Anyone use backpage(dot)com?

13 replies
Looking to see if anyone has had success posting to classifies like backpage?

I have success using Craigslist, but wonder if I should even bother expanding to other classifies. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author GBM
    I don't know, but I'm going to be using it next week when one of my adult businesses is set up... Remind me to share my results.

    _/\_\o/_ JAWS

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    • Profile picture of the author Komsat
      I had my partner post all day one time promoting a site and a cpa offer, 12 hours of work later we received 10 hits for the whole day , next day 9, next day , 7 then nothing. I didn't feel the need to test it beyond that for my niche at least. I'm sure someone here is makin it work, but it definitely wasn't worth it for me.
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      • Profile picture of the author Delsworld
        Your experience doesn't sound to promising. Since time is precious, maybe I'll stick with just Craigslist.

        Originally Posted by Komsat View Post

        I had my partner post all day one time promoting a site and a cpa offer, 12 hours of work later we received 10 hits for the whole day , next day 9, next day , 7 then nothing. I didn't feel the need to test it beyond that for my niche at least. I'm sure someone here is makin it work, but it definitely wasn't worth it for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author dlane1987
    I haven't personally but I have witnessed people doing well
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  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    For services I have had no success with Craigslist. Though the Indian Craigslist isn't as big as the US one. So much smaller websites are unlikely to be even as good.
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  • Profile picture of the author rusty1027
    Backpage is a waste of time. 90% of Backpage traffic is for escorts and other adult related services. Click on any category and you'll see 5,6 maybe 10 posts per day - then click the Escorts link and you'll quickly learn who's using Backpage. They were struggling until CraigsList shut down its adult services sections.
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    • Profile picture of the author PR Wizard
      I've personally had very little success using backpage. Its free though so it doesn't hurt to test it out for yourself. Good luck.
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Actually, I tend to use the paid version - because that way you can post the same ad to multiple places without running into problems. And if you place a featured ad (or whatever it's called), you get a nice visible ad right at the top right.

        Results vary, but I do get leads and signups. It depends on what you're offering... I find it's worth a try, particularly for free stuff, including teleseminars and webinars.

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        • Profile picture of the author MONEYDON
          A little off topic but for anybody else i use it for local SEO links because they actually still have regular business directorys that are old and hold page rank, my local sites i link to them don't seem to have any ill effect, i only posted this reply in respects to somebody wondering about that aspect of Backpage. Good Luck Everybody!!
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  • Profile picture of the author successpaving
    compared to Craigslist, very less success with backpage.
    From Zero To $710K In 28 Days CASE STUDY: [VIDEO HERE]
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingg
    Ive had success with CL not backpage but just yesterday a women told me she made $6,500 selling an MLM scam in my opinion through backpage (now all the noobs are running to backpage)
    I think it was luck but who knows, it only takes one sucker when your scamming people. As far as building a business it is a complete waste of time and so is CL in my opinion.

    I would only use craigslist and backpage if i was selling cars of had an escort reviewing site, all else is a waste of the small time we all have on this earth.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hurricane Dan
      Yeah ive tried backpage and don't think im getting anything, feels like a waste of time so far, but I haven't tried paying for them yet.
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