college degree on the other hand you can always fall back on.
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  • Profile picture of the author jayMtech
    I would say both at the same time. I just got my BS in computer science and got 4-5 job offers already!
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  • Profile picture of the author mootonandy
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    If you can afford college without getting loans then you've got nothing to lose. But if you really want to be something like a MD or Dentist then you have no choice about going or not.
    The education industry will try and convince you that you have nothing to lose by going into a lot of debt in order to get their 'product', but my own personal findings are that their claims are just snake oil.
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    • Profile picture of the author PrestonSr
      All of you don't know how I feel or my Mindset; so please don't be quick to judge

      I suggest doing IM Fulltime
      I have seen a great potential with IM and I am not going to leave that! NEVER!!

      If I make good cash btwn now and end of DEC, I will take IM more seriously and more devotingly

      Although I will be joining Piloting Course next year JAN that will take abt 2-3yrs to complete, I see it as an opportunity of being able to fly my own planes in the near future

      If I fail in IM, I can simply be a pilot
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7247281].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author fasmail01
        Originally Posted by PrestonSr View Post

        All of you don't know how I feel or my Mindset; so please don't be quick to judge

        I suggest doing IM Fulltime
        I have seen a great potential with IM and I am not going to leave that! NEVER!!

        If I make good cash btwn now and end of DEC, I will take IM more seriously and more devotingly

        Although I will be joining Piloting Course next year JAN that will take abt 2-3yrs to complete, I see it as an opportunity of being able to fly my own planes in the near future

        If I fail in IM, I can simply be a pilot
        Well said and illustrated ! Exactly how i planned mine. . .
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7308563].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author webati
        If I am on your place I will carry both things as well because IM is the Boom and we get lot of money from it. It is really interesting field .
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  • Profile picture of the author alpinewood
    Do both, might as well get a good education ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author PR Wizard
      Do you need to take out expensive loans in order to go to school? If not I think you should do both. I would however choose a major that can help you in your IM business such as marketing or web design. A double whammy of sorts. Just my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author MLMBrander
    The best answer would be . . .Practicality.
    It might sound a bit weird but since the end goal is to create a stable living( I suppose.)
    You should take into consideration the method that would bring you closer to your goal within the soonest possible time.

    Which will guarantee you a living for the next 5 years, going to college? or pursuing IM?
    Answer the question. Then the rest is up to you.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7249024].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it.
    If you're making a full time living at IM right now and feel this is what you want to do for the rest of your life, don't go to college. If you're not really making any money, but you just enjoy IM, I would want other options available for a career.

    Do both. There are plenty of ambitious students here that are learning IM while going to college and they will be the most prepared for whatever comes along down the road.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Nguyen
    Man, I wonder about that all the time. If I don't go to school, then I won't have friends around my age, then it would be straight working 9 to 5. Personally, I believe that IM is the way out to make so much money and live that 5 star lifestyle. I really don't like going to school, but if you're in a community college, I would cut real quick cause it's nothing there. State is okay, University even better but you could go full time within 2 years or so from what I seen people been doing. Just have to keep on typing buttons lol, if you know what I mean lol
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    • Profile picture of the author mootonandy

      My own personal view is that because society places so much value on education, the education industry is not subject to the same scrutiny that other industries are.
      The richer people in society would be crazy to genuinely want the less rich people in society to become as rich as them because the only thing that makes them rich is that there is an abundance of less rich people below them.
      If everyone has got $1 Billion then what's it worth?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7249759].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    Like it or not their are jobs you just cannot get without a college degree. Fortunately IM is not one of them, but in the future if you wish to move into other fields your mobility may be limited without a degree.

    The best solution is likely both - IM and college ;-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7250697].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Yeah getting a college degree isn't the surefire recipe for getting a job anymore. These days you had better get some skills going so that you can actually do a job. College is good for learning about random facts.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7250848].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by tjaysen70 View Post

      Yeah getting a college degree isn't the surefire recipe for getting a job anymore. These days you had better get some skills going so that you can actually do a job. College is good for learning about random facts.
      aint this the truth, and my older boss did not even use deoderant, discusting to me working for a boss was smelly stinkfest, literally. LOL :p

      you do not need to be educated to make money. Although it does help I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    I think that a person who can afford to go to college should do so. It is true that it is clearly not an end in itself. As you mentioned people go back to school and the economy has shown that a college degree does not mean financial security in all periods.

    On the other hand, we are in a world where things can change rapidly and having several ways to earn a living could mean less risk. Thus, pursuing both IM and a more classic form of education could be something positive.
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  • Profile picture of the author JK Nyerere
    I do not know of a single person who has gone to college and regrets it. On the other hand, I know many many people past 40 who regret never going to college when they could. Actually, I do not know of a single person who is pleased that they never went to college.

    Also note that going to college and dropping out is very different from never going at all.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7251230].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PrestonSr
      Originally Posted by JK Nyerere View Post

      I do not know of a single person who has gone to college and regrets it. On the other hand, I know many many people past 40 who regret never going to college when they could. Actually, I do not know of a single person who is pleased that they never went to college.

      Also note that going to college and dropping out is very different from never going at all.
      I find this interesting

      Can you explain why dropping from college falls under a different category?
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7251252].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mootonandy
      Originally Posted by JK Nyerere View Post

      I do not know of a single person who has gone to college and regrets it.
      You do now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7251592].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BadMab
    Go to school for marketing and build your IM knowledge-base at the same time. After 4 yrs you should be doing quite well. I wish I had done that. I went to school then found IM about 2-3 years later. I honestly wish they had courses for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author samjaynz
    Just do both at the same time... there's no reason why you can't!

    I used IM to fund my university degree, whilst also working 23-25 hours per week at a desk job and doing competitive sport.

    Where there is a will, there is a way!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7251602].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RyanLow
      Originally Posted by samjaynz View Post

      Just do both at the same time... there's no reason why you can't!

      I used IM to fund my university degree, whilst also working 23-25 hours per week at a desk job and doing competitive sport.

      Where there is a will, there is a way!
      I second that. Works likewise for me
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  • Profile picture of the author rain21
    I will choose both or University first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Asking "college or internet marketing" is like asking "milk or cookies".

    In my mind, they go together.

    If you're a college student, you'll have lots of spare time, and the opportunity to take some marketing, accounting, and small business courses.

    You'll also be developing yourself as a professional, making contacts, and making a "backup" plan all in one fell swoop.

    Sounds like a no brainer, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    I agree with not going into debt for college, unless it's for a specific profession such as doctor or lawyer or engineer and cannot be avoided.

    Perhaps some college or trade school courses to gain specific knowledge and skill sets and certifications. And, the contacts you make with other students and professors/instructors (the small college I went to had PhDs with very high level "real world" experience and contacts) can be very valuable - personally and professionally and maybe romantically (unless you are spoken for already).

    Also, in my opinion, the world has changed so much that the model of go to college and then get a good job/career is no longer valid and you'd be better off in the long run knowing how to do things which will pay well. There is a shortage of auto mechanics who are computer savvy enough for today's vehicles... There is a shortage of home service people (electricians, plumbers, kitchen/bath/home remodelers...) who know how to run those businesses well.

    I also know too many people -55 years old and older - who did the corporate thing for a long time only to have their pensions stripped away because the company they worked for was aquired or went bankrupt.

    So, to me, it's really all about being a good provider for yourself and your loved one's and a good role model/educator to your children. If IM is a vehicle for you to do that, then there is nothing for you to be ashamed of (unless you're selling BS or porn:<0).


    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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  • Profile picture of the author jason1985
    agreed also , If your going to be taking out LOANS and grants and all of that. then you might as well start up a business. Its funny how this sounds like what a business owner would do but yet all of it is to be an employee, yet our income will be 60,000?

    I seen fields in IT for beginners that require all kinds of stuff. Not counting some certs, those are affordable but in the degree type thing. and the pay for the field is 25,000.... Get oudah here! if this was the 90s then I could understand. but in the digital age where the internet has matured and its pretty good to find info. you can start your own online income stream.

    I dont have it in me to become a 'Boss' if you know what I mean. but in these times you dont need the office space , employees loans from banks to be your own boss. its aloooooot easier now compared to starting a business in the 90s or before the internet. not a walk in the park but that sounds like a better investment cause of the Higher ROI. My parents tell me 95% of business fail....Ok fine, so if thats true then that means 95% of people who are employees will also loose their jobs.... so ull still loose if thats the case right? that means theres a 95% chance my parents could loose their jobs as well... so thats false security then. plus there are more employees then business but a huge margon, Less compitition. So if your gonna take out loans and all kinds of stuff , might as well leave the rat race. which is what im doing. I learned more on this WF then college or HS.

    but once again, college isnt for everyone. OR IM, or a trade, it depends on what you want to do. go with your heart. try it, if it doesnt work out, its not end of the world. I wish I talked like this when I was younger.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMooreLive
    If possible, do both. I agree that college is not for everyone, but in many industries, it is a prerequisite. It's the cost of admission. As part of my business, I work with business owners, bankers, investors, etc. My degrees help me get in the door and stay in it. 20 years ago, you didn't even need a high school diploma to get a descent high paying job, now, even the factories in my small town require it. They don't accept GED's either.

    20 years from now, what will be the new baseline? I would choose to do both. Use every resource the college or university has to grow you business. Meet people, network, ask questions, find out who knows who and who knows what.

    I approached many of my papers as a product and several turned into products later on.

    Don't limit yourself and you'll go far.
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    • Profile picture of the author SoupNation
      David Foster Wallace's commencement speech is all that is needed here. Look it up on Youtube!!
      He will give you the reason!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    Do both if possible. I'll be doing both in 2013.
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I'd do both. However, if you have to borrow massive sums, keep in mind you'll have to pay it back. It's a real anchor financially. I know because I'm still paying back loans.

    That said, I loved college and wouldn't trade it away at all. School is great and if you ease the throttle on the party scene, you'll have plenty of time to do IM. You could create a full time income by the time you graduate and then you're laughing. Your colleagues will interview for jobs and you can kick back your online biz.

    I sure wish I discovered IM in college. I would have jumped all over it.

    A college degree is playing it safe with a backup plan which never hurts. I have a certification I can always return to that pays well. Hope it doesn't come to that, but it could.

    Good luck with your decision. College is a LOT of fun.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7411696].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Both at the same time. Get a real qualification at college whilst doing IM on the side so that if IM doesn't work out you have an actual certificate to fall back on and have a chance at getting a job. IM is great but telling people you've tried to make money online for X amount of years won't impress too many employers.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    If you do well enough in IM, just do that and never look back. Jay Abraham, Jobs, Gates and so many others never finished college. They did not stop learning and applying either. One of the "no college" people I most admire - thanks to his Dad - can professionally start and operate and market any type of home service business: kitchen remodeling, sprinkler systems, landscaping...

    Without going into the event that happened to him at 19 years old, he is Catholic and followed those beliefs in a most amazing and admirable way.

    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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    • Profile picture of the author IM HUNGRY
      I think it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish and personal needs. There is an abundance of information you can find online on just about any topic, including textbooks, and lectures all available for free. All one really has to do choose a reputable school and follow their curriculum. This method may not work for everything, but a least you'll have an idea of what you should be learning. Then, if you want to test your knowledge or skill, simply have someone review it. There are plenty of ways you can go about doing this.

      One of the downsides to this is that, even you are able to become proficient in let's say "Graphic Design", your portfolio may not be enough to satisfy HR. And in today's world, you need every little bit of help you can get.

      So, whether it's a degree, license or certification, anything is better than nothing. If a person can and wants to do both, they should do both. In most cases, a degree will not hurt you, but not having one surely will.

      Is it possible to succeed in life without credentials? Absolutely. But, you have to know what you are doing and do it well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doppelbock
    It really depends on what you want to do.

    If your end goal is something that requires a bachelor's or up, then get it done.

    If IM is your end goal, I would at the very least get an Associate's while you still can [meaning there might be distractions later down the line].

    An Associate's can easily be acquired at a community college and will enable you to have a decent level of education, is if later down the line you are no longer comfortable IMing, you have a bouncy, flexible foundation you can springboard right off of.

    Ultimately, if you're seeking something like graphic design or just about anything in the art field, I would go for the Associate's, and only pursue further schooling if the job I was seeking/in required it and would mean something substantial towards my income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by denhinn View Post

    Okay don't get me wrong i have absolutely no problem with people attending college, the thing is i love IM i love a challenge that brings results, i started taking IM serious a couple months ago, and i enjoy it. A couple of years ago i would have considered going to college but keeping it in mind how the economy is going more and more people already working for big companies/firms are being sent back to school for more education some don't have the time and some are well advanced in years to go back, so in perspective i prefer The University of Warrior forum over any College/University, What's your take on this my fellow warriors?
    Why not both? You can take one or two classes a semester online and use your internet marketing income to pay for them. Take them through a community college and it's quite affordable. At least if you take a few classes and decide to take your life in a different direction later, you will have some of the classes out of the way already.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Redhottexan
    You have to do whatever makes you happy. Personally I am enrolled with 2 different Universitys and starting to learn about IM. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Mckee
    College is a great experience However, it's gotten way too expensive so college for college sake is not a great idea in mu opinion. It doesn't mean what it did years ago. Too many kids go to college and get a degree in something that doesn't pay enough to pay back their loans. Why not put your efforts into IM if it's what you really want to do and save yourself the expense of time and money. Good Luck!

    Grab your free report, NO OPT-IN. Can you make $ in the next 24hrs using Email? click HERE to find out

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7415461].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by Sean Mckee View Post

      Why not put your efforts into IM if it's what you really want to do and save yourself the expense of time and money.
      What happens when he fails at IM like 99% will?
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7415529].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author denhinn
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        What happens when he fails at IM like 99% will?
        This is the most ignorant statement i have read in a long time. How can you fail something you love. "Did you fail your favorite subject?"
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    College first absolutely. True IM can bring in great income, but depending on what route you take, for how long?

    Even so, there's no reason you can't do both if you're dedicated. Also college is a great experience, you grow as a person, not just receive an education.
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  • Profile picture of the author Searchlabmedia
    Depends on what college you choose. If you choose to be a bRuin, then you are wasting your time. If you want to join the USC Trojan Family, then, it is a really good choice. LOL!

    Seriously, I think if you learn enough on this forum, you can do a little internet marketing WHILE you are in school. I have my Bachelors and Masters degree, but I am not using them at all.

    But I am a Trojan Alum, and that was a life dream while growing up, so well worth it for me.

    Fight On!

    Dave Cisneros
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnB23
      It depends on your degree, but I don't think they teach much of anything in college (I have a 4 year degree in business from a california state school).

      1st. They don't teach you how to be a business owner. A lot of theoretics, abstract theories, etc. Not many nuts and bolts.

      I think youtube is the real college nowdays (for business). You've got massive amounts of information. Some from traditional universities. I've seen videos from Harvard Business school, stanford, etc.

      2nd - I think we live in an age where you can pick and choose. So much to get into. Traditional college is far too narrow. How many courses on internet marketing do you hear about? Not many. I don't think college teaches you how to change and evolve. I think its more of a stationary mindset (from 20-30 years ago).

      3rd. College misses a lot of good role models and people that can influence you. Where is Claude Hopkins in your local college class? Not there. I think they miss, or skip, a lot of pioneers in fields.

      4th. I think the format is waaaaay, waaaay outdated. 20-35 students in a class, sitting in desks in rows. Teacher, professor at the front. Is that the only way to learn? Of course not. People are inspired in many different ways. Find a way for you.

      I think the whole system is antiquated of....get a degree, that gives you an "edge" quote un quote, everyone is expected to graduate. I would expect that to change in 15 or 20 years. It's like the horse and buggy half way during the introduction of the car.

      I wouldn't worry about college or not....find good role models. People that influence you. Could be anybody.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrestonSr
    I would suggest both

    Although I am currently in IM and continously testing the waters
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7420926].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    I would start here Online Courses from the World's Experts | Udemy lots of freebee marketing courses there.
    learn to make a website
    learn to get a product
    learn to put your product on your website
    learn to hook up a payment processor
    learn some copywriting if need be
    study persuasion from the masters
    learn how to promote your product
    and to get massive eyeballs on it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7421367].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author serafina
      Steve Job dropped out from the college and he said it's a best decision he ever made. Just knowing what are you doing that's all, the path is your choice. or else you can try online course.

      Online World

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7421418].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
      Do both.

      Students get a good share of free time so you can build your IM business side by side your studies.

      If you're successful in IM during your college course, great. You can graduate and continue to run your IM business full time.

      Alternatively if IM doesn't go so well for you during this period, you have your contingency plan in place - A graduate is in a better position to get a decent job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil_t
    It depends what you actually want to do in life. Do you want to be a designer, architect or something or would college just be a 'backup plan'. If your ultimate plan is to work online, you could either work on that and really push to suceed, or you could do both and then you'll have a saftey net.

    I'm currently going the 2nd option. I have a full time job, but I'm not quite hitting the numbers I want to quit yet. The drawback of this is that you'll have less time to spend on IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author jlcs
    For me, I will appreciate the chance of study and treat IM as part time during the college.
    Many other people who has no chance to look for their primary education.
    Earn $1,037.69 in daily is NOT a big amount.
    I can show you how to do this.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7421441].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amanda786
    My first priority would be college degree and then IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Weselion
    Many graduates in my country finish college without job, so if i get good cash from i.m, i will leave college.
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    • Profile picture of the author jakejoh10
      I am doing both right now, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I am also an athlete, so that adds to the workload as well.

      However, it does get a bit difficult to manage both at the same time, so I have begun waking up a 5 AM to work on my IM business and to learn from anywhere and everywhere that I can, and manage my school stuff starting at around 8 AM.

      I really enjoy the "college experience". I know this sounds cheesy but it really is a great experience to meet and interact with people and professors, and in my opinion, it is invaluable.

      I'm having the time of my life, and I really wouldn't have it any other way.

      If you have any fitness or nutrition related issues, head over to
      JJStrength for tips on getting fit and staying healthy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7421920].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shubh Ashish
    I will choose both.Coz I am an LIVING IT,AND LOVING IT.
    Sell Dreams, Not Products
    - Steve Jobs
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  • I discovered IM in my last semester of college (10 years ago). I'm glad that I went to college, but I don't think it's for everyone.

    If your goal is to get a specific type of job like becoming a teacher or an accountant, you will need to go to college. If you want to be an entrepreneur, college will NOT teach you that. My first major was business, the classes about marketing were extremely primitive to what is taught here on this forum.

    College teaches you how to learn. If you want to learn and do things yourself, you don't need to go to college. My brother is a Carpenter making about $85,000 a year. He never went to college, he learned a skill. Internet Marketing is a skill. They teach ecommerce in college, but you are in the *real world place* (the Warrior Forum) to learn this kid of stuff!

    The best way to learn is to create a product and start marketing it. Learn the basics and then start making money from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianFL
    I would definitely advocate doing both. I began IM in highschool and continued through college. I learned a lot in both and had good experiences I would never have had if I'd picked just one.
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    • Profile picture of the author denhinn
      Thanks for all the replies warriors i always like different perspectives from different people, from different places, i love you all.
      The only thing that will make me go back to college doesn't have anything to do with me truth be told i was always an A student but i just don't like school i have been going to school my whole life, come to think about it there's nothing i have done more in life other than go to school. But the main reason why i am going back to school is because of my future kids, i don't want to set a bad example for them i want them to know that even though i never used my degree i went to school so they won't have a choice other than to go to school.
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  • Profile picture of the author buffyslayer
    Doing both and yeah its a little tough to manage because sometimes I end up having more college work and cant seem to find time for IM and vice versa. But the thing is, I struggled for about 4 months like this and finally figured out a routine to balance both. Let me tell you it feels awesome working on IM and going to college at the same time. Doing well on both gives me even more motivation to work hard and stay focused. Also, there is more discipline now in my life Even though I sleep at 2 30 at night, I just get up early like clockwork to catch up on my IM work . Just my 2 cents
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