My First Lil Squeeze Page w/ Lead Rocket!

by npaige
10 replies
very exciting....

just a first draft.. still choosing text...
but not half bad!

Eating For Energy

#lead #lil #page #rocket #squeeze #w or
  • Profile picture of the author GBM
    It looks nice, but I don't think anybody would sign up without more information.

    _/\_\o/_ JAWS

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    • Profile picture of the author npaige
      Originally Posted by GBM View Post

      It looks nice, but I don't think anybody would sign up without more information.
      i was thinking that too.
      lead rocket doesn't have area for more text.
      if the text was more descriptive, do you think that would be better?
      what would YOU like to know if you were seeing this?


      ps - the text was just a draft to get it up...
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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        Originally Posted by npaige View Post

        i was thinking that too.
        lead rocket doesn't have area for more text.
        if the text was more descriptive, do you think that would be better?
        what would YOU like to know if you were seeing this?


        ps - the text was just a draft to get it up...
        Absolutely..... you have to give reasons to your visitors as to why they should give you their name and email.

        After all, visitors to you page don't know you from Adam (sorry Eve), and for all they know, you could be the biggest spam artist in the world.

        You have to start build trust right from this page...
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  • Profile picture of the author danwood
    forgot the name, this will going to down conversions
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Looks good but you definitely need to add a better description for the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    I always use Lead Rocket so I have to say that the page looks great. Personally, I've had pretty good opt-in rates using lead rocket so I hope the same holds true for you.

    I would recommend for you to convey your main benefit statement in the little text you have. Use a header and a sub-header too
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    If you are going to use a straight squeeze then beefing up your description is about all you can do. I prefer content squeezes and two stage squeezes myself but that could just be me.

    I do suggest you develop the rest of your site. The "hello world" and sample page is a target of hackers.

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    you should come up with a USP(unique selling point) and the benefits to subscribe to you instead of someone else. some testimonials might be good as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Komsat
      First of all Congratz, now that that's out of the way, there's some seriously big elephants in the room. The first thing that comes to mind is, what do those mountains have to do with anything? Also in my humble opinion, jus from experience, a lot of times UGLY opt ins work much better, it's hard for me because I'm an artist, but conversions is everything! Make sure you split test, don't just use one!!! Hopefully that didn't come off as abrasive, I meant it with all the kindness in the world!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I have no doubt that people will sign up to your list. My concern is the quantity that will sign up for it. I would make some simple changes to it. First off... your domain name has the word "diabetes" in it, but on your squeeze page, there's no mention of diabetes. Why is that?
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