Should i launch my product or wait?

12 replies
I'm weighting the pros and cons of launching an information product in january or wait till April or later to have a bigger list. Your help and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I started my blog 2 months ago. I've been publishing 4 to 5 posts per week. I'm currently averaging 35 unique visitors per Day (average time per visitor:4 min; 3 pages view per visitor). The Facebook page linked to the blog has 600 fans (with high participation.. 30 percent).

By mid january my aweber list should have grown to 200-250 subscribers.

My question is should i start working a product or should i focus on growing my list to at least à 1000 sub before i do it?

My idea was to test it in january to see what are the conversion rates and to have something to show my potential affiliates in preparation for a bigger launch later on next year.

What say you?

#launch #product #wait
  • Profile picture of the author Komsat
    In my humble opinion, you could have launched two products by then. I always seem to make the mistake of thinking that I'm saturating whatever market I'm in. Unless it's a HYPER MICRO NICHE, then I would say just launch, launch, launch. You'll get feedback for the next bigger one, and by then you'll have a huge list to push to. It also creates momentum in my opinion. Just a thought, but I see what you're saying, foreplay is good!
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I'd say it depends upon the product, your expertise, and
    how you plan on launching it... and what your sales goals

    If you plan on using affiliates, then I would say focus on
    building relationships, and on building your credibility first.


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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by Willie Crawford View Post

      If you plan on using affiliates, then I would say focus on
      building relationships, and on building your credibility first.

      That is very true.

      You should also take every customer that you bring in and give them the option to join your affiliate program.

      I know that many vendors are doing this as we speak. It may sound weird to do that but why not.
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  • Profile picture of the author webhosting
    If you have quality product I would launch it as soon as possible. There are many ways how to promote it (e. g. if you have 35 visitors a day, what about promote it on your blog?). Your subscribers are just one of many possible marketing channels.
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  • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
    What kind of information product you want to launch?
    I mean, it's an e-book, video, tutorials or what?
    If you're thinking about appointing affiliates then make sure
    that you're choosing people who've a lot of enthusiasm
    in promoting your products + they've command over the niche you're targeting.

    I think you should start working on your product and in the meantime you
    can keep building your email list. Don't go upon the size of the list. Sometimes,
    you'll get 1 big affiliate out of 100 only who'll take your product at the top.
    But if you wait, then may be someone other can launch the same product,
    while you're thinking too much about it.

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    • Profile picture of the author drhammour
      to Super Warrior
      It's an information product with videos and texts.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    You`re best off to build a pre launch list which are interested in your new product

    Personally i would just launch it because anything could happen in the next couple of months

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  • Profile picture of the author cashtoday
    Time is money. If you are not using your time wisely, then you are wasting money. No better time then the present!
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  • Profile picture of the author nitrohitman
    Whait before post youre product!
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  • Profile picture of the author refermoneyus
    Why should you hold off on launching your product when its possible it can make you a income in the future and someone else could be selling the same product so jump start ahead of them. good luck


    Read how i went from no money to making over $1000 a day. No experience necessary. Im paid daily.

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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    You don't necessarily have to wait that your current list building effort alone help you reach 1000 subscribers. When you have 300+ subscribers for instance you could start ad swapping on
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  • Profile picture of the author drhammour
    Thanks all for your feedback... I'll do a pre-launch. I suppose it will build the list faster.
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